Thank you Flux302. I gave up responding as the respons people gave where mostly not helpful at all (E.G.: some people only share there testing with HPF filtering without resonance instead of my issue with the LPF with high resonance, someone saying that a pedal 'could' resolve without trying, and people responding with their experience with the P'08 which is a totally different machine). In fact most responders did not actually address my particular issue but only made this conversation noisy. (Thanks anyway I guess)
This issue has not been resolved. The Prophet 12 is designed like this and there is NOT a single way around this. I have tried everything, even with a custom made pedal for this purpose. To no avail. Also the mod wheel does not resolve stepping.
164 steps for filtering is just NOT ENOUGH and many other modern synths handle this SO MUCH BETTER.
To me it is a flaw and it still annoys me everytime I use the Prophet 12.