Subject / Started by | ||
How many alternate tuning slots?
Started by backdoorranky |
Developer Patches for the Prophet 5/10
Started by Muz |
Tuning stability for gigs
Started by Ncapone |
VCA Bypass Feature Request
Started by Ncapone |
Dear Sequentials, itīs time now...
Started by Micky |
Click with expression pedal on AMP
Started by sdiedrichsen |
Ableton Live MIDI CC Mapper
Started by robotrock |
New SoundSet - Prophecy Vol 2
Started by magikroom |
Initialize All User Presets
Started by Unreal |
Prophet 5 issues latest uodate
Started by joshuarumble |
Patches for Classic P5
Started by Robflys |
Nicholas Semrad soundset
Started by Quatschmacher |
Quantization options for CV IN
Started by Ncapone |
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