Thank you for taking the time to break this down for someone with no prior hexperience (ahem. sorry...)
I was up into the wee hours staring at hex files and trying and failing to figure out which number was what. Needless to say I'm not mathematically inclined and easily intimidated by long strings of numbers.
I was eventually directed toward Max Magic Microtuner (for Mac) and although the software hasn't been updated in some time, still works fine. The demo version will do everything you need to carry this out, but it will quit after 15 minutes or so. I was able to easily import scala files and export them as mts sysex files with designated program numbers. Just be sure to import tuning files in expanded form and leave the instrument ID at 0 when saving as syx. You can even send sysex directly from MMM.
It's good to know there's more than one way to go about it, but I'll probably continue to use MMM as it saves the steps of having to convert my files with the online converter, edit the hex info manually, and then dump the tunings with sysex librarian.