This synth is indeed fantastic with a huge number of possibilities and in fact so many that it is an endless source of sounds.
It is not only great in possibilities but also in user interface (great panel and screen) and actual sound.
So much pleasure...
Well, in fact it was not the patch reading (reverse engineering of sysex) that took time but the bank and program management.
Then in fact you spend quite some time in each bit and piece: getting a nice display of the wave curves (not perfect as I don't have the PW impact but quite OK for the moment), filter selection mechanism, Osc On/Off, Delays On/Off, right and good text info for each param, general mechanism for displaying that info + the current value + the saved value, etc...
The time goes in the number of parameters and the work needed to modify something similar 50 (or more) times...
You will see it will help you but after this first release I will add an output of the settings of all params at once in a text form and that I think will also help. Then you would send those text files in a soft like KDIFF3 and you would see the differences in parameters highlighted.
To learn about the synth, understanding it and its possibilities, I can only refer to the sets of videos made by Marc Dotty. I'm listening them several times to fully grasp the way of working (especially those on polyphony).
That one is really funny... We have a monophonic synth that is actually a polyphonic one (can play several notes at the same time) but where DSI is saying it is paraphonic while in fact it is not really because you can retrigger the VCA of each note and where in fact as well it is not really a true polyphinc synth as the filter envelopes are not retriggered because unique... So lovely...
