Crashing issue - not sure what to do

Crashing issue - not sure what to do
« on: May 27, 2024, 08:07:22 AM »
Hello everyone, I'm a proud owner of the Pro 3 and new to the forum here.

I picked up this machine second-hand at a Guitar Center around five months ago. It was a used item. Since I've had it, there has been a crashing issue with my model. It has not affected me as severely as it potentially could (e.g. I'm able to program patches and save them in addition to 99% of the parameters working fine) but I am not sure that I can ever use my Pro 3 for a live performance without worry. The text below details the problem I'm experiencing:

The glide and hold hardware buttons do not send any information to the synthesizer on patches and presets alike. This is the case when initially loading any patch or preset. If I tap either button, neither of them light up nor do they indicate changes in the panel. In addition to that, the LFO frequency knob and the modulation amount knob do not bring me to their panel pages when interacting with them. This has been mildly frustrating and I simply stopped caring for those parameters for a while after discovering the malfunction. I've tried searching online for any similar experiences and nothing has shown up. Yesterday, I got fed up with this issue and decided to troubleshoot it for a few hours. I had no luck until I unintentionally changed the LFO 1 default amount by one digit (up or down, doesn't matter) and suddenly all of the aforementioned parameters work as they are expected to. So, after interacting with the LFO amount on any given patch, I can then successfully interact with the glide and hold buttons on the hardware and in the panel in addition to being brought to panel pages by interacting with the LFO frequency and modulation amount knobs. However, that is the half of my issue. This is only a temporary fix to the problem and another malfunction occurs; at any given moment, the Pro 3 will randomly activate both glide and hold on the synthesizer (which shows on the hardware) and reset the patch to its default program settings. I genuinely have no idea why this occurs. Today, I found the OS update and installed it on my model with hope that it would fix this problem but it is still behaving as it was before.

Anyone have this issue or know why this might be happening? Similarly, I have considered static discharge and unplugged a cord that connects in the outlet next to my Pro 3's power supply connection but that did not help.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 08:14:03 AM by unilateraldiscord »

Re: Crashing issue - not sure what to do
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2024, 08:54:06 AM »
Okay, I may have fixed this after updating the Panel OS. When I installed it after the Main OS successfully saved to my model, there was no screen indication on the hardware that my Pro 3 was receiving the update. I sent it through MIDI USB again today and for whatever reason this time the panel indicated the installation was occurring. Now, the glide and hold functions are interacting with zero problem in any patch or preset I load. Will come back to this thread if I experience the crashing again!

EDIT: Well, that was a temporary fix. I left it idle after tweaking some parameters on a patch and when I turned back to use it again, the crash had occurred while I was away and the patch reset to default settings in addition to the glide and hold buttons lit up. Switching through presets also reverted to the previous malfunctioning (e.g. glide and hold buttons do not send information, lfo frequency and modulation amount knobs do not bring me to the panel page). No clue for what it will take to solve the issue at this point.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 08:56:00 AM by unilateraldiscord »

Re: Crashing issue - not sure what to do
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2024, 09:00:53 AM »
Contact support and they’ll help you out. Could be something as simple as the ribbon connector cable inside being a bit loose.

Re: Crashing issue - not sure what to do
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2024, 09:24:47 AM »
Contact support and they’ll help you out. Could be something as simple as the ribbon connector cable inside being a bit loose.

Just submitted a support ticket. Thanks for the reply.

Re: Crashing issue - not sure what to do
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2024, 04:06:53 PM »
Update on the situation:

With the help of the support team, I was able to solve the problem. It was the ribbon connector all along. After reinserting the ribbon and locking both sides into place, I haven't experienced a crash since. There was only one instance in which the previous behavior occurred; as soon as I powered up my unit after reattaching the panel, the glide and hold buttons sent no information. Thought I was doomed when that happened. I put all of my faith into resetting the globals again and that permanently fixed the malfunctioning - I assume the previous state of the globals was still lingering around.

Very happy to have my model working at full capacity now.  :)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 04:08:45 PM by unilateraldiscord »

Re: Crashing issue - not sure what to do
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2024, 08:34:30 AM »
Just to add, if you ever get encoder issues, in particular the bank or patch encoder double jumping, it is related to a certain panel os version. Enjoy this awesome synth, it’s a bass monster!

Re: Crashing issue - not sure what to do
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2024, 11:29:47 AM »
Just to add, if you ever get encoder issues, in particular the bank or patch encoder double jumping, it is related to a certain panel os version. Enjoy this awesome synth, it’s a bass monster!

Thanks for this tip! Sadly, I am still experiencing the problematic behavior detailed in my original post. The support team has been working with me to try and identify what could be the cause. I've reseated the main board ribbon on both sides in addition to the ribbon that connects both panels. No luck so far... it's mind blowing.

I haven't considered the panel os version. Using v1.1.0.13 at the moment.

Re: Crashing issue - not sure what to do
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2024, 11:16:12 PM »
Ok I hope support can sort it out for you, yeah worth trying different panel os’s cos one definitely exhibited issues, if you search the forum their was a discussion a while ago.