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Prophet-5/Prophet-10 / Re: Glide options like the OB-X8
« Last post by Jean Wilder on Today at 07:22:52 AM »
Does anyone know if there are different glide settings on the P10 like the OB-X8? I'd like the same constant upward portamento effect, fixed time settings, and regular mode selectable in the menu.

The Prophet 5/10 is a synth with a very simple UI, and the simplicity is what made the original machine magical.  It has no menu.  I can only pray it doesn't become conflated with a gazillion hidden keypress combinations that attempt to put it somewhere in a maze of permutations, making it more like a crossword puzzle adapted for braile than a musical instrument. :) 

The OB-X8 has a screen with menu options that are better suited for that kind of thing.  But it's biggest criticism has been that it sounds great but is too menu divey.  Funny how options sometimes work against the goal of making good sounding music.  The P5/10 is a "less is more" synth, I believe.
Please, spare us all the long-winded dissertation on the virtue of simplicity. Adding a glide option doesn't change your user experience. You can choose to not use it. Holding keyboard and turning the glide knob has zero impact on your experience and cherished simplicity. If I want more complexity, it's there. This is a 21st century instrument, not some unfulfilled passion piece for boomers.

Off Topic / Sequential/DAve Smith comparation sheets
« Last post by zorze on Today at 03:17:20 AM »
Hi All,
I'm building a synth database and Sequential use to have a comparative sheets between their products.
Any one have or knows where I can get the comparative sheets.

Thank you in advance.

Sequential Prophet X / Re: Can’t import samples
« Last post by samwillis6 on Today at 01:17:45 AM »
Actually I figured out my problem! I was looking for my loaded samples to show up in the main preset window, rather than the left hand smaller screen's sample browser, as it wasn't obvious to me that you can switch to user samples rather than factory ones.. doh!!


Pro 3 / Re: Pro 3 Wavetable Drum Grooves
« Last post by LoboLives on Yesterday at 08:47:30 PM »
All this thread has done is make me year for a successor to the Tempest and have it incorporate some of these wavetables and sequencing techniques.
TEO-5 / Re: TEO-5 vs TAKE 5 output level?
« Last post by EnjoyRC on Yesterday at 04:09:46 PM »
Thank you for the in depth explanation. Makes complete sense.
Sequential Prophet X / Re: Can’t import samples
« Last post by samwillis6 on Yesterday at 01:51:28 PM »
Yes you're right! I was trying to use a USB drive which has a cable rather than a pen drive, also possibly not USB 3 - so I got myself a pen drive, and it worked perfectly, formatting it on the PX, and then using PXtool to export my test patch to desktop, and then dragging the correct px folder onto the newly formatted USB drive.

Here's a dropbox screenshot image showing my settings :

The PX now sees the USB fine, and is able to install the patch, everything seems to work perfectly (although it says 'Disk space to be replaced 0MBytes which seems to suggest it's not writing over anything?), however when I scan over to where I sent the patch (User 2, Preset 5) there's nothing there that corresponds? Indeed I've scanned through manually through all 4 User banks (which are all full up with presets as well as the 4 x A banks - the guy I bought it off had bought a bunch of 8Dio sample packs I presume).

Do you have any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? I was thinking that maybe doing a factory reset and clearing out all of the patches in the current user memory might help?

Also I originally tried sending the export to U07 and when I scanned through the banks, there were still only 4 x User banks showing, when I would have expected it to jump from 1/2/3/4 to 7?

Thanks so much for your assistance!

Best from London,


Sequential Prophet-6 / Very strange distortion from P6 on every patch
« Last post by Ajonthekeys on Yesterday at 11:53:29 AM »
Hi all,

I've had my prophet 6 for around a year now and just moved it into my new studio space. Until now it was working perfectly, and I moved it in an aluminium flight case padded with plenty of foam. However, now it's in my new space I am getting an incredibly strange distortion/wobbling sound on every patch whenever I play more than one note at a time. It's really strange. I've already followed all the troubleshooting steps and raised a support ticket but I thought I'd post here too in case anyone had encountered the same issue before. I've attached audio samples below to show the issue. Also, this problem is present in the headphone out too so it isn't a problem of cabling/daw settings etc to the best of my knowledge. Thanks to anyone who chimes in!
TEO-5 / Re: repeated factory presets?
« Last post by gus on Yesterday at 10:10:31 AM »
The librarian is confusing, no doubt. You can always reach out to Soundtower for questions/feature requests.

To import sounds, I usually hit Command + L. Select a category, name it whatever you want, then press 'Import' and load the Sysex file. Hit 'No' when it prompts you to categorize patches. From there, you can drag patches or use the arrow buttons in batches of 16 to transfer to the Factory Banks.

TEO-5 / Re: TEO-5 vs TAKE 5 output level?
« Last post by gus on Yesterday at 10:05:07 AM »
The output levels are indeed different, nothing is wrong with your particular synth. The SEM allows for a wide dynamic range, from a single oscillator to all 5 oscillators in unison with resonance cranked. On both synths, the analog signal is digitized post filter - the TEO is a bit lower in the analog domain to avoid clipping when entering the digital domain.

You'll notice on a basic patch, program volume defaults to 100. This parameter digitally increases the gain when set above 100 (100-127). If you turn this parameter up, levels will be closer to the Take 5. It is possible to hear clipping under certain circumstances when the program volume is cranked.
Tempest / Re: Noise in Mute Mode
« Last post by The Beatnik Himself on Yesterday at 09:07:45 AM »

I've noticed some distortion and compressor on ( in mute mode!) I have a significant noise amount.
This noise increases with the amount of lit pads (muting, unmuting) on the T.
Is this known? Or can someone else confirm it?

Greetz, v

I am also experiencing this issue. Did you find a fix? I have recalibrated everything but the problem remains.

I know how noisy the Tempest can be when using distortion/compression, but this noise is noticeably different and happens even when no distortion or compression is applied.

When I'm in mute mode and no pads are lit there is no noise(except for the T’s usual hum). After selecting around 6-7 pads(causing them to light up) I start hearing the noise, and by the time all pads are selected the noise makes the unit pretty unusable.

This noise also can happen in Sounds mode if the selected sound is muted. In this situation the noise goes away when the sound is unmuted or I select a different sound that is not muted.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this expected behavior?
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