Loading presets from the Prophet 08 Rev 2 in the old Prophet 08

Loading presets from the Prophet 08 Rev 2 in the old Prophet 08
« on: February 10, 2018, 03:27:19 AM »
I'm thinking on buying the Prophet 08 Rev 2 8 voices and  I already own an old Prophet 08.
I'm planing on having the Rev2 at my home studio and my old Prophet 08 at my band rehearsal space.
I know that you can load presets from the Prophet 08 into the Prophet 08 Rev2.

But my question is if it is possible to load presets from the Rev 2 into the old 08?

I was wondering if it was possible to load from the rev 2 into the old 08 everything that the old 08 can process and let the old 08 ignore the other things that can't process from the rev 2 ( effects, waveshap etc.. ).

That would be the thing that'd make me pull the trigger for the rev2-8.



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Re: Loading presets from the Prophet 08 Rev 2 in the old Prophet 08
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2018, 07:52:40 AM »
 I am almost positive that the answer is no. I can’t remember if I tried this or read it somewhere. My strong sense has been that if I want to get a Rev2 patch into a Prophet ‘08, that I would need to write down the parameters and then use the notes to re-create the patch in the ‘08. Although the essential sound architecture is the same, I don’t know that I’ve come across a single patch that could be 100% replicated.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 07:56:16 AM by Jason »