We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian


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Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #40 on: April 20, 2016, 07:24:32 PM »
Mac OS is built on UNIX so the file separator is "/"

Spaces as escaped with a backslash "\"

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2016, 11:17:05 PM »
Thx. Will be fine.

I also forgot to say that the envelope graphs are changing when you turn any DADSR knob but that you can also move the graph anchors which is making the knobs turning  ;)

A detail about program source and destination: you will do a right click to select a source program and a left click to select a destination program (needed or not depending on the action).
Yesterday I did the bank select picking and highlighting (done by clicking on the bank label), prepared the bank action button, added back the bank files display as secondary screen (I already changed several times the layout). This secondary screen will only show the filename to avoid issues with too long file  paths.
Bank and program actions will get a "Are you sure? or OK to proceed?" confirmation question (my first synth was a DX7...) but you will be able to disable this confirmation if you want.
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2016, 12:15:46 AM »
Hi everybody, time is flying and you deserve some news...

Status of the work: still very good progress but maybe at a slightly lower speed
  • bank management with different types of actions - 2 Disk and 4 User banks
  • program management with different types of actions
  • individual load with different types of actions depending on Disk-User-Factory banks
  • individual save with different types of actions depending on Disk-User-Factory banks
  • Rename (I had this basic function almost forgotten...)
  • About information with change log, backlog info.
  • Startup of the panel fixed
  • Finaly not using embedded font as it gave problems. Users will have to install the Neo-Sans-Std font on their computer before using the panel (however I will make further tests and try-outs with embedded fonts later. Never giving up...)
  • Different corrections here and there

  • testing and adapting individual program Load/Save and in combination with bank and program management (possibilities described in attached document)
  • Osc split filter routing display (for the moment I have only non split display - it is the same but without the OSC split indication on the top)

So, close to readiness for initial download and still maintaining the target for August (...this year :) )
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 12:27:51 AM by goodweather »
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2016, 02:08:53 AM »
excellent, keep up the good work man... your time/dedication isn't going unnoticed over here!


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Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2016, 05:51:32 AM »
Looks excellent! Keep up the great work and thanks for the updates!

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #45 on: August 04, 2016, 11:58:20 AM »
Hi everybody, time is flying and you deserve some news...

Status of the work: still very good progress but maybe at a slightly lower speed
  • bank management with different types of actions - 2 Disk and 4 User banks
  • program management with different types of actions
  • individual load with different types of actions depending on Disk-User-Factory banks
  • individual save with different types of actions depending on Disk-User-Factory banks
  • Rename (I had this basic function almost forgotten...)
  • About information with change log, backlog info.
  • Startup of the panel fixed
  • Finaly not using embedded font as it gave problems. Users will have to install the Neo-Sans-Std font on their computer before using the panel (however I will make further tests and try-outs with embedded fonts later. Never giving up...)
  • Different corrections here and there

  • testing and adapting individual program Load/Save and in combination with bank and program management (possibilities described in attached document)
  • Osc split filter routing display (for the moment I have only non split display - it is the same but without the OSC split indication on the top)

So, close to readiness for initial download and still maintaining the target for August (...this year :) )

Looking awesome, can't wait to try it out now :)

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #46 on: August 05, 2016, 04:15:26 AM »
Thx jobinho and the others!

Well... The panel is ready and I think I'll publish it between 15 and 21st of August.
I'm doing different further tests (mainly in bank and program management) and make some small corrections/improvements.
I will also write some small README1st doc related to the installation of the font, the initial usage of the panel and some explanations on the different features.

Here is what changed since end of June (top is the most recent):
  • Bank AutoSave switch and code adaptation
  • Program proceed confirmation switch and code adaptation
  • Clean/reset bank action (with reset of variables) added
  • Tests Load/Save/Bank and Program management
  • Receiving bank completed and working
  • Coded Save buffer to User bank
  • Progress bar hide/unhide modified due to bug
  • Added MIDI Arp Notes and Program Send Global parameters
  • LFO, Env and Mod Destinations adapted
  • Filters Enable, Osc split working with Pro 2
  • Cleaner Delays On/Off
  • Filter 2 N/BP switch replaced by rotary button
  • Different small corrections
  • All secondary screens updated on Load
  • Delays On/Off as Oscillators
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #47 on: August 08, 2016, 01:09:46 AM »
Sounds like it's been an awful lot of work. Thanks again man.
I honestly can't wait. It should open up a new raft of possibilities with this synth!

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #48 on: August 08, 2016, 11:53:37 AM »
Sounds like it's been an awful lot of work. Thanks again man.

FYI, I spent between 300 and 400 hours on this panel since January...
Quite a lot in fact... When done, I think it will be time for sound design and ambient music recording :)
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB


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Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #49 on: August 08, 2016, 02:54:41 PM »
FYI, I spent between 300 and 400 hours on this panel since January...
Quite a lot in fact... When done, I think it will be time for sound design and ambient music recording :)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2016, 02:26:45 AM »
Just out of curiosity, do you need any beta testers for this?
I'd be happy to repay some of your hard work by assisting with any testing any whatnot (if there are any bugs, of course). :)

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #51 on: August 15, 2016, 05:53:27 AM »
I am very excited for this. Currently I have midi CC's set up but having all the parameters accessible in one place will be a joy.

Would happily beta too :)


Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2016, 05:57:07 AM »
In fact the idea is to release the panel as a beta version so several of you can test it and identify bugs and propose some changes then let's say in 2-3 months release it as v1.0).
At the moment I was doing analysis at byte level of the programs (example: load program then save; you should get the same if you don't do any change) and I think I found some issue in the included DSI packing program inside Ctrlr (unpacking is OK).
So I need to write my own packDSI function.

I think I'll release next week (was initialy intended to be this week but got delayed by different stuff).
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #53 on: August 16, 2016, 12:08:39 PM »
OK. I have now written my own DSI data packing function and it works fine (using my function instead of the internal Ctrlr one). :):) Was a bit afraid of that issue found just before releasing...

Will now prepare some README doc with some instructions and explanations then package the panel and publish it on the Ctrlr site.
As said below, will be for this w-e or during next week.
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB


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Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #54 on: August 16, 2016, 12:09:33 PM »
OK. I have now written my own DSI data packing function and it works fine (using my function instead of the internal Ctrlr one). :) :) Was a bit afraid of that issue found just before releasing...

Will now prepare some README doc with some instructions and explanations then package the panel and publish it on the Ctrlr site.
As said below, will be for this w-e or during next week.
"Classical musicians go to the conservatories, rock´n roll musicians go to the garages." --- Frank Zappa
| Linnstrument | Old VCOs, Older Filters, some LFOs & Envelopes | Suhr | Mayones | Roland TD-50 | Synergy Guitar Amps | Eventide Effects Galore |

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #55 on: August 17, 2016, 01:39:29 AM »
Excellent, can't wait!
This is by far the most expensive synth I've ever owned and consequently feel the need to learn it inside out. Have put a lot of time and effort in so far and made maybe 10 tracks with it but I think I'm still only scratching the surface of it's true capabilities.
The editor should help speed up that learning curve, especially as I'll be able to see how some of the stock patches are created and the modulations they use at a glance. Perfect.
Will test the hell out of this for you.
Fingers crossed any future OS updates based on feature requests don't require too much rework for you. Am I right in thinking the most time-consuming bit is/was the patch management code (which hopefully shouldn't change in the future)?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 01:43:53 AM by binman_uk »

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #56 on: August 17, 2016, 03:13:29 AM »
This synth is indeed fantastic with a huge number of possibilities and in fact so many that it is an endless source of sounds.
It is not only great in possibilities but also in user interface (great panel and screen) and actual sound.
So much pleasure...
Well, in fact it was not the patch reading (reverse engineering of sysex) that took time but the bank and program management.
Then in fact you spend quite some time in each bit and piece: getting a nice display of the wave curves (not perfect as I don't have the PW impact but quite OK for the moment), filter selection mechanism, Osc On/Off, Delays On/Off, right and good text info for each param, general mechanism for displaying that info + the current value + the saved value, etc...
The time goes in the number of parameters and the work needed to modify something similar 50 (or more) times...

You will see it will help you but after this first release I will add an output of the settings of all params at once in a text form and that I think will also help. Then you would send those text files in a soft like KDIFF3 and you would see the differences in parameters highlighted.

To learn about the synth, understanding it and its possibilities, I can only refer to the sets of videos made by Marc Dotty. I'm listening them several times to fully grasp the way of working (especially those on polyphony).

That one is really funny... We have a monophonic synth that is actually a polyphonic one (can play several notes at the same time) but where DSI is saying it is paraphonic while in fact it is not really because you can retrigger the VCA of each note and where in fact as well it is not really a true polyphinc synth as the filter envelopes are not retriggered because unique... So lovely...  ;) ;) ;) ;)

Cheers  8)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 03:16:24 AM by goodweather »
RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #57 on: August 27, 2016, 08:27:11 AM »
how is this coming along? has it been released yet?

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #58 on: August 28, 2016, 05:09:08 AM »
Was planned for this week...
I stopped testing and improving/adapting since one week and have almost finalized the Instructions document.
Then I'll take the package and the manual and try it on my wife's PC by exactly following what I wrote in order to get confirmation it works.
So, just a few hours/days and it will be ready for you as test version  :)
I'll probably keep it in 0.x test versions for 3 months then provide a 1.0

RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian
« Reply #59 on: August 30, 2016, 01:07:26 AM »
D-Day is there...
The panel is ready and you can download it at http://ctrlr.org/dsi-pro2-editor-and-librarian/
You will find installation instructions and guidance in the manual included in the zip file.
I published it as v0.25 beta version and I propose to stay in beta during 3 months in order to gather your feedback and make corrections/improvements.

RT Accelerator | DSI Pro 2 | Moog Sub 37 | Waldorf Blofeld |  Korg Volca FM | Korg Radias x2 | Yamaha Motif ES8 | Source Audio Ventris | TC Electronics M350 | Behringer Xenix X1622USB