Noise from pro 5 module even with volume down ?

Noise from pro 5 module even with volume down ?
« on: May 14, 2024, 04:41:23 AM »
I'm getting pretty bad rf type noise from my unit even when the volume is down , tried different plug sockets , different cables all to no avail ? anyone else have this issue ?

Re: Noise from pro 5 module even with volume down ?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2024, 08:45:27 AM »
Do you mean low volume at your sound system or low volume at your P5?

If from your sound system it has nothing to do with P5. Can be cables, other open inputs, some plugins add noise to be authentic the original etc.

Any instrument, P5 as well, should be set at as high volume as possible. The lower signal from the source the higher noise from the instrument and everything.

When the P5 is not used it has, as all electronics, some self noise. If I crank up my speakers I can hear some noise (from the P5) and small amount of hum (probably from the 5 m/15 ft long cable with picking up some hum from some power cable or so). It’s at the lowest readable level (-60dB) at the meter of the mixer input meter of my UAD card.

I have put a noise gate letting no noise through, just a nice clean signal. One channel noise is ok but there are plenty analog synths with long cables giving noticeable noise even if not too loud from the speakers, therefore I have noise gates for some instruments, P5 is one of these.

Re: Noise from pro 5 module even with volume down ?
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2024, 06:58:26 AM »
No , it was some really loud mad static noises , like aliens trying to contact me through my pro 5 !
as long as the pro 5 was plugged in it would be there even with the volume down ,luckily I found someone else experiencing it and the solution is a balanced trs cable , literally just got a new cable tried it and totally silent ! waa heyyy


Re: Noise from pro 5 module even with volume down ?
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2024, 09:47:12 AM »
Just to be clear, the Prophet 5/10 has an unbalanced output. For best results use an unbalanced/TS cable and connect to a line level (not mic or instrument) input. If a balanced cable solved your noise problem, then you may not be connecting to a line input or may have other issues at play in your setup, such as a grounding issue.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2024, 05:36:01 PM by Oblong »
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