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TEO-5 / TEO-5 vs TAKE 5 output level?
« Last post by EnjoyRC on September 07, 2024, 12:29:35 PM »
Can somebody with a TEO-5 and a TAKE 5 please compare the output levels?
Starting with an Basic Program (INIT) patch on both, the TAKE 5 is FAR louder than the TEO-5.

Just in case anyone asks...
Both Master levels the same.
Both input gains on the mixer are the same.
Both mixer faders the same.
Level difference is evident in headphones too.

Edit, more testing:
I got both synths set to a Basic Program again. One OSC, identical settings. pressed HOLD on both. Hit C & G on both. I can accurately say, there's a 16db difference. That's how much louder the TAKE 5 is than the TEO-5.

Can anyone confirm?
TEO-5 / Re: repeated factory presets?
« Last post by BeeRad on September 07, 2024, 06:48:02 AM »
Many thanks.  I have the ST editor for my Rev2. Also.  Still have trouble really understanding the library section, even after watching videos.  W regard to the Teo 5 version, if I click on a preset to  audition in the banks section, it RENAMES (replaces) the preset.  Also the scrollbars for the two sections of the software appear to be reversed.  I.e. bottom scroll below banks scrolls the top interface section and vice versa.
Take 5 / MIDI Out Start/Stop
« Last post by Gizmo on September 07, 2024, 05:44:13 AM »
I see that the T5 allows the user to turn the 'Start/Stop' feature on/off for the T5 MIDI Out port.  This is a feature I always wanted on my P6.  Thinking about adding a T5 to my line-up for touring.

Is the MIDI out Start/Stop feature of the T5 triggered by the Sequencer Start button or a keyboard event, or both?

Off Topic / Re: Your Music
« Last post by Elric on September 07, 2024, 05:25:27 AM »
Just starting a channel. Don't tell anybody yet...
(I think this might be 2 Pro3s at once..)
Sequential Prophet-6 / Re: Prophet-6 hardware revisions?
« Last post by LPF83 on September 07, 2024, 05:04:41 AM »
I have two different studio setups in separate rooms that are configured differently, and I have sometimes found when I move the synths from one setup to another, the difference in sound is dramatic (not better or worse just different), to the point that I can hardly believe its the same synth.  I often wonder how often changes to the environment account for the differences one hears from a given piece of hardware.

I've seen posts from folks on this board that say they hate the tone of the P6, but they like the tone of other synths like P5/10 or OBX-8.  I always wondered if they are hearing something different because the P6 they used as reference had a defect, or some other factor, because their experience seems nothing like I get from my P6.
Sequential Prophet-6 / Re: P6 audio cutting out - MIDI-related?
« Last post by jasar79223 on September 06, 2024, 10:37:34 PM »
I think this is likely a garden-variety MIDI issue, so I'm not yet sending this to Support, but... in recent days my Prophet 6 has been losing audio. Meaning, after a while working fine, the audio goes silent. Just now, after I powered the synth back on, I I had around 10 minutes before the synth went silent.

I use my P6 as master controller and did rejig things a few days ago. I'd been having problems with MIDI routing, but it turned out only to be a defective MIDI cable. Still, all my blind rewiring (MIDI is a mystery to me, still...) seemed to have knocked a few other things out of whack - my Trigon went wobbly and out of tune, requiring a pitch/mod wheel calibration.

I don't know if this is also to do with Logic, or what.

Is there at least a recommended clean start approach to trouble-shooting all this?

(For what it's worth, the P6 is still outputting MIDI notes - I can see the notes listed in Logic as I hit the keys on the synth...)
Check MIDI routing, simplify the setup—connect the Prophet-6 directly to your interface without any extra MIDI devices. Test if the issue persists. Or possibly since you had a defective MIDI cable, try different cables for both MIDI and audio to rule out hardware issues.
Off Topic / Re: Your Music
« Last post by Manbird on September 06, 2024, 08:35:14 PM »
The Moog Matriarch drives a sequence into the Vermona Perfourmer synth.
The Perfourmer has envelope generators that can be set to pitch, which offers some interesting voicey inflections.

This is nice. Very filmic... the post-breakup 4am taxi ride, Berlin.
The squelchy stuff - I guess the Perfourmer - has a bit of Kluster vibe...
Sequential Prophet-6 / Re: Prophet-6 hardware revisions?
« Last post by RMVS on September 06, 2024, 06:01:41 PM »
Someone over on reddit is claiming that their 2017 and 2023 Pro-6s sounds "completely" different, i.e., there is more bass and better HPF resonance on the newer version. They suggest this is due to chip changes during production.. This honestly sounds bogus to me since it hasn't been documented anywhere, but it's a strong claim.. anyone noticed any differences/have any further evidence of this?

Interesting claim  ;) Changes in production happen fairly often, especially with something like the Prophet-6 which has been manufactured for over 8 years. Parts can get EOL'd or might get hard to get, new versions become available, parts get priced out, and so on. With that said, there have been no changes to the core voice of the Prophet-6/OB-6. Slight variation is expected unit to unit given the density of components in the signal path, and on an older unit things like age, component tolerance, or use might have a slight impact as well. They're still built in SF, from serial 1 to... whatever we are at now!

Thanks for clearing that up!
OB-X8 / Re: Updated manual for 2.0
« Last post by X-Minus-1 on September 06, 2024, 03:46:58 PM »
The User Guide on the support site is not even up-to-date with previous firmwares.  It is at Version 1.2 from May 2023.  For instance, it is missing updates like Page 2 Portamento Destination or any mention of the Page 2 quick scroll method.  The German User Guide appears to be more recent and have more content (dated June 2024).
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