Strange FX Behaviour

Strange FX Behaviour
« on: January 24, 2022, 11:37:02 PM »
Hi everybody, i'm new to the forum.
I'm a happy owner of prophet rev2 for about a month. It is a fantastic keyboard. Despite this, I have noticed a very strange behaviour, and I would like to understand the nature of this. In some circumstances annoying clicks / pops are played, even with the factory patches, for example you can hear them with F3 P72. I have noticed that these clicks occur when any type of delay is active in the effects section (in the case of this patch, it is in layer B). By deactivating the delay, the click / pop disappears!
My operating system is 1.2.1, and I also tried a factory reset of the global and patches, as well as reducing the program volume and doing a calibration of the oscillators. What is it about? Can be a software bug or a sound design problem?
I've just opened a support ticket, too.

Re: Strange FX Behaviour
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2022, 11:33:47 PM »
Hello and welcome.

That's exactly how it sounds on my REV2 also. That's the way this patch was programmed. Your REV2 is working perfectly fine. This is a pretty "noisy" patch anyway.
Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: Strange FX Behaviour
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2022, 11:47:07 PM »
Hello and welcome.

That's exactly how it sounds on my REV2 also. That's the way this patch was programmed. Your REV2 is working perfectly fine. This is a pretty "noisy" patch anyway.
Wow, thank for precious feedback! I'll wait for support to investigate this patch, to find out if it's an FX section's bug or a sound design problem. In the meantime I have found another patch (F2P41) which presents the same problem playing very long chords.
Thanks again