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Prophet Rev2 / Re: S&H LFO?
« Last post by TheLab on Yesterday at 03:13:27 PM »
Thanks!  I dug deeper and found that clk sync and key sync were needed with very little "amount" applied to get the right outcome.  I used a step of "1" so each note changes in location and cutoff.  My error was applying too much LFO "amount".  It needs to be ~ 10 to 20.   Thanks again!
Prophet Rev2 / SEQ and ARP Sync Layer 1/Layer 2 split... how to Sync?
« Last post by TheLab on Yesterday at 02:37:05 PM »
Can the two layers' sequencers be synced?   I am in split mode and hoping to intertwine a bass sequence with a lead sequence but there are separate clocks for each SEQ?  Can't they both be driven from the same clock?

I am new to this synth and it seems like an obvious feature.
Prophet Rev2 / Re: S&H LFO?
« Last post by BT on Yesterday at 02:35:45 PM »
You can always stack modulation lanes. Probably worth a try!
Prophet Rev2 / S&H LFO?
« Last post by TheLab on Yesterday at 02:30:38 PM »
I am new Rev2 owner.   Is the Random LFO supposed to step and be random?   I have tried everything but it repeats and slurs.   

I will qualify this question as I have modified synths, developed synth editing software, and owned well over 100 synths including Prophet, VS,  CS 50/60/80 etc. For sound design,  I was hoping the Random LFO would be  strong, random and stepped like a Roland SH1/JP4 but it seems weaker than a Microwave II Random LFO?  Just applying it to random note pan and to VCF freq (ala Vince Clarke)  reveals it's weakness.  Any chance this can be fixed?
TEO-5 / Re: TEO-5 vs TAKE 5 output level?
« Last post by constructed.I.D. on Yesterday at 12:34:40 PM »
Just my first day, but I noticed the output volume is set to '100' by default on new patches and that it sounds a lot louder at '120'.
I assume 127 is the top level.
TEO-5 / Re: Feature requests
« Last post by Quatschmacher on Yesterday at 12:33:11 PM »
Agree on knob value display. You could put effects change values in the space the effect name is for 2-3 seconds.
Also, I want to add a simple, but huge quality-of-life change: make symbols in naming loop. If I'm at a number or "z" I have to scroll all the way through small then capital letters to get to a space at the beginning.

Can’t you just use the “insert character” as that adds a space immediately.
TEO-5 / Re: Feature requests
« Last post by constructed.I.D. on Yesterday at 12:30:54 PM »
Agree on knob value display. You could put effects change values in the space the effect name is for 2-3 seconds.
Also, I want to add a simple, but huge quality-of-life change: make symbols in naming loop. If I'm at a number or "z" I have to scroll all the way through small then capital letters to get to a space at the beginning.
I just want to add one feature request: make the symbols loop when naming patches.
Ever since I got the 3rd Wave I've wondered why my Pro 3 doesn't do this simple thing.
Take 5 / Re: MIDI Out Start/Stop
« Last post by Gizmo on Yesterday at 12:05:20 PM »
I just bought a used T5 and confirmed that, yes, the T5 does send a MIDI Start/Stop when you press the Sequencer Play button.  As a consequence, I was able to MIDI start and sync my drum machine perfectly.  I can even change kits on my DM and the T5 doesn't miss a beat.

I asked Sequential a year ago to consider adding MIDI Start/Stop to the Prophet 6 several years ago and it never happened. Sequential also confirmed that neither the P6 or the Trigon-6 have this feature at the moment. Too bad...

You may have to turn 'Arp Notes' off in globals if you only want the drum kit.  This is what I wanted for my work and it works great.

Bravo for the T5.
Take 5 / Re: HOLD button MIDI CC code transmit to Reason 12
« Last post by LauraSmithe on Yesterday at 07:14:52 AM »
Hey Tim,

What you can do is assign foot switch(Global 6. Foot Function basket random) = Arp Hold.
Then use MIDI to trigger the foot switch function with
CC64 = 127 for on
CC64 = 0 for off.
How I learned this..
Set up your footswitch to Hold Arp. test it with your foot switch. Play a chord and press pedal = HOLD.
My footswitch (Korg PS-1) will momentarily engage HOLD while foot switch is pressed and ends HOLD when foot switch is released.

I recorded a short MIDI clip in Reaper - and on MIDI play back the T5 will play the chord and hold it for the duration of CC64=127 until CC64 =0

Of course, if you set  Global 6 Foot Function to something other than ARP Hold, like Sustain, Seq Start/Stop then those functions will play when CC64 =127

Global 6 Foot Function has ARP Hold, and ARP Hold Mom, but they both work momentarily for me.
Oh, thank you so much for sharing in detail. ;D
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