Prophet-5/Prophet-10 / Re: Glide options like the OB-X8
« Last post by Jean Wilder on Today at 07:22:52 AM »Please, spare us all the long-winded dissertation on the virtue of simplicity. Adding a glide option doesn't change your user experience. You can choose to not use it. Holding keyboard and turning the glide knob has zero impact on your experience and cherished simplicity. If I want more complexity, it's there. This is a 21st century instrument, not some unfulfilled passion piece for boomers.Does anyone know if there are different glide settings on the P10 like the OB-X8? I'd like the same constant upward portamento effect, fixed time settings, and regular mode selectable in the menu.
The Prophet 5/10 is a synth with a very simple UI, and the simplicity is what made the original machine magical. It has no menu. I can only pray it doesn't become conflated with a gazillion hidden keypress combinations that attempt to put it somewhere in a maze of permutations, making it more like a crossword puzzle adapted for braile than a musical instrument.
The OB-X8 has a screen with menu options that are better suited for that kind of thing. But it's biggest criticism has been that it sounds great but is too menu divey. Funny how options sometimes work against the goal of making good sounding music. The P5/10 is a "less is more" synth, I believe.