Multiple Prophet 6 Desktop problems

Multiple Prophet 6 Desktop problems
« on: February 07, 2017, 12:00:49 PM »
Hi there,
I'm having a multitude of problems, and hopefully somebody can help!
Everything on the synth had been working perfectly, then two days ago out of the blue everything went south. The main problems are:

1) All tuning has now gone mental. Whenever I play a repeated single pitch it changes by as much as minor 3rd each time. Even with everything turned off  (LFO, filters, effects etc.), I still get this problem. It only stabilises slightly when put it in unison, but both oscillators and the sub seem to have their own tuning systems so the higher I get, the further apart the "unison" notes are. Unfortunately, checking the obvious "alt. Tuning" parameter is made impossible by problem 2.

2) My buttons for "Tens/increment" and "0" have stopped responding. This makes making Global Parameter changes impossible.

3) Other buttons are now controlling the wrong things! "KEYBD" on the Low pass filter now switches program button 7, "P WHL" in misc parameters now triggers program button 8.

I've tried firmware updates, global resets and about everything else I can think of.

Anyone had this issue before, or any ideas on how I can proceed?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Multiple Prophet 6 Desktop problems
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2017, 12:06:32 PM »
That doesn't sound too good. I'd get in touch with the support immediately:

They respond quickly and will help you sorting this out.

Re: Multiple Prophet 6 Desktop problems
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2017, 12:13:50 PM »
Thanks! Was thinking that may be the case. Certainly the weirdest problem I've encountered by far!