I admit being unthoughtful and ready to bite the dust, so bear with me:
Sorry, I was a bit tense last night and I have no reason at all to use my words like that. I apologize and want to thank you all for help.

(I would rather remove my negative comment for the sake of this thread but the forum does not let me...)
[Note: I removed it.
- Sacred Synthesis]
"Yes, there will be semitones that stand out but Fourier explains that phenomenon quite well." It is this behavior that I don't find on other analog synths and therefore Fourier does not explain this behavior in my opinion and I already know that it is a feature implemented by DSI as stated in the manual which I quoted above.
The only thing I ask for is a work-around, or hopefully an option in the software to turn this off. So far we've found a pedal not changing things, and mod wheel doesn't change behavior either. Hopefully DSI staff will see this and are willing to think about a way to implement this as an option in the software.