REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #180 on: January 27, 2017, 06:24:53 AM »
Does it appear as if there won't be a REV2 Module?

No option for polychaining doesn't necessarily rule out a module. There's also a Prophet 12 module.

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #181 on: January 27, 2017, 06:31:51 AM »

SS wrote:
Quote's not impossible that the old Prophet '08 could have some advantages over the new REV2

At least for those of us who have accomodated themselves to (fallen in love with) it or its user interface. New musical instruments are not an end unto themselves.
Moreover some of us may be concerned by other than technical parameters, maybe like monetary things...

And this post is meant a lot more earnest than it may look at a first glance.

Martin (nevertheless very curious...)

Sacred Synthesis

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #182 on: January 27, 2017, 06:36:38 AM »
If I remember correctly, when the OB-6 Keyboard was announced, Dave immediately said there was a module version coming in several months.  That was quite helpful.  So, any question as to whether or not there will be a REV2 Module means all plans are on hold.  That's a problem because it will take some time to sell a Prophet '08 in order to finance the new instrument.  I would simply like a "yes" or "no" answer to the present mystery.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 06:40:20 AM by Sacred Synthesis »

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #183 on: January 27, 2017, 06:40:05 AM »
If I remember correctly, when the OB-6 Keyboard was announced, Dave immediately said there was a module version coming in several months.

He didn't mention the module immediately at NAMM 2016, only a couple of months later at Superbooth2016, after the OB-6 was already shipping.

Sacred Synthesis

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #184 on: January 27, 2017, 06:41:53 AM »
If I remember correctly, when the OB-6 Keyboard was announced, Dave immediately said there was a module version coming in several months.

He didn't mention the module immediately at NAMM 2016, only a couple of months later at Superbooth2016, after the OB-6 was already shipping.

Are you sure about that?  I seem to remember it sooner.  Perhaps it was about the Prophet-6.

Anyway, if the REV2 is truly and fully to replace the Prophet '08, then it must have a module version.  The P'08 was the fist DSI synthesizer to have a parallel fully-knobby companion.  It's a primary feature that made it exceptional, and it's even implied with the venerable Prophet name.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 07:15:28 AM by Sacred Synthesis »

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #185 on: January 27, 2017, 06:56:34 AM »
If I remember correctly, when the OB-6 Keyboard was announced, Dave immediately said there was a module version coming in several months.

He didn't mention the module immediately at NAMM 2016, only a couple of months later at Superbooth2016, after the OB-6 was already shipping.

Are you sure about that?  I seem to remember it sooner.  Perhaps it was about the Prophet-6.

100% positive. Here's the Sonicstate video from Superbooth 2016, where the module was mentioned for the very first time: (jump to 5:11)

The Prophet-6 module was officially announced on October 22, 2015, shortly after the first hints about it leaked from an electronic music festival in the Netherlands.

In general, DSI never announced any module version before the keyboard version was ready for shipping. So I'd recommend patience until late summer or early fall in this case. Or wait at least until Superbooth 2017, which takes place in April.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 07:01:47 AM by Paul Dither »

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #186 on: January 27, 2017, 12:33:22 PM »
Welcome to the new REV2 subforum!


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Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #187 on: January 27, 2017, 05:17:33 PM »
Anyway, if the REV2 is truly and fully to replace the Prophet '08, then it must have a module version.

Well if the 16-voice version supports DC modulation source and output pan modulation destination just like Prophet 12 and Pro 2 then its possible to stereo pan voices with a few minor tweaks using stack mode.
cp -f $0 $HOME/.signature

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #188 on: January 27, 2017, 06:17:06 PM »
Does it appear as if there won't be a REV2 Module? 

It's too early to tell. You should know us well enough by now to know we never announce the keyboard and the module at the same time  :)

It's not because we're withholding though, there literally hasn't been a discussion about it yet as we're busy trying to get the keyboard out the door!

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #189 on: January 27, 2017, 06:18:22 PM »
Well if the 16-voice version supports DC modulation source and output pan modulation destination just like Prophet 12 and Pro 2 then its possible to stereo pan voices with a few minor tweaks using stack mode.

This is a feature of the REV2. We're making it easy to pan full left/right for stacks.

Sacred Synthesis

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #190 on: January 27, 2017, 07:13:01 PM »
Does it appear as if there won't be a REV2 Module? 

It's too early to tell. You should know us well enough by now to know we never announce the keyboard and the module at the same time  :)

It's not because we're withholding though, there literally hasn't been a discussion about it yet as we're busy trying to get the keyboard out the door!

Patience, patience, I know, but I can't help trying to read the signs.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 07:53:31 PM by Sacred Synthesis »

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #191 on: January 27, 2017, 09:12:22 PM »
Related to that, has anyone confirmed if you can polychain a P8, Tetra or Mopho?

Polychain is pretty much just like MIDI, but the polychain settings tell each synth to be silent for some of the notes. It's likely that the REV2 polychain has a setting to be 16 voices of 24 (to go with a Prophet 08), but it might not be able to be 16 voices of 20 (to go with a Tetra). But previous DSI synths had a large number of Polychain "Out" numbers, so it's a reasonable hope.

Ah, that makes sense, thanks.

I do wonder what you'd be giving up with that scenario though - the Tetra has 2 suboscs per voice where the Rev2 now has one, so does that mean chained patches would only be able to use 1 of the Tetra suboscs per voice?  What happens to the other?

The Tetra would play whatever patch it's set to play. If its patch uses both suboscillators, they'll play. The consequence is that it won't match the sounds played by the REV2.

Ok, so it wouldn't match, but could it sound good?  :D


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Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #192 on: January 28, 2017, 12:52:55 AM »
Well if the 16-voice version supports DC modulation source and output pan modulation destination just like Prophet 12 and Pro 2 then its possible to stereo pan voices with a few minor tweaks using stack mode.

This is a feature of the REV2. We're making it easy to pan full left/right for stacks.

This is super. Right? Similar to Prophet 12, no?

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #193 on: January 28, 2017, 03:38:31 AM »
Pro 2 has this "cue" function.  So When you play a sequence, you can queue another program's sequence to start at the after the current playing sequence. But it's not predefined.  You'll have to do it "on the move".
The Tempest on the other hand, has a playlist where you can make a predefined queue of multiple sequences.
I don't own any of the above, but that's what I understand from reading the manuals.
What is implemented for the REV 2 regarding queuing of sequences?

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #194 on: January 29, 2017, 04:46:40 PM »
I was hoping to learn more about how bi-timbrality will work on the REV2. After reading the P08 manual, it appears one could only use the A-sound for two different programs? Is this going to be the same approach taken with the  REV2?

My ideal situation would be that all programs (A and B sound) could be accessed by two midi channels in split mode, and each side would transmit on user-definable midi channels. Two separate midi zones would be great, even more midi zones would be a dream come true, esp how nice this keybed is supposed to be. I would love to pair this as a master controller with one of those new AKAI MPCs as the foundation of a live rig.


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Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #195 on: January 30, 2017, 11:49:38 AM »
I noticed on some of the NAMM videos that it seems like there's an off mode for the waveforms on the oscillators, this wasn't possible before if I recall correctly?

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #196 on: January 31, 2017, 12:26:33 PM »
A P12 friend of mine suggested I check out how Multimode in the Prophet 12 is addressed compared to the P08. Multimode in the P12 (manual addendum 1.1) appears to be a more intuitive way of implementing bi-timbrality, with the program's A/B sounds each receiving/transmitting on separate midi channels if desired. Will this advancement make it into the REV2? If DSI wants to do that and also allow for additional midi channel transmit zones on the keyboard, I'm all for that as well :)

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #197 on: January 31, 2017, 02:10:51 PM »
A P12 friend of mine suggested I check out how Multimode in the Prophet 12 is addressed compared to the P08. Multimode in the P12 (manual addendum 1.1) appears to be a more intuitive way of implementing bi-timbrality, with the program's A/B sounds each receiving/transmitting on separate midi channels if desired. Will this advancement make it into the REV2? If DSI wants to do that and also allow for additional midi channel transmit zones on the keyboard, I'm all for that as well :)
Although I've never had reason to use it, I believe the P'08 could be set to receive on separate MIDI channels for the 2 layers. I think the Global setting Multimode does this.

Sacred Synthesis

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #198 on: February 01, 2017, 06:44:42 AM »
Internally, is the REV2 a simple upgrade with a small number of new parts, or is it a substantially new instrument that emulates well the Prophet '08?  I presume it's the former.  If so, perhaps the Rev2 may not have the usual number of bugs or need the typical prolonged period of OS updates.  I don't know, but it certainly would be a happy matter if, because so much of the instrument has already been vetted in its previous form as the Prophet '08, it was largely bug-free.  Just hoping....
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 02:30:27 PM by Sacred Synthesis »

Re: REV2 (16-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer)
« Reply #199 on: February 01, 2017, 02:24:29 PM »
Per page 12 of the P08 Manual:

When MultiMode is On, the Prophet ’08 responds to MIDI data on two consecutive MIDI channels, the base channel (selected in the Gobal menu) and the next highest channel. The base channel controls voices 1 through 4 and the other channel controls voices 5 through 8. Notes, program changes, and other MIDI data received on the specified channels provide independent control of the two parts.

Note that a program change needs to be sent to each of the two channels when setting up MultiMode. Only Layer A of the selected program is loaded. There are no stacks or splits in MultiMode. Use CCs or Layer A NRPNs for automation of parameters. Program Layer B data is completely ignored in MultiMode.

The second paragraph seems to lay out the mechanics of how to work in MultiMode, which - when compared to the MultiMode function of the P12, is somewhat convoluted/clumsy. Hopefully the REV2 will take advantage of the P12's streamlined approach when addressing bi-timbrality.