The Official Sequential/Oberheim Forum

SEQUENTIAL/DSI => Tempest => Topic started by: cbmd on June 27, 2016, 12:15:05 PM

Title: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 27, 2016, 12:15:05 PM
Hi all,

Please post any bugs you might encounter on the Main and Voice 1.5 OS files in this thread. 

We would appreciate if you would give a general description of the bug as well as detailed steps to reproduce.  This will make it easier to keep track of and resolve any potential issues prior to the OS' official release.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: geronimo on June 27, 2016, 02:32:41 PM
Many thanks _

Can we go directly to 1.5 version ?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on June 27, 2016, 04:31:28 PM
Thanks for the update!
Not a bug but more like an objection...When i use soft knob 4 to load a new sound, screen displays the full path of the sound including it's type.The problem with it is i can't see which sound i'm loading cause the file names are long and get cut.
Back to the test drive...

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Bras on June 28, 2016, 01:20:56 PM
Hello and thanks for the update! Not a bug, but a missing undocumented(?) roll feature/bug side effect I've been constantly using in previous OS: looping beat when using Beat FX as roll in BEAT/MUTE mode you could switch to SOUND/TUNINGS without releasing ribbon with roll assigned, in effect being able to trigger pads in SOUND/TUNINGS mode (also with roll/arp!) while having "latched" beat roll (looping) in the background. Very useful live, to the point I'd rather have all the bugs and this feature than otherwise :) Hope that is not necessary and we can have this behaviour back with known roll-related bugs fixed. OR putting it another way - latch still doesn't work for BEAT FX set to ROLL, but previously you could made the aforementioned trick. Thanks again, this is the best instrument EVER created for live performance!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: hardwarecore on June 29, 2016, 12:56:13 AM
2 things:

1) Now that the swing is applied to the roll/arp (awesome), would it be possible to have the swing parameter appear while on the arp screen?  I noticed that there is a blank spot under soft knob 2 where it would fit, assuming it's not too difficult to implement.  As it is now, you have to go back into 16 sounds mode to adjust the swing, then back into arp mode, which doesn't flow very well.

2)  In 16 sounds mode, the labels for the pads on the screen no longer change as I scroll through the folders using soft knob 3.  I could be misunderstanding what I read, but I thought the labels would now accurately reflect which sound folder you're in at all times.

Very happy to see this update though.  Just having swing on the arp is a huge improvement (haven't dug too much farther than that yet).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on June 29, 2016, 02:45:22 AM
You have to hold shift in order for the folder option to appear.
2)  In 16 sounds mode, the labels for the pads on the screen no longer change as I scroll through the folders using soft knob 3.  I could be misunderstanding what I read, but I thought the labels would now accurately reflect which sound folder you're in at all times.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on June 30, 2016, 02:10:35 AM
Hey Guys, maybe I'm misunderstanding this bug fix:

"31: Pressure mod source for sliders is bipolar, should only be unipolar". 

I'm still finding that when using slider pressure for NoteFX (osc pitch is the best one to demonstrate) the pitch rises as you increase pressure, until it reaches a point where it drops (kind of "wraps around").  If you then apply still more pressure it continues to rise again.  Is this what was meant by "bipolar" ?  If so, it doesn't appear to be fixed and in any case, there is still a bug with the pressure on all 4 sliders, I believe.  If memory serves it's not an issue when slider pressure is used in Mod Paths, it's only an issue with NoteFX.  J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: darmanmerdeka on June 30, 2016, 08:15:22 AM
Looks like its a bug. When i save my composition ( lets say ) in project 1 than scroll through other project and back to project 1, i found my composition have a duplication and several time i scroll through other project and back again to project 1 the duplication is not there but if i keep scrolling, the duplication is there again.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on June 30, 2016, 09:52:25 AM
Yes, sorry about that. That bug had been fixed but somehow got unfixed shortly before the beta was released. It is on our list of things to correct, and affects slider pressure on both Note FX and Beat FX.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on July 01, 2016, 04:04:37 AM
Thanks for that Roger.  Another important note: last time I checked, the slide pressure doesn't work at all on sliders 2 to 4 if slider mode is set to real-time.  Works for all 4 if set to step though.  J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 01, 2016, 09:19:41 AM
I found a folders bug..This happens for example if you have more than one beats saved in Factory-Beats 1-Beats 2 folders.Hit save/load->Load file->Beat->Turn soft knob 2 to see your Beats 1 folder->Turn again to see beats 2 folder->Turn back to Beats 1 folder...ooops duplicate->Turn to Factory and back to Beats 1...duplicate's gone...
Also i'd like to mention a screen lag when turning fast soft knob 2 (folder) if you're in Sound (type).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 01, 2016, 12:55:00 PM
I found a folders bug..This happens for example if you have more than one beats saved in Factory-Beats 1-Beats 2 folders.Hit save/load->Load file->Beat->Turn soft knob 2 to see your Beats 1 folder->Turn again to see beats 2 folder->Turn back to Beats 1 folder...ooops duplicate->Turn to Factory and back to Beats 1...duplicate's gone...
Also i'd like to mention a screen lag when turning fast soft knob 2 (folder) if you're in Sound (type).
Hi Yorgos--
I just tried your steps and wasn't able to reproduce the problem. I saved 2 beat files each in the beat folders Factory, Beats1 and Beats2 (all different files), then hit Save/Load > Load File > Beat, then changed between those 3 beat folders and couldn't get a duplicate file to appear. Is there anything else you can tell me to reproduce it?
Regarding the screen lag, I'm afraid that's an artifact of the alphabetization and unfortunately can't be improved.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 01, 2016, 01:10:59 PM
Thanks for that Roger.  Another important note: last time I checked, the slide pressure doesn't work at all on sliders 2 to 4 if slider mode is set to real-time.  Works for all 4 if set to step though.  J :)
Hi soid--
What do you mean by "setting slider mode to real-time"? And you said the problem occurred the last time you checked; were you using this new beta version at that time?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 01, 2016, 04:34:28 PM
Hi Roger and thanks for your quick reply & support,
I've attached a video of the bug to help you out.

Thanks for everything ;-)
I found a folders bug..This happens for example if you have more than one beats saved in Factory-Beats 1-Beats 2 folders.Hit save/load->Load file->Beat->Turn soft knob 2 to see your Beats 1 folder->Turn again to see beats 2 folder->Turn back to Beats 1 folder...ooops duplicate->Turn to Factory and back to Beats 1...duplicate's gone...
Also i'd like to mention a screen lag when turning fast soft knob 2 (folder) if you're in Sound (type).
Hi Yorgos--
I just tried your steps and wasn't able to reproduce the problem. I saved 2 beat files each in the beat folders Factory, Beats1 and Beats2 (all different files), then hit Save/Load > Load File > Beat, then changed between those 3 beat folders and couldn't get a duplicate file to appear. Is there anything else you can tell me to reproduce it?
Regarding the screen lag, I'm afraid that's an artifact of the alphabetization and unfortunately can't be improved.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 01, 2016, 05:30:59 PM
I've attached a video of the bug to help you out.
Hi Yorgos--
Excellent! I was able to reproduce it:
Save 2 beat files to an empty Beat folder (or 2 project files to an empty project folder), delete one of them, then select "Load File" to view the folder contents. Notice that the remaining file appears twice and you can't select the second one. The problem remains until you turn power off then on. This problem exists for both Beat and Project files, but not for Sound files.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 01, 2016, 05:36:36 PM
Glad i helped!
I've attached a video of the bug to help you out.
Hi Yorgos--
Excellent! I was able to reproduce it:
Save 2 beat files to an empty Beat folder (or 2 project files to an empty project folder), delete one of them, then select "Load File" to view the folder contents. Notice that the remaining file appears twice and you can't select the second one. The problem remains until you turn power off then on. This problem exists for both Beat and Project files, but not for Sound files.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: blewis on July 01, 2016, 05:59:10 PM
<user deleted - I deleted a bug report here because it was user error I think - Leaving the next part>

<this next part is real I believe>

I also had something very puzzling happen - after I did something, I lost access to select the Mixer. The Pad and Sounds buttons would light up, but the screen would not switch to Mixer.  On this Project, I have found I can replicate the behavior by hitting Shift-Compressor knob turn to get me into the special compressor menu. Once I get there, I can never get back to the Mixer screen. I see a flash/flicker on the screen and then it returns to the compressor menu.

So I just replicated it with another Project not known to be "acting strange". Once I use Shift-Compressor knob turn, I can never get the Mix Screen - even if I load another Project. I have to power cycle to ever get a Mix screen again.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 01, 2016, 06:25:52 PM
Hi Blewis--

Sorry, I was unable to reproduce the "save project" problem by following your steps. When I do the same steps here and reload the project, the changed sound and "16 Tunings" settings both come back fine. Can you get the problem to happen if you start by loading one of the factory Projects?

Regarding the Mixer display problem, I was able to verify it here and have added it to our bug list-- thanks!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: blewis on July 01, 2016, 06:36:47 PM
Hi Blewis--

Sorry, I was unable to reproduce the "save project" problem by following your steps. When I do the same steps here and reload the project, the changed sound and "16 Tunings" settings both come back fine. Can you get the problem to happen if you start by loading one of the factory Projects?

Thanks for checking Roger. Embarrassingly, shortly after I posted the first part, I found my problem to be me getting confused about what Beat I was on after reloading the Project/Beat with the same Sound. I was hoping to erase it from history before anyone caught me. You're fast! 

Thanks for the hard work!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: blewis on July 02, 2016, 05:13:13 AM
I just thought I lost another Project of edits. I believe that the first time I try to save a Project, the Save menu is defaulting to the Factory folder - regardless of where the Project has been loaded from.  I believe this is a side effect of alphabetizing the Folder options.

At any rate, I've loaded a Project from my Projects1 folder, made a new beat. Save the Project (only really noticing the Project name is the same), turned of the machine, came back to the Projects1/<my project> and loaded it - where's my stuff?!  Turns out I unknowingly wrote it to the Factory folder of Projects.  Writing it to the Factory folder should have required some conscious intervention on my part, but I think Tempest defaulted to Factory for me.

I just repeated the behavior:

1) Load a Project from Projects1 Folder
2) Play a beat
3) Save/Load -> Save Project
4) The menu defaults to saving the Project in the Factory folder.  It should not do this. It should default to the Folder from which the Project was loaded.

One could argue that Factory is a fine default, like MacOS defaulting to save everything to your Documents folder by default, but I think the best option is to offer to save the Project to the Folder from whence it came.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 02, 2016, 08:07:23 AM
Some screen display related issues:

Mode/16 Beats:
Screen/Pads - Lower row of beats, when a beat pad is selected, the lowest row of pixels is not highlighted.

Mode/16 Sounds:
Screen/Pads - Lower row of sounds, when a sound pad is selected, the lowest row of pixels is not highlighted.

Mode/16 Mutes:
Screen/Mixer - When a pad is both selected and muted, the entire volume and pan graphics disappear.
Screen/Mixer - When a pad is muted, the horizontal line behind the pan marker disappears.
Screen/Mixer - GUI Feedback... This screen is very intuitive. A live sound is brightly lit. A muted sound is dimmed back.
Screen/Pads - GUI Feedback... This screen is not as intuitive and could benefit from functioning in a visually similar way to the Mixer screen. The names of the pads should be full brightness and full contrast when active. When muted, they should be dimmed back. For a good visual litmus test, mute a majority of the sounds and switch between the Pad screen and the Mixer screen. You'll see that the Mixer screen is more visually representative of your mute and active selections.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 03, 2016, 08:53:18 AM
I can also verify that there are problems with slider pressure. It seems to reach the max setting at about half pressure, then it goes off the charts in some other direction as you continue to add pressure. Was using Slider Pressure 2 on Sound FX with realtime slider behavior.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 03, 2016, 09:03:37 AM
I can also verify that there are problems with slider pressure. It seems to reach the max setting at about half pressure, then it goes off the charts in some other direction as you continue to add pressure. Was using Slider Pressure 2 on Sound FX with realtime slider behavior.
Yes, we're aware of that bug with slider pressure. Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 03, 2016, 11:17:13 AM
When in 16 Mutes mode there seems to be a slight inconsistency in behavior. I think it may be in relation to orienting most of the sound control parameters to control the entire beat, but a couple things struck me as odd.

On the Pads screen, you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) but it is not reflected graphically on the display (this could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen as I posted earlier). Also, It seems like it may still be of value on this screen to be able to use the "Mute", "Solo", and "Delay On" buttons, but they are inactive.

On the Mixer screen, things get a little thicker. You are able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) and it shows you that selected pad on the display, which is nice, but those same three "Mute", "Solo", and "Delay On" buttons are inactive, yet there is the ability to toggle the Mute and Solo features using the soft control knobs. Stranger yet, if you hit the "Delay On" button, it does not toggle the Delay feature of that sound, but it brings up the Delay related screen which gives you the ability to toggle the Delay feature using the soft control knob. It really seems to me that those 3 buttons which are just waiting to be used should be active on this screen. Further, when you imagine this scenario on this screen, it makes more sense to make it consistent and have it available on the "Pads" screen as well.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: stefanDSIT on July 03, 2016, 09:45:29 PM
Hello, today I updated to the new OS and something is not quite right. Something seems to be cutting off the low end of kik or sub sounds somewhat randomly. All of my sequences that I have listened to are problematic. I have no idea what happened. I tried to go back to the old OS and the problem still exists. I am at a total loss here. It does not make any sense to me at all. Anyone experience anything like this? Anybody have any suggestions on what I should do from here. I stupidly did not back up anything but it is still all there regardless, its just not working like it did before.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 04, 2016, 04:30:02 AM
Have you installed both main OS & voice OS?
Have you calibrated with all cabled unplugged?
Hello, today I updated to the new OS and something is not quite right. Something seems to be cutting off the low end of kik or sub sounds somewhat randomly. All of my sequences that I have listened to are problematic. I have no idea what happened. I tried to go back to the old OS and the problem still exists. I am at a total loss here. It does not make any sense to me at all. Anyone experience anything like this? Anybody have any suggestions on what I should do from here. I stupidly did not back up anything but it is still all there regardless, its just not working like it did before.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on July 04, 2016, 06:40:42 AM
Thanks for that Roger.  Another important note: last time I checked, the slide pressure doesn't work at all on sliders 2 to 4 if slider mode is set to real-time.  Works for all 4 if set to step though.  J :)
Hi soid--
What do you mean by "setting slider mode to real-time"? And you said the problem occurred the last time you checked; were you using this new beta version at that time?

Hi Roger, the sliders real-time setting is in the System menu, I'll double check which category when I get home but shouldn't be too tricky to locate it in there.  I'll get back to you on the other query shortly.  J :) 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: KJF on July 04, 2016, 07:46:07 AM
Hello! :)

Found a couple of teeny things after installation and calibration:

1: For my projects that utilise the Play List function: In the 'Screens' section, if the 'Play List' and 'Events' buttons are highlighted and the track is in play mode, the soft knobs above the menu screen (Step/Beat/Bars/End) are no longer operable, whereas they are in the previous OS. If the track isn't playing, they still function normally- it's just in play mode that they don't wanna play ball any more.

2: My MIDI triggers now also fire a drum kick sound. (Apologies if this is just me being a doughnut and forgetting something simple here...) My 'MIDI Sequencer Sound' is set to Sound B1. Using the previous OS, the Tempest just triggers the associated sample on my Roland SP 404 SX. Lovely job. Using the updated OS, the Tempest triggers the sample fine too, but also plays one hit of a kick drum at the same time. This happens on every track with a MIDI trigger. I tested deleting the project and re-importing it, just in case it made a difference to load in tracks after installing the latest OS, but the same thing occurs.

Hope that makes sense! Still my favourite machine, no contest.

K xx
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: stefanDSIT on July 04, 2016, 10:03:04 AM
Have you installed both main OS & voice OS?
Have you calibrated with all cabled unplugged?

Yes I did both. I did not run into any problems during the installation or calibration.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: stefanDSIT on July 04, 2016, 10:36:38 AM
Have you installed both main OS & voice OS?
Have you calibrated with all cabled unplugged?

Yes I did both. I did not run into any problems during the installation or calibration.

I calibrated a second time with the older OS and now it seems to be back to normal. Thanks.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on July 04, 2016, 10:56:40 AM
Hello! :)

Found a couple of teeny things after installation and calibration:

1: For my projects that utilise the Play List function: In the 'Screens' section, if the 'Play List' and 'Events' buttons are highlighted and the track is in play mode, the soft knobs above the menu screen (Step/Beat/Bars/End) are no longer operable, whereas they are in the previous OS. If the track isn't playing, they still function normally- it's just in play mode that they don't wanna play ball any more.

2: My MIDI triggers now also fire a drum kick sound. (Apologies if this is just me being a doughnut and forgetting something simple here...) My 'MIDI Sequencer Sound' is set to Sound B1. Using the previous OS, the Tempest just triggers the associated sample on my Roland SP 404 SX. Lovely job. Using the updated OS, the Tempest triggers the sample fine too, but also plays one hit of a kick drum at the same time. This happens on every track with a MIDI trigger. I tested deleting the project and re-importing it, just in case it made a difference to load in tracks after installing the latest OS, but the same thing occurs.

Hope that makes sense! Still my favourite machine, no contest.

K xx

Both are by design, if you read the release notes (wink).  Real-time editing of the 'Playlist' with the sequencer running was causing crashes: now disabled.  And the MIDI  Sequencer-out Sound was never supposed to mute the internal sound on its assigned pad: now fixed.  Simply turn off the oscillators for the sound on that pad if you only want to hear the external sound, or now you have the option of layering both if you so choose.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: HT on July 04, 2016, 01:32:32 PM
 +/- Octave text is missing.

Select a sound.
Select 16 Tunings.
Pad screen.

Press Roll and the  +/- Octave text isn't there although the soft knob 2 still changes Octaves.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on July 04, 2016, 02:36:00 PM
Thanks for that Roger.  Another important note: last time I checked, the slide pressure doesn't work at all on sliders 2 to 4 if slider mode is set to real-time.  Works for all 4 if set to step though.  J :)
Hi soid--
What do you mean by "setting slider mode to real-time"? And you said the problem occurred the last time you checked; were you using this new beta version at that time?

Hi Roger,

Just to clarify, 'Sounds slider mode' is item 2 in the System > UI Preferences menu.  Using the settings under that menu item. you will see that the latest beta release still demonstrates that slider 2 to 4 pressure is not working in 'Realtime', but is working in 'step' (bipolar behaviour aside).

Hope this helps and looking forward to the next update!

Peace out to the Linn posse,

J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 05, 2016, 02:11:45 PM
I just thought I lost another Project of edits. I believe that the first time I try to save a Project, the Save menu is defaulting to the Factory folder - regardless of where the Project has been loaded from.  I believe this is a side effect of alphabetizing the Folder options.

At any rate, I've loaded a Project from my Projects1 folder, made a new beat. Save the Project (only really noticing the Project name is the same), turned of the machine, came back to the Projects1/<my project> and loaded it - where's my stuff?!  Turns out I unknowingly wrote it to the Factory folder of Projects.  Writing it to the Factory folder should have required some conscious intervention on my part, but I think Tempest defaulted to Factory for me.

I just repeated the behavior:

1) Load a Project from Projects1 Folder
2) Play a beat
3) Save/Load -> Save Project
4) The menu defaults to saving the Project in the Factory folder.  It should not do this. It should default to the Folder from which the Project was loaded.

One could argue that Factory is a fine default, like MacOS defaulting to save everything to your Documents folder by default, but I think the best option is to offer to save the Project to the Folder from whence it came.
Hi Blewis--
I just tested that and you have found a bug: if you load a project from a folder other than "Factory" then save a Project, the Save Project screen will default to "Factory" instead of the last-saved or last-loaded Project folder as it should. Thank you for finding this and I have added it to our internal bug list. This should have been fixed as part of our fix for petition bug #8. Tempest does remember last-saved or loaded Sound and Beat folders, and remembers the last-saved Project folder, but we apparently missed remembering the last-loaded Project folder.

However, I'm sorry to report that if you turn power off and on, new saves will once again default to the Factory folder. The memory of the last-saved or last-loaded folder is lost when you turn power off.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 05, 2016, 02:55:59 PM
Some screen display related issues:

Mode/16 Beats:
Screen/Pads - Lower row of beats, when a beat pad is selected, the lowest row of pixels is not highlighted.

Mode/16 Sounds:
Screen/Pads - Lower row of sounds, when a sound pad is selected, the lowest row of pixels is not highlighted.

Mode/16 Mutes:
Screen/Mixer - When a pad is both selected and muted, the entire volume and pan graphics disappear.
RL: Yes, that is intentional. I feel that it is a good way to indicate that the sound is muted.

Screen/Mixer - When a pad is muted, the horizontal line behind the pan marker disappears.
Screen/Mixer - GUI Feedback... This screen is very intuitive. A live sound is brightly lit. A muted sound is dimmed back.
Screen/Pads - GUI Feedback... This screen is not as intuitive and could benefit from functioning in a visually similar way to the Mixer screen. The names of the pads should be full brightness and full contrast when active. When muted, they should be dimmed back. For a good visual litmus test, mute a majority of the sounds and switch between the Pad screen and the Mixer screen. You'll see that the Mixer screen is more visually representative of your mute and active selections.
RL: You make a good point and I agree that it would be more consistent with other screen for the 16 Mutes/Pads screen to appear the same as the 16 Sounds/Pads screen when all 16 sounds are on, with the selected sound pad having the normal grey background. Then muting a sound pad would dim the text of the Sound Type. I'll add it to our list and thank you for your suggestion.
Hi Stoss--
Thank you for the feedback. The perfectionist in me would love to see every pixel in Tempest's screens be perfect, but given the many other priorities that Tempests owners want, the truth is that those other priorities will likely win out. I have inserted some responses above.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on July 05, 2016, 03:04:59 PM
I can't update until my next string of live shows are finished but can anyone confirm if the "Tempest starting one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes" bug has been fixed? This bug always got lumped in with the "drift" one on the petition / in discussion and thought Roger acknowledged it's existence (that's his quote), I haven't seen it listed as something that was fixed - or that it's even on the official list.

Thank you! I'm really excited at all the progress being made :)

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 05, 2016, 03:07:19 PM
When in 16 Mutes mode there seems to be a slight inconsistency in behavior. I think it may be in relation to orienting most of the sound control parameters to control the entire beat, but a couple things struck me as odd.

On the Pads screen, you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) but it is not reflected graphically on the display (this could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen as I posted earlier).
RL: I agree. This would be fixed by implementing the suggestion in your previous post regarding the 16 Mutes/Pads screen, which I have added to our internal bug list.

Also, It seems like it may still be of value on this screen to be able to use the "Mute", "Solo", and "Delay On" buttons, but they are inactive.
RL: I agree. I've added this to our list. Thank you.

On the Mixer screen, things get a little thicker. You are able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) and it shows you that selected pad on the display, which is nice, but those same three "Mute", "Solo", and "Delay On" buttons are inactive, yet there is the ability to toggle the Mute and Solo features using the soft control knobs. Stranger yet, if you hit the "Delay On" button, it does not toggle the Delay feature of that sound, but it brings up the Delay related screen which gives you the ability to toggle the Delay feature using the soft control knob. It really seems to me that those 3 buttons which are just waiting to be used should be active on this screen. Further, when you imagine this scenario on this screen, it makes more sense to make it consistent and have it available on the "Pads" screen as well.
RL: I agree. The Mute/Solo/Delay buttons should perform their functions in both the 16 Mutes/Pads and 16 Mutes/Mixer screen. I have added this to our bug list and I thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Hi Stoss--
Please see my comments above, and thank you for your suggestions.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on July 05, 2016, 04:06:16 PM
I can't update until my next string of live shows are finished but can anyone confirm if the "Tempest starting one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes" bug has been fixed? This bug always got lumped in with the "drift" one on the petition / in discussion and thought Roger acknowledged it's existence (that's his quote), I haven't seen it listed as something that was fixed - or that it's even on the official list.

Thank you! I'm really excited at all the progress being made :)

Hi Trevor,

Start timing was still an issue when I tested this beta before its release.  It has been discussed though, and it is on the more comprehensive bug-list that we've compiled from the petition, DSI's internal documents, and any problems discovered during beta testing.  It's my understanding that it's a slightly more invasive fix, hence why it didn't make this first beta release; but as far as I know the intention is to fix it eventually if possible.  To that end, only Roger can really speak to this, so take that with a grain of salt as they say (grin).

At any rate, this beta is more than stable enough to play-out live with if you so choose.  In fact, I just finished a short tour with it myself.  In many ways, it's far more stable than OS 1.4.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 05, 2016, 04:13:00 PM
Thanks for that Roger.  Another important note: last time I checked, the slide pressure doesn't work at all on sliders 2 to 4 if slider mode is set to real-time.  Works for all 4 if set to step though.  J :)
Hi soid--
What do you mean by "setting slider mode to real-time"? And you said the problem occurred the last time you checked; were you using this new beta version at that time?

Hi Roger, the sliders real-time setting is in the System menu, I'll double check which category when I get home but shouldn't be too tricky to locate it in there.  I'll get back to you on the other query shortly.  J :)
I was able to repeat it here. If System > UI Preferences > Sound Slider Mode = Realtime, only FX1 Slider is affected. FX2/3/4 sliders are always "Step" regardless of this parameter setting. I've added it to our list. Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 05, 2016, 04:28:16 PM
Hello! :)

Found a couple of teeny things after installation and calibration:

1: For my projects that utilise the Play List function: In the 'Screens' section, if the 'Play List' and 'Events' buttons are highlighted and the track is in play mode, the soft knobs above the menu screen (Step/Beat/Bars/End) are no longer operable, whereas they are in the previous OS. If the track isn't playing, they still function normally- it's just in play mode that they don't wanna play ball any more.

RL: Yes, that is how we fixed petition bug #12 "The Playlist crash bug..." We should have never permitted editing a playlist while it is playing because the required recalculation in the middle of a playlist is what caused the bug. This is explained in my post following DSI's post containing the download, in which I explain how each of the petition bugs was fixed or not fixed in version

2: My MIDI triggers now also fire a drum kick sound. (Apologies if this is just me being a doughnut and forgetting something simple here...) My 'MIDI Sequencer Sound' is set to Sound B1. Using the previous OS, the Tempest just triggers the associated sample on my Roland SP 404 SX. Lovely job. Using the updated OS, the Tempest triggers the sample fine too, but also plays one hit of a kick drum at the same time. This happens on every track with a MIDI trigger. I tested deleting the project and re-importing it, just in case it made a difference to load in tracks after installing the latest OS, but the same thing occurs.

RL: Yes, this was the requested fix for petition bug#3: "MIDI Sequencer Sound prevents the corresponding internal sound from triggering". To fix this, now when you set the System > MIDI Poly Keyboard Play screen so that MIDI Note messages are sent in response to playing sound pads live or from sequences, the pad's internal sound will no longer be disabled. However, you can manually mute the internal sound, so you can now have it both ways.

Hope that makes sense! Still my favourite machine, no contest.

K xx
Hi KJF--
Please see my responses inserted in your post above.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 05, 2016, 04:33:36 PM
+/- Octave text is missing.

Select a sound.
Select 16 Tunings.
Pad screen.

Press Roll and the  +/- Octave text isn't there although the soft knob 2 still changes Octaves.
Hi HT--
You've found a new bug-- thank you. I've added it to our internal bug list.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 05, 2016, 04:47:13 PM
I can't update until my next string of live shows are finished but can anyone confirm if the "Tempest starting one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes" bug has been fixed? This bug always got lumped in with the "drift" one on the petition / in discussion and thought Roger acknowledged it's existence (that's his quote), I haven't seen it listed as something that was fixed - or that it's even on the official list.

Thank you! I'm really excited at all the progress being made :)
Hi Trevor--
I'm sorry to report that the bug "Slaving to external MIDI Clock causes Tempest to play either in sync or one clock early, depending on sync source conditions and Tempest settings" is not yet fixed.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on July 05, 2016, 05:06:03 PM
Thanks for the response Roger (and for being so communicative in general).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 05, 2016, 06:41:30 PM
I will be more thoroughly testing some use case scenarios which include the use of external MIDI gear.

The first is using a Roland SPD-SX to remotely trigger Tempest pads for both live performance as well as live sequence recording. I use this setup all the time and it is my primary need. I will test this in the coming days.

The second is using a MIDI Din connected keyboard to control a synth based pad (for bass and lead lines). At the same time, that same pad will be routed via MIDI to an external synth. This arrangement should allow you to control the internal sounds of the Tempest and the sounds of an external device simultaneously. You should be able to play both from either the external keyboard or the pads of the Tempest. This is a setup which seems logical given the available features, but has never really worked well enough for me to take advantage of it. I have tested it briefly and found a number of issues right away:

1) External keyboard pitchbend does not work by default. The official list of fixes seems to indicate that this is intentional, and should be set using mod paths. It was working before, but only on analog OSC 1 & 2. Disabling it for all OSC instead of fixing the digital OSC 3 & 4 seems like a strange way to fix the problem.

2) Unless I’m missing something, choosing intervals (Octave, Fifth, etc.) for the range of your pitchbend seems difficult in terms of + or - 127 as it is available in mod paths.

3) Designating a mod path to control pitchbend skews the original value of the pitch being played on the keys of the external keyboard (while the pitchbend wheel is NOT in use). The greater the value of pitchbend set in the mod path, the further it skews the original pitch of each key on the keyboard.

4) Playing notes on the external keyboard only plays notes on the internal Tempest sound and not the external synth. You can see how in this scenario sending that MIDI data through to the external synth would be highly valuable.

5) Playing the internal and external synth using the Roll/Arp feature plays only the internal sounds using the Roll/Arp and plays the external synth using the action of the pad being pressed. The external synth will only play the Roll/Arp after it has been recorded and it then is played by the sequencer.

These are just some early findings. I will test this more thoroughly soon. In any case, you can see how some of these are bugs and some are user expected behavior. I’m guessing that the reaction to most of this will be centered around the Tempest being a drum machine first and foremost… but if that is the case, I think it would be helpful to have a good explanation for why Polyphonic MIDI Keyboard control and note based external MIDI sequencing are included. I would really love to use the Tempest in the manner described above.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 05, 2016, 07:00:29 PM
Also... In case I haven't been clear enough in some of my other posts (maybe on the old forum)... Roger... You are the absolute best. The Tempest is an extension of how I perform. I love it so much. Your genuine care for the people involved and the topics being discussed has left a permanent impression on me. Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Steven Morris on July 06, 2016, 01:07:05 AM
A couple of ongoing things:

1. The accent is nearly nonexistent in the click
After each update, it seems to have become more and more infrequent, and now I think I heard it once after playing with the Tempest for a couple of hours.

2. Sustained notes don't sustain indefinitely
If I hold a pad down for 8 bars and record it, it will not last 8 bars. In my test today, it lasted until the end of measure 3.1. This is with no other voices happening. I haven't tested this with the voice outs yet. I understand this is a drum machine, but it would be a nice feature because it would allow for hi-strings and/or ambient soundscapes.

I know both of these things are super minor, I just thought I'd report them anyways.

Thanks for all of the good work on the Tempest lately!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 06, 2016, 03:32:40 PM
I will be more thoroughly testing some use case scenarios which include the use of external MIDI gear.

The first is using a Roland SPD-SX to remotely trigger Tempest pads for both live performance as well as live sequence recording. I use this setup all the time and it is my primary need. I will test this in the coming days.

The second is using a MIDI Din connected keyboard to control a synth based pad (for bass and lead lines). At the same time, that same pad will be routed via MIDI to an external synth. This arrangement should allow you to control the internal sounds of the Tempest and the sounds of an external device simultaneously. You should be able to play both from either the external keyboard or the pads of the Tempest. This is a setup which seems logical given the available features, but has never really worked well enough for me to take advantage of it. I have tested it briefly and found a number of issues right away:

1) External keyboard pitchbend does not work by default. The official list of fixes seems to indicate that this is intentional, and should be set using mod paths. It was working before, but only on analog OSC 1 & 2. Disabling it for all OSC instead of fixing the digital OSC 3 & 4 seems like a strange way to fix the problem.

2) Unless I’m missing something, choosing intervals (Octave, Fifth, etc.) for the range of your pitchbend seems difficult in terms of + or - 127 as it is available in mod paths.

3) Designating a mod path to control pitchbend skews the original value of the pitch being played on the keys of the external keyboard (while the pitchbend wheel is NOT in use). The greater the value of pitchbend set in the mod path, the further it skews the original pitch of each key on the keyboard.

RL: This one answers your points 1, 2 and 3. Pitch Bend Range is set in the Pitchbend Amt field, located in the last page of the Sounds pages. (Pad Function = 16 Sounds and Screens = Sounds, then press Page Down repeatedly until last page.) By default, this is enabled and set to +/- 2 semitones when you create a new Sound, Beat or Project.

4) Playing notes on the external keyboard only plays notes on the internal Tempest sound and not the external synth. You can see how in this scenario sending that MIDI data through to the external synth would be highly valuable.

RL: As you guessed below, my answer is that you are asking for a feature of a sequencer but Tempest is a drum machine. While your request and many other sequencing-related requests would certainly be useful, I prefer to focus on making Tempest the best drum machine it can be, rather than try to make it into something it was not designed for. Please also see below for a fuller explanation. I hope you understand.

5) Playing the internal and external synth using the Roll/Arp feature plays only the internal sounds using the Roll/Arp and plays the external synth using the action of the pad being pressed. The external synth will only play the Roll/Arp after it has been recorded and it then is played by the sequencer.

RL: I agree that given Tempest's ability to play a remote synth from the sound pads, it makes sense for the MIDI messages sent out to reflect the settings of the Arpeggiator/Roll. This is on our internal list and I thank you for letting me know.

These are just some early findings. I will test this more thoroughly soon. In any case, you can see how some of these are bugs and some are user expected behavior. I’m guessing that the reaction to most of this will be centered around the Tempest being a drum machine first and foremost… but if that is the case, I think it would be helpful to have a good explanation for why Polyphonic MIDI Keyboard control and note based external MIDI sequencing are included. I would really love to use the Tempest in the manner described above.

RL: That is certainly a valid question. Yes, polyphonic MIDI keyboard play is included because 1) pitched play from an external MIDI keyboard is a common feature in drum machines, 2) Tempest's voices are highly capable keyboard voices from a company that mainly makes keyboards, and 3) restricting external play to only one of Tempest's voices (monophonic) leaving the other 5 voices idle would have been unreasonably limiting. And yes, we also included external MIDI control of the sound pads while recording simple monophonic pitched lines (recording only Note On and Note Off messages), because it is merely an extension of the "16 Tunings" feature. However, a MIDI sequencer is very different, with sequencing features like multiple tracks, polyphonic recording, recording or editing of continuous events like Pitch Bend or CCs, lots of sequencer-focused editing and routing features, and also requiring quite a bit more RAM, CPU power and cost. From the beginning Tempest was never intended to be a MIDI sequencer like my MPC products but rather a very capable analog drum machine that is focused on live performance. I hope you understand.
Hi Stoss,
Thank you for your post, as well as for your kind words in your subsequent post. Please see my responses inserted after each of the points you raised above.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 06, 2016, 03:46:41 PM
A couple of ongoing things:

1. The accent is nearly nonexistent in the click
After each update, it seems to have become more and more infrequent, and now I think I heard it once after playing with the Tempest for a couple of hours.

RL: Yes, I find that particularly bothersome. It is on our list.

2. Sustained notes don't sustain indefinitely
If I hold a pad down for 8 bars and record it, it will not last 8 bars. In my test today, it lasted until the end of measure 3.1. This is with no other voices happening. I haven't tested this with the voice outs yet. I understand this is a drum machine, but it would be a nice feature because it would allow for hi-strings and/or ambient soundscapes.

RL: I'm sorry to report that, given Tempest's focus as a drum machine and not a MIDI sequencer, it internal uses only 8 bits to store each note's duration, which limits durations to 255 ticks of 24ppq each, which works out to about 2-1/2 bars of 4/4. However, we are aware of a related bug: if you record in real-time a duration that exceeds that maximum, the resulting recorded duration will be the actual duration minus 255 (or 2x or 3x 255 if the recorded value was higher). For example, if you record a duration of 3 bars of 4/4 (3 x 96 ticks = 288), the recorded event will contain a duration value of 288 - 255 = 33 ticks. Ouch. Also, editing the note's duration value in the Beat Events screen limits the maximum value to 192, instead of the correct maximum of 255. Both of these are on our bug list.

I know both of these things are super minor, I just thought I'd report them anyways.

RL: And I appreciate it. :)

Thanks for all of the good work on the Tempest lately!
Hi Steve,
Thank you for the bug report. Please see my responses inserted above.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 06, 2016, 06:34:40 PM
From the beginning Tempest was never intended to be a MIDI sequencer like my MPC products but rather a very capable analog drum machine that is focused on live performance. I hope you understand.
I understand, though some original design specs and other additions to the software definitely point to live performance and sequencing intent that extends beyond just drum related sounds.

I'd like to point out that this item may indeed be a bug that needs testing:
3) Designating a mod path to control pitchbend skews the original value of the pitch being played on the keys of the external keyboard (while the pitchbend wheel is NOT in use). The greater the value of pitchbend set in the mod path, the further it skews the original pitch of each key on the keyboard.

Thanks for everything you are doing Roger!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Jan Schultink on July 07, 2016, 09:15:48 AM
All your efforts are greatly appreciated Roger
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 07, 2016, 11:34:15 AM
I'd like to point out that this item may indeed be a bug that needs testing:
3) Designating a mod path to control pitchbend skews the original value of the pitch being played on the keys of the external keyboard (while the pitchbend wheel is NOT in use). The greater the value of pitchbend set in the mod path, the further it skews the original pitch of each key on the keyboard.
I just tested it here and unfortunately found no such problem. In Mod Paths, I have Source = MIDI Pitch Bend and Destination = Osc All Freq and find no pitch change (with pitch wheel in resting center position) regardless of Amount setting, yet pitch is correctly increased with received positive bend values and decreased with received negative bend values. Note that I also have Pitchbend Amt (in the last Sounds screen) set to zero so as not to use Pitch Bend modulation twice. What are you doing differently that causes this bug to occur?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 07, 2016, 04:54:20 PM
I'd like to point out that this item may indeed be a bug that needs testing:
3) Designating a mod path to control pitchbend skews the original value of the pitch being played on the keys of the external keyboard (while the pitchbend wheel is NOT in use). The greater the value of pitchbend set in the mod path, the further it skews the original pitch of each key on the keyboard.
I just tested it here and unfortunately found no such problem. In Mod Paths, I have Source = MIDI Pitch Bend and Destination = Osc All Freq and find no pitch change (with pitch wheel in resting center position) regardless of Amount setting, yet pitch is correctly increased with received positive bend values and decreased with received negative bend values. Note that I also have Pitchbend Amt (in the last Sounds screen) set to zero so as not to use Pitch Bend modulation twice. What are you doing differently that causes this bug to occur?

I tried this out pretty quickly using my brother's MIDI setup last weekend. I just moved and did not have access to my MIDI controllers. Yesterday I grabbed all of my gear so now I'll be able to work through some of these things a little better. I'll try to recreate what happened and report back to you. If I find nothing, I'll go back to my brother's setup and see if it was the specific controller that was the problem.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on July 08, 2016, 04:09:38 AM
I will second Stoss on a point. Since tempest lack a midi through hardware output, a merged midi out + midi through mode option for the hardware din midi out would be of great value for using tempest as a drum machine working with other gear.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 08, 2016, 01:21:13 PM
I will second Stoss on a point. Since tempest lack a midi through hardware output, a merged midi out + midi through mode option for the hardware din midi out would be of great value for using tempest as a drum machine working with other gear.
I'm confused. If I'm not mistaken, Stoss was asking for a sequencer feature that is normally called "MIDI Echo", in which the selected track echoes its input from the MIDI keyboard back out to the track's assigned external MIDI synth. (Given that Tempest is not a traditional MIDI sequencer and has no tracks, he is presumably asking for an added parameter in the MIDI Poly Keyboard Play screen called something like "Echo input to output".) You've mentioned a different feature that is normally called "MIDI Soft Thru", in which a product without a MIDI Thru jack (like Tempest) has the ability to treat the MIDI Out like a MIDI Thru by having the CPU work to send all received MIDI messages to the MIDI Out port. This is normally implemented in synths; for example, a computer/sequencer would send the various tracks of MIDI data to a number of synths connected in a daisy-chain arrangement, each with MIDI Soft Thru enabled. Which feature are you asking for? My guess is that you'll say "Both". :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 08, 2016, 09:12:39 PM
I'd like to point out that this item may indeed be a bug that needs testing:
3) Designating a mod path to control pitchbend skews the original value of the pitch being played on the keys of the external keyboard (while the pitchbend wheel is NOT in use). The greater the value of pitchbend set in the mod path, the further it skews the original pitch of each key on the keyboard.
I just tested it here and unfortunately found no such problem. In Mod Paths, I have Source = MIDI Pitch Bend and Destination = Osc All Freq and find no pitch change (with pitch wheel in resting center position) regardless of Amount setting, yet pitch is correctly increased with received positive bend values and decreased with received negative bend values. Note that I also have Pitchbend Amt (in the last Sounds screen) set to zero so as not to use Pitch Bend modulation twice. What are you doing differently that causes this bug to occur?
I just tried this again with my CME Xkeys37. I could not reproduce this problem. I wonder if the other keyboard I was using had a problem with the pitchbend wheel not being set to zero for some reason. That would be a decent explanation for the problem I was seeing. Consider this not a bug. Sorry for the wasted time and energy.  :-[
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 08, 2016, 09:20:20 PM
I was able to further test the pitchbend function controlled by an external keyboard via MIDI din. It still appears that setting pitchbend using the "PITCHBEND AMT" setting still only adjusts the analog OSC 1 & 2 and does not adjust the digital OSC 3 & 4. This is a bug and affects any bass or lead sounds that utilize the digital OSC which you would like to have pitch based bending controlled by an external keyboard.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 09, 2016, 04:29:21 PM
Snd: Juno Subsquare (From one of the presets)
Mod1: MIDI Pitch Bend / 24 / OSC All Freq
Mod2: MIDI Mod Wheel / 40 / Lowpass Filter

Using an external MIDI keyboard (Xkeys37) I record a simple bass part (on B1) into the sequencer while the Tempest is playing a beat. All records fine. I continue to let the beat and new baseline play and turn OFF the recording. I mess with the sound of the bass line by using the FX sliders. All is good and since I am not recording, nothing happens to the recorded part. I use the Mod Wheel to mess with the sound. Strangely, the Tempest now seems to somehow record or remember some of the Mod Wheel changes. The lowpass settings jump around as the beat plays. I have done nothing to try to record this and it doesn't really behave in a way I would like. I erase the part and record something new. The notes recorded in are what I played, but the screwed up nature of the lowpass continues as it had before. The only way to remove the behavior is to power cycle the Tempest. So I did. I set it up as before but only set Mod1 to control the lowpass filter using the Mod Wheel. This time after I recorded the bassline in, I tried messing with the Mod Wheel again with Rec OFF. I only touch the Mod Wheel for a split second. The strange behavior started happening again and wouldn't stop. Another power cycle fixed the problem.

Hoping this is a reproducible bug and not my Tempest behaving wildly out of control!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 09, 2016, 04:50:52 PM
I just tried some additional testing using a M-Audio Axiom 25. First I set only the PITCHBEND AMT to an Octave. I recorded the bassline then attempted messing with the Pitch using the Pitchbend wheel on the keyboard as the part played with recording set to OFF. Now the pitch of not only the bass part on B1 is jumping around, but also a prerecorded part on B6. Some strange behavior.

Just tested the same Mod1 set to control Lowpass Filter using Mod Wheel on the M-Audio. Same problem as the Xkeys37 as mentioned above.

EDIT: Same behavior confirmed on a totally separate Project / Beat / Sound.

EDIT: I was able to get both the Pitch Bend Wheel and Mod Wheel to screw up multiple pads as described above. I was then able to reset those problems without power cycling the Tempest. I stopped the beat. Played notes on the external keyboard while messing with the Mod Wheel and Pitchbend Wheel making sure to let them come back to normal while still playing a note on the keyboard. Playing the beat and recorded lines then returned to normal.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on July 10, 2016, 07:25:23 PM
I'm confused. If I'm not mistaken, Stoss was asking for a sequencer feature that is normally called "MIDI Echo", in which the selected track echoes its input from the MIDI keyboard back out to the track's assigned external MIDI synth. (Given that Tempest is not a traditional MIDI sequencer and has no tracks, he is presumably asking for an added parameter in the MIDI Poly Keyboard Play screen called something like "Echo input to output".) You've mentioned a different feature that is normally called "MIDI Soft Thru", in which a product without a MIDI Thru jack (like Tempest) has the ability to treat the MIDI Out like a MIDI Thru by having the CPU work to send all received MIDI messages to the MIDI Out port. This is normally implemented in synths; for example, a computer/sequencer would send the various tracks of MIDI data to a number of synths connected in a daisy-chain arrangement, each with MIDI Soft Thru enabled. Which feature are you asking for? My guess is that you'll say "Both". :)
i see. thanks for the explanation. i'm asking for the MIDI soft Thru, i though that feature would solve the problem for Stoss as with it enabled he would be able to do what he wants.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 10, 2016, 07:40:15 PM
I'm confused. If I'm not mistaken, Stoss was asking for a sequencer feature that is normally called "MIDI Echo", in which the selected track echoes its input from the MIDI keyboard back out to the track's assigned external MIDI synth. (Given that Tempest is not a traditional MIDI sequencer and has no tracks, he is presumably asking for an added parameter in the MIDI Poly Keyboard Play screen called something like "Echo input to output".) You've mentioned a different feature that is normally called "MIDI Soft Thru", in which a product without a MIDI Thru jack (like Tempest) has the ability to treat the MIDI Out like a MIDI Thru by having the CPU work to send all received MIDI messages to the MIDI Out port. This is normally implemented in synths; for example, a computer/sequencer would send the various tracks of MIDI data to a number of synths connected in a daisy-chain arrangement, each with MIDI Soft Thru enabled. Which feature are you asking for? My guess is that you'll say "Both". :)
i see. thanks for the explanation. i'm asking for the MIDI soft Thru, i though that feature would solve the problem for Stoss as with it enabled he would be able to do what he wants.

To be clear, I'm not intentionally trying to make a feature request, I'm merely trying to put the Tempest through some different use case scenarios to find potential bugs as well as behavior which is unintuitive, or not what the average user would expect. In the past many quirks were described as "expected behavior" from a programming perspective. I am trying to offer up "expected behavior" from a user perspective for consideration. Roger has been very fair in this regard, while being respectful of the limitations of the equipment, which is understandable.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 11, 2016, 04:26:38 PM
I was able to further test the pitchbend function controlled by an external keyboard via MIDI din. It still appears that setting pitchbend using the "PITCHBEND AMT" setting still only adjusts the analog OSC 1 & 2 and does not adjust the digital OSC 3 & 4. This is a bug and affects any bass or lead sounds that utilize the digital OSC which you would like to have pitch based bending controlled by an external keyboard.
Hi Stoss,
It tested it and it turns out that Pitch Bend is working for OSC3 & 4, but it's only bending 1/4 the amount set in the Pitchbend Amt parameter (in the last Sounds screen). For example, if set to 1 Octave, then moving a Bend wheel all the way forward bends 3 semitones. Thank you for helping me find this bug, which I have added to our bug list. Note that Bend Range does work correctly for OSC3 & 4 in the Mod Paths screen. (A Mod Amount of 24 = 1 octave for all 4 oscillators.)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 11, 2016, 04:47:50 PM
Snd: Juno Subsquare (From one of the presets)
Mod1: MIDI Pitch Bend / 24 / OSC All Freq
Mod2: MIDI Mod Wheel / 40 / Lowpass Filter

Using an external MIDI keyboard (Xkeys37) I record a simple bass part (on B1) into the sequencer while the Tempest is playing a beat. All records fine. I continue to let the beat and new baseline play and turn OFF the recording. I mess with the sound of the bass line by using the FX sliders. All is good and since I am not recording, nothing happens to the recorded part. I use the Mod Wheel to mess with the sound. Strangely, the Tempest now seems to somehow record or remember some of the Mod Wheel changes. The lowpass settings jump around as the beat plays. I have done nothing to try to record this and it doesn't really behave in a way I would like. I erase the part and record something new. The notes recorded in are what I played, but the screwed up nature of the lowpass continues as it had before. The only way to remove the behavior is to power cycle the Tempest. So I did. I set it up as before but only set Mod1 to control the lowpass filter using the Mod Wheel. This time after I recorded the bassline in, I tried messing with the Mod Wheel again with Rec OFF. I only touch the Mod Wheel for a split second. The strange behavior started happening again and wouldn't stop. Another power cycle fixed the problem.

Hoping this is a reproducible bug and not my Tempest behaving wildly out of control!
Hi Stoss,
I don't quite understand why you describe this as a problem. At the top of your post, you state that the Mod Wheel is set to modulate Lowpass Filter (frequency), then you say that when you moved the Mod Wheel, the filter frequency changed, which is what you programmed it to do. Then you turn Tempest's power off and on, which clears the memory of the last received Mod Wheel value and its effect on the filter frequency. Then you recorded a new part, then "touched the Mod Wheel for a split second", which immediately sent a value proportional to the current position of the Mod Wheel to the filter frequency. It sounds like it is doing exactly what you programmed it to do.

FYI, the best way to help us repeat a bug is to, when you experience something unexpected, try to remove everything that isn't needed for the bug to occur, ideally arrived at a short list of actions starting with "1) Turn power on" that we can repeat here. For example, in your case above, does it occur when not recording? Does it occur when you remove Mod Wheel modulation in Mod Paths? When the filter behaves in a way you don't like, how would you describe that in words that would best allow someone to understand the undesirable sound you're hearing? It's the classic artist/engineer communication problem, but the trouble is those pesky computers don't speak artist. :) 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 11, 2016, 04:58:33 PM
To be clear, I'm not intentionally trying to make a feature request, I'm merely trying to put the Tempest through some different use case scenarios to find potential bugs as well as behavior which is unintuitive, or not what the average user would expect. In the past many quirks were described as "expected behavior" from a programming perspective. I am trying to offer up "expected behavior" from a user perspective for consideration. Roger has been very fair in this regard, while being respectful of the limitations of the equipment, which is understandable.
Thanks for the kind words, Stoss. Your help is much appreciated and you've just helped me find a new bug today!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 11, 2016, 09:00:12 PM
Snd: Juno Subsquare (From one of the presets)
Mod1: MIDI Pitch Bend / 24 / OSC All Freq
Mod2: MIDI Mod Wheel / 40 / Lowpass Filter

Using an external MIDI keyboard (Xkeys37) I record a simple bass part (on B1) into the sequencer while the Tempest is playing a beat. All records fine. I continue to let the beat and new baseline play and turn OFF the recording. I mess with the sound of the bass line by using the FX sliders. All is good and since I am not recording, nothing happens to the recorded part. I use the Mod Wheel to mess with the sound. Strangely, the Tempest now seems to somehow record or remember some of the Mod Wheel changes. The lowpass settings jump around as the beat plays. I have done nothing to try to record this and it doesn't really behave in a way I would like. I erase the part and record something new. The notes recorded in are what I played, but the screwed up nature of the lowpass continues as it had before. The only way to remove the behavior is to power cycle the Tempest. So I did. I set it up as before but only set Mod1 to control the lowpass filter using the Mod Wheel. This time after I recorded the bassline in, I tried messing with the Mod Wheel again with Rec OFF. I only touch the Mod Wheel for a split second. The strange behavior started happening again and wouldn't stop. Another power cycle fixed the problem.

Hoping this is a reproducible bug and not my Tempest behaving wildly out of control!
Hi Stoss,
I don't quite understand why you describe this as a problem. At the top of your post, you state that the Mod Wheel is set to modulate Lowpass Filter (frequency), then you say that when you moved the Mod Wheel, the filter frequency changed, which is what you programmed it to do. Then you turn Tempest's power off and on, which clears the memory of the last received Mod Wheel value and its effect on the filter frequency. Then you recorded a new part, then "touched the Mod Wheel for a split second", which immediately sent a value proportional to the current position of the Mod Wheel to the filter frequency. It sounds like it is doing exactly what you programmed it to do.

FYI, the best way to help us repeat a bug is to, when you experience something unexpected, try to remove everything that isn't needed for the bug to occur, ideally arrived at a short list of actions starting with "1) Turn power on" that we can repeat here. For example, in your case above, does it occur when not recording? Does it occur when you remove Mod Wheel modulation in Mod Paths? When the filter behaves in a way you don't like, how would you describe that in words that would best allow someone to understand the undesirable sound you're hearing? It's the classic artist/engineer communication problem, but the trouble is those pesky computers don't speak artist. :)

Sorry if my description was confusing. Essentially, I have found that using the Mod Wheel and Pitchbend Wheel of an external keyboard while a sequence is playing, but NOT recording seems to trigger some sort of ongoing unpredictable variance of the parameters assigned to those two wheels. My other posts describe that it can be fixed by either a power cycle of the Tempest, or by stopping the sequence and playing notes on the external keyboard while using the Mod Wheel and Pitchbend Wheel. If this further description does not help, I will create a step by step list as you describe, or it may be even easier to just shoot a video!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 11, 2016, 09:17:53 PM
I tested the Tempest with my Roland SPD-SX as an external MIDI controller. Everything works as expected. (I thought I should report some good news amongst all of my other posts).

I know that this is a list for bug reporting, but I'd like to throw in a thought I had a long time ago that I would love some Roger consideration on. I had mentioned that it would be highly valuable to be able to assign a MIDI IN note value to control the tap tempo feature of the Tempest. If I could assign an external trigger on my Roland SPD-SX to act as the tap tempo feature on the Tempest, it would be a major game changer for integrating the Tempest into live ensemble performance. If the "System: MIDI Remote Pad Play" screen had an additional line that was "36. MIDI Note: Tap Tempo" with the ability to assign any note value to it... I would be eternally grateful!

Please, do not even reply to this comment if it is a waste of time or disrespectful to request.

Thanks... as always!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 12, 2016, 04:28:33 PM
I had mentioned that it would be highly valuable to be able to assign a MIDI IN note value to control the tap tempo feature of the Tempest. If I could assign an external trigger on my Roland SPD-SX to act as the tap tempo feature on the Tempest, it would be a major game changer for integrating the Tempest into live ensemble performance. If the "System: MIDI Remote Pad Play" screen had an additional line that was "36. MIDI Note: Tap Tempo" with the ability to assign any note value to it... I would be eternally grateful!
Hi Stoss--
Tempest doesn't have a page for assigning MIDI messages to control Tempest functions, mainly because that sort of thing is usually done on software tools that don't have a physical UI, whereas Tempest has 91 panel controls including Tap Tempo (Shift + Play). The page you mentioned is for triggering the 16 pads so it doesn't fit so well.

However, I think you may be able to do what you want on your SPD-SX. I don't know that product but I saw a quick video of it and noticed that it has a simple sequencer and Tap Tempo button. Given that you prefer to tap tempo with a drum stick, does the Roland permit this? If so, it should also send MIDI clock and therefore you could tap tempo as well as start and stop Tempest, all from your SPD-SX using MIDI Clock.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 12, 2016, 09:01:13 PM
I had mentioned that it would be highly valuable to be able to assign a MIDI IN note value to control the tap tempo feature of the Tempest. If I could assign an external trigger on my Roland SPD-SX to act as the tap tempo feature on the Tempest, it would be a major game changer for integrating the Tempest into live ensemble performance. If the "System: MIDI Remote Pad Play" screen had an additional line that was "36. MIDI Note: Tap Tempo" with the ability to assign any note value to it... I would be eternally grateful!
Hi Stoss--
Tempest doesn't have a page for assigning MIDI messages to control Tempest functions, mainly because that sort of thing is usually done on software tools that don't have a physical UI, whereas Tempest has 91 panel controls including Tap Tempo (Shift + Play). The page you mentioned is for triggering the 16 pads so it doesn't fit so well.

However, I think you may be able to do what you want on your SPD-SX. I don't know that product but I saw a quick video of it and noticed that it has a simple sequencer and Tap Tempo button. Given that you prefer to tap tempo with a drum stick, does the Roland permit this? If so, it should also send MIDI clock and therefore you could tap tempo as well as start and stop Tempest, all from your SPD-SX using MIDI Clock.

Believe it or not, the SPD-SX does not send MIDI Clock. Mentioning this to their "support" team didn't really get me very far. I don't exactly have conversations with their inventors and engineers.  ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Razmo on July 13, 2016, 05:47:09 AM
I do not see that the MIDI DIN bug has been addressed ?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 13, 2016, 10:04:48 AM
Believe it or not, the SPD-SX does not send MIDI Clock. Mentioning this to their "support" team didn't really get me very far. I don't exactly have conversations with their inventors and engineers.  ;)
Hi Stoss--
That's too bad, though I'd bet there's some product out there that does what you want. It's a tricky feature to justify because it's really only useful for drummers who find it inconvenient to use a panel button to tap in Tempest's tempo. The other thing is that in the type of music Tempest is primarily used for, the tempo almost never changes, though I must admit a particular fondness for rubato tempo. :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 13, 2016, 10:13:16 AM
I do not see that the MIDI DIN bug has been addressed ?
Hi Razmo--
Are you referring to petition bug 18? If so, I explained the status of each of the petition bugs in my post that accompanied the beta release. Here is what I wrote for bug 18:

18. If the Tempest receives a RAM sound dump via USB, while also receiving note-on/off data on the MIDI DIN input, then USB MIDI sys-ex is not received correctly half of the time: i.e. it just stands there waiting for MIDI data in those cases.

Status: This is technically difficult to fix so we kindly ask that while receiving a RAM sound dump via USB, please do not play a MIDI keyboard that is connected to the DIN MIDI input.

Sorry we weren't able to fix it, but we feel that given the difficulty to fix it, the simple workaround and the greater demand for fixing other bugs, it was better to focus for now on those other issues that Tempest owners feel are more important. I hope you understand.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 13, 2016, 01:53:36 PM
Roger i think Razmo is referring to this:
23. The Tempest's timing drifts in 'Slave' mode when using the MIDI DIN input, gradually losing sync with the 'Master' clock source; and this behavior is further exacerbated with use of the 'ROLL' function...

Status: From our tests and feedback from user tests on the forum, there is no drift when Tempest slaves to external MIDI clock. This may have been reported when using earlier software versions than 1.4.0, where sync was significantly improved.
I do not see that the MIDI DIN bug has been addressed ?
Hi Razmo--
Are you referring to petition bug 18? If so, I explained the status of each of the petition bugs in my post that accompanied the beta release. Here is what I wrote for bug 18:

18. If the Tempest receives a RAM sound dump via USB, while also receiving note-on/off data on the MIDI DIN input, then USB MIDI sys-ex is not received correctly half of the time: i.e. it just stands there waiting for MIDI data in those cases.

Status: This is technically difficult to fix so we kindly ask that while receiving a RAM sound dump via USB, please do not play a MIDI keyboard that is connected to the DIN MIDI input.

Sorry we weren't able to fix it, but we feel that given the difficulty to fix it, the simple workaround and the greater demand for fixing other bugs, it was better to focus for now on those other issues that Tempest owners feel are more important. I hope you understand.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on July 13, 2016, 04:27:35 PM
Roger i think Razmo is referring to this:
23. The Tempest's timing drifts in 'Slave' mode when using the MIDI DIN input, gradually losing sync with the 'Master' clock source; and this behavior is further exacerbated with use of the 'ROLL' function...

Status: From our tests and feedback from user tests on the forum, there is no drift when Tempest slaves to external MIDI clock. This may have been reported when using earlier software versions than 1.4.0, where sync was significantly improved.
I do not see that the MIDI DIN bug has been addressed ?
Hi Razmo--
Are you referring to petition bug 18? If so, I explained the status of each of the petition bugs in my post that accompanied the beta release. Here is what I wrote for bug 18:

18. If the Tempest receives a RAM sound dump via USB, while also receiving note-on/off data on the MIDI DIN input, then USB MIDI sys-ex is not received correctly half of the time: i.e. it just stands there waiting for MIDI data in those cases.

Status: This is technically difficult to fix so we kindly ask that while receiving a RAM sound dump via USB, please do not play a MIDI keyboard that is connected to the DIN MIDI input.

Sorry we weren't able to fix it, but we feel that given the difficulty to fix it, the simple workaround and the greater demand for fixing other bugs, it was better to focus for now on those other issues that Tempest owners feel are more important. I hope you understand.
No, Yorgos, I'm sure Roger has the correct bug there.  Indeed it's the one that Razmo personally contributed to the list, as it specifically applies to the way he uses his Tempest in tandem with the editor he designed.  In his defense, it was promised to be fixed numerous times, but given that it's a relatively invasive fix for a bug that doesn't really affect most users, well... What Roger said.

Anyway, I feel your pain, Razmo.  Sorry, man (sheepish grin).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 14, 2016, 09:26:47 PM
Hi Roger.

I finally have some detailed instructions on how to create the bug I had mentioned a few days ago. I also stumbled across another bug (or two) while going through this.

The original bug occurs at steps 36 & 42. (I was able to only reproduce this bug in relation to the Mod Wheel, but I guarantee you in earlier messing around I experienced similar behavior with the Pitch Bend Wheel. Whatever you discover in relation to the Mod Wheel, I suggest you look at the same situation or solution regarding the Pitch Bend Wheel.)

A new bug occurs at step 54.

A potential bug occurs at steps 26 & 27 but only depending on what your intent is and possibly my inability to remember the manual perfectly.

Thanks again for your time dedicated to this project.

1) Power on Tempest
2) Connect MIDI Keyboard with Pitchbend and Mod wheels
3) Load Factory Project “Bag & Glow”
4) In 16 Beats Mode, select Beat 1
5) In 16 Sounds Mode, select Pad A16
6) Push the “System” button.
7) In the System menu, on the “MIDI Polyphonic Keyboard Play” set “MIDI: Synth Sound” to A16
8.) On the same menu screen, make sure your “MIDI: Synth IN Channel” matches your keyboard settings, in my case, “1”.
9) Exit the System menu.
10) In 16 Sounds Mode, with Pad A16 selected, select the “Sounds” screen.
11) Push the “Mod Paths” button to go to the Mod Paths editing screen.
12) Set Mod1: / MIDI Pitch Bend / 24 / Osc All Freq
13) Set Mod2: / MIDI Mod Wheel / 40 / Lowpass Filter
14)  Press the down arrow to go to the screen where you can set “PITCHBEND AMT” to “Off”
15) Test that playing the external keyboard plays notes on A16 and gives you control of Pitch Bend on the Pitch Bend Wheel of the keyboard and Lowpass Filter control on the Mod Wheel of the keyboard.
16) Also, test that while playing notes on the external keyboard, you can also control the pitch of the note using FX 1 slider and the Lowpass Filter using FX 2 slider.
17) Press the “Pads” button to return to the Pads Screen, still in 16 Sounds mode.
18) Hold the “Erase” button and select the soft key to “Erase All Notes”
19) Press “Click” to turn on the metronome clicks
20) Set “Quant:” to “16th”
21) Press “REC” to arm the recording feature
22) Press “PLAY” to engage the beat
23) Record a simple bass part into the sequencer using the external MIDI Keyboard
24) Press “REC” to turn OFF the live recording (But leave the sequence playing)
25) Press “Click” to turn off the metronome
26) Use FX Slider 1 to tweak the Pitch of the recorded notes as they play. (This works even though the “Playback” button is not lit, which if I remember correctly should be engaged to be able to tweak a recorded sequence)
27) Use FX Slider 2 to tweak the Lowpass of the recorded notes as they play. (This works even though the “Playback” button is not lit, which if I remember correctly should be engaged to be able to tweak a recorded sequence)
28) Please note, all of the tweaking to the sound using the FX Sliders 1 & 2 has not been recorded and does nothing permanent to the recorded sequence.
29) With the sequence still playing, move the Pitch Bend Wheel on the external MIDI Keyboard. (This has no lasting effect… This is different that what I had experienced earlier)
30) With the sequence still playing, move the Mod Wheel on the external MIDI Keyboard. (This has no lasting effect… This is different that what I had experienced earlier)
31) Turn on ROLL
32) Hold pad A1 to play a running 16th note pattern… this should be a tambourine sound
33) While still holding A1, mess with the mod wheel on the external MIDI keyboard to affect the lowpass filter of pad A16
34) Stop messing with the mod wheel
35) Release your hold on pad A1
36) You should now hear the lowpass filter on sound A16 randomly moving around

37) simply play with the mod wheel on the external MIDI keyboard, then let it rest. All should be back to normal.

38) Press “REC” to arm the recording feature (the sequence should still be playing at this time)
39) Hold pad A1 until you have filled the sequence with 16th notes
40) Press “REC” to turn OFF the live recording (But leave the sequence playing)
41) Mess with the mod wheel on the external MIDI keyboard to affect the lowpass filter of pad A16
42) You should now hear the lowpass filter on sound A16 randomly moving around

43) Press “STOP” to stop the sequence from playing
44) Play notes on the external MIDI keyboard
45) While playing notes on the keyboard, mess with the mod wheel on the external MIDI keyboard then let it rest in the lowest position
46) Stop playing notes on the external MIDI keyboard
47) Press “PLAY” to hear the sequence play with the lowpass filter of pad A16 now returned to normal

48) Hopefully the part you have recorded on pad A16 has some sustained notes… if not, rerecord the part to have some sustained notes
49) Select pad A1 to make it the active sound
50) Press “PLAY” to start playing the sequence
51) While a note on pad A16 is being played and held by the sequence, the pad will be lit and it will be making sound
52) As a note on pad A16 is being played and held (sustained) by the sequence press “SOUND BANK B”
53) Notice that pad B1 will be dimly lit as it is the active sound. This is correct.
54) Also notice that pad B16 is brightly lit. This is not correct as it is not the active sound, nor is any sound being generated by that pad.
55) Press pad B16 to make it the active sound
56) Notice that pad B1 goes dark and pad B16 is now dimly lit, showing that it is the active sound
57) Press pad B1 to make it the active sound
58) Notice that pad B1 is now dimly lit to show that it is the active sound and B16 is now dark as it should be
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Scoridd on July 15, 2016, 09:33:30 AM
"2. Note sustain without a duration limit..."

For me, this doesn't work. I hit record then play, then play a sustained note for almost the entire length of the 4 bar sequence. While I'm holding the pad down, the note continues to play for the entire time. But when I play it back via the sequencer, the note is almost always significantly shorter. The actual length that it plays back varies (values I've just recorded 111, 204, 74) - sometime it's around 1 bar, sometimes less - usually never any longer than 2 bars. This is weird because if I go in to the event editor, I can set the duration of that step to a much higher number than was recorded by the sequencer. At maximum duration (254), the note length is nearly 3 bars. It seems like a MIDI off message is received early, at random times.

Note: in the scenario above, I am only playing one pad, one oscillator, open filter/env etc..   basically, it's just a test environment.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 15, 2016, 10:32:53 AM
"2. Note sustain without a duration limit..."

For me, this doesn't work. I hit record then play, then play a sustained note for almost the entire length of the 4 bar sequence. While I'm holding the pad down, the note continues to play for the entire time. But when I play it back via the sequencer, the note is almost always significantly shorter. The actual length that it plays back varies (values I've just recorded 111, 204, 74) - sometime it's around 1 bar, sometimes less - usually never any longer than 2 bars. This is weird because if I go in to the event editor, I can set the duration of that step to a much higher number than was recorded by the sequencer. At maximum duration (254), the note length is nearly 3 bars. It seems like a MIDI off message is received early, at random times.

Note: in the scenario above, I am only playing one pad, one oscillator, open filter/env etc..   basically, it's just a test environment.
Hi Scoridd,

This is explained in my post about the beta download, in which I describe which of the bugs on the petition are fixed or not fixed. Note the last sentence in bold:

2. Note sustain without a duration limit...

Description: This title is not quite accurate. The problem was that sometimes ADSR sounds in Beats would terminate before their full duration expired, or a performed ADSR sound would terminate before you released the pad. This was because Tempest has only 6 voices, so if all voices are playing, new sounds need to steal voices from playing sounds. Tempest does this by stealing the playing voice with the lowest VCA level, but this can result in recorded ADSR sounds with long durations being terminated before their recorded duration ends.

Status: Mostly fixed. Now held ADSR sounds—whether playing from beats or played live—should never terminate before release.
However, with only 6 voices, there will still be cases where a sound will be terminated. To help, the third post in this thread contains a PDF containing suggestions on how to set parameters in order to best optimize the voice-stealing for specific use cases.
Note: a related bug exists that isn't yet fixed: If while recording, you hold a sound pad for more than the maximum 255 ticks (about 2-1/2 bars), the resulting duration will be (correct duration - 255).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 15, 2016, 03:44:56 PM
Hi Roger.

I finally have some detailed instructions on how to create the bug I had mentioned a few days ago. I also stumbled across another bug (or two) while going through this.

The original bug occurs at steps 36 & 42. (I was able to only reproduce this bug in relation to the Mod Wheel, but I guarantee you in earlier messing around I experienced similar behavior with the Pitch Bend Wheel. Whatever you discover in relation to the Mod Wheel, I suggest you look at the same situation or solution regarding the Pitch Bend Wheel.)

A new bug occurs at step 54.

A potential bug occurs at steps 26 & 27 but only depending on what your intent is and possibly my inability to remember the manual perfectly.

Thanks again for your time dedicated to this project.

1) Power on Tempest
58) Notice that pad B1 is now dimly lit to show that it is the active sound and B16 is now dark as it should be
Hi Stoss--

You're my new hero. :)

It took me all day to trace these down, but you've found 3 new bugs:

1. With Playback button off, Note FX Sliders affect sound’s playback, but only while finger is moving on slider. If finger is held steady, sound is not affected.

2. Using Mod Paths for external MIDI sound control results in intermittent affect on the sound. Actually causes are unclear but bug occurs more frequently on playback of Beat with many sounds.

3. When playing a Beat containing held notes of an ADSR sound, if you turn on Bank B while 1) a note is playing and 2) a different sound is selected, the playing note's pad sticks on.

I've added all of these to our internal bug list.

Thank you VERY much for putting in the time to help me reproduce these!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on July 15, 2016, 07:26:04 PM
You're my new hero. :)

I will be be framing this quote and proudly displaying it.  ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Razmo on July 18, 2016, 05:26:50 AM
Roger i think Razmo is referring to this:
23. The Tempest's timing drifts in 'Slave' mode when using the MIDI DIN input, gradually losing sync with the 'Master' clock source; and this behavior is further exacerbated with use of the 'ROLL' function...

Status: From our tests and feedback from user tests on the forum, there is no drift when Tempest slaves to external MIDI clock. This may have been reported when using earlier software versions than 1.4.0, where sync was significantly improved.
I do not see that the MIDI DIN bug has been addressed ?
Hi Razmo--
Are you referring to petition bug 18? If so, I explained the status of each of the petition bugs in my post that accompanied the beta release. Here is what I wrote for bug 18:

18. If the Tempest receives a RAM sound dump via USB, while also receiving note-on/off data on the MIDI DIN input, then USB MIDI sys-ex is not received correctly half of the time: i.e. it just stands there waiting for MIDI data in those cases.

Status: This is technically difficult to fix so we kindly ask that while receiving a RAM sound dump via USB, please do not play a MIDI keyboard that is connected to the DIN MIDI input.

Sorry we weren't able to fix it, but we feel that given the difficulty to fix it, the simple workaround and the greater demand for fixing other bugs, it was better to focus for now on those other issues that Tempest owners feel are more important. I hope you understand.
No, Yorgos, I'm sure Roger has the correct bug there.  Indeed it's the one that Razmo personally contributed to the list, as it specifically applies to the way he uses his Tempest in tandem with the editor he designed.  In his defense, it was promised to be fixed numerous times, but given that it's a relatively invasive fix for a bug that doesn't really affect most users, well... What Roger said.

Anyway, I feel your pain, Razmo.  Sorry, man (sheepish grin).


Well... this only show that what I've been saying all along is true, despite how many have been at my neck for keeping on complaining... DSI cannot be trusted when it comes to fixing bugs that they have promised to fix... this is yet another example of it... first the Evolver... now the Tempest...

But you know what?... I really don't give a damn anymore... My Evolver is going, and my Tempest went several months ago simply because I had this "gut feeling" it would never be fixed anyway... and I'm not buying anything DSI unless I'm 100% satisfied with it from the get go... I would not rely on bugs being fixed anymore, and I think I've got a point when it comes to that, having experienced it so many times.

I've got my P12... and I'm 99% satisfied with it... but there won't be any more complaining from me here anymore... it's no use anyway.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Razmo on July 18, 2016, 05:32:36 AM
Besides... the bug is still being misunderstood... the point is that SysEx DO NOT WORK VIA DIN... that's what I've been trying to say all the time... I've even written several times, that SYSEX WORK FINE WITH USB! ... the whole problem is when you want to use DIN for this... it DOES NOT WORK! ... it skips parameters from time to time, inside the dumps for some reason... even if you do not use USB at all.

You could reason, that it would be OK to just use USB instead... and yes! ... if the darn device had a custom MIDI driver that was multi client capable! ... DSI use the standard MIDI drivers of Windows, and they are both buggy, and not multi client capable... this results in it not being useable from more than one program at a time... and if you have both a sequencer and an editor you want to run at the same time, well... then you're fucked!

... last rant from here... over and out... I hope everyone else will get their most irritating bugs fixed... crossing my fingers for you...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BobTheDog on July 18, 2016, 06:40:20 AM
I know your tempest has gone but you can get multi client usb using or of course there is always a mac ;)

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 18, 2016, 08:17:13 AM
Besides... the bug is still being misunderstood... the point is that SysEx DO NOT WORK VIA DIN... that's what I've been trying to say all the time... I've even written several times, that SYSEX WORK FINE WITH USB! ... the whole problem is when you want to use DIN for this... it DOES NOT WORK! ... it skips parameters from time to time, inside the dumps for some reason... even if you do not use USB at all.

You could reason, that it would be OK to just use USB instead... and yes! ... if the darn device had a custom MIDI driver that was multi client capable! ... DSI use the standard MIDI drivers of Windows, and they are both buggy, and not multi client capable... this results in it not being useable from more than one program at a time... and if you have both a sequencer and an editor you want to run at the same time, well... then you're fucked!

... last rant from here... over and out... I hope everyone else will get their most irritating bugs fixed... crossing my fingers for you...
Hi Razmo,

If I misunderstood your bug, I apologize. If I now understand you correctly, you are identifying two bugs in Tempest:

1) You mentioned that sysex dumps over DIN MIDI skip parameters from time to time. That’s odd because OS updates over DIN MIDI work fine, and those are very large sysex transfers that won’t work unless they are received perfectly. Perhaps the problem you experienced was that the transferred file did not contain—possible due to a bug—the specific parameter you think was not transferred? Or perhaps the parameter was a global parameter and therefore not affected by the transfer? Perhaps you were loading an older file and the older parameters weren’t being converted correctly to the newer file format due to a bug?

2) You fault DSI for not writing a custom MIDI-over-USB driver for Windows so that you can run both an external editor and an external sequencer at the same time. However, Tempest doesn’t use or need any MIDI drivers because its MIDI-over-USB implementation is USB class-compliant, meaning that no drivers are needed. I’m not aware of any manufacturer that writes a custom MIDI driver for USB, for either Mac or Windows. Are you? It seems to me somewhat unfair to to fault DSI for not writing a custom MIDI-over-USB driver for one customer’s unusual need, and for an OS (Windows) that in my experience is problematic for audio and music, especially considering that DSI is a hardware company that doesn’t write any software drivers for any of its products.

FYI, John the Savage kindly provided me with links to your (as I recall) earlier posts on the forum in which you state that sysex transfers are corrupted if any MIDI messages are received over the other MIDI port (DIN or USB) at any time after powering-on. However, I thoroughly tested this in both combinations (USB messages received before DIN transfer, DIN messages received before USB transfer) and both ways worked perfectly. The only problem I’m aware of is the one identified on the petition, which I’m sorry is not fixed but given the simple workaround of not sending additional MIDI messages to Tempest on the opposite port during a transfer, we felt there were bigger fish that Tempest owners would prefer us to fry at this time.

I do understand your anger because we screwed up in taking so long to fix important bugs. And while we’re late to the game, we’re trying our best now to atone for our past sins. I’m just not sure that the problems you’ve identified are either an actual bug (#1 above) or a reasonable request (#2 above).

If you feel I’ve misunderstood you, you’re welcome to contact me directly at and we can arrange for a call, because a real-time conversation would make it easier for me to understand your point.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Scoridd on July 21, 2016, 02:11:33 AM
"2. Note sustain without a duration limit..."

For me, this doesn't work. I hit record then play, then play a sustained note for almost the entire length of the 4 bar sequence. While I'm holding the pad down, the note continues to play for the entire time. But when I play it back via the sequencer, the note is almost always significantly shorter. The actual length that it plays back varies (values I've just recorded 111, 204, 74) - sometime it's around 1 bar, sometimes less - usually never any longer than 2 bars. This is weird because if I go in to the event editor, I can set the duration of that step to a much higher number than was recorded by the sequencer. At maximum duration (254), the note length is nearly 3 bars. It seems like a MIDI off message is received early, at random times.

Note: in the scenario above, I am only playing one pad, one oscillator, open filter/env etc..   basically, it's just a test environment.
Hi Scoridd,

This is explained in my post about the beta download, in which I describe which of the bugs on the petition are fixed or not fixed. Note the last sentence in bold:

2. Note sustain without a duration limit...

Description: This title is not quite accurate. The problem was that sometimes ADSR sounds in Beats would terminate before their full duration expired, or a performed ADSR sound would terminate before you released the pad. This was because Tempest has only 6 voices, so if all voices are playing, new sounds need to steal voices from playing sounds. Tempest does this by stealing the playing voice with the lowest VCA level, but this can result in recorded ADSR sounds with long durations being terminated before their recorded duration ends.

Status: Mostly fixed. Now held ADSR sounds—whether playing from beats or played live—should never terminate before release.
However, with only 6 voices, there will still be cases where a sound will be terminated. To help, the third post in this thread contains a PDF containing suggestions on how to set parameters in order to best optimize the voice-stealing for specific use cases.
Note: a related bug exists that isn't yet fixed: If while recording, you hold a sound pad for more than the maximum 255 ticks (about 2-1/2 bars), the resulting duration will be (correct duration - 255).

Ah OK, gotcha - thanks Roger. You know, now you mention it, I think I had seen this before but I had forgotten the note at the bottom.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on July 25, 2016, 03:16:35 AM
I am not on the latest beta yet but on the 1.4 but as this is not in the changelog I presume it exists in the latest beta - it's pretty simple for someone to check.

In LFO 'sync' mode there is pretty bad drift with the timing of the LFOs. Set up something obvious such as a one bar sequence at 120bpm. Simple sawtooth oscillator with filter completely closed. Set one of the LFOs to open the filter all the way, ramp up, sync on, timing 4 qtr (ie one bar). Restart to 'play' or 'beat'.

Now play the sequence. It will sound OK at first but let it play for a while and the LFO timing will drift pretty rapidly and start cycling late so the freq of the LFO must be slightly slower than one bar.

The drift also happens when 'LFO restart' is set to 'beat' which I find even stranger - surely in this case it's logical for the LFO to restart when the beat loops (I guess possibly not for slow evolving FX)? Even if the desired behaviour is for the LFO to restart only when changing from another beat then it should at least be restarted on 'play' as well as on changing beat which doesn't appear to be the case either.

It would be nice to get this fixed as not having tempo synced LFOs reliably sync to tempo is not good!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on July 25, 2016, 01:55:26 PM
I am not on the latest beta yet but on the 1.4 but as this is not in the changelog I presume it exists in the latest beta - it's pretty simple for someone to check.

In LFO 'sync' mode there is pretty bad drift with the timing of the LFOs. Set up something obvious such as a one bar sequence at 120bpm. Simple sawtooth oscillator with filter completely closed. Set one of the LFOs to open the filter all the way, ramp up, sync on, timing 4 qtr (ie one bar). Restart to 'play' or 'beat'.

Now play the sequence. It will sound OK at first but let it play for a while and the LFO timing will drift pretty rapidly and start cycling late so the freq of the LFO must be slightly slower than one bar.

The drift also happens when 'LFO restart' is set to 'beat' which I find even stranger - surely in this case it's logical for the LFO to restart when the beat loops (I guess possibly not for slow evolving FX)? Even if the desired behaviour is for the LFO to restart only when changing from another beat then it should at least be restarted on 'play' as well as on changing beat which doesn't appear to be the case either.

It would be nice to get this fixed as not having tempo synced LFOs reliably sync to tempo is not good!
Hi Muleskinner--
Sorry about that. We are aware of that bug and it's on our internal list.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on July 26, 2016, 05:06:30 AM
Sorry about that. We are aware of that bug and it's on our internal list.

Great - good to know it's being looked at!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on July 26, 2016, 11:58:26 AM
I believe this thread is historic. I just got a Tempest. It's wonderful. And I am grateful there's an intelligent community & team of makers fine tuning it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bozo on August 02, 2016, 03:55:11 AM
Sorry about that. We are aware of that bug and it's on our internal list.

Great - good to know it's being looked at!


Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on August 03, 2016, 02:47:10 AM
Here's another one - again I'm still on 1.4 as I'm the the middle of a project and don't want to risk updating atm.

- Pads don't always light up correctly in 16 timesteps mode.

The most reliable rep I can get for this is as follows...

1. Go to an empty beat
2. Select 16 timesteps mode with quantize on 1/16
3. Add events for the first four notes using the pads
4. Change quantize to 1/32 - pad lights will space out as expected
5. Select the events screen (you don't have to do this, it just makes it clearer something screwy is going on)
6. Use the (very useful) event copy feature to copy one of the existing events to one of the 'gaps'

...I get the pasted event appearing as expected in the events screen and hear it when playing back, however the pad does not light up on 'paste', neither does it light up when going out of 16 timesteps mode and back. It's like the event is there but not there!

Additionally if, after pasting the event, you click the 'delete step' softkey it actually inserts a step with default parameters before deleting it, again indicating that the step is somehow there but not there.

I have also had it where events can be inserted on the events screen but the relevant timesteps aren't lighting up, however i can't replicate this at the moment.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on August 03, 2016, 08:15:15 AM
Here's another one - again I'm still on 1.4 as I'm the the middle of a project and don't want to risk updating atm.

- Pads don't always light up correctly in 16 timesteps mode.

The most reliable rep I can get for this is as follows...

1. Go to an empty beat
2. Select 16 timesteps mode with quantize on 1/16
3. Add events for the first four notes using the pads
4. Change quantize to 1/32 - pad lights will space out as expected
5. Select the events screen (you don't have to do this, it just makes it clearer something screwy is going on)
6. Use the (very useful) event copy feature to copy one of the existing events to one of the 'gaps'

...I get the pasted event appearing as expected in the events screen and hear it when playing back, however the pad does not light up on 'paste', neither does it light up when going out of 16 timesteps mode and back. It's like the event is there but not there!

Additionally if, after pasting the event, you click the 'delete step' softkey it actually inserts a step with default parameters before deleting it, again indicating that the step is somehow there but not there.

I have also had it where events can be inserted on the events screen but the relevant timesteps aren't lighting up, however i can't replicate this at the moment.

I can confirm this one - I reported it to DSI some months ago now.  J ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on August 03, 2016, 08:21:27 AM
Hey Guys,

Do we have a rough estimate of date for next OS update please?  Great work so far, by the way.  Very impressed.

Cheers, J ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 03, 2016, 01:31:41 PM
Here's another one - again I'm still on 1.4 as I'm the the middle of a project and don't want to risk updating atm.

- Pads don't always light up correctly in 16 timesteps mode.

The most reliable rep I can get for this is as follows...

1. Go to an empty beat
2. Select 16 timesteps mode with quantize on 1/16
3. Add events for the first four notes using the pads
4. Change quantize to 1/32 - pad lights will space out as expected
5. Select the events screen (you don't have to do this, it just makes it clearer something screwy is going on)
6. Use the (very useful) event copy feature to copy one of the existing events to one of the 'gaps'

...I get the pasted event appearing as expected in the events screen and hear it when playing back, however the pad does not light up on 'paste', neither does it light up when going out of 16 timesteps mode and back. It's like the event is there but not there!

Additionally if, after pasting the event, you click the 'delete step' softkey it actually inserts a step with default parameters before deleting it, again indicating that the step is somehow there but not there.

I have also had it where events can be inserted on the events screen but the relevant timesteps aren't lighting up, however i can't replicate this at the moment.
Hi muleskinner--
I have verified this bug and have added it to our internal bug list. Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on August 04, 2016, 07:58:11 AM

Hi muleskinner--
I have verified this bug and have added it to our internal bug list. Thank you.

Great - thanks!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 05, 2016, 12:49:31 PM
Hey Guys,

Do we have a rough estimate of date for next OS update please?  Great work so far, by the way.  Very impressed.

Cheers, J ;)
Hi soidthezoid--
Sorry for the late reply. DSI hasn't given an estimated release date, but it's definitely being worked on. And I can say that much of the work has already been done in order to create the beta release. Tempest is a complex beast with 9 computers inside, which makes for a lot of surprises with things taking longer than expected, so it's probably best to take the time to get it right. I'm sorry I don't have a more specific answer.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on August 05, 2016, 02:58:51 PM
Thanks Roger, that's great news.  I understand completely, I am a Software Engineer myself.  I frequently undertake tasks which would appear to take just an hour or two which end up taking a day or more!  The unforeseen is often around the corner...  Congrats to you and Dave on fantastic lineages.  I am in awe and full admiration.  J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: natrixgli on August 05, 2016, 10:00:42 PM
I've noticed since updating, the arpeggiator behaves differently depending on if the sequencer is running or not. When it's not running, it seems like notes get lost particularly when in 16 turnings mode and playing overlapping notes. When the sequencer is running, overlapping notes are fine. Also when stopped, if the sound is locked to a voice, the sound is very short, like almost inaudible.

Sorry if this description isn't the best, I can try and elaborate more if needed.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 08, 2016, 05:28:47 PM
I've noticed since updating, the arpeggiator behaves differently depending on if the sequencer is running or not. When it's not running, it seems like notes get lost particularly when in 16 turnings mode and playing overlapping notes. When the sequencer is running, overlapping notes are fine. Also when stopped, if the sound is locked to a voice, the sound is very short, like almost inaudible.

Sorry if this description isn't the best, I can try and elaborate more if needed.
Hi natrixgli--
I'm afraid I do need more detail. Perhaps a video is easiest, especially if I can see the settings in the display.
You mentioned "Also when stopped, if the sound is locked to a voice, the sound is very short, like almost inaudible." I assume you're aware that if arpeggiating a chord using only one voice, each new note must cutoff the previous note because there is only one voice, correct?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: natrixgli on August 08, 2016, 06:42:20 PM
Hi natrixgli--
I'm afraid I do need more detail. Perhaps a video is easiest, especially if I can see the settings in the display.
You mentioned "Also when stopped, if the sound is locked to a voice, the sound is very short, like almost inaudible." I assume you're aware that if arpeggiating a chord using only one voice, each new note must cutoff the previous note because there is only one voice, correct?

Hi Roger -

Thanks for replying (and also for revolutionizing drum machines & inspiring lots of great hip hop/dance music). As I was recording the video it occurred to me this might be expected behavior that I just never noticed before. I think when the sequencer is stopped, the arpeggiator starts every time you hit a pad, whereas when the sequencer is running maybe it's start time is quantized to the beat. Noticing it after the update may be pure coincidence.

Video Link:

I apologize for the quality of the video, with my limited video capabilities I wasn't able to get a solid capture of the screen. However if you determine this is bug-list worthy, I will be happy to provide more details about settings.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on August 09, 2016, 07:27:30 AM
When I sync a slaved Tempest to my DAW or hardware sequencer via MIDI Port, Playlist doesn't play as programmed when the DAW or hardware sequencer is begun on or after measure 9.

For this observation, Tempest was always configured as Slave, and the DAW's & hardware sequencer were Master. For both DAW's, MIDI Beat Clock offset was configured both aurally & visually. Once the offset was established, sync between Tempest & Pro Tools remains tight, reliable & consistent within the framework of a 5 minute song. I.e., successful sync. I.e., no perceived jitter, drift. And no latency after configuring the offset in Pro Tools. (I didn't test sync beyond 5 mintues. For my brief tests in Logic, I did get tight sync. I didn't bother testing for sync tightness with the hardware sequencer, as I didn't have audio connected.)

Playlist played as programmed when:
- DAW is started at beat 1 or 3 of any measure before measure 9 (via slaved MIDI Port sync)
- Tempest slaved to a master via USB, regardless of where the Master was started
- Tempest is Master

I am brand new to Tempest, but I have read the pertinent parts of the manual, this forum, and the last 2 years of the older Tempest forum. I believe this 'Slaved Playlist' irregulatiry is not as intended. When I synced via USB, the slaved Playlist did play as programmed regardless of where I started the DAW. I am also brand new to drum machines & employing Song Position Pointer to align a linear DAW to a pattern-based machine. I mention this to highlight the possibility of user error. Although, as I've run this by tech support, I no longer think it's user error.

The slaved Playlist irregularity was observed with the following hardware, software, & conditions:
- Main OS 1.4 (Voice 1.4)
- Main OS (Voice 1.5)
- Initialized Project, followed by loading sounds.
- With 16 sequenced Beats sequenced. 2, 4, & 8 measure long. (And also, with 16 empty Beats.)
- Sync setting: Slave. Sync via MIDI Port.

- Digidesign 003 (connects to computer via FireWire 400)
- MOTU MIDI Express 128 (connects to computer via USB)
- MPC 4000

(Most of my testing/observations have been with Pro Tools 9 & Digidesign 003.)
- Macbook Pro Early 2008, Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard
- Pro Tools 9 (most tests)
- Pro Tools settings: 120 bpm, 44.1kHz sample rate, H/W Buffer Size: 512 samples & 256 samples.
- Logic Pro 9 (some tests)
- MPC 4000 (some tests)
- All were set to transmit Midi Beat Clock.

I am really appreciative to have a Tempest. I am eager to test out the ability to "program" Tempest Beats via Pro Tool's MIDI sequencer. If it works & things remain tight, this will be helpful.

The reasons I would like to be able to have Tempest play from the proper place in playlist when Pro Tools is started on or after measure 9 are:
- I intend to get an external clock that synchronizes to a DAW's audio track to further improve the sync. (It is surprisingly good without it.). In that setup, I may be limited to syncing (as slave) via MIDI Port.
- It is a pleasure to find a Beats arrangement using Tempest' pads in Beats Mode, while playing back the DAW tracks.
- I could imagine it will be very nice to have Tempest record a Beats "arrangement" into a Playlist while in Playlist mode, while playing back to DAW tracks. (I suppose I can do this now, starting Pro Tools from measure 1.)
- It would be nice to be able to start the DAW on or after measure 9, for a 5 minute song, when focuing on a certain section.

Thank you Dave, Roger, Chris, Carson, Andy, and Team DSI.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 09, 2016, 12:42:42 PM
Hi Roger -

Thanks for replying (and also for revolutionizing drum machines & inspiring lots of great hip hop/dance music). As I was recording the video it occurred to me this might be expected behavior that I just never noticed before. I think when the sequencer is stopped, the arpeggiator starts every time you hit a pad, whereas when the sequencer is running maybe it's start time is quantized to the beat. Noticing it after the update may be pure coincidence.
Video Link:
I apologize for the quality of the video, with my limited video capabilities I wasn't able to get a solid capture of the screen. However if you determine this is bug-list worthy, I will be happy to provide more details about settings.

Thanks also for your kind words. I try. :)

Hi natrixgli---
It's a little tricky to see because normally Roll/Arpeggiator is used by holding the pads. But I understand. The problem you're seeing is that if multiple pads are held while the sequencer is stopped, the repeated notes aren't in sync with each other. Yes, this is a bug we're aware of but I thank you for letting me know.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 09, 2016, 01:11:27 PM
When I sync a slaved Tempest to my DAW or hardware sequencer via MIDI Port, Playlist doesn't play as programmed when the DAW or hardware sequencer is begun on or after measure 9.

Hi deetto--

Thanks for buying a Tempest. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying it.

Can you tell me how Playlist doesn't play as programmed when the DAW or hardware sequencer is begun on or after measure 9? For example, is it late or plays the wrong notes or ? A short video would be best.

Also, you mentioned that you'd like to record playlists in real time from a live Beat arrangement, in sync to external MIDI clock. You can already do this. Set System > MIDI Clock to Save. Select 16 Beats, Play List and Events, then press Shift and turn on RT Rec (soft knob 4). Then turn on Record mode and start external sync from anywhere within the song. Tempest will begin recording your live beat arrangement from that location.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on August 09, 2016, 03:34:58 PM
Whoops. I will describe a simplified test that I just performed on my Tempest that conveys the issue I've observed.

- Slave Tempest's MIDI Port to DAW's MIDI Beat Clock.
- Optional: Configure DAW's MIDI Beat Clock. Helps to hear that sync is maintained, when hearing clicks from both DAW & Tempest
- Set DAW to 120 bpm, 44.1 kHz, 256 buffer size, time signature to 4/4
- Initialize Tempest Project
- 16 Beats Mode
- Beat 1: change time signature to 4/4, and Beat length of 1 measure.
- copy Beat 1 to pads (aka, Beats) 2-10.
- no need to actually record a sequence to the Beats. (Do so, optionally, if desired.)
- Playlist mode, Events screen:
- for following Playlist, let all steps be 1 measure
- create Playlist of 10 steps,  so that for each number n,
step n=Beat n.
step 1=Beat 1,
step 2=Beat 2,
step 3=Beat 3,
step 9=Beat 9,
step 10=Beat 10.
step 11=nothing
- Set Playlist End to "Stop Playback".
("Loop to Step 1" gave me same results.)

More "rules" for testing consistency:
- Always begin DAW from stop.
- On DAW, only begin at the 1st or 3rd beat of a measure. 
- Tempest buttons/modes during test:
16 Beats lit
Playlist lit
Events lit
Click on

- Playing DAW from a beat 1 or best 3, from any measure between 1-10, and Tempest Playlist's measure should soon correspond to same measure as DAW. Moreso, as each Playlist step is 1 measure, and consists of consecutively ordered Beats 1-10, the Playlist step # and Beat # should soon correspond to DAW measure #, after pressing play on DAW. This should happen, no matter the measure 1-10, the DAW is started from.

- Starting DAW before measure 9, Playlist plays as expected.
For example, beginning on DAW measure 3,
beat 3: by DAW measure 4, beat 1, Tempest playlist plays step 4, which is Beat 4 (pad 4 lights), and Playlist measure 4.
Also, beginning on DAW measure 8, beat 3: by DAW measure 9, beat 1, Tempest playlist plays step 9, which is Beat 9 (pad 9 lights), and Playlist measure 9.
- from any of these pre-'measure 9' start points, Playlist plays to end as programmed.

- Starting DAW on or after measure 9, Playlist plays step 2 at the 1st beat of the 2nd measure after starting DAW. This is unexpected.
From this point onward, Tempest plays its Playlist as programmed; but this doesn't correspond to where it is supposed to be relative to DAW.

For example:
Beginning on DAW measure 9, beat 3: by DAW measure 10, beat 1, Tempest playlist plays step 2, which is Beat 2 (pad 2 lights), and Playlist measure 2.

Another example: beginning on DAW measure 10, beat 1: by DAW measure 11, beat 1, Tempest playlist plays step 2, which is Beat 2 (pad 2 lights), and Playlist measure 2.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 09, 2016, 06:05:57 PM
Whoops. I will describe a simplified test that I just performed on my Tempest that conveys the issue I've observed....
Hi dsetto--
Thank you. You've just found a new bug:

If slaving a playlist from MIDI clock received over DIN MIDI and starting at location 9.1.1 or higher, Tempest starts playing from the wrong position. Syncing from MIDI Clock over USB works fine.

Thanks much!
Roger Linn
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on August 10, 2016, 07:47:19 AM
Honored to participate. I'll try slaving via USB.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: darmanmerdeka on August 12, 2016, 06:35:19 AM
Testing today OS and Voice 1.5. In beat mode, When playing from one beat to the next or a different beat, its not playing the first note at the begining.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 12, 2016, 09:14:20 AM
Testing today OS and Voice 1.5. In beat mode, When playing from one beat to the next or a different beat, its not playing the first note at the begining.
Hi darmanmerdeka--
I'm not seeing that here. Does it occur with one of the factory project files? And is there anything unique about your System settings? Anything that can help me repeat it here is appreciated. Also, I assume you mean that Pad Function is set to 16 Beats and that you are arranging beats live, correct? If so, what is the difference between "to the next or a different beat"? 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on August 12, 2016, 09:41:24 AM
Scanning through the Save/load menu on the latest beta is a bit glitchy/slow.Pretty sure on the previous beta it was ok.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on August 12, 2016, 12:09:31 PM
Scanning through the Save/load menu on the latest beta is a bit glitchy/slow.Pretty sure on the previous beta it was ok.
I noticed this in (and recall it wasn't in I believe I read (in this forum) that Carson attributed it to the new feature where file names are in alphabetical order.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: darmanmerdeka on August 12, 2016, 04:45:32 PM
Testing today OS and Voice 1.5. In beat mode, When playing from one beat to the next or a different beat, its not playing the first note at the begining.
Hi darmanmerdeka--
I'm not seeing that here. Does it occur with one of the factory project files? And is there anything unique about your System settings? Anything that can help me repeat it here is appreciated. Also, I assume you mean that Pad Function is set to 16 Beats and that you are arranging beats live, correct? If so, what is the difference between "to the next or a different beat"? 

Hi Roger-
I'm using the same project file with OS and i dont have this note cut but when upgrade to the new OS and its there.
Yes, the pad function in 16 beats and arranging beats live. To the next i mean in order by number (1,2,3...) and to a different is randomly changing the beat.
I'm sorry i cant repeat the note cut i have before, i just go back with OS again since i got a concert coming.
But i'm happy if its not there and if its because of my setting and will be back testing again later next month..
thanks for the quick response, much appreciated.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 14, 2016, 07:22:46 PM
Scanning through the Save/load menu on the latest beta is a bit glitchy/slow.Pretty sure on the previous beta it was ok.
I think that can be improved. Yes it's due to the alphabetization, but it should only slow down the scrolling between folders, not scrolling within a folder.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Scoridd on August 19, 2016, 03:41:40 AM
Also when stopped, if the sound is locked to a voice, the sound is very short, like almost inaudible.

Dunno if it's related but I had a similar issue. I was just using the main outs and I had a kick drum playing a pattern, it was fine when sequenced or played with the pads. It was a long kick drum so I wanted to ensure no overlaps, so I set it to choke itself - it worked as expected

Then, I got some new cables so assigned the kick drum in this pattern to voice out 1. On sequenced playback, the kick drum was fine but when playing the pads, it was like the envelope was just an extremely short decay - almost inaudible. Took me ages to figure out but I realised that when the sound is assigned to a voice, having the pad choke itself is kind of redundant - since the voice assignment ensures no overlaps anyway. It absolutely makes sense but it is a bit of a gotcha, since when working with the main outs, it works differently.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on August 19, 2016, 07:17:39 AM
Definitely there's something wrong with voice handling on the latest beta.If i play too many pads fast, sounds won't get triggered.You can replicate it pretty easily.Just use both hands and play very fast the top or bottom row..
Returning back to previous beta fixed it..
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: ab on August 19, 2016, 09:36:14 AM
Definitely there's something wrong with voice handling on the latest beta.If i play too many pads fast, sounds won't get triggered.You can replicate it pretty easily.Just use both hands and play very fast the top or bottom row..
Returning back to previous beta fixed it..

Almost the same, can't play 2 pads at the same time.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Flux302 on August 19, 2016, 04:03:47 PM
definitely seeing some voice handling issues both with sounds cutting each other off when they shouldn't and with the filter not correctly filtering...I've run calibration a few times with no luck in fixing it. still also seeing the metronome down beat bug is still there as well.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on August 20, 2016, 03:36:29 PM
1. In 16 beats mode, when switching to a new beat with any BtQuant value enabled other than '16th' or 'Off', the first note of beat is not heard.
(When BtQuant  is set to '16th' or 'Off' the first note appears to be heard ok.)

2. Scrolling through the Save/Load screen is slow and the display update glitchy.

3. When editing sound/beat name characters, screen update can take up to several seconds per character.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on August 20, 2016, 05:41:03 PM
Scrolling through sound folders and files is slow/glitchy and can make the entire ui become unresponsive.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 23, 2016, 06:22:11 PM
Definitely there's something wrong with voice handling on the latest beta.If i play too many pads fast, sounds won't get triggered.You can replicate it pretty easily.Just use both hands and play very fast the top or bottom row..
Returning back to previous beta fixed it..

Almost the same, can't play 2 pads at the same time.
Oops. It appears that the last beta introduced the problem of not being able to play two sound pads at the same instant. Yorgos-- can you confirm that's the problem you're experiencing?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 23, 2016, 06:30:30 PM
1. In 16 beats mode, when switching to a new beat with any BtQuant value enabled other than '16th' or 'Off', the first note of beat is not heard.
(When BtQuant  is set to '16th' or 'Off' the first note appears to be heard ok.)

2. Scrolling through the Save/Load screen is slow and the display update glitchy.

3. When editing sound/beat name characters, screen update can take up to several seconds per character.
Hi Thom. Regarding these 3 items:

1. I can't reproduce that here using any Beat Quantize value. Are you aware that play switches to the same position within the destination beat, not the start?

2. Yes, we're aware of that and are working on it. Thank you.

3. I tried using Edit Screen > Rename Sound, and I didn't notice any slowness. Can you help clarify?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on August 23, 2016, 06:56:26 PM
Yes Roger i can confirm it
Definitely there's something wrong with voice handling on the latest beta.If i play too many pads fast, sounds won't get triggered.You can replicate it pretty easily.Just use both hands and play very fast the top or bottom row..
Returning back to previous beta fixed it..

Almost the same, can't play 2 pads at the same time.
Oops. It appears that the last beta introduced the problem of not being able to play two sound pads at the same instant. Yorgos-- can you confirm that's the problem you're experiencing?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on August 23, 2016, 11:12:40 PM
1. In 16 beats mode, when switching to a new beat with any BtQuant value enabled other than '16th' or 'Off', the first note of beat is not heard.
(When BtQuant  is set to '16th' or 'Off' the first note appears to be heard ok.)

2. Scrolling through the Save/Load screen is slow and the display update glitchy.

3. When editing sound/beat name characters, screen update can take up to several seconds per character.
Hi Thom. Regarding these 3 items:

1. I can't reproduce that here using any Beat Quantize value. Are you aware that play switches to the same position within the destination beat, not the start?

2. Yes, we're aware of that and are working on it. Thank you.

3. I tried using Edit Screen > Rename Sound, and I didn't notice any slowness. Can you help clarify?

Hi Roger,

I've reproduced 1 and 3 below, with hopefully more clarification.

1. Switching between beats while using BtQuant: End (to avoid starting the beat at a point other than the beginning) it appears that between some beats, the first 16th does not sound. So for example in my project, switching from beat 2 to 9 is fine, but switching from beat 10 to 9 consistently doesn't play sound on the first 16th of beat 9.

I've also tried switching between the beats while soloing the sound that should be playing the first 16th in beat 9 and soloing a sound in beat 10 that never plays (so beat 10 is silent) and its very clear the first 16th of beat 9 isn't sounding.

The problem also seems to occur when using other BeatQuant values.

3. When editing the name of a sound/beat/project while Saving it, screen update can take up to several seconds per character edit (clarification: this is in the Save/Load pages, not the Edit pages).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 24, 2016, 01:22:38 PM
Hi Roger,

I've reproduced 1 and 3 below, with hopefully more clarification.

1. Switching between beats while using BtQuant: End (to avoid starting the beat at a point other than the beginning) it appears that between some beats, the first 16th does not sound. So for example in my project, switching from beat 2 to 9 is fine, but switching from beat 10 to 9 consistently doesn't play sound on the first 16th of beat 9.

I've also tried switching between the beats while soloing the sound that should be playing the first 16th in beat 9 and soloing a sound in beat 10 that never plays (so beat 10 is silent) and its very clear the first 16th of beat 9 isn't sounding.

The problem also seems to occur when using other BeatQuant values.

3. When editing the name of a sound/beat/project while Saving it, screen update can take up to several seconds per character edit (clarification: this is in the Save/Load pages, not the Edit pages).
Hi Thom--

1) I was able to reproduce it here. It occurs when switching during play from a beat with more than 192 ticks to a beat with 192 or less. It occurs using any BtQuant value; if the transition to the new beat lands on a tick containing events, they don't play. Thank you for finding this.

2) We've already fixed the slow scroll of files within a folder. We'll release a new beta once we fix a few more things.

3) This problem was related to the slow scroll of files within a folder (#2) above. Fixing it fixed this also.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on August 24, 2016, 06:19:17 PM

Hi Thom--

1) I was able to reproduce it here. It occurs when switching during play from a beat with more than 192 ticks to a beat with 192 or less. It occurs using any BtQuant value; if the transition to the new beat lands on a tick containing events, they don't play. Thank you for finding this.

2) We've already fixed the slow scroll of files within a folder. We'll release a new beta once we fix a few more things.

3) This problem was related to the slow scroll of files within a folder (#2) above. Fixing it fixed this also.

Excellent, thanks for following through Roger & co!
There's magic in the 'pest, love it :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on August 26, 2016, 01:04:46 PM
The issue with two sounds not being able to be triggered at the same time seems to be resolved by resetting the Tempest's system parameters.  Would users whom are encountering this issue please reset the system preferences and check whether the issue is still present?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 26, 2016, 01:09:49 PM
The issue with two sounds not being able to be triggered at the same time seems to be resolved by resetting the Tempest's system parameters.  Would users whom are encountering this issue please reset the system preferences and check whether the issue is still present?
It worked for me! Good call, Carson!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on August 27, 2016, 02:34:35 AM
Confirmed fixed here also thanks Carson!
The issue with two sounds not being able to be triggered at the same time seems to be resolved by resetting the Tempest's system parameters.  Would users whom are encountering this issue please reset the system preferences and check whether the issue is still present?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: molotov on August 28, 2016, 05:27:41 AM
Hi guys, just got round to loading the beta.

For me, everything seems to have slowed down considerably in terms of loading, saving, naming and browsing the UI  :-\

I've tried reloading the OS and voice etc a few times and recalibrating everything.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on August 28, 2016, 10:12:22 AM
This is happening due to the new file system handling things alphabetically.Roger said they're working on it.
Hi guys, just got round to loading the beta.

For me, everything seems to have slowed down considerably in terms of loading, saving, naming and browsing the UI  :-\

I've tried reloading the OS and voice etc a few times and recalibrating everything.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dekalboy on August 29, 2016, 01:52:14 AM
I have noticed 3 mains bugs for the moment .

LATCH button for the sliders  :
before the update you have to press SHIFT to engage it with this update pressing SHIFT will change FX1to FX3 and FX2 to FX4. So it is inverted compared to the old OS version.

Loop screen :
Bug when you loop the screen in 8,8T,16 QUANT the overall sound of the tempest is muted. In 32 and 32T quantization all is ok .

Bug with the ROLL in beat mode  :

suppose you engage the roll button in beat mode and then press the beat to cancel the roll and you keep the roll button engaged. Then, you start to tweak the beat by turning pitch, attack decay and so on ....At this point if you want to reload the beat to initial stateby pressing its corresponding pad , the beat is not reloaded unless you need to disengage th ROLL button .
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 29, 2016, 05:02:22 PM
Hi guys, just got round to loading the beta.

For me, everything seems to have slowed down considerably in terms of loading, saving, naming and browsing the UI  :-\
The slowness when browsing files within a folder is a bug that has already been fixed. The slowness when changing between folders will still be there because every time you display a different folder's contents, it must be alphabetized, just as on mac or Windows. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on August 29, 2016, 05:14:16 PM
Another UI bug here where some sound names getting dissapeared as i scroll with softknob 4 when loading sounds.Also if i try to save these sounds their name is blank.Ghost in the machine :P
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 29, 2016, 05:24:36 PM
I have noticed 3 mains bugs for the moment .

LATCH button for the sliders  :
before the update you have to press SHIFT to engage it with this update pressing SHIFT will change FX1to FX3 and FX2 to FX4. So it is inverted compared to the old OS version.
Hi dekalboy,

The function of the Latch buttons is set by 'System button > UI Preferences screen > Latch Button Behavior' to either of the behaviors you described. I suspect you previously had this set to "Shift Switched" but once your reset the System parameters in order to fix the recent , this was reverted to the default "Normal" option.

Loop screen :
Bug when you loop the screen in 8,8T,16 QUANT the overall sound of the tempest is muted. In 32 and 32T quantization all is ok .

Unfortunately, I can't get that to happen here. Is it possible that the portion of the beat you are looping contains no events? If not, can you please tell me how to clearly repeat the problem using one of the factory projects?

Bug with the ROLL in beat mode  : [/b][/u]
suppose you engage the roll button in beat mode and then press the beat to cancel the roll and you keep the roll button engaged. Then, you start to tweak the beat by turning pitch, attack decay and so on ....At this point if you want to reload the beat to initial stateby pressing its corresponding pad , the beat is not reloaded unless you need to disengage th ROLL button .
The problem here is is how you're turning off Roll. If Roll is on, the correct way to turn it off is to press it again. Or you can hold the Roll button and Roll will only be active only as long as you hold it. When using the Roll in this way (and as described in the manual) everything will work correctly. Similarly, the correct way to undo all Beat-wide sound changes made while in 16 Beats mode is to select Sounds in the Screen section then press the "Revert" soft key. This is also how to undo sound changes for a single sound while in 16 Sounds mode.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on August 29, 2016, 05:34:26 PM
Another UI bug here where some sound names getting dissapeared as i scroll with softknob 4 when loading sounds.Also if i try to save these sounds their name is blank.Ghost in the machine :P
Hi Yorgos,
I have not been able to reproduce this here. Can you help me repeat it on a factory project with instructions on how to make it happen?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: beatmaker on September 01, 2016, 04:20:48 PM
Hi Roger, hello everyone!

In playlist mode, while the sequencer plays you can no longer scroll down the list with encoder 1 above the screen. Before this beta you could go up and down that list with the first encoder (step) and even change the number of repeats per step, or the beat for that step etc while the sequencer was playing. It was a feature that i used and i really liked, sure it wasn't meant to be left behind?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 01, 2016, 05:57:16 PM
Hi Roger, hello everyone!

In playlist mode, while the sequencer plays you can no longer scroll down the list with encoder 1 above the screen. Before this beta you could go up and down that list with the first encoder (step) and even change the number of repeats per step, or the beat for that step etc while the sequencer was playing. It was a feature that i used and i really liked, sure it wasn't meant to be left behind?
Hi beatmaker--
The ability to edit playlists while playing was removed a couple of beta releases ago. It was necessary to fix the playlist freeze problem that was listed on the petition. The problem is that editing the playlist while it plays requires a lot of internal recalculation.
However, I thank you for finding a bug: the Step soft knob should still work while playing playlists because it merely scrolls through the list and doesn't require recalculation. We will be fixing this. Until then, you can do the same thing with the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys, albeit more slowly.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 02, 2016, 05:35:14 AM
Sorry for the late reply Roger,
It seems the latest beta has fixed this issue.I'm not getting any blank names..
Another UI bug here where some sound names getting dissapeared as i scroll with softknob 4 when loading sounds.Also if i try to save these sounds their name is blank.Ghost in the machine :P
Hi Yorgos,
I have not been able to reproduce this here. Can you help me repeat it on a factory project with instructions on how to make it happen?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 02, 2016, 07:56:54 AM
Sorry for the late reply Roger,
It seems the latest beta has fixed this issue.I'm not getting any blank names.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: gonzaloco on September 02, 2016, 12:07:42 PM
The issue with two sounds not being able to be triggered at the same time seems to be resolved by resetting the Tempest's system parameters.  Would users whom are encountering this issue please reset the system preferences and check whether the issue is still present?

Hello , this is my first post .
I´ve just updated Main_1.4.2.5b .

Can´t record two notes simultaneously (on 16 tunings mode) . Resetted SP and the issue is still present.
Anything else i can try?

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 02, 2016, 12:37:40 PM
Hello , this is my first post .
I´ve just updated Main_1.4.2.5b .

Can´t record two notes simultaneously (on 16 tunings mode) . Resetted SP and the issue is still present.
Anything else i can try?

Hi gonzaloco--
I'm afraid Tempest does not record polyphonic tunings, nor has it ever. When using 16 Tunings mode, you are able to play two or more tunings simultaneously but only one one instance of a specific sound pad can be recorded at one timing location.
The bug that had been reported--and which is fixed by resetting System parameters--was the inability to play two different sound pads on a single timing location, not two tunings of the same sound pad.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: beatmaker on September 03, 2016, 10:34:47 AM
Hi Roger, hello everyone!

In playlist mode, while the sequencer plays you can no longer scroll down the list with encoder 1 above the screen. Before this beta you could go up and down that list with the first encoder (step) and even change the number of repeats per step, or the beat for that step etc while the sequencer was playing. It was a feature that i used and i really liked, sure it wasn't meant to be left behind?
Hi beatmaker--
The ability to edit playlists while playing was removed a couple of beta releases ago. It was necessary to fix the playlist freeze problem that was listed on the petition. The problem is that editing the playlist while it plays requires a lot of internal recalculation.
However, I thank you for finding a bug: the Step soft knob should still work while playing playlists because it merely scrolls through the list and doesn't require recalculation. We will be fixing this. Until then, you can do the same thing with the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys, albeit more slowly.

Cheers for the reply Roger. It's all good. I understand that modifying the beat per step or repeats per steps involves recalculation. No worries. Right now you're right you can only move up and down the playlist with the arrows. Would be great to be able to scroll with the step encoder like before without changing beats or repeats which would freeze it. Even though, i must tell you when the feature was there i always used it to adjust repeats per step while i listened to my song after i made it but no probs that can be made offline as well. i am great full enough the song structure is there which is probably one of the best i worked with.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: HT on September 04, 2016, 02:43:59 PM
Hello fellow pesters,

More of an observation than a bug, deleting sounds in quick succession causes screen artifacts. Files still get deleted so no mither to me.

No issues so far but would like the ability to drop in and out of a playing playlist. That aside I'm happy with this beta.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 05, 2016, 01:25:39 PM
Hello fellow pesters,

More of an observation than a bug, deleting sounds in quick succession causes screen artifacts. Files still get deleted so no mither to me.

No issues so far but would like the ability to drop in and out of a playing playlist. That aside I'm happy with this beta.
Hi HT,
I'm afraid that can't be helped. Alphabetizing files within a folder needs to be done whenever you delete a file or change folders, and it takes a brief moment to do so, causing the delay in screen refresh that you're experiencing. However, it's generally not an impediment to normal workflow.

Regarding dropping in and out of a playlist, I assume you mean the ability to turn Playlist off and on without stopping play, for example turning Playlist off in order to vamp on the current step's beat for a while, then turning Playlist back on in order to resume the playlist from the same point. Is this correct?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 06, 2016, 04:12:05 AM
Hello fellow pesters,

More of an observation than a bug, deleting sounds in quick succession causes screen artifacts. Files still get deleted so no mither to me.

No issues so far but would like the ability to drop in and out of a playing playlist. That aside I'm happy with this beta.
Hi HT,
I'm afraid that can't be helped. Alphabetizing files within a folder needs to be done whenever you delete a file or change folders, and it takes a brief moment to do so, causing the delay in screen refresh that you're experiencing. However, it's generally not an impediment to normal workflow.

Regarding dropping in and out of a playlist, I assume you mean the ability to turn Playlist off and on without stopping play, for example turning Playlist off in order to vamp on the current step's beat for a while, then turning Playlist back on in order to resume the playlist from the same point. Is this correct?

+1 for that Roger, the ability to do precisely what you interpreted from HT's post would be a really useful (and seriously cool) feature for me.  Vamping is definitely something I would want to do when using a playlist, it just adds so much improvisational potential to an otherwise rigid framework!  Latest beta looking great by the way, was writing with it last night, the many great improvements helped considerably!

J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: HT on September 06, 2016, 01:13:34 PM
Indeed Roger, the world is better for a wee vamp now and again.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 06, 2016, 08:44:12 PM
Does the latest update address blending the fx so that they not so noticeable?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 07, 2016, 06:24:04 AM
Can't understand the question here...
Does the latest update address blending the fx so that they not so noticeable?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 07, 2016, 07:50:55 AM
I find setting Beat FX a little hit an miss. Most of which seem to produce too obvious of an effect. I though maybe the update would smooth out the obviousness. For Ex: if I slap on a reverse through the editor on a note the reverse note plays much louder than the normally played note. it could just be my programming skills...but I notice that it is not so intuitive to use the FX parameters. The more I think of it the more I think that this wasn't part of the planned updates. I created a thread specifically for FX usage. Please disregard my initial post on this ...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 07, 2016, 12:39:05 PM
I've cracked this one out basically today!What a timing LucidSFX!
The new 808 Tempest kit i'm planning to release will have all the sounds ready for extreme Beat FX manipulation without blowing out the speakers...
I find setting Beat FX a little hit an miss. Most of which seem to produce too obvious of an effect. I though maybe the update would smooth out the obviousness. For Ex: if I slap on a reverse through the editor on a note the reverse note plays much louder than the normally played note. it could just be my programming skills...but I notice that it is not so intuitive to use the FX parameters. The more I think of it the more I think that this wasn't part of the planned updates. I created a thread specifically for FX usage. Please disregard my initial post on this ...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 08, 2016, 02:06:45 PM
Indeed Roger, the world is better for a wee vamp now and again.
I agree that it would be useful and it's already on DSI's internal list. Of course, it's ultimately DSI's decision but I would like to see it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 09, 2016, 01:21:41 AM
Another UI bug where scrolling through factory and other folders creates duplicate files...Below is a video demonstrating it
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 09, 2016, 09:17:16 AM
Another UI bug where scrolling through factory and other folders creates duplicate files...Below is a video demonstrating it
Thanks for finding that, Yorgos. Would you happen to know how to reproduce it, ideally using factory files? And just to be sure, can you confirm that version is loaded?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Cypeq on September 10, 2016, 03:43:08 PM
Not sure whether it is missing function or my lack of experience with Tempest. If it is missing function, please consider it to add it to the new firmware, if it is lack of my knowledge, sorry for posting it here and thx for your answer:

Is it someway possible to copy a sound including its sequence, fx..from one beat to another one? (COPY button allows only to copy sound incl seq within the actual beat, COPY SOUND allows to copy a sound from one beat to another one but without seqeunce..:/)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 10, 2016, 11:45:15 PM
What you're asking is a feature request and had been posted already in the appropriate thread..For now you can only copy all the parameters of an entire beat to a beat or sound to a sound respectively..
Not sure whether it is missing function or my lack of experience with Tempest. If it is missing function, please consider it to add it to the new firmware, if it is lack of my knowledge, sorry for posting it here and thx for your answer:

Is it someway possible to copy a sound including its sequence, fx..from one beat to another one? (COPY button allows only to copy sound incl seq within the actual beat, COPY SOUND allows to copy a sound from one beat to another one but without seqeunce..:/)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 10, 2016, 11:48:53 PM
Yes i have the latest beta loaded Roger..I'll see if i can reproduce it with factory sounds..
Another UI bug where scrolling through factory and other folders creates duplicate files...Below is a video demonstrating it
Thanks for finding that, Yorgos. Would you happen to know how to reproduce it, ideally using factory files? And just to be sure, can you confirm that version is loaded?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 11, 2016, 06:44:16 AM
Just found a bug with the Dance Chord Sound (one of the DSI-supplied sounds).  If you adjust the mixer level whilst playing the sound, either in 16 sounds or 16 tunings mode, it cuts out altogether until triggered again. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 13, 2016, 12:30:37 PM
Just found a bug with the Dance Chord Sound (one of the DSI-supplied sounds).  If you adjust the mixer level whilst playing the sound, either in 16 sounds or 16 tunings mode, it cuts out altogether until triggered again.
That's odd-- it isn't occurring here. Is it possible that the Mixer Level knob was positioned close to or at minimum, and when you moved the knob while the sound played, it immediately sensed the knob's position and therefore instantly reduced the sound's mix volume?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 14, 2016, 12:00:58 AM
Just found a bug with the Dance Chord Sound (one of the DSI-supplied sounds).  If you adjust the mixer level whilst playing the sound, either in 16 sounds or 16 tunings mode, it cuts out altogether until triggered again.
That's odd-- it isn't occurring here. Is it possible that the Mixer Level knob was positioned close to or at minimum, and when you moved the knob while the sound played, it immediately sensed the knob's position and therefore instantly reduced the sound's mix volume?

Hi Roger, no definitely not, I have discovered though that the problem persisted even if I changed the sound on the pad in question.  Will investigate further.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 14, 2016, 12:06:09 AM
Hi Roger,

Is there currently any case where the Tempest will remember if a sound was loaded from a user folder?   Last night I found that it did so only until I switched to another beat.  If I then switched back again, moving the load sound knob in 16 sounds / pads screen immediately jumped to the bass folder (since I was indeed using a bass sound). 

Also, only once noticed a bug similar to one reported previously where all my sound assignments got jumbled up?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 14, 2016, 07:01:42 AM
Hi Roger,

I just noticed a couple more bugs (I think):

1. Undo all sounds sometimes seems to revert only some of the sounds in the beat. 
2. If you tweak a sound out (at which point you can of course revert it), then switch to a different beat, then return to the beat in which you tweaked the sound out, you can no longer revert the sound.  I guess it's possible that is the desired behaviour?  Regardless, it seems logical to me there might be a situation where you tweak out a sound and use it right up to a beat transition, in which case you won't have time to revert it back before you switch beats, creating an issue when you return to the beat in question?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 14, 2016, 12:56:24 PM
Hi Roger,

Is there currently any case where the Tempest will remember if a sound was loaded from a user folder?   Last night I found that it did so only until I switched to another beat.  If I then switched back again, moving the load sound knob in 16 sounds / pads screen immediately jumped to the bass folder (since I was indeed using a bass sound). 

Also, only once noticed a bug similar to one reported previously where all my sound assignments got jumbled up?
Yes, now whenever you save a Sound, the last Sound folder that you saved to or loaded from will be presented by default in the Destination Sound Folder field. This same rule applies to saving Beats or Projects. However, the Sound Folder and Load Sound soft knobs (in the 16 Sounds / Pads screen) do not affect the default Save Sound folder. The reason is that spinning the Sound Folder soft knob would have the effect of quickly selecting lots of sound folder destinations, which would not be desirable.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 14, 2016, 12:59:42 PM
Hi Roger,

I just noticed a couple more bugs (I think):

1. Undo all sounds sometimes seems to revert only some of the sounds in the beat. 
2. If you tweak a sound out (at which point you can of course revert it), then switch to a different beat, then return to the beat in which you tweaked the sound out, you can no longer revert the sound.  I guess it's possible that is the desired behaviour?  Regardless, it seems logical to me there might be a situation where you tweak out a sound and use it right up to a beat transition, in which case you won't have time to revert it back before you switch beats, creating an issue when you return to the beat in question?
That is correct. "Revert Sound" only works within the current Beat. If you switch to a different Beat, the change history of the previous Beat is discarded in order to save memory.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 14, 2016, 01:00:58 PM
Also, only once noticed a bug similar to one reported previously where all my sound assignments got jumbled up?
Can you explain what "all my sound assignments got jumbled up" means?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 16, 2016, 03:59:15 AM
Also, only once noticed a bug similar to one reported previously where all my sound assignments got jumbled up?
Can you explain what "all my sound assignments got jumbled up" means?

Hi Roger,

What I mean is that say, for example, a beat has sounds assigned to pads 1 to 4, as follows:

Pad 1: Burning 5th
Pad 2: Saw Bass
Pad 3: Analog Fazer
Pad 4: Gamelan

Occasionally, a sudden and inexplicable change in the assignments may occur, as follows:

Pad 1: Gamelan
Pad 2: Analog Fazer
Pad 3: Burning 5th
Pad 4: Saw Bass

I've been unable to reproduce the problem as it is quite infrequent.  I believe I saw the same bug listed somewhere on the form by another member though.

Cheers, J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 16, 2016, 05:24:12 PM
Also, only once noticed a bug similar to one reported previously where all my sound assignments got jumbled up?
Can you explain what "all my sound assignments got jumbled up" means?

Hi Roger,

What I mean is that say, for example, a beat has sounds assigned to pads 1 to 4, as follows:

Pad 1: Burning 5th
Pad 2: Saw Bass
Pad 3: Analog Fazer
Pad 4: Gamelan

Occasionally, a sudden and inexplicable change in the assignments may occur, as follows:

Pad 1: Gamelan
Pad 2: Analog Fazer
Pad 3: Burning 5th
Pad 4: Saw Bass

I've been unable to reproduce the problem as it is quite infrequent.  I believe I saw the same bug listed somewhere on the form by another member though.

Cheers, J :)
Ouch. Sounds like some operation is overwriting the memory used for sound assignments. If it happens again, please try to remember what you did just before it happened.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on September 18, 2016, 08:20:03 AM
not exactly a bug, but is it possible to allow the sequencer out pad to keep sending note events when the level of the sound assigned to the sequencer pad is at 0?
so an external synth can be sequenced without having voice steal from the sound assigned to that pad.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: SpreadSpectrum on September 18, 2016, 12:01:17 PM
I don't know if this is a bug or a something wrong with the pads on my unit.

When holding down a pad and applying pressure no other sounds can be triggered by hitting the pads.

Also now with further testing it appears no two pads can be triggered at the same time. That is not good. This is my second Tempest. I don't remember this behavior the last time I owned one. When I did I used OS 1.4

Is this a known bug? Is there something wrong with my unit? Should I contact support? You can't play live if you can't hit more than one note at a time.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 18, 2016, 02:28:54 PM
No worries,you have to reset System Parameters in system settings...It happened to me too when i updated to the latest beta.
I don't know if this is a bug or a something wrong with the pads on my unit.

When holding down a pad and applying pressure no other sounds can be triggered by hitting the pads.

Also now with further testing it appears no two pads can be triggered at the same time. That is not good. This is my second Tempest. I don't remember this behavior the last time I owned one. When I did I used OS 1.4

Is this a known bug? Is there something wrong with my unit? Should I contact support? You can't play live if you can't hit more than one note at a time.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 18, 2016, 02:36:29 PM
Switching beats creates a short click

Not sure if this is a bug or my programming...

I created 16 beats and when I switch manually or create a playlist I can hear a small click on every transition. If it is my programming, I'll start a new thread.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: purusha on September 19, 2016, 12:59:00 AM
I know it's not a silver bullet, but I wonder if it's worth considering running the Tempest code through a static analysis tool?

For example, my company uses Klocwork. It's caught a few issues - mainly buffer over-run bugs and similar.

There may be cheap-ish options around for that kind of thing...?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: HT on September 19, 2016, 10:05:12 AM
Switching beats creates a short click

Not sure if this is a bug or my programming...

I created 16 beats and when I switch manually or create a playlist I can hear a small click on every transition. If it is my programming, I'll start a new thread.
I'm using the current beta Main 1.4.3b and Voice 1.5 and calibrated the voices, I get no clicks during transitions which include some long release sounds.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 19, 2016, 02:02:25 PM
not exactly a bug, but is it possible to allow the sequencer out pad to keep sending note events when the level of the sound assigned to the sequencer pad is at 0?
so an external synth can be sequenced without having voice steal from the sound assigned to that pad.
Internally, a voice is not played if its mix volume is zero. This is in order to not tie up that voice from being used if it's not being heard. When the voice doesn't play, it also doesn't send MIDI notes. In my opinion, it's not important enough to change this, which would require internally changing the software voice architecture to play the voice mostly but not completely, because it could introduce new bugs in a system that I think is already too complex. Fortunately the workaround is easy: simply set the mix volume to 1 or higher.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 19, 2016, 02:09:05 PM
I know it's not a silver bullet, but I wonder if it's worth considering running the Tempest code through a static analysis tool?

For example, my company uses Klocwork. It's caught a few issues - mainly buffer over-run bugs and similar.

There may be cheap-ish options around for that kind of thing...?
Thanks for the suggestion, but those type of tools don't really work for embedded CPUs, particularly in a product like Tempest with 9 computers running concurrently. Also, the business of selling creative  music products doesn't produce the level of income needed to afford those types of expensive tools or the people to set them up. Have you ever tried to sell something to a musician? :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: SpreadSpectrum on September 20, 2016, 04:21:41 AM
Thanks. I'll give it a try.

No worries,you have to reset System Parameters in system settings...It happened to me too when i updated to the latest beta.
I don't know if this is a bug or a something wrong with the pads on my unit.

When holding down a pad and applying pressure no other sounds can be triggered by hitting the pads.

Also now with further testing it appears no two pads can be triggered at the same time. That is not good. This is my second Tempest. I don't remember this behavior the last time I owned one. When I did I used OS 1.4

Is this a known bug? Is there something wrong with my unit? Should I contact support? You can't play live if you can't hit more than one note at a time.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on September 20, 2016, 07:59:57 AM
Internally, a voice is not played if its mix volume is zero. This is in order to not tie up that voice from being used if it's not being heard. When the voice doesn't play, it also doesn't send MIDI notes. In my opinion, it's not important enough to change this, which would require internally changing the software voice architecture to play the voice mostly but not completely, because it could introduce new bugs in a system that I think is already too complex. Fortunately the workaround is easy: simply set the mix volume to 1 or higher.
ok, i understand the problem. thanks for the answer.
may i ask how is it that the voice allocation software works? is it possible to program a sound with the lowest priority possible, but with a level of 1 or higher for the sequence to be sent out, so we could load this sound to the external sequencer pad and not have voice steal for it due to low priority?. That way we would be able to use an external synth effectively as a 7th fixed voice for the tempest, hence my inquiring.
may be it is programmed so if a sound gets voice stealed the sequence wont run? then it's just not possible and an external synth will just replace one of the tempest voices still limited to 6 at a time total.
or may be the priority for the sequencer out pad is maxed out so it always steal a voice?
thanks again for your answer.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 20, 2016, 08:24:18 AM
ok, i understand the problem. thanks for the answer.
may i ask how is it that the voice allocation software works? is it possible to program a sound with the lowest priority possible, but with a level of 1 or higher for the sequence to be sent out, so we could load this sound to the external sequencer pad and not have voice steal for it due to low priority?. That way we would be able to use an external synth effectively as a 7th fixed voice for the tempest, hence my inquiring.
may be it is programmed so if a sound gets voice stealed the sequence wont run? then it's just not possible and an external synth will just replace one of the tempest voices still limited to 6 at a time total.
or may be the priority for the sequencer out pad is maxed out so it always steal a voice?
thanks again for your answer.
When all voices are used, Tempest considers a number of factors in determining which voice to steal, but mainly it steals the playing voice with the lowest VCA level, which is usually the least likely to be noticed if stolen. Also, it usually will not steal ADSR sounds that are currently held. There is not a way to use an external MIDI sound as a seventh voice, but there are ways to tweak internal sounds to help the voice-stealing algorithm work best. With this update, we've released a "Tempest OS 1.5 Addendum" containing lots of useful information about this topic. You can download it from the third post in the thread from which you downloaded the update.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on September 20, 2016, 12:09:44 PM
Also, only once noticed a bug similar to one reported previously where all my sound assignments got jumbled up?
Can you explain what "all my sound assignments got jumbled up" means?

Hi Roger,

What I mean is that say, for example, a beat has sounds assigned to pads 1 to 4, as follows:

Pad 1: Burning 5th
Pad 2: Saw Bass
Pad 3: Analog Fazer
Pad 4: Gamelan

Occasionally, a sudden and inexplicable change in the assignments may occur, as follows:

Pad 1: Gamelan
Pad 2: Analog Fazer
Pad 3: Burning 5th
Pad 4: Saw Bass

I've been unable to reproduce the problem as it is quite infrequent.  I believe I saw the same bug listed somewhere on the form by another member though.

Cheers, J :)

Hi soidthezoid,

I'm just putting 1.4.3b through its paces here, trying to reproduce this anomaly.  I'm wondering if you don't remember what you were doing when this happened?  Any information at all would be most useful.  I'm content to suss this out, but it would be ideal if I knew at least where to start.  Sufficed to say, bug reports like this are concerning, and since we're coming to the end of this phase of Tempest development, in many respects it's now or never (nervous grin).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 21, 2016, 03:11:45 AM
Also, only once noticed a bug similar to one reported previously where all my sound assignments got jumbled up?
Can you explain what "all my sound assignments got jumbled up" means?

Hi Roger,

What I mean is that say, for example, a beat has sounds assigned to pads 1 to 4, as follows:

Pad 1: Burning 5th
Pad 2: Saw Bass
Pad 3: Analog Fazer
Pad 4: Gamelan

Occasionally, a sudden and inexplicable change in the assignments may occur, as follows:

Pad 1: Gamelan
Pad 2: Analog Fazer
Pad 3: Burning 5th
Pad 4: Saw Bass

I've been unable to reproduce the problem as it is quite infrequent.  I believe I saw the same bug listed somewhere on the form by another member though.

Cheers, J :)

Hi soidthezoid,

I'm just putting 1.4.3b through its paces here, trying to reproduce this anomaly.  I'm wondering if you don't remember what you were doing when this happened?  Any information at all would be most useful.  I'm content to suss this out, but it would be ideal if I knew at least where to start.  Sufficed to say, bug reports like this are concerning, and since we're coming to the end of this phase of Tempest development, in many respects it's now or never (nervous grin).


Hi Roger,

Think it may have been related to 'Undo all sounds', if memory serves.  Will do my best to try and recreate it tonight, fingers crossed!  What was the conclusion with the other, similar bug I reported, " Undo all sounds sometimes seems to revert only some of the sounds in the beat" ?

Cheers, J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: purusha on September 21, 2016, 07:18:59 AM
I know it's not a silver bullet, but I wonder if it's worth considering running the Tempest code through a static analysis tool?

For example, my company uses Klocwork. It's caught a few issues - mainly buffer over-run bugs and similar.

There may be cheap-ish options around for that kind of thing...?
Thanks for the suggestion, but those type of tools don't really work for embedded CPUs, particularly in a product like Tempest with 9 computers running concurrently. Also, the business of selling creative  music products doesn't produce the level of income needed to afford those types of expensive tools or the people to set them up. Have you ever tried to sell something to a musician? :)

Well - you say that, but I work on multi-processor embedded systems, based on ARM and MIPS running multiple OSes. Like I say - these systems won't catch everything, but it's surprising what they can catch.

I know they're expensive, but many of them do a free trial and you can rent short-term. ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 21, 2016, 10:00:04 AM
What was the conclusion with the other, similar bug I reported, " Undo all sounds sometimes seems to revert only some of the sounds in the beat" ?
Could you please refresh my memory on which bug you're referring to? I ask because Tempest doesn't have an "Undo all sounds" function and I don't recall the bug.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bozo on September 21, 2016, 10:17:35 AM
Have you ever tried to sell something to a musician? :)
ha ha
yes and i am one as well (well i think i am) and yes can be right pita; fussy, petulant, indecisive, wankers with no money the lot of them. :P
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on September 21, 2016, 11:20:43 AM
Also, only once noticed a bug similar to one reported previously where all my sound assignments got jumbled up?
Can you explain what "all my sound assignments got jumbled up" means?

Hi Roger,

What I mean is that say, for example, a beat has sounds assigned to pads 1 to 4, as follows:

Pad 1: Burning 5th
Pad 2: Saw Bass
Pad 3: Analog Fazer
Pad 4: Gamelan

Occasionally, a sudden and inexplicable change in the assignments may occur, as follows:

Pad 1: Gamelan
Pad 2: Analog Fazer
Pad 3: Burning 5th
Pad 4: Saw Bass

I've been unable to reproduce the problem as it is quite infrequent.  I believe I saw the same bug listed somewhere on the form by another member though.

Cheers, J :)

Hi soidthezoid,

I'm just putting 1.4.3b through its paces here, trying to reproduce this anomaly.  I'm wondering if you don't remember what you were doing when this happened?  Any information at all would be most useful.  I'm content to suss this out, but it would be ideal if I knew at least where to start.  Sufficed to say, bug reports like this are concerning, and since we're coming to the end of this phase of Tempest development, in many respects it's now or never (nervous grin).


Hi Roger,

Think it may have been related to 'Undo all sounds', if memory serves.  Will do my best to try and recreate it tonight, fingers crossed!  What was the conclusion with the other, similar bug I reported, " Undo all sounds sometimes seems to revert only some of the sounds in the beat" ?

Cheers, J :)

Hi soidthezoid,

It wasn't Roger that asked that last question, you're talking to 'John the Savage' now (wink).  At any rate, thanks for the info; that gives me something to go on.  Of course, if you remember anything else about what you were doing when the bug happened, please let me know.  If you figure out how to faithfully reproduce it, even better (grin)!  In the meantime, I will take this to task here, and see if I can't flesh it out myself...

Oh, and this was Roger's reply to your other question:

Hi Roger,

I just noticed a couple more bugs (I think):

1. Undo all sounds sometimes seems to revert only some of the sounds in the beat. 
2. If you tweak a sound out (at which point you can of course revert it), then switch to a different beat, then return to the beat in which you tweaked the sound out, you can no longer revert the sound.  I guess it's possible that is the desired behaviour?  Regardless, it seems logical to me there might be a situation where you tweak out a sound and use it right up to a beat transition, in which case you won't have time to revert it back before you switch beats, creating an issue when you return to the beat in question?
That is correct. "Revert Sound" only works within the current Beat. If you switch to a different Beat, the change history of the previous Beat is discarded in order to save memory.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 21, 2016, 03:27:34 PM
What was the conclusion with the other, similar bug I reported, " Undo all sounds sometimes seems to revert only some of the sounds in the beat" ?
Could you please refresh my memory on which bug you're referring to? I ask because Tempest doesn't have an "Undo all sounds" function and I don't recall the bug.

Hi Roger,

It does indeed have that function!  If you hold shift + Undo Rec you will see the 'Undo All Snds' function displayed in the bottom left of the screen.  The bug is that it doesn't always revert ALL the sounds in the beat, just some of them.

Cheers, J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on September 23, 2016, 04:41:12 PM
Maybe I'm not understanding the design properly, but there is what I would define as a bug with external midi CC control of beat wide parameters.

While playing a beat, go to screens/sounds display.
If you use soft knob 2 to change the LP Freq and then return the knob to its initial 0 position, the beat is back to its default sound. This is what I would expect, enabling you to tweak a beat wide parameter for effect and then return it to 0, leaving the sound unaffected.

If instead of soft knob 2 you use an external controller CC 22 to tweak the LP Freq parameter, then I would expect a value of 64 on the the external CC to be equivalent to 0 on the soft knob control. This would enable you to use an external CC to control the beat wide parameters in exactly the same way as using the soft knobs.

This would be very useful for when you want to use recorded CC events to control beat wide effects such as when using an external sequencer with the Tempest, or in live situation when you want to control as much as possible from a single control surface.

The problem/bug is that controlling a beat wide parameter with an external CC behaves in a different way than using the soft knob, so its impossible to reproduce the effect of using the soft knob from an external CC, and its impossible to return the beat to its unaffected state if you do use an external CC to control the beat wide parameters. 

I'm wondering what is going on and if this is on purpose, because it significantly limits the use of the external CC control, which is a shame because it would be very useful if it behaved in the same way as the soft knobs.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 23, 2016, 06:03:27 PM
It does indeed have that function!  If you hold shift + Undo Rec you will see the 'Undo All Snds' function displayed in the bottom left of the screen.  The bug is that it doesn't always revert ALL the sounds in the beat, just some of them.

Cheers, J :)
Ah, that appears to be something that Chris snuck in without my knowledge. I tend to frown upon commands that require 3 fingers to operate. Can't imagine why.
Chris-- would you care to respond to this gentleman?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on September 23, 2016, 06:28:58 PM
Maybe I'm not understanding the design properly, but there is what I would define as a bug with external midi CC control of beat wide parameters.

While playing a beat, go to screens/sounds display.
If you use soft knob 2 to change the LP Freq and then return the knob to its initial 0 position, the beat is back to its default sound. This is what I would expect, enabling you to tweak a beat wide parameter for effect and then return it to 0, leaving the sound unaffected.

If instead of soft knob 2 you use an external controller CC 22 to tweak the LP Freq parameter, then I would expect a value of 64 on the the external CC to be equivalent to 0 on the soft knob control. This would enable you to use an external CC to control the beat wide parameters in exactly the same way as using the soft knobs.

This would be very useful for when you want to use recorded CC events to control beat wide effects such as when using an external sequencer with the Tempest, or in live situation when you want to control as much as possible from a single control surface.

The problem/bug is that controlling a beat wide parameter with an external CC behaves in a different way than using the soft knob, so its impossible to reproduce the effect of using the soft knob from an external CC, and its impossible to return the beat to its unaffected state if you do use an external CC to control the beat wide parameters. 

I'm wondering what is going on and if this is on purpose, because it significantly limits the use of the external CC control, which is a shame because it would be very useful if it behaved in the same way as the soft knobs.
Can you tell me how you're using CC22 to control BW Lowpass Cutoff?
By the way, I'm leaving now for a week vacation so either Carson will follow up or I will after my return.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on September 23, 2016, 07:28:57 PM
Can you tell me how you're using CC22 to control BW Lowpass Cutoff?
By the way, I'm leaving now for a week vacation so either Carson will follow up or I will after my return.

CC22 is being sent from an external encoder with absolute values 0-127 input to Tempest via usb.
Its set to value 64 initially.

Does that explain?
Maybe its an undocumented feature, I'm having no luck locating it in the manual.

Here are the parameters I know of...
CC# 12 - Distortion
CC# 13 - Compression
CC# 19 - a value other than 0 reverts Beat FX params to defaults
CC# 20 - Beat FX All Osc Frequency
CC# 21 - Beat FX Feedback
CC# 22 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Cutoff
CC# 23 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Resonance
CC# 24 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Audio Mod
CC# 25 - Beat FX Highpass Filter Cutoff
CC# 26 - Beat FX All Env Attack
CC# 27 - Beat FX All Env Decay

Would be great to be able to externally control the FX1,2,3,4 as well!

Enjoy yr vacation :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 24, 2016, 01:19:18 AM
Have fun Roger!
By the way, I'm leaving now for a week vacation so either Carson will follow up or I will after my return.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on September 24, 2016, 04:35:24 PM
There are two new bugs on the 1.4.3b OS which users should be aware of.

First, exporting an individual file from a file list will transmit the wrong file from the folder.  If you do wish to backup files on the 1.4.3b OS, make sure to transmit entire folders or the entirety of the Tempest's files.

Second, there is a display issue when files are deleted from the file menu.  The description is as follows.

If a file is deleted from a folder and the following folder has a greater number of files present, navigating up (folder 2 -> folder 1) to the folder which the file was deleted from causes the last deleted file from the folder to be displayed as the last file in the folder.  The file is not selectable.
Title: Pad B1 not playing : BETA update fixed it
Post by: Jamboid5 on September 25, 2016, 06:05:00 AM
Using latest NON-BETA. Was making a beat. then suddently no sound from B1 pad.

B1 sounded when hit. positions in pattern flashed, however no sound from pattern. No mutes were on. Changed beats. re-initialised sounds and beat. reset all parameters to default and re-calibrated. problem still same.

Updated to BETA OS. Problem resolved. :)

Title: Re: Pad B1 not playing : BETA update fixed it
Post by: John the Savage on September 25, 2016, 11:59:07 AM
Using latest NON-BETA. Was making a beat. then suddently no sound from B1 pad.

B1 sounded when hit. positions in pattern flashed, however no sound from pattern. No mutes were on. Changed beats. re-initialised sounds and beat. reset all parameters to default and re-calibrated. problem still same.

Updated to BETA OS. Problem resolved. :)

For the record, if this ever happens to you again, it's the 'MIDI Sequencer-out' designation, as set in the 'SYSTEM' menu.  The default pad for this functionality is pad B1, which in turn prevents the internal sound assigned to that pad from playing, and in all previous versions of the OS this functionality could not be turned off.  The newest beta allows that functionality to be turned off, and indeed that is the default setting; hence why the update seemed to fix the problem (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 25, 2016, 04:01:19 PM
Hi Guys,

I note that as of Main OS 1.4.3b the first note of my sequencer out pattern is still lagging when the beat transitions.  Since it is listed on the petition, is it likely that this will be fixed?

Cheers, j :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: spaceshipearth on September 26, 2016, 05:23:25 PM
After updating to Voice 1.5 and OS 1.4.3, I'm unable to hit two pads at once and make sound. If I hit a two pads at once, only one sounds. If I hold a pad down and hit other pads, I don't get sound until I release pressure from the first pad...

Any idea what's going on?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on September 26, 2016, 05:56:49 PM
After updating to Voice 1.5 and OS 1.4.3, I'm unable to hit two pads at once and make sound. If I hit a two pads at once, only one sounds. If I hold a pad down and hit other pads, I don't get sound until I release pressure from the first pad...

Any idea what's going on?

You need to reset the system parameters.  It's in the release notes (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on September 26, 2016, 10:27:42 PM
It does indeed have that function!  If you hold shift + Undo Rec you will see the 'Undo All Snds' function displayed in the bottom left of the screen.  The bug is that it doesn't always revert ALL the sounds in the beat, just some of them.

Cheers, J :)
Ah, that appears to be something that Chris snuck in without my knowledge. I tend to frown upon commands that require 3 fingers to operate. Can't imagine why.
Chris-- would you care to respond to this gentleman?

Yes, Chris, this functionality seems a little convoluted to me as well.

a) the prompt is unclear...
b) the act of entering this page automatically 'reverts' the currently selected sound whether you hit the pad or not...
c) having to hold these buttons makes it difficult to access the pads in general...
d) it's a liability if you accidentally hit the 'Undo Rec' button first...
e) the 'SHIFT' button sticks if you accidentally let go of it first, even though it's being held instead of toggled...

I personally would prefer it if this functionality was simply removed altogether; but if it must stay, surely there's a simpler and safer way to 'Revert All Sounds'.  No?

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on September 27, 2016, 02:32:50 AM
Hi Guys,

I note that as of Main OS 1.4.3b the first note of my sequencer out pattern is still lagging when the beat transitions.  Since it is listed on the petition, is it likely that this will be fixed?

Cheers, j :)

Yes, that bug remains to be fixed.  Roger Linn acknowledged this in his notes following the change-log in the beta release thread.  However, I have to say, there’s no guarantee at this point that any further bugs will be addressed.

I'm still corresponding with Roger Linn a couple times a week on average, testing and deliberating, constantly updating the bug-list as things get fixed (or inadvertently broken in the process), and discussing which issues should take priority.  But we’re just the facilitators.  What actually gets done is ultimately up to Dave Smith.  To that end, and I don’t mean to speak for Roger Linn or Dave Smith here, but we are getting down to the last of the bug fixes, and there are fixes yet needed for many of the fixes.  So perhaps this is a good time to remind y'all that the petition has been, and continues to be, the key motivator in all of this; and so I urge you, the community, to be vigilant and keep the pressure on.

There is talk of officially releasing this most recent beta as is.  And while it's unrealistic to expect the operating system to be completely bug-free, there are several issues remaining which are the result of nothing more than sloppy coding or slapdash implementation; issues that can be fixed, and in my opinion should be fixed.

Here is a comprehensive list of the problems remaining, as pertaining to the bug-list we presented in our petition, including those bugs that have been introduced since; many of which you guys found and reported, as requested, and have been in turn acknowledged and confirmed:

·       If you accidentally hit the 16 Beats or 16 Mutes button first, when trying to enter 16 tunings or 16 Levels mode, the Roll function automatically disengages – mode changes should happen upon the button’s release in order to prevent this.

·       In 16 Tunings mode, when the sequencer is stopped, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       In 16 Levels mode, when the sequencer is stopped, the Arp allows notes to be triggered outside of the selected quantize value, which creates undesirable flams when trying to depress multiple notes at once, or when adding new notes to the arpeggio.  Also, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       When recording with the Arp in 16 Levels mode, the held pads blink in succession with each note trigger as expected; but after the first pass of the sequence is recorded, only pad 16 blinks.  *In all other Arp modes, the pads continue to blink in the order they were depressed/recorded as expected.

·      When switching beats on-the-fly, the first step of the sequencer-out is consistently late; so if you're triggering a sample loop on the one, every time you switch beats on the Tempest, it will be out of sync for the first pass.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      If you hold 'Shift' and turn the Compressor knob to get into the compressor menu, you can no longer get back to the Mixer screen.

·      When Slider Mode is set to 'Real-time', only FX1 Slider is affected. FX2/3/4 sliders are always 'Step' regardless of this parameter setting.

·      Using Mod Paths for external MIDI sound control results in intermittent affect on the sound.  *Causes are unclear, but bug occurs more frequently on playback of a Beat with many sounds.

·      When playing a Beat containing held notes of an ADSR sound, if you turn on Bank B while 1) a note is playing and 2) a different sound is selected, the playing note's pad sticks on.

·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play', and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options.

·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.

·      Beat roll still doesn't swing.

·      A sound folder is still need to correspond with the pad name "Synth".

·      Duplicate files appear when scrolling through the Beat and Project Folders in the Load File screen.

·      Similarly, if a file is deleted from a folder and the following folder has a greater number of files present, navigating up (folder 2 -> folder 1) to the folder which the file was deleted from causes the last deleted file from the folder to be displayed as the last file in the folder.  The file cannot be selected.

·      Exporting an individual file from a file list will transmit the wrong file from the folder.

·      When adding or copying steps via the Events Screen, the Pad lights do not correlate correctly in 16 Time Steps mode.

·      If slaving a playlist from MIDI clock received over DIN MIDI and starting at location 9.1.1 or higher, Tempest starts playing from the wrong position. Syncing from MIDI Clock over USB works fine.

·      In 16 Mutes mode, on the Pads screen, although you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) it is not reflected graphically on the display.  This could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen.

·       The Mute/Solo/Delay buttons should perform their functions in both the 16 Mutes/Pads and 16 Mutes/Mixer screens.

·      Mutes “All On” should be available on the mixer screen in both 16 Mutes and 16 Sounds Mode.

·      The “Undo All Sounds” functionality needs to be made simpler or otherwise removed.

There are no mysteries on that list, folks; all of the above bugs and issues with the U.I. are isolated and fixable (save one).  Regardless, this is no longer a moving target, so let’s keep the conversation going, both online and in the real world.  We must continue to insist that DSI allocate the resources needed to fix the Tempest.  It continues to sell, and it has generated more hype than any other instrument DSI has ever produced, so let’s take this all the way and set a new precedent in the consumer’s favor.

Good work thus far, one and all; Dave Smith and his team included…

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on September 27, 2016, 08:31:19 AM
Hi Guys,

I note that as of Main OS 1.4.3b the first note of my sequencer out pattern is still lagging when the beat transitions.  Since it is listed on the petition, is it likely that this will be fixed?

Cheers, j :)

Yes, that bug remains to be fixed.  Roger Linn acknowledged this in his notes following the change-log in the beta release thread.  However, I have to say, there’s no guarantee at this point that any further bugs will be addressed.

I'm still corresponding with Roger Linn a couple times a week on average, testing and deliberating, constantly updating the bug-list as things get fixed (or inadvertently broken in the process), and discussing which issues should take priority.  But we’re just the facilitators.  What actually gets done is ultimately up to Dave Smith.  To that end, and I don’t mean to speak for Roger Linn or Dave Smith here, but we are getting down to the last of the bug fixes, and there are fixes yet needed for many of the fixes.  So perhaps this is a good time to remind y'all that the petition has been, and continues to be, the key motivator in all of this; and so I urge you, the community, to be vigilant and keep the pressure on.

There is talk of officially releasing this most recent beta as is.  And while it's unrealistic to expect the operating system to be completely bug-free, there are several issues remaining which are the result of nothing more than sloppy coding or slapdash implementation; issues that can be fixed, and in my opinion should be fixed.

Here is a comprehensive list of the problems remaining, as pertaining to the bug-list we presented in our petition, including those bugs that have been introduced since; many of which you guys found and reported, as requested, and have been in turn acknowledged and confirmed:

·       If you accidentally hit the 16 Beats or 16 Mutes button first, when trying to enter 16 tunings or 16 Levels mode, the Roll function automatically disengages – mode changes should happen upon the button’s release in order to prevent this.

·       In 16 Tunings mode, when the sequencer is stopped, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       In 16 Levels mode, when the sequencer is stopped, the Arp allows notes to be triggered outside of the selected quantize value, which creates undesirable flams when trying to depress multiple notes at once, or when adding new notes to the arpeggio.  Also, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       When recording with the Arp in 16 Levels mode, the held pads blink in succession with each note trigger as expected; but after the first pass of the sequence is recorded, only pad 16 blinks.  *In all other Arp modes, the pads continue to blink in the order they were depressed/recorded as expected.

·      When switching beats on-the-fly, the first step of the sequencer-out is consistently late; so if you're triggering a sample loop on the one, every time you switch beats on the Tempest, it will be out of sync for the first pass.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      If you hold 'Shift' and turn the Compressor knob to get into the compressor menu, you can no longer get back to the Mixer screen.

·      When Slider Mode is set to 'Real-time', only FX1 Slider is affected. FX2/3/4 sliders are always 'Step' regardless of this parameter setting.

·      Using Mod Paths for external MIDI sound control results in intermittent affect on the sound.  *Causes are unclear, but bug occurs more frequently on playback of a Beat with many sounds.

·      When playing a Beat containing held notes of an ADSR sound, if you turn on Bank B while 1) a note is playing and 2) a different sound is selected, the playing note's pad sticks on.

·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play', and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options.

·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.

·      Beat roll still doesn't swing.

·      A sound folder is still need to correspond with the pad name "Synth".

·      Duplicate files appear when scrolling through the Beat and Project Folders in the Load File screen.

·      Similarly, if a file is deleted from a folder and the following folder has a greater number of files present, navigating up (folder 2 -> folder 1) to the folder which the file was deleted from causes the last deleted file from the folder to be displayed as the last file in the folder.  The file cannot be selected.

·      Exporting an individual file from a file list will transmit the wrong file from the folder.

·      When adding or copying steps via the Events Screen, the Pad lights do not correlate correctly in 16 Time Steps mode.

·      If slaving a playlist from MIDI clock received over DIN MIDI and starting at location 9.1.1 or higher, Tempest starts playing from the wrong position. Syncing from MIDI Clock over USB works fine.

·      In 16 Mutes mode, on the Pads screen, although you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) it is not reflected graphically on the display.  This could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen.

·       The Mute/Solo/Delay buttons should perform their functions in both the 16 Mutes/Pads and 16 Mutes/Mixer screens.

·      Mutes “All On” should be available on the mixer screen in both 16 Mutes and 16 Sounds Mode.

·      The “Undo All Sounds” functionality needs to be made simpler or otherwise removed.

There are no mysteries on that list, folks; all of the above bugs and issues with the U.I. are isolated and fixable (save one).  Regardless, this is no longer a moving target, so let’s keep the conversation going, both online and in the real world.  We must continue to insist that DSI allocate the resources needed to fix the Tempest.  It continues to sell, and it has generated more hype than any other instrument DSI has ever produced, so let’s take this all the way and set a new precedent in the consumer’s favor.

Good work thus far, one and all; Dave Smith and his team included…


+1000 for that Roger & all at DSI!  Definitely would like to see those fixed please.  J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 28, 2016, 04:39:33 PM
I'm giving all my heart for this machine and i believe many users out there feel the same..I was there even when T was an idea..Waited patiently until it's release..Raised money to buy it..Even fought with my wife about it..Finally bought it..Beta tested it for years..Having fun with it..And all i'm asking from Dave personally is just simply to address these bugs now and not abandon us..Dave are you hearing us?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: timbo74 on September 28, 2016, 06:05:32 PM
100% agree!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sacred Synthesis on September 28, 2016, 06:15:10 PM
Dave doesn't read this or any other forum, but his staff does.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 28, 2016, 07:30:28 PM
Agreed. It is a great machine but for the life of me I can't figure out why a closed box system is riddled with bugs that takes years to fix. Dont get me wrong I love the Tempest but I went OTB for stability. Please don't stop developement to finally have a bug free system.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on September 28, 2016, 10:36:53 PM
There are two new bugs on the 1.4.3b OS which users should be aware of.

First, exporting an individual file from a file list will transmit the wrong file from the folder.  If you do wish to backup files on the 1.4.3b OS, make sure to transmit entire folders or the entirety of the Tempest's files.

Per my testing, I believe the following is a temporary workaround for successfully exporting individual project files. Curious if you all have the same results.
-- Export the individual project file from a folder containing nothing else but that individual project file. This is achieved by moving the file to an empty project folder for export. I think of this dedicated export/import folder like a Star Trek transporter for project files. ( 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on September 28, 2016, 10:52:01 PM
If a file is deleted from a folder and the following folder has a greater number of files present, navigating up (folder 2 -> folder 1) to the folder which the file was deleted from causes the last deleted file from the folder to be displayed as the last file in the folder.  The file is not selectable.

From my experience with this issue:
When I come across that recently-deleted, non-selectable "ghost" file , and then I navigate upward (to a higher "directory") and then come back to the folder that has that "ghost" file name, something gets refreshed, and that "ghost" file is gone. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on September 28, 2016, 11:18:49 PM
I'm all for a Tempest OS that addresses key functions per DSI/RLD's concept. I'm not expecting completely bug free. (Btw, I haven't found Tempest to be unstable, in the sense of unexpected crashes.)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 01, 2016, 01:35:32 PM
I see the petition has garnered 18 new signatures in the last few days... That's the spirit: 818 supporters and still counting (grin). I know you're out there Tempest owners; let's see if we can't push it to 1000! There's work yet to be done, folks, so if you haven't already, please lend your voice to the cause.  There is an updated list of the remaining bugs on page 10 of this thread, along with an explanation of why your help is still needed.  Pass it on...

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 01, 2016, 01:56:17 PM
The issue with two sounds not being able to be triggered at the same time seems to be resolved by resetting the Tempest's system parameters.  Would users whom are encountering this issue please reset the system preferences and check whether the issue is still present?

I already spoke to Roger Linn directly about this; but just so everyone knows, I was able to get the Tempest back into this state, despite having reset the system parameters.  So the reset does work to solve the problem temporarily, but it seems this bug runs deeper and remains cause unknown...

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on October 01, 2016, 06:16:01 PM
Yep for me the 2nd was the lucky one..Didn't encounter it again..If i'll update to a newer beta and still persist then it must be somewhere hidden and comes out with every update..Just a guess..
The issue with two sounds not being able to be triggered at the same time seems to be resolved by resetting the Tempest's system parameters.  Would users whom are encountering this issue please reset the system preferences and check whether the issue is still present?

I already spoke to Roger Linn directly about this; but just so everyone knows, I was able to get the Tempest back into this state, despite having reset the system parameters.  So the reset does work to solve the problem temporarily, but it seems this bug runs deeper and remains cause unknown...

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bozo on October 02, 2016, 03:26:04 AM
Certainly some of the bugs must be fix, things like the late beat and midi timing are essential for the machine to be what it is supposed to be A DRUM MACHINE.
A drum machine isnt something you can kick to make it stay in time like you can a drummer, and any drummer worth his or her salt isnt late on beat changes or timing with others.
DSI you're at the last few hurdles dont drop the ball now. Please get this finished and garner the respect you were loosing and gain the accolades you deserve for persevering.
I have made this statement across a number of forums: "I wont buy new products from DSI till they fix the Tempest" and I wont.
I dont need to, I do this for fun these days (a pro many many moons ago), I dont care what great things you make and I do have the money to buy and would most likely have bought a Pro Two or 6/OB6 by now.
I have been a DSI/SCI customer since I bought, of all things a Drum Traks NEW back when it was released.
Thank you for your time.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Mice devices on October 02, 2016, 05:34:25 AM
I did the same promise to myself "I wont buy any new DSI products until the Tempest is finished".

It is a fantastic machine, and I love it, but I think it is a shame that as customers we have got to the point to beg DSI to finish its development.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on October 02, 2016, 07:28:26 AM
I have been sequencing a new track using the octatrack as master clock to virus (get this) daisy chained to tempest. I have clock running perfectly. What exactly are people referring to about timing. I press play and presto....magic. Is it really effecting your music or are you talking about micro-timing offset? Please post an example using the current beta OS.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 02, 2016, 02:10:44 PM
I have been sequencing a new track using the octatrack as master clock to virus (get this) daisy chained to tempest. I have clock running perfectly. What exactly are people referring to about timing. I press play and presto....magic. Is it really effecting your music or are you talking about micro-timing offset? Please post an example using the current beta OS.

Hi LucidSFX,

There's more to it than what I've copied below, and it's an elusive bug to be sure; but this is the gist of it, as we determined months ago during our initial tests:

Quote from: roger_linn
[...] I was unable to reproduce any sync drift, but I did find that Tempest syncs to MIDI clock either correctly, 1 clock early, or 2 clocks early, depending on whether Playlist is on or off and sync is received over DIN or USB MIDI.

To that end, a lot of users have had success slaving the Tempest to the Octatrack, so if for whatever reason you're not experiencing any sync issues with your set-up, I say stay the course and be thankful (grin).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on October 02, 2016, 02:17:48 PM
Interesting. I agree that just because I dont experience or notice anything that it isnt a bug. I was more interested in hearing examples. So, does a cycle mean 4 quarter ticks...starting a bar late or is a cycle a quarter quarter note off...or something else? *grin*.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 02, 2016, 02:53:32 PM
Interesting. I agree that just because I dont experience or notice anything that it isnt a bug. I was more interested in hearing examples. So, does a cycle mean 4 quarter ticks...starting a bar late or is a cycle a quarter quarter note off...or something else? *grin*.

I'll let Roger Linn answer this when he gets back from his vacation.  Posting an example, however, is unnecessary.  You'll just have to trust me when I tell you that it's an audible discrepancy; such that you'd know it to hear it if it was happening to you, and it sounds exactly as one might expect: flam, flam, flam... (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on October 02, 2016, 03:56:30 PM
Good enough. No need to post an example. I may not even notice it because I'd use the Tempest for drums and the virus for synth/bass patches.  Maybe if I loaded two drum patches and played them both on the the same beat I would notice it then.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on October 03, 2016, 04:29:32 AM
It does indeed have that function!  If you hold shift + Undo Rec you will see the 'Undo All Snds' function displayed in the bottom left of the screen.  The bug is that it doesn't always revert ALL the sounds in the beat, just some of them.

Cheers, J :)
Ah, that appears to be something that Chris snuck in without my knowledge. I tend to frown upon commands that require 3 fingers to operate. Can't imagine why.
Chris-- would you care to respond to this gentleman?

Yes, Chris, this functionality seems a little convoluted to me as well.

a) the prompt is unclear...
b) the act of entering this page automatically 'reverts' the currently selected sound whether you hit the pad or not...
c) having to hold these buttons makes it difficult to access the pads in general...
d) it's a liability if you accidentally hit the 'Undo Rec' button first...
e) the 'SHIFT' button sticks if you accidentally let go of it first, even though it's being held instead of toggled...

I personally would prefer it if this functionality was simply removed altogether; but if it must stay, surely there's a simpler and safer way to 'Revert All Sounds'.  No?


PLEASE DON'T REMOVE THAT FUNCTIONALITY, IT'S KEY FOR ME!  I agree that its operation could be simplified a little though, in addition to rectifying the intermittent behaviour whereby only some of the sounds are reverted.  When it works though it's great!!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 03, 2016, 01:37:58 PM
It does indeed have that function!  If you hold shift + Undo Rec you will see the 'Undo All Snds' function displayed in the bottom left of the screen.  The bug is that it doesn't always revert ALL the sounds in the beat, just some of them.

Cheers, J :)
Ah, that appears to be something that Chris snuck in without my knowledge. I tend to frown upon commands that require 3 fingers to operate. Can't imagine why.
Chris-- would you care to respond to this gentleman?

Yes, Chris, this functionality seems a little convoluted to me as well.

a) the prompt is unclear...
b) the act of entering this page automatically 'reverts' the currently selected sound whether you hit the pad or not...
c) having to hold these buttons makes it difficult to access the pads in general...
d) it's a liability if you accidentally hit the 'Undo Rec' button first...
e) the 'SHIFT' button sticks if you accidentally let go of it first, even though it's being held instead of toggled...

I personally would prefer it if this functionality was simply removed altogether; but if it must stay, surely there's a simpler and safer way to 'Revert All Sounds'.  No?


PLEASE DON'T REMOVE THAT FUNCTIONALITY, IT'S KEY FOR ME!  I agree that its operation could be simplified a little though, in addition to rectifying the intermittent behaviour whereby only some of the sounds are reverted.  When it works though it's great!!

Don't worry, when I talked this over with Roger Linn, the consensus was to find a way to improve this functionality rather than remove it.  I think we all agree that it's useful, just poorly implemented.

All the more reason to be noisy, my fellow aficionados; the Tempest ain't gonna fix itself (wink, wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on October 03, 2016, 03:01:11 PM
2 new bugs guys:

Bug 1:

1. Set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only'
2. Mute one of your pads which contains a sequence
3. Play that same pad live in 16 tunings mode whilst tweaking the mixer level knob
4. You will hear the sound cuts out while the knob is being tweaked, then returns when you leave the knob alone

Bug 2 (similar to or same as the recently reported sync bug, not sure):

Noticed tonight that often when I first start Tempest set as Master, with Ableton Live 9.6.1 set as slave, the first beat or two are not quite in time, then it tightens up and is fine.  This approach to sync with Ableton seems to be the only way currently since setting Ableton as the master & Tempest as the slave creates VERY shoddy timing.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sontag on October 04, 2016, 08:31:12 AM

Bug 2 (similar to or same as the recently reported sync bug, not sure):

Noticed tonight that often when I first start Tempest set as Master, with Ableton Live 9.6.1 set as slave, the first beat or two are not quite in time, then it tightens up and is fine.  This approach to sync with Ableton seems to be the only way currently since setting Ableton as the master & Tempest as the slave creates VERY shoddy timing.

That's true, it gets even worse when there's a loop playing in ableton and very bad when playlist on the tempest is on. but i think that ableton is to blame here too, because i never had any trouble to sync the tempest to an xbase or a ciirklon...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on October 04, 2016, 05:56:13 PM
Tip alert!!!I'll also move it to the tips & tricks thread..
To anyone searching for a tight sync between Ableton Live & Tempest if you own an iOS device with the free Midi Link Sync app and this adapter
you can have a very tight sync using Ableton's Link feature  ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on October 04, 2016, 06:08:11 PM
Tip alert!!!I'll also move it to the tips & tricks thread..
To anyone searching for a tight sync between Ableton Live & Tempest if you own an iOS device with the free Midi Link Sync app and this adapter
you can have a very tight sync using Ableton's Link feature  ;)

Interesting. I was going to ask if this issue was only with Ableton Live.

I've been using the Tempest stand alone and have yet to test it with Digital Performer (which is what I use).

If the problem only persist with Ableton Live then maybe the problem lies in Ableton and the way it transmits MIDI sync.

Sorry if this has been answered already but does this problem occur with other sequencers? Software only? Hardware?

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 04, 2016, 08:54:37 PM
Tip alert!!!I'll also move it to the tips & tricks thread..
To anyone searching for a tight sync between Ableton Live & Tempest if you own an iOS device with the free Midi Link Sync app and this adapter
you can have a very tight sync using Ableton's Link feature  ;)

Interesting. I was going to ask if this issue was only with Ableton Live.

I've been using the Tempest stand alone and have yet to test it with Digital Performer (which is what I use).

If the problem only persist with Ableton Live then maybe the problem lies in Ableton and the way it transmits MIDI sync.

Sorry if this has been answered already but does this problem occur with other sequencers? Software only? Hardware?

Hey guys, might I respectfully ask that we move this conversation at this point to its own thread, as to not derail this bug thread with general discussion about other hardware and DAW's.  Much appreciated.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 05, 2016, 07:01:03 AM
Another one from me - I am still on the previous version but can't see this in any changelogs...

If 'remote pad play' mode is set to 'beats' and a midi note is sent triggering a new beat whilst 'roll' is held down then the beat rolls.

I guess one could argue this is expected behaviour but it happens even if the Tempest is set to 'sounds' mode, so if you want to jam by rolling individual sounds whilst triggering beats via MIDI you can't as the beat always rolls as well. I'd class it as a bug anyway - it's annoying me! ; )

Also it seems buggy behaviour anyway as the beat seems to get stuck in the 'roll' state even if roll is released until either another beat is triggered or the same beat is re-triggered.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 05, 2016, 09:12:38 PM
2 new bugs guys:

Bug 1:

1. Set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only'
2. Mute one of your pads which contains a sequence
3. Play that same pad live in 16 tunings mode whilst tweaking the mixer level knob
4. You will hear the sound cuts out while the knob is being tweaked, then returns when you leave the knob alone

Bug 2 (similar to or same as the recently reported sync bug, not sure):

Noticed tonight that often when I first start Tempest set as Master, with Ableton Live 9.6.1 set as slave, the first beat or two are not quite in time, then it tightens up and is fine.  This approach to sync with Ableton seems to be the only way currently since setting Ableton as the master & Tempest as the slave creates VERY shoddy timing.

Bug 1.  Tested and confirmed here.  I'll add it to our list.

Bug 2.  Given that you're using the Tempest as the master clock in this scenario, I'm calling this Ableton's issue.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 05, 2016, 09:16:52 PM
Another one from me - I am still on the previous version but can't see this in any changelogs...

If 'remote pad play' mode is set to 'beats' and a midi note is sent triggering a new beat whilst 'roll' is held down then the beat rolls.

I guess one could argue this is expected behaviour but it happens even if the Tempest is set to 'sounds' mode, so if you want to jam by rolling individual sounds whilst triggering beats via MIDI you can't as the beat always rolls as well. I'd class it as a bug anyway - it's annoying me! ; )

Also it seems buggy behaviour anyway as the beat seems to get stuck in the 'roll' state even if roll is released until either another beat is triggered or the same beat is re-triggered.

I'm not set-up to test this one at the moment, but it sounds like a bug.  I'll let Roger Linn suss this one out.  I will add it to our list once it's confirmed.  Thanks for reporting it though, muleskinner.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 05, 2016, 09:35:57 PM
Hey all,

Here's an updated list of the remaining bugs:

·       If you accidentally hit the 16 Beats or 16 Mutes button first, when trying to enter 16 tunings or 16 Levels mode, the Roll function automatically disengages – mode changes should happen upon the button’s release in order to prevent this.

·       In 16 Tunings mode, when the sequencer is stopped, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       In 16 Levels mode, when the sequencer is stopped, the Arp allows notes to be triggered outside of the selected quantize value, which creates undesirable flams when trying to depress multiple notes at once, or when adding new notes to the arpeggio.  Also, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       When recording with the Arp in 16 Levels mode, the held pads blink in succession with each note trigger as expected; but after the first pass of the sequence is recorded, only pad 16 blinks.  *In all other Arp modes, the pads continue to blink in the order they were depressed/recorded as expected.

·      When switching beats on-the-fly, the first step of the sequencer-out is consistently late; so if you're triggering a sample loop on the one, every time you switch beats on the Tempest, it will be out of sync for the first pass.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      If you hold 'Shift' and turn the Compressor knob to get into the compressor menu, you can no longer get back to the Mixer screen.

·      When Slider Mode is set to 'Real-time', only FX1 Slider is affected. FX2/3/4 sliders are always 'Step' regardless of this parameter setting.

·      Using Mod Paths for external MIDI sound control results in intermittent affect on the sound.  *Causes are unclear, but the bug occurs more frequently on playback of a Beat with many sounds.

·      When playing a Beat containing held notes of an ADSR sound, if you turn on Bank B while 1) a note is playing and 2) a different sound is selected, the playing note's pad sticks on.

·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play', and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options.

·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.

·      Beat roll still doesn't swing.

·      A sound folder is still need to correspond with the pad name "Synth".

·      Duplicate files appear when scrolling through the Beat and Project Folders in the Load File screen.

·      Similarly, if a file is deleted from a folder and the following folder has a greater number of files present, navigating up (folder 2 -> folder 1) to the folder which the file was deleted from causes the last deleted file from the folder to be displayed as the last file in the folder.  The file cannot be selected.

·      Exporting an individual file from a file list will transmit the wrong file from the folder.

·      When adding or copying steps via the Events Screen, the Pad lights do not correlate correctly in 16 Time Steps mode.

·      If slaving a playlist from MIDI clock received over DIN MIDI and starting at location 9.1.1 or higher, Tempest starts playing from the wrong position. Syncing from MIDI Clock over USB works fine.

·      In 16 Mutes mode, on the Pads screen, although you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) it is not reflected graphically on the display.  This could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen.

·       The Mute/Solo/Delay buttons should perform their functions in both the 16 Mutes/Pads and 16 Mutes/Mixer screens.

·      Mutes “All On” should be available on the mixer screen in both 16 Mutes and 16 Sounds Mode.

·      The “Undo All Sounds” functionality needs to be made simpler or otherwise removed.

·      The Tempest can enter a state – usually after updating – wherein two or more sounds cannot be triggered at the same time.  Resetting the system settings seems to fix the issue, but only temporarily.  The Tempest can revert back to this state, cause as of yet unknown.

·      When you set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only', if you mute a pad that contains a sequence and then attempt to play that same sound live in 16 Tunings mode, turning the Mixer Level knob causes the sound to cut-out.

I'll keep adding to this list as bugs get reported and confirmed.  Thanks for all your hard work everyone.  Now wouldn't it be something if we could take the better part of these OFF the list... Keep making noise, y'all (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: hellodustin on October 06, 2016, 01:28:14 AM
DSI, I am looking forward to the remaining 'misfires' to be cleared up. An amazing machine. Put it at legendary status where it belongs.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on October 06, 2016, 08:00:01 AM
Agreed...legendary status for sure. Thanks for cleaning up the bug list. Hopefully it can be all put to rest.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 06, 2016, 06:22:37 PM
Hi all,

I’ve returned from my vacation (in Costa Rica—see attached photo) and have reviewed all the forum posts made during my absence.

First, for those who haven’t seen it, I had made a forum post months ago when the first beta was released, in which I detail how each of the petition bugs was addressed at the time. On September 8 with the release of beta, I updated that post to reflect the additional fixes, as well as detailing the 16 bug fixes that weren’t on the petition. If you haven’t read that post, it’s the second message in this thread:,586.0.html

In quick summary, I state in that post that I believe we’ve achieved my goal for this particular update of addressing the bugs stated in the petition, plus fixing another 16 bugs that weren’t on the petition that we felt were important. I’d say that’s pretty good and I’m thankful to Chris, Dave and all at DSI for putting in the significant time and effort it took to do it. So once we fix a few remaining problems that have been found in the fixes, we’re going to release an official update, which of course makes sense because otherwise, neither new Tempest owners nor existing owners who aren’t comfortable installing a beta would be unable to benefit from these significant improvements.

After that, we’ll of course continue to fix any bugs that are found, and thanks to all for the new bug reports, including John T. Savage for keeping a list. I'll be responding to some of the recent posts in the coming days (as time permits) in order to understand each bug fully.

- Roger
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on October 06, 2016, 07:10:28 PM
Roger, thanks for the update;) That pic is awesome!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on October 07, 2016, 06:43:19 PM
Hi Roger.

Please tell me that the Beat Roll will swing before DSI checks out of this for another year or two.

And, please tell me that things left unfinished will not take another year or two to be revisited. Please, please, please. I just love this machine so much and want it wrapped up!

Thanks again for recommitting to this.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 07, 2016, 08:11:53 PM
Hi Roger.

Please tell me that the Beat Roll will swing before DSI checks out of this for another year or two.

And, please tell me that things left unfinished will not take another year or two to be revisited. Please, please, please. I just love this machine so much and want it wrapped up!

Thanks again for recommitting to this.
I'm afraid I can't give you an exact date for adding swing to Beat Roll. To be honest, when I initially read it on the petition, I didn't even think of Beat Roll because it said "Roll/Arp", but that's my error. Regarding your second question, in the short term, fixes to the fixes will be prompt so we can get this official update out. For the future, yes Tempest bugs will continue to be fixed in a timely manner, and rest assured that I will continue to push for that. That said, given that all but a few petition bugs were addressed plus 16 additional bugs were fixed that weren't on the petition, I think it's fair to let DSI's other products get some love for the moment, given that work on them languished while so much of the focus was on Tempest. To be clear, don't read into this that I'm hinting that Tempest updates will be abandoned or further updates will take 2 years because that's not true.

On a related topic, I'm know I'm biased but it's pretty amazing to me that Tempest has so very many more features and musically-useful capabilities than any other analog drum machine on the market, and at this point I think that Tempest bugs are minor compared to those capabilities and compared to other buggy complex hardware sequencing products like the current MPCs, which don't have the enormous complexity of a 9-computer analog voice system. And I'm particularly proud of the fact that among all the bugs mentioned, not one of them corrupts your music data because that was fundamental to the design from the start. Plus I'm proud of the fact that quite a large number of pros are making music with Tempest daily.

So in summary, yes there are still some bugs, yes they're important to us, yes we'll zap them, and yes I'll continue to make sure we do.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on October 08, 2016, 07:18:22 AM
On a related topic, I'm know I'm biased but it's pretty amazing to me that Tempest has so very many more features and musically-useful capabilities than any other analog drum machine on the market,

I guess I'm biased too as I was thinking similar thoughts just yesterday as I watched the videos of the Arturia DrumBrute yesterday. One of the reviews (could have been the guy on SonicState) said that the reverse feature on the cymbal sound was the first of it's kind on an analog drum machine. I couldn't believe it. It made me think of everything the Tempest can do and just how much more robust and complex it is than this new machine.

I'll say it again... I love the Tempest. Roger... you are the best.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 08, 2016, 09:41:34 AM
I guess I'm biased too as I was thinking similar thoughts just yesterday as I watched the videos of the Arturia DrumBrute yesterday. One of the reviews (could have been the guy on SonicState) said that the reverse feature on the cymbal sound was the first of it's kind on an analog drum machine. I couldn't believe it. It made me think of everything the Tempest can do and just how much more robust and complex it is than this new machine.

I'll say it again... I love the Tempest. Roger... you are the best.
Thanks for the kind words, Stoss. To give credit where it is due, it was Chris Hector who came up with the idea of reversing the attack and decay of the envelopes in order to reverse an analog sound, one of my favorite Tempest features.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: lancelyon on October 09, 2016, 05:24:51 PM
I don't know if this is a bug or not but I thought I would ask. When using the Tempest to sequence externally the Roll feature will make the external sequence roll as well but the reverse feature will not. Is this the way it is supposed to be? I would love for both not to make it occur or better yet, a feature that allowed you to chose. Thanks, -Lance
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: natrixgli on October 09, 2016, 09:08:19 PM
I don't know if this is a bug or not but I thought I would ask. When using the Tempest to sequence externally the Roll feature will make the external sequence roll as well but the reverse feature will not. Is this the way it is supposed to be? I would love for both not to make it occur or better yet, a feature that allowed you to chose. Thanks, -Lance

I belive the reverse only affects the Tempest's envelopes, so this would be expected behavior.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on October 11, 2016, 04:57:22 AM
great update. out of the list John posted i think the most concerning things now are the syncing issues, and this:

·      The Tempest can enter a state – usually after updating – wherein two or more sounds cannot be triggered at the same time.  Resetting the system settings seems to fix the issue, but only temporarily.  The Tempest can revert back to this state, cause as of yet unknown.

it only happened once to me after updating, didn't know it could revert after resetting ¿happen to anyone in a situation other than updating?. resetting works but means configuring again several midi settings, no good if this happens in a live situation
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on October 11, 2016, 08:24:41 AM
Funny, I had the same issue. For some reason I vaguely felt like it was a bug but just accepted that the Tempest couldn't play two sounds live at the same time...what was I thinking *grin*?? I have updated to the latest firmware...will check this when I get back from work tonight.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Hannibal Lektra on October 11, 2016, 08:09:03 PM
Multiple pad play seems to be working awesome on
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on October 12, 2016, 05:16:47 PM
I'm still on 1.4.3b and noticed that the multiple pad play bug is related to the arpeggiator. If Roll is set to anything other than "Retrig", when roll is off, multiple pads cannot be pressed at the same time.

I will try the update.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 12, 2016, 05:47:59 PM
I'm still on 1.4.3b and noticed that the multiple pad play bug is related to the arpeggiator. If Roll is set to anything other than "Retrig", when roll is off, multiple pads cannot be pressed at the same time.

I will try the update.

Ah-Hah!  Tested and confirmed... And that's why resetting the system parameters seemed to fixed the problem.

Good find, Stoss (grin).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 12, 2016, 06:13:18 PM
I'm still on 1.4.3b and noticed that the multiple pad play bug is related to the arpeggiator. If Roll is set to anything other than "Retrig", when roll is off, multiple pads cannot be pressed at the same time.

I will try the update.
EXCELLENT! Thanks, Stoss.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Bras on October 13, 2016, 06:33:34 AM
Hello all and thanks for your hard work to make Tempest even better! The changes are complex and amazing.

However, we are still missing a working Latch function on Roll set as FX. This behaviour is possible in previous OS by switching to Sounds Mode while rolling in Beats/Mutes. This is crucial to perform live along the rolling loop. If there's any way to achieve it now, please let me know, otherwise I'm reluctantly heading back again to the old OS. I'd be truly grateful for reimplementing this feature, fingers crossed!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on October 13, 2016, 01:55:35 PM
As stated it was a bug that was removed ::)
Hello all and thanks for your hard work to make Tempest even better! The changes are complex and amazing.

However, we are still missing a working Latch function on Roll set as FX. This behaviour is possible in previous OS by switching to Sounds Mode while rolling in Beats/Mutes. This is crucial to perform live along the rolling loop. If there's any way to achieve it now, please let me know, otherwise I'm reluctantly heading back again to the old OS. I'd be truly grateful for reimplementing this feature, fingers crossed!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sofine on October 13, 2016, 02:38:10 PM
As stated it was a bug that was removed ::)
Hello all and thanks for your hard work to make Tempest even better! The changes are complex and amazing.

However, we are still missing a working Latch function on Roll set as FX. This behaviour is possible in previous OS by switching to Sounds Mode while rolling in Beats/Mutes. This is crucial to perform live along the rolling loop. If there's any way to achieve it now, please let me know, otherwise I'm reluctantly heading back again to the old OS. I'd be truly grateful for reimplementing this feature, fingers crossed!


It would be very useful to allow both behaviours - perhaps a global config setting, if it is possible.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on October 13, 2016, 03:01:41 PM
Ye would like that too ^
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Bras on October 14, 2016, 01:38:41 AM
As stated it was a bug that was removed ::)
Hello all and thanks for your hard work to make Tempest even better! The changes are complex and amazing.

However, we are still missing a working Latch function on Roll set as FX. This behaviour is possible in previous OS by switching to Sounds Mode while rolling in Beats/Mutes. This is crucial to perform live along the rolling loop. If there's any way to achieve it now, please let me know, otherwise I'm reluctantly heading back again to the old OS. I'd be truly grateful for reimplementing this feature, fingers crossed!


It would be very useful to allow both behaviours - perhaps a global config setting, if it is possible.

To make it clearer - it is a bug if you can't set a latch on FX Slider set to Roll. Fixing it would do miracles!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on October 14, 2016, 02:32:04 AM
Hi Roger.

Please tell me that the Beat Roll will swing before DSI checks out of this for another year or two.

And, please tell me that things left unfinished will not take another year or two to be revisited. Please, please, please. I just love this machine so much and want it wrapped up!

Thanks again for recommitting to this.
I'm afraid I can't give you an exact date for adding swing to Beat Roll. To be honest, when I initially read it on the petition, I didn't even think of Beat Roll because it said "Roll/Arp", but that's my error. Regarding your second question, in the short term, fixes to the fixes will be prompt so we can get this official update out. For the future, yes Tempest bugs will continue to be fixed in a timely manner, and rest assured that I will continue to push for that. That said, given that all but a few petition bugs were addressed plus 16 additional bugs were fixed that weren't on the petition, I think it's fair to let DSI's other products get some love for the moment, given that work on them languished while so much of the focus was on Tempest. To be clear, don't read into this that I'm hinting that Tempest updates will be abandoned or further updates will take 2 years because that's not true.

On a related topic, I'm know I'm biased but it's pretty amazing to me that Tempest has so very many more features and musically-useful capabilities than any other analog drum machine on the market, and at this point I think that Tempest bugs are minor compared to those capabilities and compared to other buggy complex hardware sequencing products like the current MPCs, which don't have the enormous complexity of a 9-computer analog voice system. And I'm particularly proud of the fact that among all the bugs mentioned, not one of them corrupts your music data because that was fundamental to the design from the start. Plus I'm proud of the fact that quite a large number of pros are making music with Tempest daily.

So in summary, yes there are still some bugs, yes they're important to us, yes we'll zap them, and yes I'll continue to make sure we do.

Hi Roger,

Regarding the fixes, which you assure us will be implemented before the next official OS release, will the MIDI sync issues be addressed?  The MIDI sync is, in my opinion, fundamental to the Tempest's operation & has been causing me no end of issues!

Cheers, J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 14, 2016, 04:57:59 AM

I have (regretably) upgraded to the latest beta because I understood it was pretty stable and I use the Tempest alot and want to contribute to its development. More or less right away I have run into what seems like a *horrible* bug which is really impacting my workflow...

- When 'remote pad play' is set to 'beats' the Tempest switches beat even when in '16 Sounds' mode. I've tried restarting and the same thing happens. Switch 'remote pad play' mode back to 'sounds' and the problem doesn't occur. This could well make this beta unuseable for me.  :-[ 

Also sync when switching beats via 'remote pad play' seems to be intermittently awful if 'pad hold' is switched on. It's like the whole beat starts a beat late or something. I can work round this but it never used to be a problem on the last official firmware.

Trying to stay positive with this machine because I love so much about it but this really seems like one step forward two steps back.

* edit *

OK - on further investigation this problem is intermittent. I'm not sure exactly what causes it but I seem to be able to get the Tempest to enter this buggy state reliably by switching beats remotely with 'pad hold' on. If I do this and then stop the sequencer the T enters this buggy state whereby hitting a pad in '16 sounds' mode also changes the beat. If I switch 'pad hold' off and restart the sequencer everything goes back to working as it should.

Also I notice that 'pad hold' seems to turn itself off if you switch from '16 beats' mode to '16 sounds' and back which I'm pretty sure shouldn't happen and didn't happen in v.1.4.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on October 16, 2016, 05:31:37 AM
MacOS 10.12
SysEx Librarian 1.3.1
Tempest OS
Voice OS 1.5

Hi, first off thank you Roger, Dave and Team for progressing updates. I myself have come across this problem:

After updating to the latest Beta if I edit a project and then attempt the following directly from RAM Save/Load: 7. Export Project over MIDI  I get a FREEZE

Tempest Reports:

“Exporting Project [Name] over MIDI…
Exporting Project Params… Done
Exporting Project [Beat x]…”

However, I can save the Project to flash and use Tempest Save/Load: 8. Export File over MIDI (Sound/Beat/Project) successfully

Have downloaded and installed the update twice to ensure no download errors.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bobbyquine on October 20, 2016, 12:21:45 PM
Hi, first post on the new forum. Thank you to ALL for getting this far, but can I please add my passionate (!) encouragement to all at DSI to keep pushing this through? I nearly sold the T out of despair, until I found out almost 3 months late that there has been progress. I think the new beta could be better advertised on the old forum, I didn't even know that anything was going on!!


I'd like to report a bug that hasn't yet been acknowledged as far as I know, and that's the external control of bank B mutes. Not the most popular topic, I'm sure, but it's a bug nonetheless, one that is important to me.

Could someone please confirm? Set external midi pad control to mutes, set pad to note assignments chromatically, and play a scale on a midi keyboard. Bank A is fine, the mutings follow exactly, but bank B then becomes totally random.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 21, 2016, 02:34:56 PM
I think the new beta could be better advertised on the old forum, I didn't even know that anything was going on!!

I'd like to report a bug that hasn't yet been acknowledged as far as I know, and that's the external control of bank B mutes. Not the most popular topic, I'm sure, but it's a bug nonetheless, one that is important to me.

Could someone please confirm? Set external midi pad control to mutes, set pad to note assignments chromatically, and play a scale on a midi keyboard. Bank A is fine, the mutings follow exactly, but bank B then becomes totally random.

I will add this bug to the list after it has been tested and confirmed here.  Both myself and Roger Linn are extremely busy with other projects right now, so it may take a week or so, but one of us will let you know what we find.  Thanks for your participation, Bobby; it's much appreciated.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on October 22, 2016, 08:46:16 AM
Compressor Envelope Amount goes from -64 to +127. Is this by design or is it a bug?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 22, 2016, 03:24:12 PM
Compressor Envelope Amount goes from -64 to +127. Is this by design or is it a bug?
Yes, that's a bug. Thank you.
By the way, sorry to all for being away for a while. My company is only me, and LinnStrument, AdrenaLinn and my company's other work got behind while I was focusing on Tempest. It's like playing Whack-a-Mole. :) 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 22, 2016, 03:25:40 PM
Compressor Envelope Amount goes from -64 to +127. Is this by design or is it a bug?

Hmm... In my mind's eye, I feel like that was a "fix" meant to rein-in some unruly compressor behavior once upon a time, but I found this in the change-log from that era:

Quote from: Pym
Main OS
Fixed bug: Compressor Env Amount displayed as -64 to 190 incorrectly, now displayed as -127 to 127.

So now I just don't know, but I'll ask Chris about it.  Thanks, Stoss.


*Edit: Ah, and as I post this Roger Linn comes to the rescue (grin).  Thanks, Roger.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 22, 2016, 04:08:18 PM
Hi, first post on the new forum. Thank you to ALL for getting this far, but can I please add my passionate (!) encouragement to all at DSI to keep pushing this through? I nearly sold the T out of despair, until I found out almost 3 months late that there has been progress. I think the new beta could be better advertised on the old forum, I didn't even know that anything was going on!!
Sorry, Bobby. While I was focusing on Tempest over the past months, my work on LinnStrument, AdrenaLinn and my other company stuff languished, and I'm the whole company. But I'm now catching up in order to get this update finished and released.


I'd like to report a bug that hasn't yet been acknowledged as far as I know, and that's the external control of bank B mutes. Not the most popular topic, I'm sure, but it's a bug nonetheless, one that is important to me.

Could someone please confirm? Set external midi pad control to mutes, set pad to note assignments chromatically, and play a scale on a midi keyboard. Bank A is fine, the mutings follow exactly, but bank B then becomes totally random.
Yes, I've just confirmed that's a bug and I've added it to the DSI bug list. The bug is that on the System > MIDI Remote Pad Play screen and Pad To Note Mode is set to Mutes only, if a note number is received that is one of the Bank B assignments on that page, it is treated as the Bank A assignment of the same number. For example, if Pad B1 is assigned to note# 80 and Pad A1 is assigned to note# 69, sending Tempest note#80 will toggle the mute of pad A1.  Thank you for finding this bug.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 22, 2016, 05:05:19 PM
MacOS 10.12
SysEx Librarian 1.3.1
Tempest OS
Voice OS 1.5

After updating to the latest Beta if I edit a project and then attempt the following directly from RAM Save/Load: 7. Export Project over MIDI  I get a FREEZE

Tempest Reports:

“Exporting Project [Name] over MIDI…
Exporting Project Params… Done
Exporting Project [Beat x]…”
Thanks, Grunes. I can't get the same problem to occur here. Can you get it to happen while exporting one of the stock Tempest projects?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 22, 2016, 05:55:26 PM
I have run into what seems like a *horrible* bug which is really impacting my workflow...

- When 'remote pad play' is set to 'beats' the Tempest switches beat even when in '16 Sounds' mode. I've tried restarting and the same thing happens. Switch 'remote pad play' mode back to 'sounds' and the problem doesn't occur. This could well make this beta unuseable for me.  :-[ 
Yes, that's how it is supposed to operate and how it's operated from the start. If you set Pad To Note Mode to Beats, incoming MIDI Note On messages will select Beats. I think you may be intending to set Pad To Note Mode to Follow Pad Func, which follows the Pad Function. Hopefully this will be less horrible for you.

Also sync when switching beats via 'remote pad play' seems to be intermittently awful if 'pad hold' is switched on. It's like the whole beat starts a beat late or something. I can work round this but it never used to be a problem on the last official firmware.
When you say the beat starts late, which of the following are you saying?:

1) Tempest is not playing, then you remotely press a key on your external MIDI keyboard to start a beat. Tempest starts playing the beat about one 1/4 note after you press the key.
2) Tempest is playing, then you remotely press a key on your external MIDI keyboard to change to a different beat. Tempest changes to the new beat late, perhaps by one 1/4 note.

If you are saying #2 above, is it possible that you had Beat Quantize set to 1/4 note? If so, this would result is the beat only changing on 1/4 note boundaries. If this is the problem, set Beat Quantize to Off and perhaps it will be less awful for you.

On a positive note, you have found a bug: In the System > MIDI Remote Pad Play screen, set Pad To Note Mode to Beats. Then in the 16 Beats / Pads screen, set Pad Hold (soft key) to On. Now press keys on the remote MIDI keyboard. Notice that pressing the key starts the beat, but releasing the key does not stop the beat. Thank you for finding this bug.

Trying to stay positive with this machine because I love so much about it but this really seems like one step forward two steps back.
Thank you for trying to stay positive.

* edit *

OK - on further investigation this problem is intermittent. I'm not sure exactly what causes it but I seem to be able to get the Tempest to enter this buggy state reliably by switching beats remotely with 'pad hold' on. If I do this and then stop the sequencer the T enters this buggy state whereby hitting a pad in '16 sounds' mode also changes the beat. If I switch 'pad hold' off and restart the sequencer everything goes back to working as it should.
I was unable to reproduce the problem you're describing. If you are able to find a list of actions that if repeated will reproduce the problem, please post them here.

Also I notice that 'pad hold' seems to turn itself off if you switch from '16 beats' mode to '16 sounds' and back which I'm pretty sure shouldn't happen and didn't happen in v.1.4.
Yes, that is correct. Pad Hold mode is only available while in the 16 Beats / Pads screen. It has always been that way.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 22, 2016, 05:57:13 PM
Hi Roger,

Regarding the fixes, which you assure us will be implemented before the next official OS release, will the MIDI sync issues be addressed?  The MIDI sync is, in my opinion, fundamental to the Tempest's operation & has been causing me no end of issues!

Cheers, J :)
Hi soid-- can you please clarify which MIDI sync bugs you are referring to that are causing you no end of issues?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 22, 2016, 06:09:54 PM
To make it clearer - it is a bug if you can't set a latch on FX Slider set to Roll. Fixing it would do miracles!
Thanks, Bras. I'm afraid Latch On was never intended to work when a Beat FX slider is assigned to Beat Roll. To latch a Beat Roll on, the intended method is to toggle the Beat Roll button on.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on October 23, 2016, 01:01:39 AM
MacOS 10.12
SysEx Librarian 1.3.1
Tempest OS
Voice OS 1.5

After updating to the latest Beta if I edit a project and then attempt the following directly from RAM Save/Load: 7. Export Project over MIDI  I get a FREEZE

Tempest Reports:

“Exporting Project [Name] over MIDI…
Exporting Project Params… Done
Exporting Project [Beat x]…”
Thanks, Grunes. I can't get the same problem to occur here. Can you get it to happen while exporting one of the stock Tempest projects?
Hi Roger, thank you for replying. Yes, I get the same results on stock Tempest projects. I have just switch the Tempest on and loaded the stock Tempest project “Eight Oh Eight’ and attempted Export Project over MIDI the Tempest froze at Exporting project [Beat 3]. I can post the resulting 4Msgs SysEx file if you want. Thanks again for your time.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 23, 2016, 03:45:30 AM
I have run into what seems like a *horrible* bug which is really impacting my workflow...

- When 'remote pad play' is set to 'beats' the Tempest switches beat even when in '16 Sounds' mode. I've tried restarting and the same thing happens. Switch 'remote pad play' mode back to 'sounds' and the problem doesn't occur. This could well make this beta unuseable for me.  :-[ 
Yes, that's how it is supposed to operate and how it's operated from the start. If you set Pad To Note Mode to Beats, incoming MIDI Note On messages will select Beats. I think you may be intending to set Pad To Note Mode to Follow Pad Func, which follows the Pad Function. Hopefully this will be less horrible for you.

Hi Roger,

Thanks for the reply - I will try and get a reliable repro for the issue.

I don't think you quite understand what I mean by the issue though - I have Pad To Note mode set to 'beats' so that remote control of the pads will change beat. I then set 'local' control mode to 'sounds' so I can jam along or edit sounds as I go. Hitting a (physical) pad is now triggering the appropriate sound as expected but also changing beat! Surely this is not expected behaviour?

As is often the case with these things it hasn't popped up since I first experienced it but I am about to get the Tempest out now... 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 23, 2016, 03:50:19 AM
Also I notice that 'pad hold' seems to turn itself off if you switch from '16 beats' mode to '16 sounds' and back which I'm pretty sure shouldn't happen and didn't happen in v.1.4.
Yes, that is correct. Pad Hold mode is only available while in the 16 Beats / Pads screen. It has always been that way.

To clarify - what I mean by this one is that if you turn 'pad hold' on, switch from '16 Beats' to '16 Sounds' and then back to '16 Beats' then 'pad hold' has turned itself off. I wouldn't have thought this was the intended behaviour - surely it should remain as set by the user? It may have always been this way I don't know, I've only just started using it, seems a bit counter-intuitive to me though.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bobbyquine on October 23, 2016, 03:56:44 AM

Sorry, Bobby. While I was focusing on Tempest over the past months, my work on LinnStrument, AdrenaLinn and my other company stuff languished, and I'm the whole company. But I'm now catching up in order to get this update finished and released.

Not apologies necessary Roger, thanks for getting behind this!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 23, 2016, 04:01:06 AM

I have run into a problem when syncing the Tempest to my DAW (Logic).

I am slaving the Tempest to Logic's MIDI clock and using Logic to trigger beat changes remotely via MIDI. This all works fine apart from on certain beats it seems that the Tempest is attempting to take account of the SPP info from Logic and therefore jumping to the middle of a beat when I change instead of starting from the beginning.

For example - if I have an eight bar beat that is triggered on bar 5 of my song the Tempest will jump to bar 5 of the beat when it is triggered instead of starting from the beginning.

I am not sure if this counts as a 'bug' per se as I guess this behaviour might be desirable under certain circumstances but it would be very useful to have a user preference to turn it off (ie just have the Tempest sync to clock and ignore SPP). Or a preference to ensure beats always start from the start (I couldn't find either so I'm presuming they don't exist).

It was also be nice of course if Logic gave me the option to stop it sending SPP (which it doesn't) or if my MIDI interface could filter out SPP en route to the Tempest (which it doesn't though it has options to filter out just about everything else)!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 23, 2016, 07:32:57 AM
I have run into what seems like a *horrible* bug which is really impacting my workflow...

- When 'remote pad play' is set to 'beats' the Tempest switches beat even when in '16 Sounds' mode. I've tried restarting and the same thing happens. Switch 'remote pad play' mode back to 'sounds' and the problem doesn't occur. This could well make this beta unuseable for me.  :-[ 
Yes, that's how it is supposed to operate and how it's operated from the start. If you set Pad To Note Mode to Beats, incoming MIDI Note On messages will select Beats. I think you may be intending to set Pad To Note Mode to Follow Pad Func, which follows the Pad Function. Hopefully this will be less horrible for you.

Hi Roger,

Thanks for the reply - I will try and get a reliable repro for the issue.

I don't think you quite understand what I mean by the issue though - I have Pad To Note mode set to 'beats' so that remote control of the pads will change beat. I then set 'local' control mode to 'sounds' so I can jam along or edit sounds as I go. Hitting a (physical) pad is now triggering the appropriate sound as expected but also changing beat! Surely this is not expected behaviour?

As is often the case with these things it hasn't popped up since I first experienced it but I am about to get the Tempest out now...

OK - after some time with it today I think I'm going to have to call 'mea culpa' on this issue and put it down to pilot error.

I haven't run into any such issues today and thinking through the scenario that caused it in the first place I think what seems like the most likely explanation was as follows...

- I had just updated the Tempest so assumed any new problems were due to the update(!)
- I had both USB and MIDI DIN connected (normally I disconnect USB but I use it for fw updates)
- I ran into the 'two sounds not playing at once' issue so reset system parameters
- This caused my 'Remote Pad OUT Channel' settings to be changed (I think I had this set to 'off' before)
- This caused a MIDI feedback loop in Logic so that any pad I pressed on the tempest resulted in the equivalent MIDI being re-routed back to the Tempest - as I had 'remote pad play' set to 'beats' this meant beats kept changing even if I was in '16 sounds' mode.

I reckon that must have been it. Apologies for going off on one. Only issue I've run into today has been the SPP one above.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 23, 2016, 11:11:49 AM
OK - after some time with it today I think I'm going to have to call 'mea culpa' on this issue and put it down to pilot error.
Thanks, muleskinner.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 23, 2016, 11:17:04 AM

I have run into a problem when syncing the Tempest to my DAW (Logic).

I am slaving the Tempest to Logic's MIDI clock and using Logic to trigger beat changes remotely via MIDI. This all works fine apart from on certain beats it seems that the Tempest is attempting to take account of the SPP info from Logic and therefore jumping to the middle of a beat when I change instead of starting from the beginning.

For example - if I have an eight bar beat that is triggered on bar 5 of my song the Tempest will jump to bar 5 of the beat when it is triggered instead of starting from the beginning.

I am not sure if this counts as a 'bug' per se as I guess this behaviour might be desirable under certain circumstances but it would be very useful to have a user preference to turn it off (ie just have the Tempest sync to clock and ignore SPP). Or a preference to ensure beats always start from the start (I couldn't find either so I'm presuming they don't exist).

It was also be nice of course if Logic gave me the option to stop it sending SPP (which it doesn't) or if my MIDI interface could filter out SPP en route to the Tempest (which it doesn't though it has options to filter out just about everything else)!

Hi muleskinner,
I'm afraid Tempest is merely responding to SPP as it should. Actually, Logic does have the setting you need: In File menu > Project Settings > Synchronization > MIDI, set Mode to "Song - SPP at Play Start only".
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 23, 2016, 11:40:04 AM
Also I notice that 'pad hold' seems to turn itself off if you switch from '16 beats' mode to '16 sounds' and back which I'm pretty sure shouldn't happen and didn't happen in v.1.4.
Yes, that is correct. Pad Hold mode is only available while in the 16 Beats / Pads screen. It has always been that way.

To clarify - what I mean by this one is that if you turn 'pad hold' on, switch from '16 Beats' to '16 Sounds' and then back to '16 Beats' then 'pad hold' has turned itself off. I wouldn't have thought this was the intended behaviour - surely it should remain as set by the user? It may have always been this way I don't know, I've only just started using it, seems a bit counter-intuitive to me though.
I'm afraid that is how it was designed. If Pad Hold was permitted to remain on while in other Pad Function selections, it would create a large number of opportunities for new bugs caused by specific and rare combinations of Tempest's many modes. For example, what happens when 16 Sounds is selected, but you wish to hold 16 Beats while also holding a beat pad to briefly play and stop a beat by holding and releasing a beat pad (or pressing and releasing an external keyboard key)? We'd have to write more software for all those specific cases, and if we didn't do it perfectly some customer would undoubtedly get angry and say it is the one bug that is ruining his creative process. Sometimes it's better to have less features.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 23, 2016, 11:52:33 AM
I don't think you quite understand what I mean by the issue though - I have Pad To Note mode set to 'beats' so that remote control of the pads will change beat. I then set 'local' control mode to 'sounds' so I can jam along or edit sounds as I go. Hitting a (physical) pad is now triggering the appropriate sound as expected but also changing beat! Surely this is not expected behaviour?
The System > General > Local Control parameter does not have a "Sounds" option, so when you write "I then set 'local' control mode to 'sounds'", I assume you mean that you are pressing the 16 Sounds button. If so, then the problem you describe does not occur here. Is it possible that you have Tempest set to send MIDI Note On messages when you play the pads, and your external MIDI keyboard is echoing back those same Note On messages, which of course are changing the beat because you have Pad To Note Mode set to Beats? For a quick test, try removing all connections to the USB and MIDI jacks and test it again. If it still occurs, please try to give more details about which settings cause it to occur. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 23, 2016, 11:57:31 AM
The System > General > Local Control parameter does not have a "Sounds" option, so when you write "I then set 'local' control mode to 'sounds'", I assume you mean that you are pressing the 16 Sounds button. If so, then the problem you describe does not occur here. Is it possible that you have Tempest set to send MIDI Note On messages when you play the pads, and your external MIDI keyboard is echoing back those same Note On messages, which of course are changing the beat because you have Pad To Note Mode set to Beats? For a quick test, try removing all connections to the USB and MIDI jacks and test it again. If it still occurs, please try to give more details about which settings cause it to occur.

Yes that is what I meant  and I think the MIDI echo is exactly what was happening as I described above - again, sorry for wasting your time. It was resetting my system parameters that did it - I forgot to check all the settings!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 23, 2016, 11:58:33 AM
Hi muleskinner,
I'm afraid Tempest is merely responding to SPP as it should. Actually, Logic does have the setting you need: In File menu > Project Settings > Synchronization > MIDI, set Mode to "Song - SPP at Play Start only".

Hi Roger,

Thanks again for the input - I had tried that option but couldn't get it to work, however I have just tried again and after not working for a bit it has now started working OK. I think I needed to play from the start of the song to fully 'clear' the SPP or something - anyway, seems like it's a Logic thing rather than a Tempest thing and hopefully this will sort it.

I need to read up more on those sync options in Logic but have so far failed to turn up any useful documentation!


Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 23, 2016, 12:03:23 PM
Yes, I get the same results on stock Tempest projects. I have just switch the Tempest on and loaded the stock Tempest project “Eight Oh Eight’ and attempted Export Project over MIDI the Tempest froze at Exporting project [Beat 3]. I can post the resulting 4Msgs SysEx file if you want. Thanks again for your time.
Thanks, Grunes. Those same steps caused Tempest to freeze here, though oddly it froze while exporting beat 10. Regardless, I thank you for finding this one, which I believe is worthy of fixing before releasing the update.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 23, 2016, 12:14:34 PM
Another one from me - I am still on the previous version but can't see this in any changelogs...

If 'remote pad play' mode is set to 'beats' and a midi note is sent triggering a new beat whilst 'roll' is held down then the beat rolls.

I guess one could argue this is expected behaviour but it happens even if the Tempest is set to 'sounds' mode, so if you want to jam by rolling individual sounds whilst triggering beats via MIDI you can't as the beat always rolls as well. I'd class it as a bug anyway - it's annoying me! ; )

Also it seems buggy behaviour anyway as the beat seems to get stuck in the 'roll' state even if roll is released until either another beat is triggered or the same beat is re-triggered.
Try the latest version, You'll find that if Pad To Note Mode is set to Beats AND Roll is On AND a Note On message is received (to play a beat), then Roll is immediately turned off to avoid such problems.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 23, 2016, 12:24:29 PM
2 new bugs guys:

Bug 1:

1. Set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only'
2. Mute one of your pads which contains a sequence
3. Play that same pad live in 16 tunings mode whilst tweaking the mixer level knob
4. You will hear the sound cuts out while the knob is being tweaked, then returns when you leave the knob alone
The solution is to not move the knob while playing the sounds. I'm afraid we have bigger fish to fry.

Bug 2 (similar to or same as the recently reported sync bug, not sure):

Noticed tonight that often when I first start Tempest set as Master, with Ableton Live 9.6.1 set as slave, the first beat or two are not quite in time, then it tightens up and is fine.  This approach to sync with Ableton seems to be the only way currently since setting Ableton as the master & Tempest as the slave creates VERY shoddy timing.
Exactly how is Tempest's timing shoddy while slaving to Ableton's MIDI clock? So far, no one has been able to find any problems with Tempest slaving to MIDI clock except that in some conditions, Tempest syncs one MIDI clock early (and in very rare cases two clocks) but maintains its sync position relative to the sender forever until stopped.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 23, 2016, 12:47:53 PM
Interesting. I agree that just because I dont experience or notice anything that it isnt a bug. I was more interested in hearing examples. So, does a cycle mean 4 quarter ticks...starting a bar late or is a cycle a quarter quarter note off...or something else? *grin*.
Sorry for late reply. The bug John was referring to is the only bug I'm aware of related to Tempest slaving to external MIDI clock:

Under some conditions, Tempest may sync one MIDI clock early and in rare cases two clocks early, relative to the sending device.

One MIDI clock (1/24 of a quarter note) at 120 BPM is about 20 mS, and that's early not late. And in the cases where it does play early, it stays locked one clock early forever until stopped. The conditions that cause this are due to many ways different master devices like to arrange the sync messages they send, for example sending initial SPP immediately followed by Start and Clocks, which gives the slave device no time to calculate the new position.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 24, 2016, 03:16:25 AM
Hi -just ran into another one (hopefully not pilot error this time). Not a major issue but had me scratching my head for a bit.

If you are in '16 Beats' mode and try to copy/paste beats by holding the 'copy' button nothing happens when you 'paste' into the beat that is currently selected - pasting into any unselected beat works OK.

I tried this on two different projects, different beats and after power-cycling.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 24, 2016, 04:06:35 PM
Hi -just ran into another one (hopefully not pilot error this time). Not a major issue but had me scratching my head for a bit.

If you are in '16 Beats' mode and try to copy/paste beats by holding the 'copy' button nothing happens when you 'paste' into the beat that is currently selected - pasting into any unselected beat works OK.

I tried this on two different projects, different beats and after power-cycling.

Yes, I've verified here that is a bug. Thank you, muleskinner.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bozo on October 25, 2016, 07:31:37 AM
Interesting. I agree that just because I dont experience or notice anything that it isnt a bug. I was more interested in hearing examples. So, does a cycle mean 4 quarter ticks...starting a bar late or is a cycle a quarter quarter note off...or something else? *grin*.
Sorry for late reply. The bug John was referring to is the only bug I'm aware of related to Tempest slaving to external MIDI clock:

Under some conditions, Tempest may sync one MIDI clock early and in rare cases two clocks early, relative to the sending device.

One MIDI clock (1/24 of a quarter note) at 120 BPM is about 20 mS, and that's early not late. And in the cases where it does play early, it stays locked one clock early forever until stopped. The conditions that cause this are due to many ways different master devices like to arrange the sync messages they send, for example sending initial SPP immediately followed by Start and Clocks, which gives the slave device no time to calculate the new position.
a midi issue, not a machine issue?

stupid midi, serves us well for 35 years and now lets us down :o ;D
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 25, 2016, 07:49:45 AM
a midi issue, not a machine issue?
Hi bozo--
As much as I'd like to blame MIDI, Dave and the others who originally created it actually did a great job and it does work very well. In terms of this bug, I think Tempest should be expected to expect the unexpected. :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: fantastic apparatus on October 25, 2016, 12:25:40 PM
Tempest 4824 just arrived. I've been watching this product for 5 years waiting for these bugs to get ironed out. Not having quantize off was a real deal breaker for me and after that took 4 years to get addressed, I had little hope the tempest would get developed to the point where I felt comfortable purchasing it. I signed the petition before I owned one, because I wanted to buy one. It seems the petition got the attention of Roger, who seems to be a man of great integrity, and it was his personal interactions here that got me to pull the trigger while the update was still in beta as i'm confident he will see this through completion. Five years is a long time but, to be fair, I'm pretty sure Moog took longer to release a voyager os update that finally fully utilized the touch surface (it was stuck on filter cutoff/ resonance forever).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 25, 2016, 12:42:30 PM
Tempest 4824 just arrived. I've been watching this product for 5 years waiting for these bugs to get ironed out. Not having quantize off was a real deal breaker for me and after that took 4 years to get addressed, I had little hope the tempest would get developed to the point where I felt comfortable purchasing it. I signed the petition before I owned one, because I wanted to buy one. It seems the petition got the attention of Roger, who seems to be a man of great integrity, and it was his personal interactions here that got me to pull the trigger while the update was still in beta as i'm confident he will see this through completion. Five years is a long time but, to be fair, I'm pretty sure Moog took longer to release a voyager os update that finally fully utilized the touch surface (it was stuck on filter cutoff/ resonance forever).
Hi fantastic--
Thank you for your trust. Note that the new update is not yet released, so you must update your Tempest with the beta software.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on October 26, 2016, 03:26:57 AM

Noticed tonight that often when I first start Tempest set as Master, with Ableton Live 9.6.1 set as slave, the first beat or two are not quite in time, then it tightens up and is fine.  This approach to sync with Ableton seems to be the only way currently since setting Ableton as the master & Tempest as the slave creates VERY shoddy timing.
Exactly how is Tempest's timing shoddy while slaving to Ableton's MIDI clock? So far, no one has been able to find any problems with Tempest slaving to MIDI clock except that in some conditions, Tempest syncs one MIDI clock early (and in very rare cases two clocks) but maintains its sync position relative to the sender forever until stopped.

Hi Roger, sorry for late reply.  Seems to work now!  Go figure, I guess ;)  J

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Flux302 on October 26, 2016, 01:29:18 PM
I am having an issue on the latest beta where I can send midi notes out from the pads via DIN cable LIVE , but those recorded notes will not send out via din midi cable on sequencer playback. does anyone else have this issue?
I am on premote pad OUT channel 10, pad to note mode sounds, and am trying to send notes c1-c2
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on October 26, 2016, 08:20:31 PM
Hi Roger,
I posted about an issue with external CC control of beat wide fx just before you left for vacation (see below for our conversation). I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on this now you're back :) 

Maybe I'm not understanding the design properly, but there is what I would define as a bug with external midi CC control of beat wide parameters.

While playing a beat, go to screens/sounds display.
If you use soft knob 2 to change the LP Freq and then return the knob to its initial 0 position, the beat is back to its default sound. This is what I would expect, enabling you to tweak a beat wide parameter for effect and then return it to 0, leaving the sound unaffected.

If instead of soft knob 2 you use an external controller CC 22 to tweak the LP Freq parameter, then I would expect a value of 64 on the the external CC to be equivalent to 0 on the soft knob control. This would enable you to use an external CC to control the beat wide parameters in exactly the same way as using the soft knobs.

This would be very useful for when you want to use recorded CC events to control beat wide effects such as when using an external sequencer with the Tempest, or in live situation when you want to control as much as possible from a single control surface.

The problem/bug is that controlling a beat wide parameter with an external CC behaves in a different way than using the soft knob, so its impossible to reproduce the effect of using the soft knob from an external CC, and its impossible to return the beat to its unaffected state if you do use an external CC to control the beat wide parameters. 

I'm wondering what is going on and if this is on purpose, because it significantly limits the use of the external CC control, which is a shame because it would be very useful if it behaved in the same way as the soft knobs.

Can you tell me how you're using CC22 to control BW Lowpass Cutoff?
By the way, I'm leaving now for a week vacation so either Carson will follow up or I will after my return.

Can you tell me how you're using CC22 to control BW Lowpass Cutoff?
By the way, I'm leaving now for a week vacation so either Carson will follow up or I will after my return.

CC22 is being sent from an external encoder with absolute values 0-127 input to Tempest via usb.
Its set to value 64 initially.

Does that explain?
Maybe its an undocumented feature, I'm having no luck locating it in the manual.

Here are the parameters I know of...
CC# 12 - Distortion
CC# 13 - Compression
CC# 19 - a value other than 0 reverts Beat FX params to defaults
CC# 20 - Beat FX All Osc Frequency
CC# 21 - Beat FX Feedback
CC# 22 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Cutoff
CC# 23 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Resonance
CC# 24 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Audio Mod
CC# 25 - Beat FX Highpass Filter Cutoff
CC# 26 - Beat FX All Env Attack
CC# 27 - Beat FX All Env Decay

Would be great to be able to externally control the FX1,2,3,4 as well!

Enjoy yr vacation :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on October 26, 2016, 08:47:50 PM
I noticed this in a separate locked thread:

We have just been made aware of the bug on the 1.4 beta versions which will cause the wrong file to be transmitted from the Tempest if a single file is transmitted.  If you are performing backups of your files, make sure to send an entire folder or the entirety of the Tempest's memory space.


Does this mean that all 1.4 beta versions were affected by the bug?
I saved a bunch of single files with various 1.4 beta versions, so I'd like to be clear on the answer to this question.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on October 27, 2016, 12:54:45 AM
I noticed this in a separate locked thread:

We have just been made aware of the bug on the 1.4 beta versions which will cause the wrong file to be transmitted from the Tempest if a single file is transmitted.  If you are performing backups of your files, make sure to send an entire folder or the entirety of the Tempest's memory space.


Does this mean that all 1.4 beta versions were affected by the bug?
I saved a bunch of single files with various 1.4 beta versions, so I'd like to be clear on the answer to this question.
I noticed it in the beta that was released around mid september. I have the notion that it was not observed before. The only real-world way to know is to import the files and check them. I believe this comes with the terrain of beta. What is amazing is how quickly DSI fixed this beta bug once found.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: fantastic apparatus on October 28, 2016, 12:37:57 PM
Hitting reverse before play illuminates the button but does not reverse the beat and the light stays on until you hit the button again, so to start with a beat in reverse you have to simultaneously hit both  buttons or start with the reverse button held then push play and hold reverse for the duration you want. Also, if you have a beat playing in reverse mode and switch to another beat the reverse mode light stays on but the next beat is playing normally. I understand modifying the behavior of the reverse button in regards to starting up a beat is more of a feature request but the button should only be lit when the reverse effect is active, meaning if it is not going to remain reversed after a beat change the light should go off too, so there is no reason to double tap it to get it to turn back on.  (latest main beta and voice 1.5)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dekalboy on October 29, 2016, 01:31:45 AM
another bug  :

sometimes , Tempest change the pitch of some sounds without reason !
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 29, 2016, 08:44:59 AM
another bug  :

sometimes , Tempest change the pitch of some sounds without reason !

I have never come across this.

When was the last time you calibrated your machine? Maybe one of the voices is off?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on October 29, 2016, 10:23:32 AM
Calibrate without the cables plugged in and check your voice outs one by one.Can you give more info?Is it pitch or inconsistency?
another bug  :

sometimes , Tempest change the pitch of some sounds without reason !
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on October 29, 2016, 01:24:07 PM
I have notoced this as well however it isnt drastic. For a while I thought it was ear fatigue. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 30, 2016, 08:22:20 PM
I am having an issue on the latest beta where I can send midi notes out from the pads via DIN cable LIVE , but those recorded notes will not send out via din midi cable on sequencer playback. does anyone else have this issue?
I am on premote pad OUT channel 10, pad to note mode sounds, and am trying to send notes c1-c2
I'm sorry, Flux. The System > MIDI Remote Pad Play function only sends MIDI note on messages when you strike the pads, not from sequence playback. The only way to send MIDI note on messages from sequence playback is by using the MIDI Polyphonic Keyboard Play screen.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 30, 2016, 09:32:12 PM
Hi Roger,
I posted about an issue with external CC control of beat wide fx just before you left for vacation (see below for our conversation). I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on this now you're back :) 
Unfortunately those CC controls were implemented without my knowledge. I agree that it doesn't work perfectly and a CC22 value of 64 should ideally produce the same effect as zero on the graphic knob. But to my ears, sending a CC22 value of 75 returns it to the unaffected sound, which will allow you to do the same thing.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 30, 2016, 09:38:52 PM
I noticed this in a separate locked thread:

We have just been made aware of the bug on the 1.4 beta versions which will cause the wrong file to be transmitted from the Tempest if a single file is transmitted.  If you are performing backups of your files, make sure to send an entire folder or the entirety of the Tempest's memory space.


Does this mean that all 1.4 beta versions were affected by the bug?
I saved a bunch of single files with various 1.4 beta versions, so I'd like to be clear on the answer to this question.
On the download page, yes this is listed as fixed:

Main OS
Fixed Bug: Export single file transmitting wrong file
Fixed Bug: duplicate file names shown in folders

Of course these are all beta versions, the purpose of which is to find bugs before official releases. So you all in this thread are kindly testing this unreleased software to help learn whether it is suitable for an official release. No one really knows when this bug first existed but rather only when it was first observed. You should be able to find Carson's post about this bug, but I don't think that's going to help you much.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 30, 2016, 09:59:24 PM
Hitting reverse before play illuminates the button but does not reverse the beat and the light stays on until you hit the button again, so to start with a beat in reverse you have to simultaneously hit both  buttons or start with the reverse button held then push play and hold reverse for the duration you want. Also, if you have a beat playing in reverse mode and switch to another beat the reverse mode light stays on but the next beat is playing normally. I understand modifying the behavior of the reverse button in regards to starting up a beat is more of a feature request but the button should only be lit when the reverse effect is active, meaning if it is not going to remain reversed after a beat change the light should go off too, so there is no reason to double tap it to get it to turn back on.  (latest main beta and voice 1.5)
I assume you are referring to Beat-Wide Reverse mode, which 16 Beats is selected. In that case, I toggle the Reverse button on and play a beat and it plays correctly in reverse. However, I do agree that if you then select a different Beat Pad, the newly-selected beat does not play in reverse even though the Reverse light is on. I've added that to the Tempest bug list and thank you for finding it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 30, 2016, 10:02:48 PM
another bug  :

sometimes , Tempest change the pitch of some sounds without reason !
Thank you. However, it's a little difficult to know what you're talking about. Sadly the only way to fix a bug is to be able to repeat it here. So we're ideally looking for a list of steps we can follow that will permit us to experience the problem exactly as you do. If you're able to describe the problem in that way, it would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on October 30, 2016, 10:11:49 PM
Regrettably I must take leave of you all as I am leaving for two weeks to promote my new LinnStrument 128, announced just today, and will not have a Tempest with me to do testing. In my absence, I have asked Carson to respond as appropriate to forum posts.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on October 31, 2016, 01:17:21 AM
Regrettably I must take leave of you all as I am leaving for two weeks to promote my new LinnStrument 128, announced just today, and will not have a Tempest with me to do testing. In my absence, I have asked Carson to respond as appropriate to forum posts.

Good luck with the launch/promo Roger and, as always, thank you for your input here.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Thom on October 31, 2016, 06:09:04 PM
Hi Roger,
I posted about an issue with external CC control of beat wide fx just before you left for vacation (see below for our conversation). I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on this now you're back :) 
Unfortunately those CC controls were implemented without my knowledge. I agree that it doesn't work perfectly and a CC22 value of 64 should ideally produce the same effect as zero on the graphic knob. But to my ears, sending a CC22 value of 75 returns it to the unaffected sound, which will allow you to do the same thing.

Thanks Roger, some of the CC parameters are more 'misaligned' than others and agreed, Low Pass freq CC22 at 75 does sound about the same as the tempest softknob at 0. Others CCs such as HPass seem to use CC val of 0 (extreme anti-clockwise) as the equivalent of tempest softknob at 0 (centre) position.

ALL OSC PITCH on CC20 stands out as being the most misaligned, it seems impossible to return all the sounds in the beat to their original pitch after tweaking it with the CC. Perhaps because the digi and analog oscs have different pitch ranges.

Anyway the CCs are still a powerful feature for the extra control and flexibility they offer for remote and automated applications, so i'm glad they sneaked in there!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on November 06, 2016, 05:53:56 PM
I feel like this may have been covered before, but...

I've got a bass sound being sequenced on Pad B16. I am sending that same sequence out to an external MIDI synth. When I turn the volume of the internal sound down to zero (this applies to both volume controls, on the Fdbk/VCA and Mixer screens), it stops the sequence to the external MIDI device and the pad light no longer flashes to show sequencer action. I feel like this is really unintuitive. It's like it engages the mute function, but really, it should only be working with volume mix levels. I assume this is meant to help with voice allocation, but it is not expected user behavior.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: kpsnix on November 06, 2016, 10:56:37 PM
I found a bug while using the compresser envelope function.

While using the compresser envelope with the envolope trigger the effect does not resume upon reboot.

The parameters are getting saved, but will not respond accordingly unless I make a change to the values.

I'm currently only using attack and amount and the effect won't resume unless I change the value of both the attack and amount.

I'm not sure if this is design feature or bug, but I figured it's worth noting.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on November 07, 2016, 06:23:50 AM
I feel like this may have been covered before, but...

I've got a bass sound being sequenced on Pad B16. I am sending that same sequence out to an external MIDI synth. When I turn the volume of the internal sound down to zero (this applies to both volume controls, on the Fdbk/VCA and Mixer screens), it stops the sequence to the external MIDI device and the pad light no longer flashes to show sequencer action. I feel like this is really unintuitive. It's like it engages the mute function, but really, it should only be working with volume mix levels. I assume this is meant to help with voice allocation, but it is not expected user behavior.
Hi Stoss,
I'm still out of town but I can answer this. I'm afraid that's the way it's supposed to work, for the reason you gave--to free up voices that aren't being heard. Internally the voice and sent MIDI notes are tightly linked so it's difficult to separate them without causing some bug in Tempest's many modes of operation. Fortunately the workaround is simple--turn the mix volume down to almost zero. Sorry I don't have a better answer.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on November 07, 2016, 06:54:53 AM
I'm still out of town but I can answer this. I'm afraid that's the way it's supposed to work, for the reason you gave--to free up voices that aren't being heard. Internally the voice and sent MIDI notes are tightly linked so it's difficult to separate them without causing some bug in Tempest's many modes of operation. Fortunately the workaround is simple--turn the mix volume down to almost zero. Sorry I don't have a better answer.
i've been there: you can keep volume up and turn all oscillators off, that way the sequencer will keep on sending notes but tempest wont make any sound (out of that pad). The sequencer will still steal a voice though.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on November 07, 2016, 11:19:20 AM
Hi Stoss,
I'm still out of town but I can answer this. I'm afraid that's the way it's supposed to work, for the reason you gave--to free up voices that aren't being heard. Internally the voice and sent MIDI notes are tightly linked so it's difficult to separate them without causing some bug in Tempest's many modes of operation. Fortunately the workaround is simple--turn the mix volume down to almost zero. Sorry I don't have a better answer.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Not being involved with the code and only being able to apply logic, its difficult to imagine no solution exists... Spending years on the forum, I get a sense of how dicey small things like this can be. Luckily I rely on the Tempest as an amazing, performance based drum machine... which it excels at. Whenever I dabble in controlling external synths with it, things get awkward, and that is why I rarely come back to that. But... other gear can fill that role... Like the Carbon, Deluge... or even the Linnstrument! ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bobbyquine on November 09, 2016, 12:04:18 PM
If one is willing to sacrifice a voice, the sonuus g2m is an option for more midi output. Sorry for going off topic.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on November 10, 2016, 12:32:10 PM
Hi Stoss,
I'm still out of town but I can answer this. I'm afraid that's the way it's supposed to work, for the reason you gave--to free up voices that aren't being heard. Internally the voice and sent MIDI notes are tightly linked so it's difficult to separate them without causing some bug in Tempest's many modes of operation. Fortunately the workaround is simple--turn the mix volume down to almost zero. Sorry I don't have a better answer.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Not being involved with the code and only being able to apply logic, its difficult to imagine no solution exists... Spending years on the forum, I get a sense of how dicey small things like this can be. Luckily I rely on the Tempest as an amazing, performance based drum machine... which it excels at. Whenever I dabble in controlling external synths with it, things get awkward, and that is why I rarely come back to that. But... other gear can fill that role... Like the Carbon, Deluge... or even the Linnstrument! ;)

Hi Stoss,
I used to employ a very talented software engineer who, whenever I'd ask whether a specific feature could be added, would answer "Given enough time and money, anything is possible". :)   So yes, it certainly is possible, but the problem is that for an instrument that both makes sounds and allows you to create and edit music, the list of what would seem to be reasonable features is a bottomless pit. Of course I can only make recommendations to DSI because only DSI can decide how to use its resources, but I try to make reasonable recommendations based on amount of customer demand and whether a reasonable workaround exists.  In my view and experience, most people would find many other things to be more important that this, so it is difficult for me to recommend to DSI that that they divert resources to this issue. Sorry I don't have a better answer.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on November 10, 2016, 12:48:29 PM
The reason the voice is not free when the oscillators are turned off/down is due to the VCA still being gated open when the pad is triggered.  We cannot assume that just because the oscillators are set off, that the voice is not triggering a sound.  For example, you could have the filter in self resonance or have some other modulation setup which generates a sound from the voice.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on November 11, 2016, 05:15:23 AM
The reason the voice is not free when the oscillators are turned off/down is due to the VCA still being gated open when the pad is triggered.  We cannot assume that just because the oscillators are set off, that the voice is not triggering a sound.  For example, you could have the filter in self resonance or have some other modulation setup which generates a sound from the voice.

Hi Carson, I seem to recall that in previous versions of the OS the solution was to set both the amount & velocity amount on the Amp envelope to zero.  Am I right and, if so, is that still the case?

J :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on November 11, 2016, 10:12:58 AM
Yup!  Just turn the amp env and velocity amount to zero.  The sound will not steal a voice and will still send MIDI note data to the MIDI output.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on November 11, 2016, 10:51:58 AM
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on November 11, 2016, 03:53:11 PM
Yup!  Just turn the amp env and velocity amount to zero.  The sound will not steal a voice and will still send MIDI note data to the MIDI output.

I've never been entirely clear on this, Carson.  So if the amp envelope's 'amount' and 'velocity' parameters are set to zero, such that the internal sound can not and will not steal a voice, does this mean the sequencer-out can in fact serve as a 7th voice: i.e. simultaneously triggering an external source while all six internal voices are in use?

What with the voice allocation algorithm behaving as it does - somewhat unpredictably - I've been left wondering at times if the external sequence wasn't stealing a synth voice.  It would be nice to know for certain that it's not, and that any unexpected voice stealing is just the Tempest being the Tempest.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on November 11, 2016, 06:14:28 PM
Sorry I don't have a better answer.

Hey Roger.

No need to be sorry. I only meant to say that external MIDI sequencing isn't an essential Tempest feature and for that function, I'm happy to seek out other complimentary gear. :)

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on November 11, 2016, 06:21:41 PM
Is there a status for swing being applied to the beat-wide roll? That feature is essential to the performance oriented nature of the Tempest. I'd love to hear that it is considered a critical feature to implement. (I call it a feature out of respect, but when I'm using the Tempest and expect that behavior, it is musically jarring and feels like a bug!)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nielsd on November 12, 2016, 09:28:50 AM
Just to say a small thanks for the awareness and work resources on the Tempest issues in between...ß)


dettenbach audio
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on November 13, 2016, 06:34:32 PM
Yup!  Just turn the amp env and velocity amount to zero.  The sound will not steal a voice and will still send MIDI note data to the MIDI output.
great, thanks a lot for this!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on November 18, 2016, 04:39:50 PM
Is there a status for swing being applied to the beat-wide roll? That feature is essential to the performance oriented nature of the Tempest. I'd love to hear that it is considered a critical feature to implement. (I call it a feature out of respect, but when I'm using the Tempest and expect that behavior, it is musically jarring and feels like a bug!)
I'd love to give you a definite answer but ultimately it's DSI's call because it's their money and resources being spent. I can say that it's important to me and I'm pushing for it. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on November 19, 2016, 09:10:08 PM
I noticed something odd when using MIDI to control an external synth. I was able to play the synth live from two separate pads B15 and B16 at the same time. I believe the synth was receiving MIDI on all channels. I was able to isolate the problem. With only a MIDI cable going out of the Tempest and in to the external synth and with the settings like this:

MIDI: Synth IN Channel: 1
MIDI: Synth Sound: B16
MIDI: Sequencer Out Channel: Off
MIDI: Sequencer Sound: B15

I was able to play the external synth live by playing Pad B16. Unless I am misunderstanding something, the Tempest should only be receiving external MIDI and use it to play the notes of B16... and as set above, it should send no notes to an external synth. Is this a bug?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: molotov on November 20, 2016, 11:09:48 AM
Happy to say the sluggish file browsing seems to have been improved on the latest beta!

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: a3d747 on November 21, 2016, 12:14:32 PM
Some times doesn't work in 16 sounds mode polyphony, i can play on pads just one sound at the time. but sequencer plays right. I have to reset system parameters, and then it works fine...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: fantastic apparatus on November 22, 2016, 09:31:17 AM
a3d747, that is a known bug and you don't need to reset parameters to fix it- you just need to make sure roll is set to re-trigger after you have finished inputing any of the other arpeggio modes into a beat.
Roger, to clarify my earlier bug report I was trying to start a playlist in reverse and the reverse light would stay on but not be reversed. Though that function is certainly not as important to me as the light properly representing the reverse status, which you said you would work on.
I also noticed there is no sample in slot 202 "bell crash" in my digital samples, and there is no content in the project "spud and stump"
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on November 22, 2016, 09:42:53 AM
a3d747, that is a known bug and you don't need to reset parameters to fix it- you just need to make sure roll is set to re-trigger after you have finished inputing any of the other arpeggio modes into a beat.
Roger, to clarify my earlier bug report I was trying to start a playlist in reverse and the reverse light would stay on but not be reversed. Though that function is certainly not as important to me as the light properly representing the reverse status, which you said you would work on.
I also noticed there is no sample in slot 202 "bell crash" in my digital samples, and there is no content in the project "spud and stump"
I'm afraid I'm out of town until next week and don't have a Tempest with me. So DSI will have to respond to this one. Sorry.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Flux302 on November 22, 2016, 09:47:25 AM
I'm really confused as to why the sequencer can't spit out the midi notes that it has sequenced yet I can do so if I trigger the notes by had. This is really disappointing and limiting when trying to work around the fact that I can't add samples to tempest or if I just want to record the midi patterns of a performance.
Is the CPU that underpowered or is this some odd design choice?
I am not asking for it to be a different channel or some complex external sequencing, just a duplicate of what the sequencer is already doing.
Thanks for the reply
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 22, 2016, 10:13:31 AM
Another critical bug for me here and it's a simple one to reproduce...
Just slave Tempest to a DAW (in my case Live via USB) and scroll with soft knob 3 through the Sound Folders.Train wreck...Loses sync completely.I'm guessing it's Tempest's screen refresh rate lag..
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 24, 2016, 03:41:21 AM
I can confirm this bug fixed on the latest BETA OS 1.4.4b...Thanks guys!
Another critical bug for me here and it's a simple one to reproduce...
Just slave Tempest to a DAW (in my case Live via USB) and scroll with soft knob 3 through the Sound Folders.Train wreck...Loses sync completely.I'm guessing it's Tempest's screen refresh rate lag..
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on November 24, 2016, 09:21:24 AM
There's a bug with the pad in and out midi routing.
a sound should be triggered in response to a midi in note assigned to a pad, as is happening, but the incoming midi note shouldn't be re transmitted to the midi out.
the way is working now, you can't record pad palying sending a pad note to a DAW and then midi back to the tempest even with setting local control off, cause the incoming midi note is sent back to the midi out creating a midi loop. that makes no sense.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: danx on November 24, 2016, 04:29:49 PM
How do you have connected the Tempest to the DAW?
What Daw are you using?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Umair on November 25, 2016, 08:41:27 AM
where can i download the new update from?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 25, 2016, 09:09:53 AM
Logged in at the bottom of the first post here:,586.0.html
where can i download the new update from?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: purusha on November 25, 2016, 09:29:06 AM
Does anyone have more detail on this fix in the new release?

"SPP messages greater than 9 bars cause unexpected behavior".

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on November 25, 2016, 01:48:26 PM
If using a DAW or external sequencer where the song is olaying at bar 21 (or anything greater than 9) would case the T to choke when it should just loop around the max 8 bar limit. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on November 25, 2016, 05:50:45 PM
How do you have connected the Tempest to the DAW?
What Daw are you using?

Ableton Live using usb midi.
i'm sending midi from the tempest pads to Ableton (with local control off), so i can record midi live pad playing. Then sending midi back from Ableton to the Tempest, so i can listen to what i'm recording. tempest is set to receive on chn 10 and send midi on chn 11. Thing is, incoming midi notes to Tempest sent from Ableton on chn 10, are re-sent back to Ableton on chn 11 creating a loop.
is easy to check it out:
If i set a midi track on Ableton sending a clip sequence on chn 10 to the Tempest (using notes assigned to pads of course) and another one receiving midi from the tempest on chn 11, yo can see that the sequence sent from Ableton is getting back to Ableton, and that's not the expected behavior. No other hardware synth works that way, cause it makes no sense, unless it is on midi through (and in that case should be on the same midi channel, not on the configured channel out).
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on November 26, 2016, 05:52:40 PM
On the previous page of this thread I posted about some strange MIDI behavior related to MIDI going out on the channel it was meant to come in on. Could it be related to that?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on November 28, 2016, 02:17:23 PM
I noticed something odd when using MIDI to control an external synth. I was able to play the synth live from two separate pads B15 and B16 at the same time. I believe the synth was receiving MIDI on all channels. I was able to isolate the problem. With only a MIDI cable going out of the Tempest and in to the external synth and with the settings like this:

MIDI: Synth IN Channel: 1
MIDI: Synth Sound: B16
MIDI: Sequencer Out Channel: Off
MIDI: Sequencer Sound: B15

I was able to play the external synth live by playing Pad B16. Unless I am misunderstanding something, the Tempest should only be receiving external MIDI and use it to play the notes of B16... and as set above, it should send no notes to an external synth. Is this a bug?

No it's not a bug.  In your example, B16 will send note data out on channel 1.  B15 will send note data out on the channel set in the MIDI remote pad play parameters.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: danx on December 02, 2016, 11:22:14 PM
I use the Tempest with my DAW via MIDI(USB & DIN) too,and don't have any midi loops issue.
I´m on Cubase 8.5 not Ableton,nevertheless I believe that you could have some misconfiguration.
I use two channels,10 for Drums & 1 for a synth part.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on December 03, 2016, 09:45:57 AM
I noticed something odd when using MIDI to control an external synth. I was able to play the synth live from two separate pads B15 and B16 at the same time. I believe the synth was receiving MIDI on all channels. I was able to isolate the problem. With only a MIDI cable going out of the Tempest and in to the external synth and with the settings like this:

MIDI: Synth IN Channel: 1
MIDI: Synth Sound: B16
MIDI: Sequencer Out Channel: Off
MIDI: Sequencer Sound: B15

I was able to play the external synth live by playing Pad B16. Unless I am misunderstanding something, the Tempest should only be receiving external MIDI and use it to play the notes of B16... and as set above, it should send no notes to an external synth. Is this a bug?

No it's not a bug.  In your example, B16 will send note data out on channel 1.  B15 will send note data out on the channel set in the MIDI remote pad play parameters.

Hi Carson.

I'm a little confused here. I reread a portion of the manual and it doesn't seem to agree with what you are saying. My understanding is this:

These parameters are for routing incoming MIDI with the intent of using a keyboard controller to control an individual pad to be played as a polyphonic synthesizer:
System: MIDI Polyphonic Synthesizer Keyboard Play
- MIDI: Synth IN Channel
(Chooses the MIDI channel the external keyboard will play)
- MIDI: Synth Sound (Chooses the pad the external keyboard will be directed to)

These parameters are for routing outgoing MIDI from the sequence of an individual pad to an external synthesizer. This of course will not be polyphonic, because the Tempest can not record polyphonic information on an individual pad:
System: MIDI Polyphonic Synthesizer Keyboard Play
- MIDI: Sequencer Out Channel
(Chooses the MIDI channel that an external synth will see MIDI notes on)
- MIDI: Sequencer Sound (Chooses the pad that will send sequencer MIDI notes to the external synth)

These parameters are completely separate from the "Polyphonic Synthesizer" parameters and act independently from it. They are implemented to externally mirror either the input of the pads or mirror the output of the pad sequencing:
System: MIDI Remote Pad Play
- Remote Pad IN Channel
(Chooses the MIDI channel that an external controller uses to send note information to the pads)
- Remote Pad OUT Channel (Chooses the MIDI channel that an external device will see MIDI notes on)
- MIDI Note: PadA1-PadB16 (Chooses the MIDI notes associated with each of the 32 Pads for both MIDI IN and OUT)

If my understanding of all of these parameters is correct, please explain why you say that B16 would send MIDI out? Also, why would B15 as set on the Polyphonic Synthesizer Keyboard Play screen have anything to do with Remote Pad Play, especially when my Remote Pad OUT Channel was set to "OFF"?

I have become very comfortable with the MIDI routing of the Tempest over the last few years and I must admit, your answer is truly confusing to me. It will indeed blow my mind if I have been mistaken all this time... but I am humble enough for that to be the situation! :)

Thanks for the help.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bsp on December 03, 2016, 03:39:58 PM
First of all, hello everyone, this is my first post here.

I just got a Tempest and upgraded it to the latest firmware (after encountering some known issues with the last official 1.4 release).

According to "Show system information", the synth now has:
- Main OS Version 1.4.4
- Voice OS Version 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
- Panel OS Version 1.3
- Sam OS Version 1.1

This firmware has a major, show-stopping bug that "randomly" causes voices to go permanently silent.

Sounds cannot be triggered anymore until the synth is power-cycled/reset.

When assigning a fixed voice to non-triggering sounds, it becomes apparent that certain voices still work while others do not.
Stopping all voices via "left shift + right shift + stop" does not fix this.

The bug can be reproduced by triggering sounds via MIDI, then playing some sounds on top of that.
It can also be reproduced by playing a MIDI sequence for a while (and doing nothing else). After around two minutes, the first sounds start to disappear. After a while (ten minutes?), no voices trigger anymore (=> no sound at all).

Some other bugs I found after a few days of testing:

Some things that would be incredibly useful to have (in order of precedence):

Other, more minor features that would still be very useful:

That being said, I really like the Tempest so far.
The interface is laid out really well and the synth sounds great.
Different than other drum machines but hey, that's why I bought one!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on December 03, 2016, 06:21:57 PM
I use the Tempest with my DAW via MIDI(USB & DIN) too,and don't have any midi loops issue.
I´m on Cubase 8.5 not Ableton,nevertheless I believe that you could have some misconfiguration.
I use two channels,10 for Drums & 1 for a synth part.

k, lets check it out then.

try this:
connect the tempest to your computer using usb midi.
send a midi sequence on channel 10 from cubase to the tempest (using notes assigned to pads on the sequence), and create another midi track receiving midi channel 10 from the tempest (armed so midi gets in, check its working by hitting some pads).
the sequence sent from cubase should not get back to cubase.   

of course, if i only want to sequence the tempest from a daw it is not an issue, but if i want to record live playing pads MIDI notes, with local control off and send back those midi notes to tempest for monitoring audio in real time it is a big issue.
same if i want to use the pads for playing some sample drums on the daw, again with local control off, while sequencing tempest drums from the daw.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on December 05, 2016, 04:06:47 PM

If my understanding of all of these parameters is correct, please explain why you say that B16 would send MIDI out? Also, why would B15 as set on the Polyphonic Synthesizer Keyboard Play screen have anything to do with Remote Pad Play, especially when my Remote Pad OUT Channel was set to "OFF"?

I have become very comfortable with the MIDI routing of the Tempest over the last few years and I must admit, your answer is truly confusing to me. It will indeed blow my mind if I have been mistaken all this time... but I am humble enough for that to be the situation! :)

Thanks for the help.

Hi Stoss,

B16 would still send MIDI note data out because you may want to record polyphonic MIDI note data using the pads.

B15 would still send MIDI note data as set in the MIDI remote pad play settings due to the MIDI sequencer sound being set off.  If the MIDI sequencer sound is set to on, settings made in the remote pad play parameters are ignored for the selected MIDI sequencer sound pad.

Hope this helps!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports / Disappearing Voices
Post by: bsp on December 06, 2016, 05:23:24 AM
Here's is a list of very detailed instructions on how to reproduce the issue I reported a couple of days ago:

Issue description:

Test equipment:

How to reproduce the issue:

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bsp on December 06, 2016, 12:53:06 PM
Update: I think I found the root cause for all these weird issues today (disappearing voices etc):
Saving all the sounds in the project, loading a factory project, then reloading the sounds into it, apparently resolved all issues.

When I updated from 1.4 to 1.4.4b, I followed the update instructions and backed up my project via SysEx, and resent it to the Tempest after the firmware update. This is where things started to go wrong.

In other words: The main issue here is that projects exported in OS 1.4 will cause very weird effects when they are loaded in OS 1.4.4b via SysEx.

I also noticed that the "Export Project over MIDI" function is broken in 1.4.4.b (Tempest hangs at Beat 1). As a workaround, "Export File" can be used instead.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on December 06, 2016, 01:38:02 PM
Hi Bastian,

It has not yet been confirmed that the issues you were encountering are specifically due to files exported from the 1.4 OS causing strange behavior.  You can test this by exporting a factory sound bank file from the synth on 1.4 and loading it back to the Tempest on 1.4.4.

Also, I am unable to replicate the issue you are encountering with the EXPORT FILE OVER MIDI parameter.  It is working well on a Tempest in shop. 

Please follow up with me regarding these issues directly at support to confirm any issues prior to posting to this forum. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: danx on December 06, 2016, 05:13:13 PM
"the sequence sent from cubase should not get back to cubase"

It doesn't..I'm controlling Groove Agent with the Tempest Pads while Cubase is sequencing Tempest all in two channel 10 tracks.
You must have something misconfigured.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on December 07, 2016, 12:53:54 AM
Hi Bastian,

It has not yet been confirmed that the issues you were encountering are specifically due to files exported from the 1.4 OS causing strange behavior.  You can test this by exporting a factory sound bank file from the synth on 1.4 and loading it back to the Tempest on 1.4.4.

Also, I am unable to replicate the issue you are encountering with the EXPORT FILE OVER MIDI parameter.  It is working well on a Tempest in shop. 

Please follow up with me regarding these issues directly at support to confirm any issues prior to posting to this forum.

Hi Carson,

I have also had problems since updating to v1.4.4b and returning to v1.4. I was hoping to clarify these problems but have been unable to isolate them.

My current project was saved in v1.4.4b and loaded back into v1.4. I have had random MIDI clock sync/freezes when Tempest slaved to LogicProX and voice dropping. The PRE v1.4.4b file version is OK, but I have gone too far with current file to revert and rebuild from scratch, but ultimately will have to. Unfortunately, I am in a process of moving house and with Christmas coming all my gear is now packed away.

Carson I I can confirm the ‘EXPORT PROJECT OVER MIDI’ bug which is still carried over from 1.4.3b. I have reported this and Roger kindly replied:

Yes, I get the same results on stock Tempest projects. I have just switch the Tempest on and loaded the stock Tempest project “Eight Oh Eight’ and attempted Export Project over MIDI the Tempest froze at Exporting project [Beat 3]. I can post the resulting 4Msgs SysEx file if you want. Thanks again for your time.
Thanks, Grunes. Those same steps caused Tempest to freeze here, though oddly it froze while exporting beat 10. Regardless, I thank you for finding this one, which I believe is worthy of fixing before releasing the update.

You replied about a  ‘EXPORT FILE OVER MIDI parameter’, of which there is no issue.

I think trying to home in on these issues is going to be painful.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on December 07, 2016, 11:45:23 AM
It is not advised that you load a project saved in the 1.4.4b OS into prior OS versions.

My apologies for the mistype, I meant to write  EXPORT PROJECT OVER MIDI. I did check the EXPORT PROJECT OVER MIDI parameter over USB and MIDI DIN and have found it to be working.  I've just double checked its operation.  I cannot speak to Roger's testing, but it is working here.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sata_fortuna on December 08, 2016, 08:11:09 AM
"the sequence sent from cubase should not get back to cubase"

It doesn't..I'm controlling Groove Agent with the Tempest Pads while Cubase is sequencing Tempest all in two channel 10 tracks.
You must have something misconfigured.

hey! i think i manage to isolate the bug. if Pad to Note Mode is set to Sounds, the midi routing works just fine, i assume that how you have it set up danx, incoming midi does not get through.
Now, If you set the Pad to Note Mode to Follow Pad Function it will re transmit the incoming midi to midi out (All this on usb, haven't tried this with midi din as i currently have only one midi cable here), even if the Pad Function is set to 16 sounds on the front pannel, that how i were using it. Can you confirm this please danx?

if so the workaround is very easy and this is a minor bug then, but a bug still.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: slashy on December 28, 2016, 06:29:28 AM
since i updated my Tempest, in 16 sounds mode, i can't change the sound folder of a pad.
For example if A1 is "crash", i can change the sound for anything, for example " Bass", i can change the sound with the sound folder and load sound function but the type of sound of the pad rest "fixed" .in my example, i have a sound of a Bass in A1 pad, with the name "Crash" .
Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on December 29, 2016, 02:20:49 AM
since i updated my Tempest, in 16 sounds mode, i can't change the sound folder of a pad.
For example if A1 is "crash", i can change the sound for anything, for example " Bass", i can change the sound with the sound folder and load sound function but the type of sound of the pad rest "fixed" .in my example, i have a sound of a Bass in A1 pad, with the name "Crash" .
Thank you in advance.

You're looking for the 'Shift' button there, slashy (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: slashy on December 29, 2016, 03:39:02 AM
since i updated my Tempest, in 16 sounds mode, i can't change the sound folder of a pad.
For example if A1 is "crash", i can change the sound for anything, for example " Bass", i can change the sound with the sound folder and load sound function but the type of sound of the pad rest "fixed" .in my example, i have a sound of a Bass in A1 pad, with the name "Crash" .
Thank you in advance.

Thank you so much... !  :)

You're looking for the 'Shift' button there, slashy (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sontag on January 06, 2017, 02:34:18 PM
Yup!  Just turn the amp env and velocity amount to zero.  The sound will not steal a voice and will still send MIDI note data to the MIDI output.

This works fine on 1.4. but i have some strange behavior with this on the latest beta. i have to assign the midi track to a voice, otherwise it won't send midi notes and then it does steal this voice. why could this be?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Pavel Rubtsov on January 07, 2017, 01:50:05 AM
I don't know if this issue was reported already, but I have it happening with my Tempest.
When I change the beat at "16 beats" mode, the sounds playing are not displayed at "16 sounds" mode. The illumination of sounds starts with a latency, after 5-6 seconds. This problem disappears after reboot, but then appears again after Tempest is turned on for a while. ( This is a video of this issue happening. I change the beat at 0:20, the illumination starts only at 0:27.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: godmodeinternet on January 10, 2017, 07:25:55 PM
hey carson and roger

think i found another bug on 1.4.4b

(my bust if this is known – have tried to keep my eyes on this thread and deeply appreciate everyone else's sleuthing as well as your attentiveness!)

when tempest is in slave mode from usb (e.g. from a daw), and when a sequence is currently playing, the sequencer loses time whenever i change sounds (i.e. 'load sound') into a pad. i have to start from scratch.

thank you!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: SvanBoxtel on January 15, 2017, 12:21:33 PM
Yup!  Just turn the amp env and velocity amount to zero.  The sound will not steal a voice and will still send MIDI note data to the MIDI output.

This works fine on 1.4. but i have some strange behavior with this on the latest beta. i have to assign the midi track to a voice, otherwise it won't send midi notes and then it does steal this voice. why could this be?

I've been looking all over for a solution I'm happy that I'm not alone with this problem. It's a vital function in my live show to route the tempest's midi to other synths. Do you think you could reproduce this one, Carson?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sontag on January 15, 2017, 01:50:39 PM
Yup!  Just turn the amp env and velocity amount to zero.  The sound will not steal a voice and will still send MIDI note data to the MIDI output.

I've been looking all over for a solution I'm happy that I'm not alone with this problem. It's a vital function in my live show to route the tempest's midi to other synths. Do you think you could reproduce this one, Carson?

I'm in contact with support and was told reset the system parameters. I'll do this later this week.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on January 23, 2017, 12:27:20 AM
So far this beta seems pretty stable. Loving the tempest :). Found a couple of bugs though:

- When setting the compressor parameters attack through amount via the screen (for the compression envelope)and you turn the tempest off and on again, the settings will be displayed as they were, but in reality they are all at 0. You have to move the knobs a little and then it goes back to where i've set it.
- While playing a sequence, when in pad screen mode, setting "loop screen" will make the tempest flip out for a milisecond. All pads light up andthe beat will stutter, It doesn't seem to go out of time though.
- While playing a sequence, when I press save/load the sequence jumps out of time. Minor bug, since saving/loading stops the sequence anyway.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on January 28, 2017, 06:10:31 AM
So far this beta seems pretty stable. Loving the tempest :). Found a couple of bugs though:

- While playing a sequence, when in pad screen mode, setting "loop screen" will make the tempest flip out for a milisecond. All pads light up andthe beat will stutter, It doesn't seem to go out of time though.

I think I have a similar problem. I often use a little portable sequencer (Yamaha QY100) to jot down ideas. I connected it to the Tempest (using the Tempest as the master clock) to transfer various beats from the QY100.

It seems when changing beats the Tempest kinda mutes the sounds or hesitates but doesn't seem to go out of time. I created a playlist anyway and it also does it when it plays back too.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on February 03, 2017, 05:49:38 AM
So far this beta seems pretty stable. Loving the tempest :). Found a couple of bugs though:

- While playing a sequence, when in pad screen mode, setting "loop screen" will make the tempest flip out for a milisecond. All pads light up andthe beat will stutter, It doesn't seem to go out of time though.

I resolved this problem. It seems there was some timing conflict when using the QY100 as the master clock, if I remember correctly.

I think I have a similar problem. I often use a little portable sequencer (Yamaha QY100) to jot down ideas. I connected it to the Tempest (using the Tempest as the master clock) to transfer various beats from the QY100.

It seems when changing beats the Tempest kinda mutes the sounds or hesitates but doesn't seem to go out of time. I created a playlist anyway and it also does it when it plays back too.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on February 13, 2017, 11:29:34 PM
It is not advised that you load a project saved in the 1.4.4b OS into prior OS versions.

My apologies for the mistype, I meant to write  EXPORT PROJECT OVER MIDI. I did check the EXPORT PROJECT OVER MIDI parameter over USB and MIDI DIN and have found it to be working.  I've just double checked its operation.  I cannot speak to Roger's testing, but it is working here.


I tried to transfer sysex sounds from previous OS versions (such as the original factory patches and the 'the 'Various Tempest') but it doesn't appear to work with OS 1.4.0. I'm new to the Tempest and might miss something.

Currently using MIDI-OX under PC (Buffer set to 1024, Tempest MIDI device selected over USB, Sysex file send option used for the transfer) with USB cable and managed to load the new factory sounds (1.4) without any problem.

The Tempest screen stays blocked on "Receiving sound file" and once the transfer is finished in MIDI-OX, the Tempest screens remains with the same message and no key does respond. So, I have to switch off my Tempest.

Any idea how I could get these transferred to the Tempest under OS 1.4.0 ?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on February 15, 2017, 06:56:37 PM
This came up in another thread, so I thought I might as well post and updated version of the bug-list here as well...

Bugs remaining as of Feb. 15, 2017:

·       If you accidentally hit the 16 Beats or 16 Mutes button first, when trying to enter 16 tunings or 16 Levels mode, the Roll function automatically disengages – mode changes should happen upon the button’s release in order to prevent this.

·       In 16 Tunings mode, when the sequencer is stopped, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       In 16 Levels mode, when the sequencer is stopped, the Arp allows notes to be triggered outside of the selected quantize value, which creates undesirable flams when trying to depress multiple notes at once, or when adding new notes to the arpeggio.  Also, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       When recording with the Arp in 16 Levels mode, the held pads blink in succession with each note trigger as expected; but after the first pass of the sequence is recorded, only pad 16 blinks.  *In all other Arp modes, the pads continue to blink in the order they were depressed/recorded as expected.

·      When switching beats on-the-fly, the first step of the sequencer-out is consistently late; so if you're triggering a sample loop on the one, every time you switch beats on the Tempest, it will be out of sync for the first pass.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      If you hold 'Shift' and turn the Compressor knob to get into the compressor menu, you can no longer get back to the Mixer screen.

·      Compressor Envelope 'Amount' only goes from -64 to +127 instead of -/+127.

·      Regardless of what value is set and saved, every time the Tempest is power cycled the Compressor Envelope 'Peak Hold' parameter changes to match the value of the 'Amount' parameter.

·      After a power cycle, all the Compressor Envelope parameters display at the correct value as saved (*with the exception of 'Peak Hold' – see above); however, in actuality they are zeroed, and will otherwise remain that way until each parameter is revisited and its value is moved by at least one increment.

·      When Slider Mode is set to 'Real-time', only FX1 Slider is affected. FX2/3/4 sliders are always 'Step' regardless of this parameter setting.

·      Using Mod Paths for external MIDI sound control results in intermittent affect on the sound.  *Causes are unclear, but the bug occurs more frequently on playback of a Beat with many sounds.

·      When playing a Beat containing held notes of an ADSR sound, if you turn on Bank B while 1) a note is playing and 2) a different sound is selected, the playing note's pad sticks on.

·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play', and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options.

·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.

·      Beat roll still doesn't swing.

·      A sound folder is still need to correspond with the pad name "Synth".

·      When adding or copying steps via the Events Screen, the Pad lights do not correlate correctly in 16 Time Steps mode.

·      In 16 Mutes mode, on the Pads screen, although you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) it is not reflected graphically on the display.  This could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen.

·       The Mute/Solo/Delay buttons should perform their functions in both the 16 Mutes/Pads and 16 Mutes/Mixer screens.

·      Mutes “All On” should be available on the mixer screen in both 16 Mutes and 16 Sounds Mode.

·      In the System Menu > MIDI Remote Pad Play > when 'Pad To Note Mode' is set to 'Mutes', if a note number is received that is one of the 'Bank B' assignments on that page, it is treated as the 'Bank A' assignment of the same number.  For example, if Pad B1 is assigned to note# 80, and Pad A1 is assigned to note# 69, sending Tempest note# 80 will toggle the mute of pad A1.

·      The “Undo All Sounds” functionality needs to be better implemented or otherwise removed.  It is currently awkward, buggy, and a liability on account of the fact that it uses the 'Undo Rec' as a 'SHIFT' function.

·      When you set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only', if you mute a pad that contains a sequence and then attempt to play that same sound live in 16 Tunings mode, turning the Mixer Level knob causes the sound to cut-out.

·      If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes.

·      In '16 Beats' mode, when trying to copy/paste beats by holding the 'copy' button, nothing happens if you attempt to 'paste' into the beat that is currently selected; whereas pasting into an unselected beat works as expected.

·      If you toggle the 'Reverse' button on and play a beat, it plays correctly in reverse. However, if you then select a different Beat, the newly-selected beat does not play in reverse even though the 'Reverse' light is on.

·      While a sequence is playing, in '16 Time Steps' mode, on the 'Events' screen, disengaging the "Loop Screen" function causes the tempest flip-out for a second: i.e. all the pads light-up in rapid succession and the beat stutters.  Sync, however, is maintained.

Okay, the above list should accurately represent the Tempest’s status as of Beta OS 1.4.4bb.  I’ve removed any bugs that have recently been noted in the change-log as “fixed”, and have added any bugs that have been reported and confirmed since the last time I updated the list.  If I’ve missed anything, or if I’ve removed anything that has in fact not been fixed, please let me know.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Shanesplanet on February 18, 2017, 06:55:46 PM
When in playback beats mode, rehitting the playing beat pad (which resets parameters) it also causes the fx sliders and mixer pots become inactive until a different beat is loaded. Basically, you make a filter sweep or two live, reload the beat and no more filter effects available again. I happens near 100% of the time when struck twice..    Btw... I love my tempest :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on February 22, 2017, 05:12:53 AM
If the 'Play List' and 'Events' buttons are highlighted, pressing any button such as '16 beats' leaves the 'Events' screen and the 'Events' button active. The only solution I found to this is to reboot the system.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on February 22, 2017, 12:50:14 PM
When assigning a specific wave shape to both osc1 and osc2 and configuring amp envelope, changing again the wave shape of osc1 or osc2 doesn't change anything to the sound although the wave shape changes on the screen.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on February 22, 2017, 12:51:41 PM
Slope parameter doesn't appear to function on osc1 and osc2 as increasing the value of this parameter doesn't change anything to the sound.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on February 22, 2017, 05:59:19 PM
If the 'Play List' and 'Events' buttons are highlighted, pressing any button such as '16 beats' leaves the 'Events' screen and the 'Events' button active. The only solution I found to this is to reboot the system.

When assigning a specific wave shape to both osc1 and osc2 and configuring amp envelope, changing again the wave shape of osc1 or osc2 doesn't change anything to the sound although the wave shape changes on the screen.

Slope parameter doesn't appear to function on osc1 and osc2 as increasing the value of this parameter doesn't change anything to the sound.

All of the above are working just fine on my Tempest.  What operating systems are you running?  This thread is for reporting bugs in Main [beta] OS 1.4.4bb and Voice OS 1.5 explicitly.  Please check your 'System Information' to confirm that you're running the latest operating systems.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on February 22, 2017, 09:15:23 PM
Thanks for your reply John.

I'm having these problems on version Main [beta] OS 1.4.4b

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on February 22, 2017, 11:36:30 PM
Thanks for your reply John.

I'm having these problems on version Main [beta] OS 1.4.4b


Okay, but there's more than one operating system.  The new beta will not run correctly if you have not also updated the 'Voice' OS to version 1.5.  So again, as per my question above, can you please confirm that you're 'System Information' indicates the following:

Main 1.4.4
Voice 1.5
Panel 1.3
Sam 1.1

I've run more tests here, and I'm simply not having these issues with my Tempest.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on February 23, 2017, 01:39:58 AM
If the 'Play List' and 'Events' buttons are highlighted, pressing any button such as '16 beats' leaves the 'Events' screen and the 'Events' button active. The only solution I found to this is to reboot the system.

When assigning a specific wave shape to both osc1 and osc2 and configuring amp envelope, changing again the wave shape of osc1 or osc2 doesn't change anything to the sound although the wave shape changes on the screen.

Slope parameter doesn't appear to function on osc1 and osc2 as increasing the value of this parameter doesn't change anything to the sound.

All are working fine for me here check your system as John said..
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on February 23, 2017, 05:26:55 PM
When in playback beats mode, rehitting the playing beat pad (which resets parameters) it also causes the fx sliders and mixer pots become inactive until a different beat is loaded. Basically, you make a filter sweep or two live, reload the beat and no more filter effects available again. I happens near 100% of the time when struck twice..    Btw... I love my tempest :)

Hi Shane,

I was unable to make this happen on my Tempest.  I just mangled a beat beyond recognition with the pots and sliders, reloaded it by hitting its pad as you've described, yet the beat parameters reset perfectly and the FX sliders all my panel controls continue to work as expected.

What OS are you running; and if it's the latest beta, have you also updated the 'Voice' OS to version 1.5?

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on February 23, 2017, 10:40:47 PM

Main 1.4.4
Voice 1.5
Panel 1.3
Sam 1.1

I've run more tests here, and I'm simply not having these issues with my Tempest.


I have re-updated the Os and voice.

Playlist events problem disappeared.

Slope problem still there as Slope has still no effect.

BUT new major problem appeared: when loading any beat, the record button is flashing quickly but the red Led doesn't stay active and impossible to record. This is crazy !! Hope you can solve this as I can't record anything !!

The system information is now displaying the following:

Main 1.4.4
Voice 1.5
Panel 1.3
OS 1.1

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on February 24, 2017, 12:05:50 AM
Did the update finished succefully?Have you calibrated with all cables unplugged?If yes then you should contact support there maybe an issue with your Tempest..

Main 1.4.4
Voice 1.5
Panel 1.3
Sam 1.1

I've run more tests here, and I'm simply not having these issues with my Tempest.


I have re-updated the Os and voice.

Playlist events problem disappeared.

Slope problem still there as Slope has still no effect.

BUT new major problem appeared: when loading any beat, the record button is flashing quickly but the red Led doesn't stay active and impossible to record. This is crazy !! Hope you can solve this as I can't record anything !!

The system information is now displaying the following:

Main 1.4.4
Voice 1.5
Panel 1.3
OS 1.1
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on February 24, 2017, 01:03:12 AM

Main 1.4.4
Voice 1.5
Panel 1.3
Sam 1.1

I've run more tests here, and I'm simply not having these issues with my Tempest.


I have re-updated the Os and voice.

Playlist events problem disappeared.

Slope problem still there as Slope has still no effect.

BUT new major problem appeared: when loading any beat, the record button is flashing quickly but the red Led doesn't stay active and impossible to record. This is crazy !! Hope you can solve this as I can't record anything !!

The system information is now displaying the following:

Main 1.4.4
Voice 1.5
Panel 1.3
OS 1.1

Okay, first of all, it's "slop" not "slope", and it is a very subtle effect that you would not likely hear when listening to a single oscillator on its own.  You would not be the first person to claim that it's broken, when in fact it is working as it should.

As for the record light not staying lit and not being able to record, this sounds to me like you're trying to record in either '16 Beats' mode or '16 Mutes' mode.  You cannot record in either of those modes, and as a consequence the record button will not stay lit.

The rapid blinking of the record LED when loading a beat, however, is not intended behavior; nor is it a bug in the current Beta OS; that is to say, I have not experienced this issue despite extensive testing and general use.  It may, however, indicate that your update was somehow corrupted.  It is not recommended that you re-flash the same operating system, so perhaps downgrade to a previous incarnation, then try updating again (I would also recommend that you download the OS files anew to be sure that you don't have a corrupt copy).  If the problem persists after reinstalling both operating systems, that may point to a hardware fault; in which case I would recommend contacting DSI support.


INSTALLATION NOTE: It is recommended to calibrate the oscillators/filters and reset the system parameters after installing a Main and/or Voice OS update. These functions can be found in the system menu.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BTS.WRKNG on February 24, 2017, 07:26:47 AM
INSTALLATION NOTE: It is recommended to...reset the system parameters after installing a Main and/or Voice OS update.

This came up somewhere else in here recently and on that particular comment/thread it turned out to be a mistake, but now that I see it again here I'm wondering because I'm a curious person what the benefit is of resetting system parameters after an OS update, or what potential problem(s) it safeguards against.

I can see the downside: I'll lose and have to re-set all my settings for MIDI clock/transport/port/channel/etc., which is hardly the end of the world.

Again, just curious.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on February 24, 2017, 02:17:58 PM
Thanks John.

Resetting the system parameters did fix the record issue in 16 sounds more. Still having this problem in 16 beats mode although a I'm not sure if the record button is supposed to work in 16 beats mode.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on February 24, 2017, 03:21:25 PM
As John said:
"As for the record light not staying lit and not being able to record, this sounds to me like you're trying to record in either '16 Beats' mode or '16 Mutes' mode.  You cannot record in either of those modes, and as a consequence the record button will not stay lit."
Still having this problem in 16 beats mode although a I'm not sure if the record button is supposed to work in 16 beats mode.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on February 24, 2017, 04:00:04 PM
INSTALLATION NOTE: It is recommended to...reset the system parameters after installing a Main and/or Voice OS update.

This came up somewhere else in here recently and on that particular comment/thread it turned out to be a mistake, but now that I see it again here I'm wondering because I'm a curious person what the benefit is of resetting system parameters after an OS update, or what potential problem(s) it safeguards against.

I can see the downside: I'll lose and have to re-set all my settings for MIDI clock/transport/port/channel/etc., which is hardly the end of the world.

Again, just curious.

Well, technically it should not be necessary; and for the record, the latest beta does not require a system re-set in order to work properly.  I do, however, recommend taking this step when troubleshooting a persistent issue or suspected bug, in order to eliminate as many user-error scenarios as possible (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on March 01, 2017, 05:31:05 AM
While playing a custom playlist with sequencer, one or two notes appear although these were not initially recorded in the sequence.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 01, 2017, 05:08:03 PM
While playing a custom playlist with sequencer, one or two notes appear although these were not initially recorded in the sequence.

What does this mean?

Where do the notes appear?  When do they appear?  What was the sequence of events leading up-to the appearance of these rogue notes?  And by "notes" do you mean steps on the sequencer, random pitches within the melody you recorded, random rhythm elements within the beat, different sounds altogether... What specifically?  What mode were you in when it happened?  What screen were you looking at?  Are these unwanted notes audible or just represented graphically on the 'Events' screen, or lighting up on the pads in '16 Time Steps' mode?

I have to be honest, Chris; every so-called "bug" you've reported thus far has proven to be user error, and your descriptions of them have not been very helpful.  If you're going to report a bug, and you want someone to take the time to test and confirm it, you really need to be more thorough and at very least use the proper terminology; otherwise we can't help you.

It's not that I don't appreciate or empathize with the fact that you're having issues with your Tempest - hell, that's why this thread exists - but seriously, man, a little help please.  I cannot read your mind (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Shanesplanet on March 03, 2017, 06:22:33 PM
Thanks for taking time to check and respond. I was and am running Os1.4b with voice 1.5. I just reset all parameters and calibrated everything. The issue I describe is still occurring. I neglected to mention that it happens only when in 'play list' mode. If i adjust parameters and reset the same beat (to reset parameters), the knobs and sliders fail to operate. If i toggle off 'playlist' once this happens, it makes no difference. I have 'roll' on slider one and when the slider it isnt working, the 'roll' button still does. This problem resolves itself once a different beat loads via 'playlist' or manually. If i undo playlist mode when this occurs, it will right itself AFTER i manually switch to another beat.
When in playback beats mode, rehitting the playing beat pad (which resets parameters) it also causes the fx sliders and mixer pots become inactive until a different beat is loaded. Basically, you make a filter sweep or two live, reload the beat and no more filter effects available again. I happens near 100% of the time when struck twice..    Btw... I love my tempest :)

Hi Shane,

I was unable to make this happen on my Tempest.  I just mangled a beat beyond recognition with the pots and sliders, reloaded it by hitting its pad as you've described, yet the beat parameters reset perfectly and the FX sliders all my panel controls continue to work as expected.

What OS are you running; and if it's the latest beta, have you also updated the 'Voice' OS to version 1.5?

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 03, 2017, 08:51:36 PM
Thanks for taking time to check and respond. I was and am running Os1.4b with voice 1.5. I just reset all parameters and calibrated everything. The issue I describe is still occurring. I neglected to mention that it happens only when in 'play list' mode. If i adjust parameters and reset the same beat (to reset parameters), the knobs and sliders fail to operate. If i toggle off 'playlist' once this happens, it makes no difference. I have 'roll' on slider one and when the slider it isnt working, the 'roll' button still does. This problem resolves itself once a different beat loads via 'playlist' or manually. If i undo playlist mode when this occurs, it will right itself AFTER i manually switch to another beat.
When in playback beats mode, rehitting the playing beat pad (which resets parameters) it also causes the fx sliders and mixer pots become inactive until a different beat is loaded. Basically, you make a filter sweep or two live, reload the beat and no more filter effects available again. I happens near 100% of the time when struck twice..    Btw... I love my tempest :)

Hi Shane,

I was unable to make this happen on my Tempest.  I just mangled a beat beyond recognition with the pots and sliders, reloaded it by hitting its pad as you've described, yet the beat parameters reset perfectly and the FX sliders all my panel controls continue to work as expected.

What OS are you running; and if it's the latest beta, have you also updated the 'Voice' OS to version 1.5?


Ah, okay, I did not test this in playlist mode.  I'm on the road without my Tempest at the moment, but I will test this as soon as I can,  Unless Roger Linn would like to beat me to it (wink, wink - no pun intended - smirk)?

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on March 03, 2017, 09:00:56 PM
I'm on the road without my Tempest at the moment, but I will test this as soon as I can,  Unless Roger Linn would like to beat me to it (wink, wink - no pun intended - smirk)?
Sorry--  no can do. I'm also on the road without my Tempest. I'm in Portland showing LinnStrument tomorrow (Saturday) at Sync02.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on March 05, 2017, 05:02:40 AM
Great to see you follow the thread Roger! Hope everything went splendid yesterday :)

A very noticeable bug I found, which does need a confirmation. Hopefully it's not just my unit.

When an LFo is set to sync (beat/play mode) it will still drift away on longer notes. Pretty randomly too.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 05, 2017, 07:42:54 AM
I can confirmed this. LFO stability is lost. It also screws up in sound mode when pressing other sounds. The timing is totally off. I was using the LFO on OSC 3/4 for  a CHH / OHH pattern where the LFO would alrernate dice. The LFO even when using sync is not properly syncing. Meaning if you have the Square LFO to symc to 8ths and you laydown 8th notes, setup mods to have OSC 3/4 alternate level to LFO the payern is way off. I also feel that the LFO's arent snappy / sharpe enough.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 05, 2017, 04:00:10 PM
Great to see you follow the thread Roger! Hope everything went splendid yesterday :)

A very noticeable bug I found, which does need a confirmation. Hopefully it's not just my unit.

When an LFo is set to sync (beat/play mode) it will still drift away on longer notes. Pretty randomly too.

This bug is already on the list, guys:

·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play', and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options.

I do personally feel as though it's one of the must fix issues, and I've been pushing for it from the outset; but it keeps getting passed over by DSI.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 05, 2017, 04:28:08 PM
Yes this is a must fix issue.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on March 06, 2017, 02:46:29 AM
I agree this is a 'must fix' issue. It's in the original manual and, well, what's the point of 'sync' that doesn't sync?

Note that it doesn't doesn't just 'drift out' in my experience either, it's slightly off from the outset and gets worse.

If you do a fairly extreme modulation (for example with a 'ramp down' wave) and set it up so that the cycle of the LFO starts on each time a sound triggers the LFO will start its cycle slightly before the beat which can cause nasty and unwanted artefacts in the tail of the last note.

Sync is in the original manual and should sync properly!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 06, 2017, 10:26:18 AM
The beauty of a working sync and well crafted modulation routing using the digital OSC is the impact it has on voice count for a live set (uses only one voice). I imagine with all LFO's working correctly you can switch up a HH patterns just by tweaking the LFO amount setting. It's exactly what a live instrument needs considering we have only two hands. Meaning, I change the HH pattern in a sec and flip over to a percussion sound to  punch in a new rhythm etc. Once this gets working I am trying to figure out how to use the Analog OSC for the same switching using the LFO. It just might make it possible for me to have independent controls over the HH and let's say a BD or single OSC bass. 4 LFO's would be cool! Anyway, I totally took a tangent and do not want anyone to think that I am hijacking this thread asking for new features! *grin*

I love this machine. I just sold an old piece of midi gear online. When the guy came to pick it up he passed by my Tempest which was actually sitting around the corner of a wall...I don't know how he spotted it but he went nuts asking about. No way am I selling this beast....ever... I am planning to start a cult following...Yorgos and Savage can be the Grand Pooba's...ok now I have totally side tracked...oops..

To get back on point...I discovered this issues sadly by not reading the forums *whip* but by thinking of making a forum challenge to create a 1BAR evolving pattern using just one voice. Tom Cosm challenged his forum a while back using Live's Operator. It was a great exercise to really learn. Turns out I got some cool things going with the T but the sync went the way of the DODO...
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on March 06, 2017, 12:01:15 PM
Exactly! It's the thing that kind of makes not having Polymeters less of an issue, if it didn't went out of sync...

Really hope this isn't forgotten for the final release. It's as close to a major bug as it can get for now. Other than that I'm loving this machine so much :). Actually going to do a first mini live set with it this Friday at a Bd party with dj/producer friends present. The challenge is I'm only using the T for this one as an exercise.

Sorry to go off topic too, but hopefully it just shows how much we want this not syncing lfo thing to be fixed :P
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 06, 2017, 10:29:03 PM
Quote from: Dave Smith
First, and most importantly, I’d like to thank you for being a loyal Tempest user. We appreciate all of your support, feedback, and especially your creative use of the Tempest over the course of its 6-year development. It is now a mature product that has undergone many changes and improvements.
When the Tempest was first conceived, we never imagined the many ways you would ultimately put it to use. As such, over time, we've done our best to add as many features as we deemed implementable within the Tempest's technical framework. We've listened to your requests and have enhanced its operation, editing, and performance capabilities. While there are still some minor bugs remaining, we’ve addressed the bugs affecting the Tempest’s essential operation and feel that it is stable, reliable, has abundant functionality, and is very fun to play.
Though some of you continue to request new features and offer useful suggestions for improvement, we’ve reached what we consider the limits of the instrument's available memory and processing ability. For these reasons, we consider this release (OS to be our final Tempest OS release.
Again, we deeply appreciate your enthusiasm for the Tempest. As we move forward, we are committed to creating still more ground-breaking instruments in the future.

Well, ain't this a kick in the nuts.  I'm glad you're so proud of yourself, Dave.

Sorry, y'all, but I'm out.  It's time for me to go fight this battle for myself in front of a proper judge.  But I encourage each and every one of you to keep fighting for what you paid for.  And I don't mean wining about the features you wish had been implemented; but rather demanding that the ones you bought the Tempest for, six years ago, that still don't work correctly, actually get fixed.  You have been defrauded.  Period.  Trust me, I've fought this battle before and won.  You have rights as a consumer, and I encourage you to apply them.

Quote from: Roger Linn
I'd like to add a few words to Dave's statement above. Though I may have chosen differently, I understand Dave’s decision to finish Tempest development with this update. He’s devoted far more effort and resources to Tempest than any of his other products, and I feel that even with some remaining minor bugs, Tempest is incredibly deep and remarkably functional, and in my opinion has no competition for what it does. The interesting thing about a a product that stores your music is that it’s an invitation to an infinite number of feature requests, because everyone’s needs for music creation are unique. I actually would have preferred a simpler Tempest with less features, but I admire Dave and his team for working so hard to implement so many of your requests, and those efforts have probably made it a better product than I originally envisioned. On balance, if you look at the totality of things Tempest can do and its vast internal complexity, I think it’s pretty amazing and may never be equalled. I certainly couldn’t have made Tempest on my own and appreciate that Dave was willing to devote so many of his resources to this collaboration of ideas.

I guess this is where we come to a crossroads, Roger.  I too would have "preferred a simpler Tempest", like the one I originally purchased for instance!  Wherein those parameters that are supposed to "sync" actually sync, and simple implementations like the arpeggiator actually work consistently across their various modes.

Details, details though, right?

What a waste of time and energy this has been.  I can honestly say, I regret having ever aspired to this instrument.  I could have bet my money on software, had a thousand times more functionality and flexibility, and suffered just as many bugs and instabilities.

I will never purchase another DSI instrument again, nor will anyone I rub elbows with if I can help it.

Good luck, everyone.  Stand up for yourselves.  We are not as lucky to have Dave Smith, as he is lucky to have us.

This is me, signing off...
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 06, 2017, 10:40:17 PM
Yeah...there are some major freaking issues that need fixing. Leading up to today even in the last few posts from RL it appeared that the bugs were going to be fixed once and for all. I simply don't get it. Not to mention the beta testing this group has been doing for years. The vanilla explanation from DS was inappropriate. I would have expected a more sincere comment. Of all the hardware forums I belong to this is the most dedicated and for the most part supportive group. John, both you and Yorgos have done tremendous work keeping things together. PM me about your next steps.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 06, 2017, 11:20:41 PM
Main OS
Fixed Bug: Exporting certain projects over MIDI DIN cause freeze
Fixed Bug: Sending SPP and Continue when playlist active causes wrong beat to play in playlist
Fixed Bug: Sending SPP and Continue with playlist off does not locate to correct measure in loaded beat

I believe those two "Sending SPP and Continue ..." bugs were the issues I was having. I do believe they were fundamental. I am grateful to see they have been addressed. Eager to assess.

Thank you for the instrument and for addressing what you guys consider are its core functions.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 06, 2017, 11:44:34 PM
John, thank you for your efforts as Tempest users' liaison during the Tempest refinement. It is my guess that your 'remaining bugs list' from Feb 15, 2017 (minus the 3 last bug fixes) is the best guide to know which quirks remain. I'll copy it fully here as I figure it's useful to keep handy.

This came up in another thread, so I thought I might as well post and updated version of the bug-list here as well...

Bugs remaining as of Feb. 15, 2017:

·       If you accidentally hit the 16 Beats or 16 Mutes button first, when trying to enter 16 tunings or 16 Levels mode, the Roll function automatically disengages – mode changes should happen upon the button’s release in order to prevent this.

·       In 16 Tunings mode, when the sequencer is stopped, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       In 16 Levels mode, when the sequencer is stopped, the Arp allows notes to be triggered outside of the selected quantize value, which creates undesirable flams when trying to depress multiple notes at once, or when adding new notes to the arpeggio.  Also, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       When recording with the Arp in 16 Levels mode, the held pads blink in succession with each note trigger as expected; but after the first pass of the sequence is recorded, only pad 16 blinks.  *In all other Arp modes, the pads continue to blink in the order they were depressed/recorded as expected.

·      When switching beats on-the-fly, the first step of the sequencer-out is consistently late; so if you're triggering a sample loop on the one, every time you switch beats on the Tempest, it will be out of sync for the first pass.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      If you hold 'Shift' and turn the Compressor knob to get into the compressor menu, you can no longer get back to the Mixer screen.

·      Compressor Envelope 'Amount' only goes from -64 to +127 instead of -/+127.

·      Regardless of what value is set and saved, every time the Tempest is power cycled the Compressor Envelope 'Peak Hold' parameter changes to match the value of the 'Amount' parameter.

·      After a power cycle, all the Compressor Envelope parameters display at the correct value as saved (*with the exception of 'Peak Hold' – see above); however, in actuality they are zeroed, and will otherwise remain that way until each parameter is revisited and its value is moved by at least one increment.

·      When Slider Mode is set to 'Real-time', only FX1 Slider is affected. FX2/3/4 sliders are always 'Step' regardless of this parameter setting.

·      Using Mod Paths for external MIDI sound control results in intermittent affect on the sound.  *Causes are unclear, but the bug occurs more frequently on playback of a Beat with many sounds.

·      When playing a Beat containing held notes of an ADSR sound, if you turn on Bank B while 1) a note is playing and 2) a different sound is selected, the playing note's pad sticks on.

·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play', and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options.

·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.

·      Beat roll still doesn't swing.

·      A sound folder is still need to correspond with the pad name "Synth".

·      When adding or copying steps via the Events Screen, the Pad lights do not correlate correctly in 16 Time Steps mode.

·      In 16 Mutes mode, on the Pads screen, although you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) it is not reflected graphically on the display.  This could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen.

·       The Mute/Solo/Delay buttons should perform their functions in both the 16 Mutes/Pads and 16 Mutes/Mixer screens.

·      Mutes “All On” should be available on the mixer screen in both 16 Mutes and 16 Sounds Mode.

·      In the System Menu > MIDI Remote Pad Play > when 'Pad To Note Mode' is set to 'Mutes', if a note number is received that is one of the 'Bank B' assignments on that page, it is treated as the 'Bank A' assignment of the same number.  For example, if Pad B1 is assigned to note# 80, and Pad A1 is assigned to note# 69, sending Tempest note# 80 will toggle the mute of pad A1.

·      The “Undo All Sounds” functionality needs to be better implemented or otherwise removed.  It is currently awkward, buggy, and a liability on account of the fact that it uses the 'Undo Rec' as a 'SHIFT' function.

·      When you set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only', if you mute a pad that contains a sequence and then attempt to play that same sound live in 16 Tunings mode, turning the Mixer Level knob causes the sound to cut-out.

·      If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes.

·      In '16 Beats' mode, when trying to copy/paste beats by holding the 'copy' button, nothing happens if you attempt to 'paste' into the beat that is currently selected; whereas pasting into an unselected beat works as expected.

·      If you toggle the 'Reverse' button on and play a beat, it plays correctly in reverse. However, if you then select a different Beat, the newly-selected beat does not play in reverse even though the 'Reverse' light is on.

·      While a sequence is playing, in '16 Time Steps' mode, on the 'Events' screen, disengaging the "Loop Screen" function causes the tempest flip-out for a second: i.e. all the pads light-up in rapid succession and the beat stutters.  Sync, however, is maintained.

Okay, the above list should accurately represent the Tempest’s status as of Beta OS 1.4.4bb.  I’ve removed any bugs that have recently been noted in the change-log as “fixed”, and have added any bugs that have been reported and confirmed since the last time I updated the list.  If I’ve missed anything, or if I’ve removed anything that has in fact not been fixed, please let me know.


I wonder if these two issues remain.
·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.
·      If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on March 07, 2017, 12:06:38 AM
Quote from: Dave Smith
As we move forward, we are committed to creating still more ground-breaking instruments in the future.


'We will continue to produce a bunch of shiny news toys bundled with pre-release and buggy firmware which we will fail to support over the coming years, replacing them instead with more shiny new toys.

Oh yeah - and that manual that you read before forking out your £2k to make sure your money was well spent - take it with a pinch of salt will ya?

Yours, laughing all the way to the bank, Dave Smith'
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on March 07, 2017, 01:12:49 AM
One thing i don't understand is why if OS is the final release it says "BETA"????Weird stuff...Does this means we're stuck with a BETA OS?Can someone from DSI reply to this simple question?
For these reasons, we consider this release (OS to be our final Tempest OS release.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on March 07, 2017, 05:48:07 AM
Btw on the official Dave Smith Instruments support site ( the latest version is 1.4...Someone from staff should change it as it's very misleading and gets people confused...
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 07, 2017, 08:50:02 AM
Which issues remain that affect Tempest’s fundamental functions?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 07, 2017, 09:30:58 AM
It is my wild guess that the doors are closing with It will be renamed to 1.5, and shed the beta moniker.

Tempest branches can extend wide and winding yielding different fruits. Power-users climb those thin branches, and get there. Yet, at its trunk and first few thick branches, I think we can all agree on reasonable and shared notion of what it fundamentally is. And that Dave Smith Instruments & Roger Linn Designs succeeded in realizing their vision of this.

From John’s updated Feb 15 ‘outstanding issues’ list; which issues remain that affect the trunk and first few thick branches? Which issues remain that affect its fundamental functions? Right now, this should be our sole focus. Even if seemingly fantasy. It is my fantastical optimistic nature that were there to be one or two truly significant fundamental bugs remaining, that perhaps they can get addressed. (It may very well be that there are zero truly fundamental bugs remaining.) I am not a power user, and therefore not in a position to assess this.

I don’t know of any electronic finger drum instrument that does for me what Tempest does- as it is now. Past or present. This is merely my perspective.

DSI is well served by a constructive user base. We are best served by a successful DSI.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 07, 2017, 09:34:15 AM
LFO sync drift is a major fundamental issue. It simply doesn't work as it is suppose to in play or beat. I don't want to rehash the issue as I have brought it up a few times. some of the other bugs I can live with but a synth with shoddy LFO's is ridiculous.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on March 07, 2017, 09:58:39 AM
I agree. To me that is the single and only fundamental flaw that still should be fixed. The other issues aren't that bad and can be worked around. Lfo sync that doesn't sync is kinda weird and is definitely a thick tranche.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on March 07, 2017, 10:40:45 AM
This one's got my vote too...
LFO sync drift is a major fundamental issue. It simply doesn't work as it is suppose to in play or beat. I don't want to rehash the issue as I have brought it up a few times. some of the other bugs I can live with but a synth with shoddy LFO's is ridiculous.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sofine on March 07, 2017, 02:36:23 PM
Very disappointing DSI. I know the tempest project is probably a thorn in your side at this stage but I have lost respect and faith in your business ethics and your development abilities / management.

A clear preference for profit over delivering what was promised.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 07, 2017, 02:41:41 PM
Let's not go over the top here. It is a fantastic machine...they did put a lot of effort but quit short the finish line but it cant be forgotten that they released beta ware since the release;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: sofine on March 07, 2017, 03:46:17 PM
I'm not denying it's a fantastic machine. I love it, but its a very disappointing conclusion to a long experience of continuous broken promises and let downs.

I'll still use it in my tracks. Will I buy a DSI product again? Dunno. Probably not one that has any degree of complexity like the tempest. They've shown they don't have the resources or inclination to commit resources to finish such a product as promised.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 07, 2017, 04:13:03 PM
Good point. Yesterday I was looking at the comparison chart for their gear. Specifically the Pro-2. It's a 4 voice monophonic synth with: 16 steps x 16 tracks or 32 steps x 8 tracks. Given the Tempest's sequencer limitations, I find it difficult to understand the Pro-2 sequencer's usefulness. Do I expect the same functionality? It is hard to trust what is in print at this point.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: natrixgli on March 07, 2017, 05:52:01 PM
Good point. Yesterday I was looking at the comparison chart for their gear. Specifically the Pro-2. It's a 4 voice monophonic synth with: 16 steps x 16 tracks or 32 steps x 8 tracks. Given the Tempest's sequencer limitations, I find it difficult to understand the Pro-2 sequencer's usefulness. Do I expect the same functionality? It is hard to trust what is in print at this point.

I've got both a Tempest and a Pro 2. They're both fantastic and inspiring machines I consider myself fortunate to be able to own. (hundreds of machines have come and gone from my life in the time I've had my trusty Tempest.)

Do they have flaws? Yes. Just like Electribes. and Octatracks. and Maschines. and Ableton. and paintbrushes. and guitars. and Mini Coopers. and Alfa Romeos. and Buicks. and democracy. and Samsung Galaxy S7s. and OP-1s.

Nothing man made is perfect. But some things can be pretty damn good, especially if you focus on what they can do, not what they can't do.

I for one am happy Dave Smith and Roger Linn had the bollocks to even try and pull this thing off.

It could be worse, we could have bought a Spectralis :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on March 09, 2017, 02:32:11 AM
Main OS
Fixed Bug: Exporting certain projects over MIDI DIN cause freeze
Fixed Bug: Sending SPP and Continue when playlist active causes wrong beat to play in playlist
Fixed Bug: Sending SPP and Continue with playlist off does not locate to correct measure in loaded beat

I believe those two "Sending SPP and Continue ..." bugs were the issues I was having. I do believe they were fundamental. I am grateful to see they have been addressed. Eager to assess.

Thank you for the instrument and for addressing what you guys consider are its core functions.

Thank you to John the Savage, Roger Linn, Chris and everyone else for you time in trying to fix and advance the Tempest OS.

In regards to the SPP bugs in the latest version. I was originally having problems with Tempest in Playlist mode and slaved to LogicProX. The Tempest would have MiDI sync issues, jump ahead to other bars, and also occasionally freeze. I resolved these issues and achieved a solid foundation by reworking all Logic files and/or removing all redundant artefacts. I also did the same with the Tempest files and I also removed the USB cable and switched to MIDI DIN only.

I was happy to see any SPP bugs were supposedly fixed in the latest version. However, upon installing Tempest OS my problems returned. Were as previously the Tempest would occasionally freeze, it now ocassionally hangs for a brief period before jumping ahead usually by 2 bars in advance of were it should be, or just jump ahead without hanging. I have had to once again return to Tempest OS 1.4 to achieve a stable environment.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 10, 2017, 07:10:10 PM
Hi "The Dave".

In your first and only post ever on this forum, you said:

"Though some of you continue to request new features and offer useful suggestions for improvement, we’ve reached what we consider the limits of the instrument's available memory and processing ability. For these reasons, we consider this release (OS to be our final Tempest OS release."

Can you please explain the business logic behind dedicating company resources and the "memory and processing ability" of the Tempest to adding features no one even requested? For example, I don't remember anyone asking for the compressor envelope or for the arpeggiator functionality, yet they appeared out of nowhere. Meanwhile, things written in the manual remained missing and other small bugs went unpolished.

I've gone out of my way to let you know that I love this instrument and I've shown that by doing what I could to help you. I think an explanation of the above decision is owed to your "loyal Tempest users".
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on March 11, 2017, 02:38:21 AM
Hi Stoss,
Can you please also post this to the complaint box (,1157.0.html) cause this is the bug report thread?
Hi "The Dave".

In your first and only post ever on this forum, you said:

"Though some of you continue to request new features and offer useful suggestions for improvement, we’ve reached what we consider the limits of the instrument's available memory and processing ability. For these reasons, we consider this release (OS to be our final Tempest OS release."

Can you please explain the business logic behind dedicating company resources and the "memory and processing ability" of the Tempest to adding features no one even requested? For example, I don't remember anyone asking for the compressor envelope or for the arpeggiator functionality, yet they appeared out of nowhere. Meanwhile, things written in the manual remained missing and other small bugs went unpolished.

I've gone out of my way to let you know that I love this instrument and I've shown that by doing what I could to help you. I think an explanation of the above decision is owed to your "loyal Tempest users".
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: tigerstylin on March 11, 2017, 05:46:57 AM
Hi Yorgoz,

You should stop being a forum Nazi for a company that refuses to follow through on what they promised customers. At this point, let people post what and where they want. DSI won't respond anyhow, so none of this matters.

There are many people unhappy with how this project went, as evidenced by the petition. Have you ever seen anything like that for an electronic instrument? Everybody coming here to say the Tempest is fine because they may not be experiencing something that happens to effect their use of the instrument is missing the point of all this, showing an unbelievable amount of disrespect to the people who have put in a ton of time over the last few years just to get a product with features in the original manual.

"This problem doesn't effect me, so everything is great!"

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 11, 2017, 06:32:50 AM
Then why post Tigerstylin?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: tigerstylin on March 11, 2017, 06:38:00 AM

I am not going to soften my words for you like John the Savage did.

Moderator edit: no personal attacks. Your opinion is no problem but personal attacks are not tolerated.

After all the time people wasted here, they have the right to say whatever they want.  Deleting threads, censoring people, and telling them where to post is just a further slap in the face for anyone trying to express legitimate frustration or at least create a bit of humor around a crappy situation.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 11, 2017, 06:47:49 AM
...totally ignorant post and incorrect understanding of John's or my response. This guy should be banned...
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: tigerstylin on March 11, 2017, 06:54:19 AM
As for the ban, I'm waiting for it.  (Taking us back to censorship)  "Oh my god he didn't use soft language.  Ban him!"

As for incorrect understanding of your and John's response, I don't even know which response you are trying to claim I don't understand.  I was one of the first members of the original Tempest forum and can guarantee you I have more of a comprehensive understanding of the history of this situation and John's continuous battle than you ever will. 

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 11, 2017, 06:58:23 AM
Hi Stoss,
Can you please also post this to the complaint box (,1157.0.html) cause this is the bug report thread?

Hi Yorgos.

I'm painfully aware of how a bug report thread works. If my thorough testing and bug reporting on this thread was not enough to show you that, then you could just truck on over to the old forum and remind yourself what kind of a contributor i've been to this effort.

I'd like to take a second to remind you that 4 years ago, I had no interest in talking with people on a forum. I contacted DSI support because I genuinely believed that my brand new Tempest was broken. Carson sent me to the forum to download the "beta" software, and ever since then I've never really had what I expected when I ordered my brand new Tempest online based on videos and reading the user manual. Here I am, still downloading betas, waiting for fixes.

My post was related to this thread in that it addresses the issue of bugs still remaining and seeking a better understanding of why those bugs were not fixed while features never requested were added even though they were not really related to making the Tempest a better performance oriented drum machine.

If you have an opinion you'd like to express that addresses your judgement of how my thoughts are related to a topic on this forum, please post it to the complaint box (,1157.0.html) cause this is the bug report thread... unless you're thinking by posting there it 1) becomes less relevant as it is not in proximity to what you feel is related and 2) it is immediately undermined because the topic is titled "complaint box".

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on March 11, 2017, 07:38:58 AM
As for the ban, I'm waiting for it.  (Taking us back to censorship)  "Oh my god he didn't use soft language.  Ban him!"

As for incorrect understanding of your and John's response, I don't even know which response you are trying to claim I don't understand.  I was one of the first members of the original Tempest forum and can guarantee you I have more of a comprehensive understanding of the history of this situation and John's continuous battle than you ever will.

You're just wasting people's time and polluting a once constructive topic. There's a complaint topic for a reason. You're not doing anybody any good with your egocentric replies.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 11, 2017, 02:11:52 PM
I believe our greatest group focus should be assessing what has been communicated to work, works.  ---
I wish all of us forumites, and the developers an easy, effective jog to the finish.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 11, 2017, 02:15:23 PM
Main OS
Fixed Bug: Sending SPP and Continue when playlist active causes wrong beat to play in playlist
Fixed Bug: Sending SPP and Continue with playlist off does not locate to correct measure in loaded beat

Thank you to John the Savage, Roger Linn, Chris and everyone else for you time in trying to fix and advance the Tempest OS.
I was happy to see any SPP bugs were supposedly fixed in the latest version. However, upon installing Tempest OS my problems returned. Were as previously the Tempest would occasionally freeze, it now ocassionally hangs for a brief period before jumping ahead usually by 2 bars in advance of were it should be, or just jump ahead without hanging. ...

Sounds important.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 16, 2017, 02:57:41 AM

i'm hesitant to post this in the bug report thread firstly because maybe it's my fault, secondly because if it isn't my fault that's more depressing, all things considered lately!

the bug step by step:

1. i program a sound to have osc 3 set to key follow (e.g. a sub sine) but osc 4 set NOT to key follow (e.g. a kick transient).

2. all things are fine when i play the pads – osc 3 tracks and osc 4 stays at the set frequency.

3. all things appear fine when i play the part into the sequencer!

4. when the sequencer plays back the pattern, all the sudden osc 4 is tracking pitch! key follow is still unchecked in the oscillator window – it's just tracking automatically.

any thoughts or advice appreciated! for any pitched percussion sounds using the digital oscillators this is a nightmare.

i wish i could remember when i noticed this bug. somewhere between the update to key follow and the latest os.

thank you and all best!

Hey godmodeinternet,

Okay, so I tested this using the most recent beta and several earlier incarnations, and it seems the 'Key Follow' functionality is indeed broken... Again (sigh).

I'm not sure when that happened to be honest.  I thought we had this issue fixed.  I failed to notice it during my more recent tests because I was only playing sounds live via the pads and didn't think to record a pass to the sequencer...

Anyway, thanks for finding and reporting this bug.  I've passed this along to Roger Linn; though I can't say whether DSI will choose to fix it or not.


thanks john!

relieved to hear i'm not crazy.

just in case anyone else needs this functionality, it's working in, graciously posted above, which is pretty stable for the most part.

getting this fixed along with properly synced LFOs and i'll be thrilled. i'm hopeful.

Thanks, that will save me going back through every iteration to determine that I'm not crazy (smirk)...

I knew it had been fixed at some point... Argh!

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 16, 2017, 08:23:40 PM
If I roll any drum that has event data it seems to trigger the sound twice cauusing phasing, its not desirable and really bad for live performance :(

Things that i think stop this are

a) not playing (i.e) just rolling while stopped)

b) I delete any events (I can play and roll without the unwanted trigger if i do this)

c) I assign a voice to the drum

It seems to happen to most of my drum sounds, sorry if this has been brought up, if there is a fix or workaround for this without me having to assign a voice pls let me know.

Also changing which voice i assign also very slightly changes my drum sound so i recalibrated my machine and V1 gives a really clean sound to a sample while no voice assigned and the other voices give a really small filter resonance or filtering to the sound, not sure whats going on there.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 16, 2017, 10:21:00 PM
If I roll any drum that has event data it seems to trigger the sound twice cauusing phasing, its not desirable and really bad for live performance :(

Things that i think stop this are

a) I delete any events

b) I assign a voice to the drum

It seems to happen to most of my drum sounds, sorry if this has been brought up, if there is a fix or workaround for this without me having to assign a voice pls let me know.

Also changing which voice i assign also very slightly changes my drum sound so i recalibrated my machine and V1 gives a really clean sound to a sample while no voice assigned and the other voices give a really small filter resonance or filtering to the sound, not sure whats going on there.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 17, 2017, 12:22:49 AM
If I roll any drum that has event data it seems to trigger the sound twice cauusing phasing, its not desirable and really bad for live performance :(

Things that i think stop this are

a) not playing (i.e) just rolling while stopped)

b) I delete any events (I can play and roll without the unwanted trigger if i do this)

c) I assign a voice to the drum

It seems to happen to most of my drum sounds, sorry if this has been brought up, if there is a fix or workaround for this without me having to assign a voice pls let me know.

Also changing which voice i assign also very slightly changes my drum sound so i recalibrated my machine and V1 gives a really clean sound to a sample while no voice assigned and the other voices give a really small filter resonance or filtering to the sound, not sure whats going on there.

Hi Rob,

I know what you mean, but I have to say that neither of these behaviors would be considered a "bug" per se.  Given that the Tempest is a polyphonic synth, and rolling a sound is really no different than triggering it manually, as long as there are voices available you would indeed get more than one incident of that sound in play.  There are, however, several ways you could remedy this issue:

a) assign the sound to a voice
b) set that pad to choke itself (*this method is the most likely to yield the results you're hoping to hear)
c) mute the pad sequence before you roll the sound
d) only use the roll between programmed hits
e) shorten the amp envelope decay for the sound in question to minimize overlap

As for your sounds changing slightly from one voice to the next, well... That's analog, Baby!  The same thing happens on an 808 and every analog poly ever made, and many would tell you "that's the charm of it" (wink).  The calibration routine is not perfect, so you could try running it again to see if that doesn't diminish the disparity between voices (*remember to unplug all your cables before calibrating).  Otherwise, if it's consistency that you want, all you can do is assign each sound to a voice.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 17, 2017, 12:27:41 AM
With, I am experiencing inconsistent instances of drift when syncing Tempest to my Pro Tools via USB.

I acknowledge the possibility of user error, although I have tried to mind the details. I hope it is user error. I am posting it here because I figure this is where important matters concerning should be placed. And I want to get this communicated and debunked or corroborated asap. I am unaware if this is a long-standing, current and known issue. I looked over the entire Fixed Bug log, and latest outstanding issues list, and I’ve been keeping up to date with this forum off and on. I will provide details to be helpful. Sorry for the excess and non-pertinent info.

- The drift is not consistent. Some times it happens, some times it does not. It happens enough for me to be concerned. It’s inconsistency is puzzling.

- Abbreviations: PT=Pro Tools. T=Tempest.

    - Pro Tools 12.4 vanilla. Master.
    - Late 2011, 13” MacBook Pro. Mac OS 10.8.5.
    - Tempest, Main OS: Slave.
    - Sync via USB.
    - 1 USB cable. Tried in both ports on the MacBook Pro. No USB hub. (Should I try a powered USB hub, in between Tempest & MBP?)
    - Digidesign 003, only for audio. It’s MIDI ports disabled.
    - Tempest settings:
        - MIDI Sys Ex: Source: none.
        - System: MIDI Clock. Clock Out: none.
        - System: MIDI Clock. Clock In: USB
        - System: BPM/swing/… Sources
            - 1. BPM Source: … The default was Project.
                - I tried Project, System, and Beat. But, mostly left this at Project.
- Tempos tried: 180 bpm, 220bpm, 240 bpm, 260 bpm.
- I established the delay from Pro Tools sending MIDI Beat Clock to Tempest to recording T via PT. (Measured the distance between the grid line and T’s click transient.) It was 203 samples. I set PT’s MIDI Beat Clock Offset to -203.
- This resulted in a tight synchronization between PT’s & T’s click. ….
- PT Hardware Buffer size at 256 samples.
- DIN MIDI port on T, empty.
- Used a Tempest Project that was created from an Initialized Project, in
    - This project contains 10 two-bar Beats.
- Tempest in Beats Mode.
- Pads set to Beats.
- Beat Quantize off.
- T click on, mostly. Sometimes T click off.
- PT click on always. From stock click track. “Click 2”. It’s an audio file, I believe. I’ve tested that before, and this click is solid. 
- New, PT project. Only containing a click track and the small recordings for finding the Midi Beat Clock offset.

- Set one of the tempos above; beginning with the slowest one (180).
- Began on measure 5. (To avoid timing issues I get when beginning on measure 1)
- Let PT play for a while.
- Sometimes, I simply listened to PT's & T's clicks for a while.
- Also, I would trigger (perform) the beats, in time to the click. So, it’s a “musical” test. And a FUN test!
- When there was no drift, the groove was tight. The 10 sequenced beats were in the pocket relative to both T’s click and PT’s click.
- No drifts occurred with tempos of: 240bpm, 220bpm, 180bpm
- Drifts occurred with tempos of: 280bpm, 220bpm, 260bpm
- After fresh “powering on” I observed both drifts, and non-drift passes.
- I had 2 “observation” sessions in the same day (today). Each within 45 minutes.
- For this test, I did not loop PT

- Inconsistent. Sometimes there was drift. Sometimes there was no drift.
- Sometimes the drift became clear by 8 seconds (220bpm). Sometimes by the 2 minute mark (260bpm).
- Once, I went 6min30sec with no drift. (220bpm). This followed a fresh shutting of everything down, swapping the USB cable to the other USB port on MBP.
- But, was then followed by the drift @ 2 minutes (260bpm).
- It always began in sync. So, when there was drift, and I started at the beginning (measure 5), it was completely synced. Every single time.

- When there was no sync, it was wonderfully tight. And an amazing experience. An amazing experience to “perform/arrange” my previously sequenced 10 two-bar non-quantized Beats.

- The fact that it is inconsistent worries me because I don’t know how I can “prove” it.
- The ability to have Tempest reliably synced, without drifting to my DAW, Pro Tools, would be a wonderful thing. I am concerned this won’t come to pass.

- I would like suggestions on how to eliminate user-error from my attempt to sync T to PT.
- I am willing to consider work-arounds. Even other DAWs, and additional sync boxes.

- My MBP 2011 is untested in every way. New to me. New OS install. New PT install. ... But, it's an Avid-supported computer, on a tried & true Mac OS, and a reliable PT version. 

Thank you for your time and help. It’s truly a wonderful instrument.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 17, 2017, 01:40:55 AM
With, I am experiencing inconsistent instances of drift when syncing Tempest to my Pro Tools via USB.

- No drifts occurred with tempos of: 240bpm, 220bpm, 180bpm
- Drifts occurred with tempos of: 280bpm, 260bpm

- Inconsistent. Sometimes there was drift. Sometimes there was no drift.
- Sometimes the drift became clear by the 2 minute mark (260bpm).
- Once, I went 6min30sec with no drift. (220bpm).
- But, was then followed by the drift @ 2 minutes (260bpm).

Thank you for your time and help. It’s truly a wonderful instrument.

Just a shot in the dark here, dsetto, but you do realize that the Tempest's sequencer has a max. tempo of 250bpm, right?

That said, I've personally never tried to slave it to faster tempos, so I can only speculate as to what the effects would be; but considering that you did not observe any drift below 240bpm, I think it's a reasonable deduction to say that you were simply over-speeding the sequencer.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 17, 2017, 01:56:40 AM
Was I speeding? Boy do I hope that's it. ... I did have drift with a 220bpm test.

My next tests will all be under the speed limit. Thank you. .. \\\
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 17, 2017, 02:59:27 AM
If I roll any drum that has event data it seems to trigger the sound twice cauusing phasing, its not desirable and really bad for live performance :(

Things that i think stop this are

a) not playing (i.e) just rolling while stopped)

b) I delete any events (I can play and roll without the unwanted trigger if i do this)

c) I assign a voice to the drum

It seems to happen to most of my drum sounds, sorry if this has been brought up, if there is a fix or workaround for this without me having to assign a voice pls let me know.

Also changing which voice i assign also very slightly changes my drum sound so i recalibrated my machine and V1 gives a really clean sound to a sample while no voice assigned and the other voices give a really small filter resonance or filtering to the sound, not sure whats going on there.

Hi Rob,

I know what you mean, but I have to say that neither of these behaviors would be considered a "bug" per se.  Given that the Tempest is a polyphonic synth, and rolling a sound is really no different than triggering it manually, as long as there are voices available you would indeed get more than one incident of that sound in play.  There are, however, several ways you could remedy this issue:

a) assign the sound to a voice
b) set that pad to choke itself (*this method is the most likely to yield the results you're hoping to hear)
c) mute the pad sequence before you roll the sound
d) only use the roll between programmed hits
e) shorten the amp envelope decay for the sound in question to minimize overlap

As for your sounds changing slightly from one voice to the next, well... That's analog, Baby!  The same thing happens on an 808 and every analog poly ever made, and many would tell you "that's the charm of it" (wink).  The calibration routine is not perfect, so you could try running it again to see if that doesn't diminish the disparity between voices (*remember to unplug all your cables before calibrating).  Otherwise, if it's consistency that you want, all you can do is assign each sound to a voice.


Oh shweet i can choke the pad i want to roll, yeah man that works for me!!! Thanks!!!

Yeah i guessed the slight variation in the voices was an analog thing but i wasn't 100% sure because after i calibrated 5 of the voices were identical lol where before the calibration they were all tiny bit different. I can most certainly live with the incredibly slight change to the sound!

Thats great actually i can roll to my hearts content playing live which is all i wanted to be able to do quite honestly!!!

Amazing thanks again most helpful to me once more you are the man!!!!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 17, 2017, 07:00:22 AM
RobH. Thanks for this post about the Roll. I hadn't ever closely listened for this effect. I'll now pay attention and have a fix for it if I come  across it!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 17, 2017, 11:09:37 AM
Quick follow-up to my recent drift inquiry. I just did 7mins at 120bpm, totally tight, no-drift, groovy sync. (Different USB cable, rest same.)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 17, 2017, 01:16:21 PM
I just thought I lost another Project of edits. I believe that the first time I try to save a Project, the Save menu is defaulting to the Factory folder - regardless of where the Project has been loaded from.  I believe this is a side effect of alphabetizing the Folder options.

At any rate, I've loaded a Project from my Projects1 folder, made a new beat. Save the Project (only really noticing the Project name is the same), turned of the machine, came back to the Projects1/<my project> and loaded it - where's my stuff?!  Turns out I unknowingly wrote it to the Factory folder of Projects.  Writing it to the Factory folder should have required some conscious intervention on my part, but I think Tempest defaulted to Factory for me.

I just repeated the behavior:

1) Load a Project from Projects1 Folder
2) Play a beat
3) Save/Load -> Save Project
4) The menu defaults to saving the Project in the Factory folder.  It should not do this. It should default to the Folder from which the Project was loaded.

One could argue that Factory is a fine default, like MacOS defaulting to save everything to your Documents folder by default, but I think the best option is to offer to save the Project to the Folder from whence it came.

Once you have saved a project once, then it picks the correct folder, until you turn it off and then you need to again save it in the right folder once, saves after this pick the right folder so u can spam save. u can always delete the odd save mistake in factory i guess.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 20, 2017, 10:32:33 PM
Hmm... Vindicating to know that the LFO sync was in fact broken.  Ahem! 

<Moderator edit: keep things constructive and on topic.>

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 21, 2017, 12:15:35 AM
Hmm... Vindicating to know that the LFO sync was in fact broken.  Ahem!  I don't suppose dotted 8th's got added in the process?

<Moderator edit: again, keep things constructive and on topic>

*And to the moderator who edited this post once already - last I checked, this thread is for reporting bugs, and the above three points are indeed proven bugs.  I attacked no one, used appropriate language, and have contributed more to this particular thread, on the community's behalf, than anyone else.

Again I say, it seems we're being overly policed here lately.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Robot Heart on March 21, 2017, 01:33:11 AM
Your contributions have nothing to do with your attitude. This thread is for bug reports, period.

This forum is owned and maintained by DSI, and we intend to have it free of contagious toxic vitriol. We're not here to censor your opinion, and you are free to post on topic, relevant comments. But, you must present them in a constructive manner. There's a "complaint box" thread already.

Let it be known that we are stepping in from here on out to keep our forum a friendly place for everyone to engage.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on March 21, 2017, 01:53:21 AM
Having tested the latest beta, it's my opinion that if any more bugs are to be addressed, the following five should be considered a priority.  As minimal as they may seem at a glance, these remaining issues are a liability when physically playing the Tempest in a live performance situation.

1·       If you accidentally hit the 16 Beats or 16 Mutes button first, when trying to enter 16 tunings or 16 Levels mode, the Roll function automatically disengages – mode changes should happen upon the button’s release in order to prevent this.

2·       In 16 Tunings mode, when the sequencer is stopped, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

3·       In 16 Levels mode, when the sequencer is stopped, the Arp allows notes to be triggered outside of the selected quantize value, which creates undesirable flams when trying to depress multiple notes at once, or when adding new notes to the arpeggio.  Also, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

4·       When recording with the Arp in 16 Levels mode, the held pads blink in succession with each note trigger as expected; but after the first pass of the sequence is recorded, only pad 16 blinks.  *In all other Arp modes, the pads continue to blink in the order they were depressed/recorded as expected.

24·      When you set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only', if you mute a pad that contains a sequence and then attempt to play that same sound live in 16 Tunings mode, turning the Mixer Level knob causes the sound to cut-out.

28·      While a sequence is playing, in '16 Time Steps' mode, on the 'Events' screen, disengaging the "Loop Screen" function causes the tempest flip-out for a second: i.e. all the pads light-up in rapid succession and the beat stutters.  Sync, however, is maintained.

Though there are still some relatively obtrusive bugs related to the compressor envelope and the external sequencer, I think it's fair to say that those features were never part of the original design, and there's little consequence to simply not using them.  The above five bugs, however, are real functional concerns and ought to be fixed.

Ask for it, folks!  We're almost there...


*Edit: I also think that dotted 8th's should be added to the LFO sync parameter, given that it's the single most common syncopation in music, and its omission was not deliberate but rather an oversight.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 21, 2017, 08:49:37 PM
I had this posted on another thread...,1261.msg14657.html#msg14657

thought to move it here...couldn't delete or edit the post above. sorry for the dupe.

March 19
Last night I had a few freezes every time I triggered a pad manually. I also had all OSC pitch extremely high and total voice loss when using a specific sound pad.

SO- I will reinstall the O/S and Voice firmware. Then test. If failed then remove that sound from my project. Then Test. If that fails I will recreate the project. Note that none pf the sounds were saved individually and all created for the performance of the project. I had copied the beat in question across a few beat pads and had the same results.

It was a specific sound in a project I completed so I may have to recreate the project or just delete the sound. I've got zero time now to test (moving across the country) but will explore this in a month.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on March 23, 2017, 06:37:41 AM
Main OS
Fixed Bug: Sending SPP and Continue when playlist active causes wrong beat to play in playlist
Fixed Bug: Sending SPP and Continue with playlist off does not locate to correct measure in loaded beat

Thank you to John the Savage, Roger Linn, Chris and everyone else for you time in trying to fix and advance the Tempest OS.
I was happy to see any SPP bugs were supposedly fixed in the latest version. However, upon installing Tempest OS my problems returned. Were as previously the Tempest would occasionally freeze, it now ocassionally hangs for a brief period before jumping ahead usually by 2 bars in advance of were it should be, or just jump ahead without hanging. ...

Sounds important.

Looks like possible user error and/or corruption somewhere within my setup.

In one last attempt at finding a solution, I reinstalled all software on computer from scratch and also substituted hardware when possible. This time-consuming process has resulted in the problems above looking like they have cleared up, although I still couldn’t pin the actual cause down.

So, thank you DSI for latest update (Main_1.4.5.2), it seems to be working well so far.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 23, 2017, 06:18:56 PM
I am also experiencing a lot of freezes with the new beta patch but i cannot put my finger on anything specific i am doing.

I was changing my tempest from slave to master and i got a freeze, i'll start listing here what i am doing when it freezes to see if i can see any pattern, its defo freezing a lot more than it was though, total freeze hardboot needed to get it going again.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 23, 2017, 07:23:58 PM
I don't know that this is anything new, but given my most recent comments on Swing being applied to Beat Roll, I thought I'd get nice and cozy with the swing on roll that we do have which was added within the last year. I stumbled across some oddities.

With the swing set to 62.5% (got a nice strong shuffle going) I had a kick and snare doing a simple beat, but interesting enough that they both took advantage of the swing here and there. When I turned on my Roll and entered some hi-hats, quantized to 16th, they sounded good live, and sounded good recorded. I then started messing with some other quantize settings... Like triplets, 32nd, etc. They all ignored the swing played live, but all seemed to be affected by it once recorded.

Here is a list of how things behave with swing set to 62.5%:
Quant: 4th    - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (not affected)
Quant: 8th    - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (not affected)
Quant: 8T     - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (affected)
Quant: 16th  - LIVE (affected) SEQ (affected)
Quant: 16T   - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (affected)
Quant: 32nd - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (affected)
Quant: 32T   - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (affected)

I'm guessing that the math on the SEQuencer side of things affects everything that utilizes any positioning within 16th notes and above, which is why the 4th and 8th notes get by unscathed. And I'm guessing that the math on the LIVE performance side of things was only written to apply to 16th notes as they get entered. So I get the limitations here... but... does anyone find it odd that intended triplet patterns would be swung after they have been recorded? Not only that, but the 32nd notes swung sounds really strange as well. Musically speaking of course... not mathematically speaking.

Musically, I would expect things to behave like this with swing set to 62.5%:
Quant: 4th    - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (not affected)
Quant: 8th    - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (not affected)
Quant: 8T     - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (not affected)
Quant: 16th  - LIVE (affected) SEQ (affected)
Quant: 16T   - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (not affected)
Quant: 32nd - LIVE (maybe?) SEQ (maybe?)
Quant: 32T   - LIVE (not affected) SEQ (not affected)

I know that based on the machine structure, it's near impossible and could probably only be implemented by being able to selectively turn swing on and off per sound or per step... almost like it would record the the swing percentage as a parameter value per step.

I know I'm well out of my league here, and I'm sure this is something that will never be any different than it is... but I wanted to throw it out there and see what other's thought. I guess this explains the more complex swing parameter implementation on the Elektron Analog Rytm.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on March 23, 2017, 07:44:20 PM
Hi Stoss,
The Swing control has a very simple action: It takes straight 16th notes that are recorded into the beat and delays the alternate ones (#2, #4, #6, etc.) by a specific delay time relative to the tempo. It only affects playback and doesn't alter the beat contents. For example, at 66%, it delays alternate straight 16th notes to fall on 16th triplets. At 50%, it doesn't delay them at all. That's it.
Yes, there are edge cases where it can do unintended things. For example, if you record a string of 32nd notes and add swing, it will delay every 3rd 32nd note within each group of 4; and if you record 16th triplets with 16T Quantize, it won't affect them. But I think that's a small price to pay for the ability to turn a knob and dial in any swing amount you want in real time.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on March 23, 2017, 11:23:07 PM
Hi Roger! Thanks for taking the time to explain how these things work and why they are implemented the way they are. The latest beta is really good and running like a charm. The fixed lfo sync propelled the Tempest even further into greatness. I'm having so much fun with it as a groove box and poly synth. It's capable of very unique sounds.

I have a question regarding time signatures on functions. Was is it intended that lfo only has dotted quarter notes and not dotted 8ths?and for beat roll and quantise settings? I guess dotted would be harder to implement as quantise setting. Would be very nice to have more dotted options in the LFO's though since it would introduce the possibility for polymeter like structures.

Thanks again for this machine and the energy you have put in!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 24, 2017, 01:01:43 PM
Hi Stoss,
The Swing control has a very simple action: It takes straight 16th notes that are recorded into the beat and delays the alternate ones (#2, #4, #6, etc.) by a specific delay time relative to the tempo. It only affects playback and doesn't alter the beat contents. For example, at 66%, it delays alternate straight 16th notes to fall on 16th triplets. At 50%, it doesn't delay them at all. That's it.
Yes, there are edge cases where it can do unintended things. For example, if you record a string of 32nd notes and add swing, it will delay every 3rd 32nd note within each group of 4; and if you record 16th triplets with 16T Quantize, it won't affect them. But I think that's a small price to pay for the ability to turn a knob and dial in any swing amount you want in real time.

Thanks Roger. For all practical purposes, turning the swing knob to give an already established beat just the right amount of swing is just how I'd like to use it. Playing live 16th notes with the swing applied to them while playing and after they've been recorded is also pretty typical. Sometimes I'll play some 16th triplets over top for effect, but I typically won't record them... If I wanted to record those 16th triplets, that would be about the closest case scenario to it not sounding correct on playback.

If swing were applied to Beat Roll, I assume it would be similar to the swing that was added to individual Sound Roll, whereas it only seems to affect the live entry of 16th notes. That would probably be about the most practical application... But, from what I gather we are far beyond that ever happening. :(

Thanks for taking the time to respond!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 24, 2017, 06:01:01 PM
if you record 16th triplets with 16T Quantize, it won't affect them.

Hi Roger.

I tested this again and it doesn't seem right. If you record 16th Triplets into the Tempest using Quantize of 16T it sounds good with swing set to 50%. When you turn up the swing it effects those 16th Triplet notes... It seems to push the 2nd and 3rd triplet both toward the upcoming 1st triplet in the next grouping. When adjusting swing, instead of only affecting 16th notes at the #2, #4, #6 etc. locations, it seems to rather be affecting all things that are not at the #1, #3, #5, etc. locations.

Please test and clarify if you can. Thanks!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: smak on March 26, 2017, 11:50:09 PM

yesterday I wanted to upload the funk Project preset  as I mostly did in the past via USB. After the upload has been finished (SysexLibrian) The Tempest still waited  and said "Recieving Project File". I was confusing me so I tried some Sounds and that worked. Then I tried different Beats of mine which I had backuped and again the T did not recognize when the upload has been finished.

Then I switched from USB Midi to Din Midi an all worked.
It seems there is a minor bug with sysex handling using usb. The Tempest then does not "find" the end of the transmission so it still waits for data to come.

I am on Beta OS / Voice 1.5
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: joosep on March 26, 2017, 11:55:09 PM

yesterday I wanted to upload the funk Project preset  as I mostly did in the past via USB. After the upload has been finished (SysexLibrian) The Tempest still waited  and said "Recieving Project File". I was confusing me so I tried some Sounds and that worked. Then I tried different Beats of mine which I had backuped and again the T did not recognize when the upload has been finished.

Then I switched from USB Midi to Din Midi an all worked.
It seems there is a minor bug with sysex handling using usb. The Tempest then does not "find" the end of the transmission so it still waits for data to come.

I am on Beta OS / Voice 1.5

That is a question of the software + transfer speed.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: smak on March 27, 2017, 01:03:18 AM

yesterday I wanted to upload the funk Project preset  as I mostly did in the past via USB. After the upload has been finished (SysexLibrian) The Tempest still waited  and said "Recieving Project File". I was confusing me so I tried some Sounds and that worked. Then I tried different Beats of mine which I had backuped and again the T did not recognize when the upload has been finished.

Then I switched from USB Midi to Din Midi an all worked.
It seems there is a minor bug with sysex handling using usb. The Tempest then does not "find" the end of the transmission so it still waits for data to come.

I am on Beta OS / Voice 1.5

That is a question of the software + transfer speed.

Since  I have the Tempest (and thats almost 6 Years) I used SysexLibrian at fullspeed. In this case  I have also testet many diferent Treansfer speed settings.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 27, 2017, 04:20:35 PM
Unfotunately another freeze happened to my tempest, I had been running the same loop for a good few minutes without touching the tempest, i was sync'd to live and i was in the event screen when it froze although it had been left like that for some minutes while i tinkered with other instruments, the only thing i can think i did was stop and start abelton, then the Tempest just froze.

Sorry I have no more details about this but i hadn't touched it for some minutes.

There is some noise coming from the tempest like a slight noise i might have had going on a lfo or modulation/envelope that is still eminating from my Tempest but screen is frozen as are all other functions, a hard boot is needed again.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 28, 2017, 12:42:44 AM

Rob, I am also getting freezes with

I need to do a lot of troubleshooting to ensure it's not a unique user configuration that's causing my freezes.

My freezes occur when syncing Tempest in Playlist mode to Logic Pro 10.3.0 via direct USB. Everything I can think of that is not needed in Tempest and Logic is off. 16 Beats, Events, and Click are also engaged. Tempo is 120bpm. I am simply pressing play in Logic, then observing. I am not tweaking either Logic nor Tempest. Freezes generally occur around m30-50.

I simplified my setup by disconnecting my Digidesign 003 FireWire interface, instead, using laptop's headphone out to hear Logic's click. And I removed a USB hub that had a few dongles connected. And, I tried 2 different USB cables, and both MBP USB ports. I also tried without Click, with Pads view instead of Events, and 16 Sounds instead of 16 Beats. I tried with a brand new Logic Project, containing only 1 audio track. (And restarted, and disconnected, reconnected cables.) The common thread was slaving while in Playlist mode results in freeze. 12 freezes out of 13 attempts. Freeze did not occur when I was in Beats Mode, and not in Playlist mode.

Tomorrow I will try a different computer.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 28, 2017, 01:06:45 AM
Rob, I am also getting freezes with

I need to do a lot of troubleshooting to ensure it's not a unique user configuration that's causing my freezes.

My freezes occur when syncing Tempest in Playlist mode to Logic Pro 10.3.0 via direct USB. Everything I can think of that is not needed in Tempest and Logic is off. 16 Beats, Events, and Click are also engaged. Tempo is 120bpm.

I simplified my setup by disconnecting my 003 interface, using laptop's headphone out to hear Logic's click. And I removed a USB hub that had a few dongles connected. But, slaving Tempest in Playlist still results in a freeze.

I had another freeze, i was start/stopping abelton a lot (to which my Tempest is USB sync'd) and also nudging it to try and keep it in sync (like you would a record) but i think the freeze happened up a stop/start.

I think my last freeze before this was also when start stopping, so at the moment i am thinking that it has something to do with that.

edit - I dont use playlist mode at all none of my freezes were when i was using this playlist (for developer notes).

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on March 28, 2017, 01:57:32 AM
Hi RobH and dsetto,

I am also banging my head with this frustrating inconsistent behaviour. After having thought I had it under control by reinstalling everything from scratch, this has proved to not be the case. My current line of thinking is a Mac CoreMIDI problem. I am currently running MacOS Sierra 10.12.4, Audio MIDI Setup 3.1, LogicProX 10.3.1.

What I have noticed is that it has again built up over time, I am currently getting through a set/session by going into LogicProX Preferences/MIDI… /General/ Reset All MIDI Drivers.

I also seem to be able to duplicate this ‘fix’, by going into Audio MIDI Setup and setting up a new duplicate configuration.

My only other ‘out there’ line of thinking is in fact noisy USB Ports on Tempest and/or Laptop. Under USB the Tempest will freeze, under DIN it will jump ahead. But this doesn’t explain the behaviour under DIN. I also suspect the implementation of USB software within the Tempest.

I have run out of ideas, but I hope this somehow helps you both.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 28, 2017, 02:26:24 AM
Interesting. RobH is on Windows, I believe.

I am simplifying my Playlist, and not getting freezes where I was consistently getting freezes. I'm taking notes.

Okay. I got it to consistently freeze. Then not freeze. Then freeze.

In Summary:
When Playlist was 4 to 18 Steps and 8 to 34 bars, it did *not* freeze in my 2-3 min tests.

BUT, when I added 4 steps, 4 Bars, putting the Playlist at 20 Steps and 36 Bars, it froze at 2:20.
When I added 1 step of 1 bar at a time, I got to a Playlist of 20 steps/36 Bars, and freezing occurred at Logic measure 188, or 6min15sec. (Later than originally; with a different End instruction.)

By the way, in these last series where it wasn't freezing and then froze, "End = Loop to Step 1".

In my previous post where I had about 12 freezes out of 13 Playlist USB Slave attempts, the Playlist had:
- 32 Steps
- 48 Bars
- End: Loop to Step 17

That last bit on Playlist End setting is not pertinent, I believe. However, I believe the larger number of steps and/or Bars may be a factor leading to the freezing I am observing.

Sorry for the excess detail. I am trying to present it in such a way so that it can be corroborated or disproven by others.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 28, 2017, 03:07:29 AM
I am on windows correct. I am not getting freeze after freeze they are maybe a couple a night on average. I am however getting them. The midi clock was adjusted to make the first beat not late I presume it probably has something to do with that.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on March 28, 2017, 04:32:09 AM
Hi dsetto,

Just did a very quick test:
Playlist at 20 Steps and 36 Bars with "End = Loop to Step 1" – You got FREEZE (I got jumping because I am going through MIDI DIN after first pass)
Playlist at 18 Steps and to 34 bars – You got no freeze (I got jumping straight away) also Reseting All MIDI Drivers did not help  :(

If only it would just come up with program alarm 1202. Sigh...
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on March 28, 2017, 09:11:41 AM
Hi RobH and dsetto,

All I can do now is hypothesis as I have tried everything I can think of.

So here’s another ‘out there’ theory as my brain is turning to mush. Seeing as LucidSFX has had some problems with a particular sound/pad. What if the Voice_1.5 update triggers the crash when giving a particular sound (or sound with a specific parameter) a certain priority. This would go someway to looking like random behaviour.

This would mean we would be getting problems on specific Beats ocasionally. I will keep an eye out for this.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on March 28, 2017, 10:23:28 AM
Unfotunately another freeze happened to my tempest, I had been running the same loop for a good few minutes without touching the tempest, i was sync'd to live and i was in the event screen when it froze although it had been left like that for some minutes while i tinkered with other instruments, the only thing i can think i did was stop and start abelton, then the Tempest just froze.

Sorry I have no more details about this but i hadn't touched it for some minutes.

There is some noise coming from the tempest like a slight noise i might have had going on a lfo or modulation/envelope that is still eminating from my Tempest but screen is frozen as are all other functions, a hard boot is needed again.

Did you try the iPhone / iPad MIDI Link Sync app?  You'll need an Apple camera kit so you can attach the Tempest via USB, making sure Tempest is the Master.  Yorgos tried it and said it provides rock solid, really tight sync ;)

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on March 28, 2017, 10:32:41 AM
^ Just make sure you create a direct ad hoc connection between your PC/Mac and your idevice..Of course that means no router involved ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on March 28, 2017, 03:39:26 PM
if you record 16th triplets with 16T Quantize, it won't affect them.
Hi Roger.

I tested this again and it doesn't seem right. If you record 16th Triplets into the Tempest using Quantize of 16T it sounds good with swing set to 50%. When you turn up the swing it effects those 16th Triplet notes... It seems to push the 2nd and 3rd triplet both toward the upcoming 1st triplet in the next grouping. When adjusting swing, instead of only affecting 16th notes at the #2, #4, #6 etc. locations, it seems to rather be affecting all things that are not at the #1, #3, #5, etc. locations.

Please test and clarify if you can. Thanks!
Hi Stoss--

You're right. I had forgotten about that. As I recall, there was some disagreement about the implementation of playback swing and the implementation ended up delaying all notes that existed within a timing window extending from the straight 16ths through swung 16ths, which has the advantage of swinging non-quantized 16ths. I don't like it as much but I see merits both ways.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on March 28, 2017, 04:20:41 PM
Hi Roger! Thanks for taking the time to explain how these things work and why they are implemented the way they are. The latest beta is really good and running like a charm. The fixed lfo sync propelled the Tempest even further into greatness. I'm having so much fun with it as a groove box and poly synth. It's capable of very unique sounds.

I have a question regarding time signatures on functions. Was is it intended that lfo only has dotted quarter notes and not dotted 8ths?and for beat roll and quantise settings? I guess dotted would be harder to implement as quantise setting. Would be very nice to have more dotted options in the LFO's though since it would introduce the possibility for polymeter like structures.

Thanks again for this machine and the energy you have put in!

Part of the answer is that when I originally designed Tempest's workflow and UI, I didn't include any dotted options at all for the LFO rate. Why? Because dotted options seem better suited to synced delays than synced LFOs, and it was my original goal to keep Tempest fairly simple to use. Interestingly, I never included any LFOs in any of my previous drum machines. Not in the MPC, LinnDrum or LM-1. Why? Because I never found an LFO to be very useful in a drum machine, a product intended for percussive sounds.

When DSI implemented the software, they tried to honor as many customer requests as they could, but with the small staff and demands of a small business, probably only dotted-quarter LFO got squeezed into a release deadline but not dotted 8th LFO. I don't recall if anyone ever requested dotted Note Quantize or Beat Roll values. Of course when people saw dotted quarter LFO but not dotted 8th LFO, they said "Why does the LFO have dotted quarters but not dotted eights?"

So the follow-up question is "Why don't you add dotted 8th LFO now?" and for someone else the question is "Why don't you add/fix ______ now?" The answer to both was alluded to in Dave's recent post about ceasing Tempest development:

"we’ve reached what we consider the limits of the instrument's available memory and processing ability".

Here's a little more detail about that. In an effort to honor as many customers' feature requests as possible, Tempest ended up being far more complex than originally expected, and all the added features have used up the available memory space and CPU power. So any new change requires rewriting other existing features to fit into less space, thereby reclaiming memory space to fit in the new change. And that has the chance of causing new bugs in the rewritten features. Also, some changes overtax the CPU, which can cause other real-time problems. DSI has been doing this "rewrite then fix" dance for a while now, and all the easy reclamations have been done. So any further changes are very difficult and I've seen how hard DSI has tried. 

So the bad news is that it’s very difficult to make any further changes to Tempest. The good news is that if you look at the sum total of Tempest's capabilities, workflow and feature set, it's pretty amazing and in my opinion unequaled, even if there are things that each of us would prefer to fix or change or add. In retrospect, perhaps we should have politely declined to implement most feature requests. Or perhaps we should have used a faster CPU and more memory, but I don't think people would have wanted to pay $2200 or more for a Tempest. Interestingly, I've run out of memory space and CPU power on every drum machine I've ever made.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dslsynth on March 28, 2017, 04:28:35 PM
Interestingly, I've run out of memory space and CPU power on every drum machine I've ever made.

. o O ( ;) )
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 28, 2017, 05:04:04 PM
if you record 16th triplets with 16T Quantize, it won't affect them.
Hi Roger.

I tested this again and it doesn't seem right. If you record 16th Triplets into the Tempest using Quantize of 16T it sounds good with swing set to 50%. When you turn up the swing it effects those 16th Triplet notes... It seems to push the 2nd and 3rd triplet both toward the upcoming 1st triplet in the next grouping. When adjusting swing, instead of only affecting 16th notes at the #2, #4, #6 etc. locations, it seems to rather be affecting all things that are not at the #1, #3, #5, etc. locations.

Please test and clarify if you can. Thanks!
Hi Stoss--

You're right. I had forgotten about that. As I recall, there was some disagreement about the implementation of playback swing and the implementation ended up delaying all notes that existed within a timing window extending from the straight 16ths through swung 16ths, which has the advantage of swinging non-quantized 16ths. I don't like it as much but I see merits both ways.
Well, I'm in complete agreement with you on how it should have been handled. Bummer that this design decision had to be negotiated.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on March 28, 2017, 05:17:58 PM
In truth, Dave's guys are very savvy and had valuable contributions to the design. I'm 61 so they were more familiar with younger musicians' ways of working, which was very helpful.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 28, 2017, 05:18:11 PM
The moment I began seeing Roger Linn's face on this forum, and more importantly, his intelligence expressed via his communication, applied towards bringing Tempest OS to a close - along with the invaluable JohnTheSavage - I knew it was time I buy one.

I am glad I did.

I believe the explanation above should be a sticky. As far as I am concerned, it's an outstanding explanation characterizing the state of Tempest.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on March 28, 2017, 05:23:41 PM
Thank you for your kind words, dsetto.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 28, 2017, 05:43:59 PM
In truth, Dave's guys are very savvy and had valuable contributions to the design. I'm 61 so they were more familiar with younger musicians' ways of working, which was very helpful.
I guess I'll need to look to the younger musicians to show me how swinging triplets on the Tempest can actually sound good.😉
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: DavidDever on March 28, 2017, 05:52:45 PM
When DSI implemented the software, they tried to honor as many customer requests as they could, but with the small staff and demands of a small business, probably only dotted-quarter LFO got squeezed into a release deadline but not dotted 8th LFO. I don't recall if anyone ever requested dotted Note Quantize or Beat Roll values. Of course when people saw dotted quarter LFO but not dotted 8th LFO, they said "Why does the LFO have dotted quarters but not dotted eights?"

So the follow-up question is "Why don't you add dotted 8th LFO now?" and for someone else the question is "Why don't you add/fix ______ now?" The answer to both was alluded to in Dave's recent post about ceasing Tempest development:

"we’ve reached what we consider the limits of the instrument's available memory and processing ability".

Here's a little more detail about that. In an effort to honor as many customers' feature requests as possible, Tempest ended up being far more complex than originally expected, and all the added features have used up the available memory space and CPU power. So any new change requires rewriting other existing features to fit into less space, thereby reclaiming memory space to fit in the new change. And that has the chance of causing new bugs in the rewritten features. Also, some changes overtax the CPU, which can cause other real-time problems. DSI has been doing this "rewrite then fix" dance for a while now, and all the easy reclamations have been done. So any further changes are very difficult and I've seen how hard DSI has tried. 

So the bad news is that it’s very difficult to make any further changes to Tempest. The good news is that if you look at the sum total of Tempest's capabilities, workflow and feature set, it's pretty amazing and in my opinion unequaled, even if there are things that each of us would prefer to fix or change or add. In retrospect, perhaps we should have politely declined to implement most feature requests. Or perhaps we should have used a faster CPU and more memory, but I don't think people would have wanted to pay $2200 or more for a Tempest. Interestingly, I've run out of memory space and CPU power on every drum machine I've ever made.

There's some interesting info hidden between the lines here:

So the question is: is there another tier of product design / price point at which a manufacturer can recoup one's development costs on a no-compromise drum computer / sequencer / synthesizer / sampler / kitchen sink, a la the Linn 9000, for example? Or is the Tempest as good as it gets for the money that most are willing to spend?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on March 28, 2017, 06:19:57 PM
By mentioning the Linn 9000, you have identified your age! :)

It's always a trick finding the sweet spot between features and price. Ikutaro Kakehashi, the founder of Roland and one of the wisest and kindest people I've ever met, told me once that it's easier to make a product that has everything, but much harder to make the difficult choices and creative compromises required to deliver just enough functionality for a price people can afford. My personal goal with my instruments is to have a positive impact on music, but often the musicians who end up making that positive impact have the least money before they get there. So I don't really want to make the no-compromise drum machine that only a doctor or lawyer can afford.

Sometimes I jokingly say that if I won the lottery, I'd do the same thing I do now except that:
1) I'd spend the money required to make each product perfect,
2) I'd price the products at whatever price people say they want to pay for them, and
3) I'd simply lose money every month. :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on March 29, 2017, 08:53:23 AM
By mentioning the Linn 9000, you have identified your age! :)

It's always a trick finding the sweet spot between features and price. Ikutaro Kakehashi, the founder of Roland and one of the wisest and kindest people I've ever met, told me once that it's easier to make a product that has everything, but much harder to make the difficult choices and creative compromises required to deliver just enough functionality for a price people can afford. My personal goal with my instruments is to have a positive impact on music, but often the musicians who end up making that positive impact have the least money before they get there. So I don't really want to make the no-compromise drum machine that only a doctor or lawyer can afford.

Sometimes I jokingly say that if I won the lottery, I'd do the same thing I do now except that:
1) I'd spend the money required to make each product perfect,
2) I'd price the products at whatever price people say they want to pay for them, and
3) I'd simply lose money every month. :)

:D Roger, again thank you for your time and complete answer to my question and the additional info surrounding it. It's clear to me now and has hopefully put some questions to rest for others as well.

The Tempest is a very unique piece of gear and I'm glad I finally bought one :). Just did a live set last weekend with just the Tempest on it's own. It was a liberating feeling to be able to make live music in that way without any laptop and having to really tweak and take leaps on the fly.

Thanks again, and curious to see your future instruments. Cheers, Dave
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on March 29, 2017, 09:52:05 AM
Thanks, Dave. It is very gratifying to see Tempest used so widely in live performance, which was my intent.

And I'm looking forward to seeing my future instruments too. :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: joosep on March 29, 2017, 01:12:15 PM
Thanks, Dave. It is very gratifying to see Tempest used so widely in live performance, which was my intent.

And I'm looking forward to seeing my future instruments too. :)

Roger. The Tempest changed my life. Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on March 29, 2017, 04:52:17 PM
Is this a new or existing bug?

1) 16 Sounds mode
2) Set swing to 62.5%
3) Set quantize to OFF
4) Press PLAY
5) Turn on REC
6) Play a pad live while it is recording

You should hear a bunch of crazy double hits. It's apparently playing both the live pad sound as well as the just recorded / instantly mathematically swung sound as well.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on March 29, 2017, 09:07:37 PM
By mentioning the Linn 9000, you have identified your age! :)

It's always a trick finding the sweet spot between features and price. Ikutaro Kakehashi, the founder of Roland and one of the wisest and kindest people I've ever met, told me once that it's easier to make a product that has everything, but much harder to make the difficult choices and creative compromises required to deliver just enough functionality for a price people can afford. My personal goal with my instruments is to have a positive impact on music, but often the musicians who end up making that positive impact have the least money before they get there. So I don't really want to make the no-compromise drum machine that only a doctor or lawyer can afford.

Sometimes I jokingly say that if I won the lottery, I'd do the same thing I do now except that:
1) I'd spend the money required to make each product perfect,
2) I'd price the products at whatever price people say they want to pay for them, and
3) I'd simply lose money every month. :)

Hahaha... i'm showing my age too. I was at Goodman's Music in North Hollywood on Lankershim when they received the first Linn-9000 you shipped. If I recall your office was not far from them. I watched at they set it up and played the demo. My mind was officially blown, lol !!!!!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on March 30, 2017, 06:12:17 PM
We have reproduced the crash bug when externally sync'd and playlist is active.  We will be investigating this further and will provide more info as it becomes available.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on March 30, 2017, 10:43:00 PM
We have reproduced the crash bug when externally sync'd and playlist is active.  We will be investigating this further and will provide more info as it becomes available.


Hi Carson & DSI, 

Thank you for pursuing this bug, especially since detailed data has been lacking in helping to nail it down. I look forward to hearing what the actual cause was, and if it can be resolved.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 31, 2017, 02:30:11 AM
We have reproduced the crash bug when externally sync'd and playlist is active. ...
Greatly appreciated, DSI.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 31, 2017, 03:01:49 AM
... especially since detailed data has been lacking in helping to nail it down. ...
Grunes, I appreciated and was intrigued by your efforts. As Support immediately addressed my ticket, I didn't continue here.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on March 31, 2017, 04:22:59 AM
... especially since detailed data has been lacking in helping to nail it down. ...
Grunes, I appreciated and was intrigued by your efforts. As Support immediately addressed my ticket, I didn't continue here.

Hi dsetto,

And I yours, especially since you were able to give some detail to the process which could reproduce the problem. Anyway fingers crossed things can be resolved.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 31, 2017, 11:05:57 AM
I have just frozen again, i was sync'd to abelton, it froze when i changed beats and was pressing the delay/on off button at the same time, again no real insight into what else i was doing when it froze, sorry for the lame report thats as much information as i have, i was running a sawtooth bassline i was messing with the delay and accidently changed beats and it froze.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 31, 2017, 12:30:10 PM
Rob, was Playlist active?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 31, 2017, 01:02:45 PM
Rob, was Playlist active?

No i dont use it, ever.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on March 31, 2017, 01:38:30 PM
... i was sync'd to abelton, it froze when i changed beats and was pressing the delay/on off button at the same time, ...

The 'changing beats' while something else is what's calling my attention.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on March 31, 2017, 02:21:25 PM
... i was sync'd to abelton, it froze when i changed beats and was pressing the delay/on off button at the same time, ...

The 'changing beats' while something else is what's calling my attention.

Yeah, i personally think its something to do with the sync, im not a programmer but these crashes seem to happen when i'm either changing beat or stop/starting ususally stop/starting. I don't have much insight other than that lmao.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on March 31, 2017, 03:04:56 PM
It's best to try and find the cause and then post it. So try to replicate it. Another good thing about that is, you'll know how to work around it in the meantime.

It's too vague now.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on March 31, 2017, 07:49:32 PM
The crash/stall can occur when externally sync'd, playlist on, and on beat transitions when the playlist step length is less than the total number of bars in a beat.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 01, 2017, 09:14:25 AM
The crash/stall can occur when externally sync'd, playlist on, and on beat transitions when the playlist step length is less than the total number of bars in a beat.

Did you manage to find the same problem happening sometimes when the playlist isn't active? Just out of interest?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 01, 2017, 12:57:53 PM
The crash/stall can occur when externally sync'd, playlist on, and on beat transitions when the playlist step length is less than the total number of bars in a beat.

Excellent!  I'm impressed how you DSI guys found that correlation - and fast! I just verified it on my end.

I do not need to have a Playlist step length be shorter than its Beat length (when externally sync'd). I am happy to abide by the rule: when externally sync'd, Playlist Step Length must be = or > Beat Length.

(For all the freezes I reported on 3/28, the Playlist had Steps with lengths less than their Beat's length.)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 01, 2017, 04:56:52 PM
I assessed some aspects of Tempest Main Beta USB-externally sync'd. Results were excellent.

At 120bpm:
- Perfect SPP correspondence
- No drift, no freezes

I am feeling confident about Tempest's externally synced' ability.

This is not an April Fools message. I'm not funny that way.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 01, 2017, 06:10:24 PM
I assessed some aspects of Tempest Main Beta USB-externally sync'd. Results were excellent.

At 120bpm:
- Perfect SPP correspondence
- No drift, no freezes

I am feeling confident about Tempest's externally synced' ability.

This is not an April Fools message. I'm not funny that way.

Well i've still experienced numerous freezes never once using the playlist so i hope whatever bug they found was fixed for non playlist freezes also, it is very good sync'd tho time keeping wise etc, i was however getting some weird bug when i was making a bassline earlier that i couldnt explain like the voices kept changing pitch over an octave but when held for a a certain length of time, i calibrated my voices and will retest it tommorow see if im still getting the bizzare behaviour I couldn't explain.

edit- so i ran some quick tests and what i deemed to be "weird behaviour" was atcually the slop function with the caveat that 2>1 sync was enabled and the addition of the sub osc also, it seems to not drift and then at a certain threshold jump to the higher frequency osciilator if that makes sense instead of a constant drift between the 2 osc  (which sounds fucking aweseome i might add), anyway i think this is normal, just, well don't use slop and 2>1sync.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 02, 2017, 11:52:53 AM
Rob, what can I try on my end to see if I get the same issue you're having?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 02, 2017, 12:10:19 PM
Rob, what can I try on my end to see if I get the same issue you're having?

I don't think there is anything repeatable that i have done to get the freezes, they are just kind of random. The bassline was just the slop function interacting with the osc sync in a way i wouldn't have expected and is known about.

I've tried to crash the Tempest out start/stopping and pressing allsorts of buttons whilst i am doing this, changing beats, sounds, mutes  and the delay on/off but i cannot force a crash, and to be fair the crashes are not very frequent however they defo have been happenening, so i can't think of anything you can do other than jsut use the Tempest in normal functions without playlist mode to see if you also get any freezing happening over the course of a few days.

I haven't crashed since my last post on the subject so its either the same cause that was happening with the playlist error just happening much less frequently as i'm not using the playlist (so maybe something to do with the sync) or something else, I'm hoping its fixed to be honest with the same error they found for everyone else freezing, who knows?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 03, 2017, 03:52:43 PM
Rob, what can I try on my end to see if I get the same issue you're having?

I don't think there is anything repeatable that i have done to get the freezes, they are just kind of random. The bassline was just the slop function interacting with the osc sync in a way i wouldn't have expected and is known about.

I've tried to crash the Tempest out start/stopping and pressing allsorts of buttons whilst i am doing this, changing beats, sounds, mutes  and the delay on/off but i cannot force a crash, and to be fair the crashes are not very frequent however they defo have been happenening, so i can't think of anything you can do other than jsut use the Tempest in normal functions without playlist mode to see if you also get any freezing happening over the course of a few days.

I haven't crashed since my last post on the subject so its either the same cause that was happening with the playlist error just happening much less frequently as i'm not using the playlist (so maybe something to do with the sync) or something else, I'm hoping its fixed to be honest with the same error they found for everyone else freezing, who knows?

We have reproduced the crash when playlist is NOT active.  This is likely related to the same issue when playlist is active.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 04, 2017, 07:58:10 AM
Rob, what can I try on my end to see if I get the same issue you're having?

I don't think there is anything repeatable that i have done to get the freezes, they are just kind of random. The bassline was just the slop function interacting with the osc sync in a way i wouldn't have expected and is known about.

I've tried to crash the Tempest out start/stopping and pressing allsorts of buttons whilst i am doing this, changing beats, sounds, mutes  and the delay on/off but i cannot force a crash, and to be fair the crashes are not very frequent however they defo have been happenening, so i can't think of anything you can do other than jsut use the Tempest in normal functions without playlist mode to see if you also get any freezing happening over the course of a few days.

I haven't crashed since my last post on the subject so its either the same cause that was happening with the playlist error just happening much less frequently as i'm not using the playlist (so maybe something to do with the sync) or something else, I'm hoping its fixed to be honest with the same error they found for everyone else freezing, who knows?

We have reproduced the crash when playlist is NOT active.  This is likely related to the same issue when playlist is active.



Good shit xxx
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on April 04, 2017, 02:42:31 PM
Is this a new or existing bug?

1) 16 Sounds mode
2) Set swing to 62.5%
3) Set quantize to OFF
4) Press PLAY
5) Turn on REC
6) Play a pad live while it is recording

You should hear a bunch of crazy double hits. It's apparently playing both the live pad sound as well as the just recorded / instantly mathematically swung sound as well.

^Any thoughts on this?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on April 04, 2017, 06:23:41 PM
Is this a new or existing bug?

1) 16 Sounds mode
2) Set swing to 62.5%
3) Set quantize to OFF
4) Press PLAY
5) Turn on REC
6) Play a pad live while it is recording

You should hear a bunch of crazy double hits. It's apparently playing both the live pad sound as well as the just recorded / instantly mathematically swung sound as well.

^Any thoughts on this?
Hi Stoss,

I tried it out here and you're correct in that there is a flamming that sometimes occurs under the conditions you specified. The reason appears to be due to the way Note Quantize was implemented: all notes within a Quantize timing window surrounding the alternate 16th notes are delayed by the Swing amount. If you play the note later than where Swing will move it to, all is OK; however if you play it earlier than where Swing will move it, you'll hear the same note twice-- once where you play it live and another slightly later where it is moved to.

This implementation was a well-intended attempt by DSI to apply swing to unquantized beats, which unfortunately doesn't work so well. The basic problem is that Swing isn't really compatible with unquantized beats because unless your timing is excellent (mine isn't), sometimes your alternate 16ths are inside the "Move" window and sometimes they aren't, so it usually ends up screwing up your beats. However, it really doesn't matter. Just don't use Swing on unquantized beats. On all my drum machines included the MPCs, I never used this "timing window" method, so the Swing would only delay (add swing to) perfectly quantized alternate 16ths and therefore it never worked on unquantized beats.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on April 05, 2017, 08:44:55 PM
Hi Stoss,

I tried it out here and you're correct in that there is a flamming that sometimes occurs under the conditions you specified. The reason appears to be due to the way Note Quantize was implemented: all notes within a Quantize timing window surrounding the alternate 16th notes are delayed by the Swing amount. If you play the note later than where Swing will move it to, all is OK; however if you play it earlier than where Swing will move it, you'll hear the same note twice-- once where you play it live and another slightly later where it is moved to.

This implementation was a well-intended attempt by DSI to apply swing to unquantized beats, which unfortunately doesn't work so well. The basic problem is that Swing isn't really compatible with unquantized beats because unless your timing is excellent (mine isn't), sometimes your alternate 16ths are inside the "Move" window and sometimes they aren't, so it usually ends up screwing up your beats. However, it really doesn't matter. Just don't use Swing on unquantized beats. On all my drum machines included the MPCs, I never used this "timing window" method, so the Swing would only delay (add swing to) perfectly quantized alternate 16ths and therefore it never worked on unquantized beats.

Hi Roger.

Thanks for the reply. The bug I discovered here came from initially testing some simple beats that were unquantized and applying swing to them. I wanted to see how the method DSI put in place worked in real application. I quickly came to the same conclusion that you stated above. "Just don't use swing on unquantized beats"... because frankly, it sounds horrible. I'm actually surprised that this method was implemented. Not only is it ineffective at swinging unquantized beats, but as a bonus, it can't do what you had mentioned in an earlier post, which would allow for 16th notes to be swung while still being able to play triplets straight. It seems like the math to handle swing was put in place, but was then never tested to see how it actually works, particularly in the scenario it was a specifically designed for... unquantized beats.

This actually got me thinking about how all of this could have been handled that may have made for a better experience all around. If the parameters related to quantizing notes were a little different, I think it may have been easier to accomplish what everyone wanted. If these were settings related to how notes were placed and handled...

Record Resolution (1/4, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16, 1/16T, 1/32, 1/32T): Chooses the recording resolution (or step locations) that your recorded notes will be recorded to.
Record Quantize (On, Off): Chooses whether the notes being recorded will have unquantized placement shifting data recorded. The length of shift applied is relative to the quantize resolution as it is recorded. For example, if you are set to 16th resolution while recording, if Record Quantize is off, notes can shift up to a 1/32 in either direction from the closest 16th note... splitting the difference to the closest available step location.
Playback Quantize (0%-100%): Reduces any unquantized placement shifting data globally across the entire beat by the percentage chosen.

...You would then be able to swing only the 16th notes located in the 2,4,6,etc. positions while still having them unquantized with the added bonus of recording with natural feel, but being able to tighten that up afterwards with the turn of a knob.

The scenario above is much like the Elektron Analog Rytm... but where the Tempest completely blows that product out of the water is by having available step resolutions up to 1/32T. The Rytm just can't touch the Tempest in terms of live performance recording because of that limitation.

Way to late for any of this now... but maybe on the next great drum machine! ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on April 06, 2017, 04:53:48 PM
This actually got me thinking about how all of this could have been handled that may have made for a better experience all around. If the parameters related to quantizing notes were a little different, I think it may have been easier to accomplish what everyone wanted. If these were settings related to how notes were placed and handled...

Record Resolution (1/4, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16, 1/16T, 1/32, 1/32T): Chooses the recording resolution (or step locations) that your recorded notes will be recorded to.
Record Quantize (On, Off): Chooses whether the notes being recorded will have unquantized placement shifting data recorded. The length of shift applied is relative to the quantize resolution as it is recorded. For example, if you are set to 16th resolution while recording, if Record Quantize is off, notes can shift up to a 1/32 in either direction from the closest 16th note... splitting the difference to the closest available step location.
Playback Quantize (0%-100%): Reduces any unquantized placement shifting data globally across the entire beat by the percentage chosen.

...You would then be able to swing only the 16th notes located in the 2,4,6,etc. positions while still having them unquantized with the added bonus of recording with natural feel, but being able to tighten that up afterwards with the turn of a knob.

I personally don't see much merit in unquantized recording unless you're an excellent drummer, which most people aren't. If you're looking for the beat to feel right, I find more merit in playing the part well, specifically the ability to play the 8th or 16th hihat parts with natural-sounding velocities for each note, perhaps aided by the 16th Roll feature. Then choosing the right degree of swing is helpful. But I've never found a beat to feel better by not being quantized.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 06, 2017, 10:03:17 PM
My favorite thing about Tempest is its ability to effortlessly capture my unquantized playing, coming across like a natural drum set. That plus the ability to record while not stopping play. Add to that, the unquantized Beats selection. And it begins with a responsive pad tied to a responsive sound.

I'm currently fighting through a 4th hand MPC 4000 that double triggers, and seems to require stopping to go from playing to recording. (To get past the double triggers I lose the finesse I can do with T.)  I digress. Just looking for an excuse to share my joy.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Roger_Linn on April 07, 2017, 07:55:05 AM
Shared Tempest joy is appreciated!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 07, 2017, 06:19:54 PM
I'm having some weird voice allocation issues.

Too deep to explain everything i did trying to get the sample to play its proper length but basically my open hat sample would only play a very short part of the sample when i choked a hat on 16ths. My allocation issue seemingly went away when i allocated a voice but there was only 1 kick and 1 hat playing other than the open hat so i wouldn't have thought it nessacary to allocate with only 3 pads playing. The ADSR wasn't working nor was AD unless i was playing the pad live (not recorded) then it played the length i held the pad, the decay etc had no effect on the sample it just played a short hit instead a proper portion of the sample allocated by the decay, release and sustain.

I just thought i'd mention it anyway incase anyone else is having these issues.

I will calibrate overnight and see if it happens again.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soundm3ss on April 14, 2017, 01:20:35 PM
I am currently trying to figure out which firmware i should be using but i am confused.

How is anyone supposd to know exactly what version firmware people are talking about in this thread when they are reporting bugs ?

Which one should i use ?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 14, 2017, 01:32:40 PM
I am currently trying to figure out which firmware i should be using but i am confused.

How is anyone supposd to know exactly what version firmware people are talking about in this thread when they are reporting bugs ?

Which one should i use ?

Are you running into any problems with the firmware you are using right now? If not i'd say just stick with that until they release the next official release, there is literally no point in running any beta other than the latest version to help test with bugs, so it seems you have 3 options really,

a) stick with what u have if there is no bugs your running into right now
b) 1.4 the current official version (which does contain bugs but every version has slight bugs right now)
c) and 1.5 voice which is the latest beta version (and help test it for bugs but it also has a freeezing bug that is known and should be fixed for the next version)

Depends whether you want to be a beta tester or not i guess. I don't have a timeframe for another official release but it seems they want to try and get this next official patch as soild as they can.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soundm3ss on April 14, 2017, 01:48:17 PM
Thanks alot for the detailed info. I'll just make sure i'm on the latest official release.
Glad it's still being worked on.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on April 14, 2017, 11:45:06 PM
The latest beta is by far the most stable version. I've been using it without major issues. I'd install that one for sure. It's not just for testing. It's just the best OS at this moment imho.

Haven't had any freezes either. But I don't use the Playlist function. :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on April 15, 2017, 01:30:05 AM
+1 No playlist use for me too...
The latest beta is by far the most stable version. I've been using it without major issues. I'd install that one for sure. It's not just for testing. It's just the best OS at this moment imho.

Haven't had any freezes either. But I don't use the Playlist function. :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 15, 2017, 01:50:05 AM
We have reproduced the crash when playlist is NOT active.  This is likely related to the same issue when playlist is active.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on April 15, 2017, 02:14:10 AM
Nice...Carson can you give us the steps to reproduce it so it won't happen on me in my upcoming gig?

We have reproduced the crash when playlist is NOT active.  This is likely related to the same issue when playlist is active.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 15, 2017, 03:10:53 AM
Don't fear Main OS BETA. The more collaborative users it has, the more the upcoming final Main OS will have fewer big issues.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on April 15, 2017, 06:51:07 AM
Don't fear Main OS BETA. The more collaborative users it has, the more the upcoming final Main OS will have fewer big issues.

Just out of curiosity, do we have reason to believe there will be a final Main OS?  I know Dave Smith stated a few weeks back that would be the final OS (and then of course came along).  Wasn't sure if there was another announcement made that I might've missed that indicated they'd still be doing updates.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 15, 2017, 10:29:28 AM
Nice...Carson can you give us the steps to reproduce it so it won't happen on me in my upcoming gig?

We have reproduced the crash when playlist is NOT active.  This is likely related to the same issue when playlist is active.


Stop/Start as little as possible and don't stop start fast is about the only tip i can give, i think it only happens when sync'd so if you use Tempest as Master you should be fine.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 15, 2017, 10:32:43 AM
Don't fear Main OS BETA. The more collaborative users it has, the more the upcoming final Main OS will have fewer big issues.

Just out of curiosity, do we have reason to believe there will be a final Main OS?  I know Dave Smith stated a few weeks back that would be the final OS (and then of course came along).  Wasn't sure if there was another announcement made that I might've missed that indicated they'd still be doing updates.

The next official release will be the last as far as I am aware, they will continue to fix bugs until that release, and i guess if no major bugs are realised once that is out then the OS will be finished, DSI have said they are not just leaving it as a beta and just dropping the OS bug fixes, thats not the intention of Daves message, there will be no new features now, just bug fixes.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 16, 2017, 10:39:42 AM
My take is ... DSI believes the current BETA to be the one that can be "published" as the final OS. The intention of releasing it as a BETA is to see if Tempest users experience a "show-stopping" snag DSI did not know about.

With new-found snags, if found within a limited time window, DSI may assess the consequence of the snag, and if it can be resolved without having other important aspects come undone. DSI may or may not address previously known snags.

This has been corroborated by DSI on this forum.

--- is not a troublesome BETA to be feared. It is offered as a BETA that is all but the last official Main OS. It's ours to vet - for the time being.

If it was flaky, I understand avoiding it. As it's not, you owe it to yourself to use it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 16, 2017, 01:32:29 PM
My take is ... DSI believes the current BETA to be the one that can be "published" as the final OS. The intention of releasing it as a BETA is to see if Tempest users experience a "show-stopping" snag DSI did not know about.

With new-found snags, if found within a limited time window, DSI may assess the consequence of the snag, and if it can be resolved without having other important aspects come undone. DSI may or may not address previously known snags.

This has been corroborated by DSI on this forum.

--- is not a troublesome BETA to be feared. It is offered as a BETA that is all but the last official Main OS. It's ours to vet - for the time being.

If it was flaky, I understand avoiding it. As it's not, you owe it to yourself to use it.

I would call a bug that completley freezes up your Tempest "flaky" but thats just me. If i had not personally experienced the bug numerous times I would advice anyone to use it, I am not however going to tell a user who is not up to date with all the nuances and bugs contained in each version to jump in and start a test on a patch we know to have a freeze bug, although this bug has been found and i think fixed, so roll on the next version of the beta.

I don't see DSI doing anything wrong in wanting to put a final OS out if they are tackling the known bugs before its release, and i'm sure if it did make official status and something was very wrong, they won't just leave it at that, I don't think DSI intend anything other than "no new features" and so long as all bugs are fixed that can be, what is wrong with a final Os release?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on April 16, 2017, 07:50:37 PM
My take is ... DSI believes the current BETA to be the one that can be "published" as the final OS. The intention of releasing it as a BETA is to see if Tempest users experience a "show-stopping" snag DSI did not know about.

With new-found snags, if found within a limited time window, DSI may assess the consequence of the snag, and if it can be resolved without having other important aspects come undone. DSI may or may not address previously known snags.

This has been corroborated by DSI on this forum.

--- is not a troublesome BETA to be feared. It is offered as a BETA that is all but the last official Main OS. It's ours to vet - for the time being.

If it was flaky, I understand avoiding it. As it's not, you owe it to yourself to use it.

Makes sense.  I've been on and haven't found any big problems, but I also assumed they wouldn't fix any bugs at this point if I found them :)  Guess it's still worth writing to tech support if I find something quirky.  Good to know!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 19, 2017, 09:16:25 AM
A few of us seem to be having voice allocation issues with voices dissapearing, I've had this problem where if i assign 6 voices and mute them all any remaing pad playing won't make a sound, things like this are happening.

Someone has stated that patches saved in need resaving for the patch but I haven't tried that as a workaround yet. Other people are resorting to reboots.

Thought it worth a mention.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 19, 2017, 10:34:18 AM
It's good to note that if you have all the voices explicitly assigned to sounds, any sounds which are not assigned to a voice will not play regardless of the assigned voices' mute state.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on April 19, 2017, 10:48:37 AM
A few of us seem to be having voice allocation issues with voices dissapearing, I've had this problem where if i assign 6 voices and mute them all any remaing pad playing won't make a sound, things like this are happening.

Someone has stated that patches saved in need resaving for the patch but I haven't tried that as a workaround yet. Other people are resorting to reboots.

Thought it worth a mention.

Yeah, I was having a slightly different issue.  After going back and forth emailing tech support a little and documenting the issue, it looked like the problem was sounds I created in were corrupted somehow and causing the voices to stop working.  I fixed it by flashing my Tempest, reloading the factory content, and rebuilding the patches.  A bit extreme, but it worked.

To be more specific, the problem I was having was when I used certain custom sounds I created in in, sometimes the voices on my Tempest would stop making sound.  For instance, Voice 1 would go completely silent while Voices 2-6 would be functioning fine, or in some cases Voice 2 would stop working while Voice 1 and 3-6 worked.  This would happen playing the Tempest one pad at a time while the sequencer wasn't running and with no sounds assigned to a specific voice even... so it wasn't a question of voice stealing/pad muting.  So actually in the cases where Voice 1 stopped playing, assigning a pad to Voice 1 still produced no sound, proving that Voice 1 had stopped working altogether.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on April 19, 2017, 10:58:08 AM
Rob, that is not a bug, and not the same issues I'm having :). When you assign all 6 voices, there's no voices left so any pad not assigned to a voice won't do a thing. This is why I start topics before reporting a bug in this topic, because I want to verify if it's user error or if more people are experiencing the same.

I'm having trouble with playing a beat and designing sounds, some voices just start randomly dropping out. Sometimes for the duration of one loop. But sometimes the whole voice is gone until I reboot. This happens to multiple voices sometimes too and not the same ones either, so it's not related to specific voices.

I'm still not sure why it happens. I'm going to try cleaning the flash of Tempest and reloading my beats and sounds to see if it helps tomorrow.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on April 19, 2017, 12:03:57 PM
Ah ok, I have had some voices doing weird things when i haven't had them assigned out as well, thats what made me realise that having all 6 allocated and muted played no other sound, however I know not thats how its designed should i have any more voice allocation quirks i'll double check my voice allocation before reporting it.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 20, 2017, 12:02:44 AM
HI Carson, Chris and DSI team,

Thanks for your time and effort with the latest update Hopefully, that is the last 'essential operation' bug to be fixed and we can move on to an 'official' release soon. I will install later today. Thanks.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on April 20, 2017, 04:49:10 AM
It's good to note that if you have all the voices explicitly assigned to sounds, any sounds which are not assigned to a voice will not play regardless of the assigned voices' mute state.

This has caused me some significant head-scratching in the past!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 20, 2017, 07:21:51 AM
Tempest OS

Sigh... I am getting the Tempest (PlayList Mode & Slaved) and Logic (Master) drifting out of sync.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 20, 2017, 08:40:28 AM
Thanks.  I'll look into this today.

Edit: Just ran a cursory test on this with Live as the master clock.  I'm not hearing any sync drift between the DAW and the Tempest.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on April 20, 2017, 09:52:36 AM
Just updated to

I'm seeing a strange issue where it's playing a sound on beat 1 when there is nothing assigned to beat 1.  For example, I have a single snare sound assigned to play on beats 2 and 4, and every time it loops around I hear a phasey sounding snare on beat 1.  The phasey-ness of the sound makes me think its playing the snare with multiple voices at once too. Checked the Events view and there's definitely nothing on that beat.  I tried initializing the beat/project and it still happens.

Anyone else seeing this or know what it is?  It definitely wasn't happening to me before I updated to

I recalibrated the Osc/Filters and Reset System Parameters twice.

Edit: Just noticed that when I initialize my beat and set it to 2+ bars, it still just keeps looping the 1st bar over and over.  The Loop Screen function is turned off, and I don't have the Playlist button selected (nor have I ever used Playlist so far).  Maybe this is a clue to what's going on though.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: StanCollins on April 20, 2017, 10:11:04 AM
Had this happening today but didn't have time to fully test before going to work.
Except I kept getting a very low velocity hit show up in the events page.
Will check again when I get home.

Edit. And the only looping the first bar problem.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 20, 2017, 10:22:33 AM
Thanks.  I'll look into this today.

Edit: Just ran a cursory test on this with Live as the master clock.  I'm not hearing any sync drift between the DAW and the Tempest.

Hi Carson, Thanks for the quick reply and test. Just gone back to and everything was tight. Installed again and timing is all over the place. Tempest display 'shows' everything is supposedly OK, but you can hear it going wildly out as tracks progress. Hopefully, you could take a further investigative look at the 'fix' if possible. Thanks again for all your help.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on April 20, 2017, 10:24:49 AM
Had this happening today but didn't have time to fully test before going to work.
Except I kept getting a very low velocity hit show up in the events page.
Will check again when I get home.

Edit. And the only looping the first bar problem.

Just triple checked, I definitely don't have a note or any velocity playing on beat 1.

I went into the Playlist menu and noticed there was 1 playlist item set to 1 Bar.  I changed this to 2 Bars and exited the playlist menu and it actually fixed the issue... but I don't have the Playlist button selected.  Since I don't have the Playlist button turned on, it shouldn't actually be effecting anything, correct?  Looks like the issue is my beat is 2 bars and the playlist has a single 1 bar item in it, which is causing it to behave strangely.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 20, 2017, 10:37:47 AM
Thanks.  I'll look into this today.

Edit: Just ran a cursory test on this with Live as the master clock.  I'm not hearing any sync drift between the DAW and the Tempest.

Hi Carson, Thanks for the quick reply and test. Just gone back to and everything was tight. Installed again and timing is all over the place. Tempest display 'shows' everything is supposedly OK, but you can hear it going wildly out as tracks progress. Hopefully, you could take a further investigative look at the 'fix' if possible. Thanks again for all your help.

I'll continue looking into this, though I have not yet identified any drift when externally sync'd.  Does the amount of drift you are hearing change depending on the project?  Does it occur when tested on a initialized project with some amount of note data present?

Edit: I have been able to replicate this as well.  We'll look into it!  thanks!
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 20, 2017, 10:38:44 AM
Just updated to

I'm seeing a strange issue where it's playing a sound on beat 1 when there is nothing assigned to beat 1.  For example, I have a single snare sound assigned to play on beats 2 and 4, and every time it loops around I hear a phasey sounding snare on beat 1.  The phasey-ness of the sound makes me think its playing the snare with multiple voices at once too. Checked the Events view and there's definitely nothing on that beat.  I tried initializing the beat/project and it still happens.

Anyone else seeing this or know what it is?  It definitely wasn't happening to me before I updated to

I recalibrated the Osc/Filters and Reset System Parameters twice.

Edit: Just noticed that when I initialize my beat and set it to 2+ bars, it still just keeps looping the 1st bar over and over.  The Loop Screen function is turned off, and I don't have the Playlist button selected (nor have I ever used Playlist so far).  Maybe this is a clue to what's going on though.

I can confirm a bug wherein step 1 of the beat which is being transitioned from is heard on the next playlist step.  I've added it to our list.

Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 20, 2017, 12:03:46 PM
We've fixed both of the above bugs and have uploaded the OS to the following thread!

Thanks for the help all  :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 20, 2017, 12:26:57 PM
Wow, super fast fix. Have given it a quick spin and seems great, so far. Thanks Guys.  :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on April 20, 2017, 12:37:54 PM
Thanks Carson for the quick update!

The issue I was describing before is fixed in, however I've discovered something new.  Synth sounds I record that are in ADSR mode are sustaining for a much much longer duration than how they were recorded.  I've been initializing the project, then initializing the sound, and setting it to be a single Saw on OSC1 in ADSR mode with the Amp Env release set to 0.  After I record some very short staccato notes into the sequencer in 16 tunings mode, the notes become sustained for a much longer duration on playback like they're stuck. 

What's also odd is that after I erase all notes on the pad (and looked in the Event view to insure that I have), if I hit play on the sequencer (without record selected) and let it run for a bar or two... it automatically plays a long sustained note by itself.  If I then stop the sequencer and look in the Event view, it automatically has added a note all by itself.  Very strange.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 20, 2017, 12:54:26 PM
Thanks, I'm seeing that here and will investigate further.  From my first tests, it looks as though the duration is being set to an incorrect value.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 20, 2017, 02:42:42 PM
We've just fixed the above issue and have released the OS.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 20, 2017, 09:28:34 PM
Pretty trippy last 4/20 for Tempest dev. [thumbs up]
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on April 21, 2017, 06:36:16 AM
Yup, the ADSR sounds are working just fine now in 
Thanks to you and the DSI team for banging out these updates as quickly as the bugs were found yesterday Carson!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 21, 2017, 07:12:29 AM
Hi Carson,

Under I have had 1 freeze and about 3 jumps today in about 4-5 hours of continuous use. Again Tempest in PlayList Mode and Slaved via USB. Freeze was at end of a bar just before transition. The jumps where no longer a stutter, but more like normal silky smooth transitions. The freeze and jumps were on two different projects. Don't know what else to say.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 21, 2017, 12:26:10 PM
Thanks for the note.  I've been running the Tempest with playlist on and external sync for about 3 hours and have not yet seen a skip nor crash.

How are you specifically using the Tempest when it is externally sync'd?  Are you making a song and locating through the playlist by navigating to different steps of your DAW?  Are you jamming with it continuously?

Any additional info could be helpful to track down the cause of this.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 21, 2017, 02:22:35 PM
Hi Carson,

Thanks for response. For that 4-5 hour session I have been jamming along, then doing some edits to beats and sounds. So a lot of stop/starting, as well as switching from Slave to Master. Loading of other projects to create a set, then jamming along from start of set to feel how it is all fitting together.

In summary, I am seeing this from just jamming along, even after a power cycle. It does seem to be down to just two particular projects now.

I apologise I can't be more specific and if you can't replicate it or get any other feedback, I fully understand. Thanks.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 21, 2017, 02:37:28 PM
No apologies needed, and thanks for the additional info.  Did you happen to notice whether the time stamp on the Tempest displayed a very large time stamp value when the stall and/or crash occurred?  something like 1184817.0.00?

Were you actively playing sound pads as the playlist rolled?

If you are only seeing the issue on a specific set of projects, do you know which OS version the projects were created on?  Is there any other specific sounds/operation in these projects which are unique from other projects which do not display the issue?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 21, 2017, 02:57:08 PM
The time stamp as far as I can recall for crash was on at 30.496.

No pads where being played.

As for the the specific projects they where started on OS1.4 and may well have been mistakenly saved out from previous beta testing.

Nothing unique in regards to sounds/operation in these projects.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 21, 2017, 03:05:26 PM
Thanks.  Would you mind sending me the project files to download or a link to a download location?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 21, 2017, 03:35:33 PM
Hi Carson,

I have sent you files at


Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on April 21, 2017, 04:22:43 PM
Thanks, doesn't look like they've come in to our email yet, but I will keep an eye out.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 21, 2017, 10:57:46 PM
I figure it's a good idea to create a new sound/beat/project from an initialized one, when encountering peculiar behavior on a beta.

I.e., if an issue is happening in, then check it with a file that was created in
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: mutantforest on April 21, 2017, 11:46:37 PM
Issue with arpeggiator/roll

After using the arpeggiator in 16 tunings mode while holding down 3 or more pads, I've noticed that when I just roll a single pad theres a gap in the quantization.

It seems like when I just roll a single pad its still acting as an arpeggiator as if I were holding other pads, but instead of playing other sounds it just fills in those parts of the pattern with silence.

Ive discovered that reseting system parameters fixes it until I preform the same actions.


Voice 1.5
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdraAdra on April 22, 2017, 07:50:00 PM
Can I have the link to this software update?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on April 22, 2017, 11:12:15 PM
They can be found under the post "Tempest BETA OS - Main and Voice 1.5". You need to be logged in, and then you will be able to see the files at the bottom of the opening post.,586.0.html
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on April 23, 2017, 06:27:03 AM
I'm still on Tempest_Main_1.4.4b, but i've experienced some ghost 'snare-like' noise on every second 1/4 note, it's very strange. There're no other notes in the event editor, but there is a noise playing, if i initialise the sound and sequence, it's still there. Not on every project, but on one particular project at least. I have nothing assigned in the matrix and no delay used either... it also happens if i have no loaded waveforms or samples in any of the oscillators.

I'm a bit worried about updating to, as i'm in the middle of 2 projects.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on April 24, 2017, 11:46:45 AM
(My thoughts offered to be help communal goal.)

- This thread's aim is to rectify current Main OS Beta.

- If you need to guarantee operability of files - Projects, Beats, Sounds- created in a previous Main OS, I would advise against updating.

- Conversely, when testing the current Main OS Beta, if you come across issues you want to investigate further, limit all files- Projects, Beats, Sounds- to ones created in that current Main Beta, and from initialized states.*

- Updating and OS and reverting back to a previous OS is a fairly simple process, once you've done it. But, be aware of the instruction to not meddle - including power supply - with the unit it lets you know it's done.

*As a way to simplify the scenario and get on same page with DSI Support.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 01, 2017, 03:51:08 AM
Hi Carson,

I have sent 2 further files to you at for further investigation, along with some analytical steps, and rebuilt from ground up under Thanks again.
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: itslifesaidhe on May 01, 2017, 11:32:35 AM
A few of us seem to be having voice allocation issues with voices dissapearing, I've had this problem where if i assign 6 voices and mute them all any remaing pad playing won't make a sound, things like this are happening.

Someone has stated that patches saved in need resaving for the patch but I haven't tried that as a workaround yet. Other people are resorting to reboots.

Thought it worth a mention.

Yeah, I was having a slightly different issue.  After going back and forth emailing tech support a little and documenting the issue, it looked like the problem was sounds I created in were corrupted somehow and causing the voices to stop working.  I fixed it by flashing my Tempest, reloading the factory content, and rebuilding the patches.  A bit extreme, but it worked.

To be more specific, the problem I was having was when I used certain custom sounds I created in in, sometimes the voices on my Tempest would stop making sound.  For instance, Voice 1 would go completely silent while Voices 2-6 would be functioning fine, or in some cases Voice 2 would stop working while Voice 1 and 3-6 worked.  This would happen playing the Tempest one pad at a time while the sequencer wasn't running and with no sounds assigned to a specific voice even... so it wasn't a question of voice stealing/pad muting.  So actually in the cases where Voice 1 stopped playing, assigning a pad to Voice 1 still produced no sound, proving that Voice 1 had stopped working altogether.

I'm having this issue especially with multiple sounds with multiple analog oscillators running at the same time. Some polysynth sequences will drop voices indefinitely until I restart the machine. Very odd. Willing to try your solution Adam, is there a quick way to backup the entire Tempest or does it have to be beat by beat sysex dump?
Title: Re: Tempest Main 1.4.4b and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 01, 2017, 01:33:51 PM
A few of us seem to be having voice allocation issues with voices dissapearing, I've had this problem where if i assign 6 voices and mute them all any remaing pad playing won't make a sound, things like this are happening.

Someone has stated that patches saved in need resaving for the patch but I haven't tried that as a workaround yet. Other people are resorting to reboots.

Thought it worth a mention.

Yeah, I was having a slightly different issue.  After going back and forth emailing tech support a little and documenting the issue, it looked like the problem was sounds I created in were corrupted somehow and causing the voices to stop working.  I fixed it by flashing my Tempest, reloading the factory content, and rebuilding the patches.  A bit extreme, but it worked.

To be more specific, the problem I was having was when I used certain custom sounds I created in in, sometimes the voices on my Tempest would stop making sound.  For instance, Voice 1 would go completely silent while Voices 2-6 would be functioning fine, or in some cases Voice 2 would stop working while Voice 1 and 3-6 worked.  This would happen playing the Tempest one pad at a time while the sequencer wasn't running and with no sounds assigned to a specific voice even... so it wasn't a question of voice stealing/pad muting.  So actually in the cases where Voice 1 stopped playing, assigning a pad to Voice 1 still produced no sound, proving that Voice 1 had stopped working altogether.

I'm having this issue especially with multiple sounds with multiple analog oscillators running at the same time. Some polysynth sequences will drop voices indefinitely until I restart the machine. Very odd. Willing to try your solution Adam, is there a quick way to backup the entire Tempest or does it have to be beat by beat sysex dump?

What I did was just backup the specific sounds I had created (I hadn't saved any beats or projects at the time). If you go to the Save/Load screen and do option 8. Export File Over MIDI, you can then select if you want to back up everything, or just specific projects/folders/sounds.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sontag on May 02, 2017, 04:49:19 AM
i think i don't fully understand. i am currently using 10 songs/projects on the tempest that were created on earlier betas. does this mean i have to recreate every sound to get rid of these dropouts? please someone tell me there's another fix for this.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 02, 2017, 05:19:07 PM
installed last night, each time i hit a pad it triggered flams and on some pad hits the note cut short. it felt horrible, so i'm back on 1.4.4
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BTS.WRKNG on May 03, 2017, 06:38:42 AM
installed last night, each time i hit a pad it triggered flams and on some pad hits the note cut short. it felt horrible, so i'm back on 1.4.4

Is this common? Haven't installed yet and definitely don't want this experience.

Roll on It never ends!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 03, 2017, 07:09:09 AM
i never experienced this before, but since i rolled back to 1.4.4 I've had the occasional flammy glitch, but nothing as severe as it felt very unstable under my fingers.
I also had a few issues with projects after rolling back, had to re-load all projects, beats and sounds, just to get T feeling normal again.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Robot Heart on May 03, 2017, 10:27:50 AM
It is 100% in your best interest to be using the latest beta. If you encounter any abnormal operation that wasn't present on a previous OS, please describe it in detail and provide steps to reproduce it. And ASAP.

We are getting very close to wrapping this up, so now is the time to make sure the OS is stable for you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 03, 2017, 04:23:55 PM
it's some percent in my best interest.
but it's also in my interest to have a stable instrument to use in the short term. I'm a musician/producer, not a full-time beta tester. I installed the OS, EVERY time i touched a pad it either flammed or the note cut short. I can't use my Tempest like that, let alone put aside my projects to be providing bug reports. If the OS was as stable as 1.4.4b, then i wouldn't hesitate to migrate to it. I tried, but as i say, just touching the pads on indicated to me that it was a no go. No steps to reproduce, just touch a pad.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on May 03, 2017, 05:19:25 PM
I assume you're running the latest Main and Voice 1.5 right?Was the installation successful?
Have you calibrated OSCs with all cables unplugged?Have you calibrated pads?Have you reseted system parameters?
it's some percent in my best interest.
but it's also in my interest to have a stable instrument to use in the short term. I'm a musician/producer, not a full-time beta tester. I installed the OS, EVERY time i touched a pad it either flammed or the note cut short. I can't use my Tempest like that, let alone put aside my projects to be providing bug reports. If the OS was as stable as 1.4.4b, then i wouldn't hesitate to migrate to it. I tried, but as i say, just touching the pads on indicated to me that it was a no go. No steps to reproduce, just touch a pad.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 03, 2017, 09:46:25 PM
ooooh, my bad, i didn't realise pads could be calibrated :P
I'll give it another crack tonight.

I must say also, my last post was made with no anger whatsoever, i realise my post may have come across a bit aggressive. No douchebaggery intended. RTFM Simon.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 04, 2017, 06:10:14 AM
Did you observe the issue with a project (sounds & beats) that was created in that beta?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 04, 2017, 08:21:19 AM
I assume you're running the latest Main and Voice 1.5 right?Was the installation successful?
Have you calibrated OSCs with all cables unplugged?Have you calibrated pads?Have you reseted system parameters?
it's some percent in my best interest.
but it's also in my interest to have a stable instrument to use in the short term. I'm a musician/producer, not a full-time beta tester. I installed the OS, EVERY time i touched a pad it either flammed or the note cut short. I can't use my Tempest like that, let alone put aside my projects to be providing bug reports. If the OS was as stable as 1.4.4b, then i wouldn't hesitate to migrate to it. I tried, but as i say, just touching the pads on indicated to me that it was a no go. No steps to reproduce, just touch a pad.
done and donnner is a go baby... all calibrated and running smoothly, pads not flipping out... loading a beat created with 1.4.4b works fine... loading a project created with 1.4.4b seems to loose a few sounds for some reason... a "DigiGuira" where it shouldn't be :P
report back tomorrow, cheers
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 04, 2017, 08:34:36 AM
Just updated to and immediately I'm having the issue where one of my voices has dropped out and stopped working.  When this previously happened to me, I suspected it was custom sounds I had created in an earlier beta causing the problem, so I wiped all my custom projects and sounds and rebuilt them and it fixed my problem. The longer I use the Tempest obviously the more tedious that process becomes though... so some kind of fix from DSI would be preferable.

I calibrated the oscillators and reset the system parameters, all the usual stuff after updating.  After a few minutes of playing one of my voices stops working, which I verify by assigning a single sound to the different voices and playing it by itself (no sequencer running) and discovering that a voice is now completely silent (in the case that just occurred, it was Voice 3).  The problem goes away after I restart the unit, but then comes back eventually.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 04, 2017, 08:45:10 AM
Yeap... That really needs to be fixed...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 04, 2017, 09:18:20 PM
running Voice 3 just dropped out.
Restarted and haven't had a dropout for the last hour or so...

I have pads 1-6 locked to voices 1-6, if that has any effect on anything?
I think I was re-assigning voices in an imported project when the voice dropped out.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 04, 2017, 10:01:04 PM
Do you experience this problem when only using factory-provided files or files created in the current beta?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 05, 2017, 06:08:28 AM
they'd be files created with v1.4 and v1.4.4b.
I doubt i even use any factory sounds.
Haven't had any voice drop-outs yet tonight.
I'll keep testing...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 05, 2017, 10:44:04 AM

Beta folks! Suggestions ....

1. If you encounter an issue, use files created in that Beta, and/or Factory files.
2. The fine print accompanying a Beta is that files saved in it may not work in a later OS.

More about lost voices and this topic here.,1354.0.html (,1354.0.html)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 05, 2017, 12:55:52 PM
I'm on and using only Factory Projects/sounds and I'm finding some odd behavior with synced LFOs set to Beat mode.

What's happening is I initialize a pad, then create a simple short Sawtooth pluck sound using OSC 1.  Then I assign LFO1 to a Square shape and used it to modulate OSC 1's Pitch up, and I put the LFO in Sync mode at the 1/2 Note rate with Beat restart.  I then use 16 Time Steps to enter a steady stream of 16th notes for all of my two measure loop, so I should be getting a very predictable alternating pitch pattern.

What happens is I hit play and the LFO behaves kind of erratically and doesn't play at the steady 1/2 Note rate you would expect.  It sounds kind of like the LFO is being retrigerred mid-sequence at different points. Everytime I stop and start my sequencer it behaves differently too.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 05, 2017, 01:04:22 PM
When using LFO sync and restart modes, the sound in question MUST be assigned to a voice to operate correctly.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 05, 2017, 01:14:57 PM
When using LFO sync and restart modes, the sound in question MUST be assigned to a voice to operate correctly.

Ah, my mistake! Yup that's working just fine, thank you :D

I'm new enough to the Tempest where I assume this isn't a bug, but I figure I'd ask to be safe... the Digital Oscillators when you modulate their pitch with an Envelope don't go nearly as high in frequency as the Analog Oscillators correct?  I'm guessing that's just a limitation of the Digital Oscs and how they've always been.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 05, 2017, 01:38:14 PM
Do you experience this problem when only using factory-provided files or files created in the current beta?

Reposting this here for visibility.

Unfortunately after some more testing the voice dropping problem DID happen to me using only Factory sounds in (specifically the Burnt Neon & Funk Kit project).

Basically, I just erased a beat and created my own pattern.  I made a fairly busy sequence, one that would surely use all 6 voices at once in certain parts of the beat, but not steal voices.  I let the beat just run on loop in the background, and eventually after a few minutes it started acting strange and dropping voices.  When I stopped the sequence, I then tried assigning a sound to a specific voice and sure enough Voice 1 had gone completely silent on me.

I need to try it a few more times to see if I can reproduce it again, but this is the first time I've had the issue occur to me using just a Factory Project without any user sounds loaded.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 05, 2017, 02:39:30 PM
In trying to reproduce the voice-loss bug, I actually produced a new bizarre bug that's never happened to me before where the volume of my Tempest dramatically decreased to a barely audible level and turning the master Volume knob didn't make any changes (or if they did they were subtle).  A restart did fix the problem.  Here's exactly what I did when the issue occurred, sorry if it's a bit long-winded:

1. Booted up my Tempest, it defaulted to the BurntNeon and Funk Kit project.

2. I erased all the notes in Beat 1, changed my quantization to 16th, and set Swing to 50%.

3. I went to pad B1 (the Juno Subsquare) and used the 16 Time Step view to place an Event on every 8th note.

4. Still on pad B1 I opened the LPF completely, then went to LFO1 which I set to Square, with an amount of 98, assigned to Osc 1 Frequency.  I then Set LFO 1 to Sync at a 1/2 Note rate with Beat Restart.  Finally I assigned the sound to Voice 1.  I now had a short stabby bass sound alternating in pitch.

5. Holding down the Copy button with all the options set to 'On', I copied B1 to B2.  I then Pitched all of B2's oscillators up together by holding the Oscillator Select button and shifting it up to an E, then changed its Voice to 2.  I repeated this process on pads B3-B6, increasing the pitch each time until I had made a big C chord with root pitches C, E, G, C, E, G and changing the Voice so pads B1-B6 were assigned to Voices 1-6 respectively.

6.  I now had a constant pattern that made use of all 6 voices simultaneously.  I let the sequencer run playing this for a few minutes, starting and stopping it a few times.  I then tried removing the voice assignments from Pads B1-B6 and letting it play, and then reassigning them to Voices 1-6.  With the sequencer stopped and B1-B6 assigned to voices 1-6, I would play each pad to ensure that the Voices were still working.  At some point during this, the audio from Tempest drastically dropped to a barely audible level.  I could run the sequencer and still hear the notes playing, but they were incredibly quiet.  I turned the master Volume knob up completely (I had it originally set to probably 9 o'clock) and couldn't hear a difference.  I checked the Mixer section, and all the levels were set to their maximum.

This was with me just plugged in with Headphones to the Phones jack with no other cables connected. I tried unplugging/replugging my headphones multiple times with no changes... and after a Restart the Tempest's volume returned to its normal levels. Very strange.  If any more detail is required that might help please let me know.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 05, 2017, 03:12:35 PM
Thanks for the detailed information regarding your testing. The next thing to try would be to reload the voice OS, format the flash drives, re-upload the factory project files, and create a new initialize sound and beat settings.

To format the flash drive, hold both SHIFT buttons and press the SYSTEM button to enter the debug menu. Navigate to the FORMAT FLASH DRIVE menu item and select it. Follow the on screen instructions to format the drive.

Next, please reload the 1.5 voice OS file to the Tempest. You will find detailed instructions for updating your OS via Mac or PC on our website:

Once the voice OS has been reloaded, please reload the factory sound bank files to the synth.

Next, restart the Tempest and initialize the currently loaded beat. Be sure to set the time signature and bar number to your preferred settings. Select a sound and set it to your preferred initialized settings. Copy the sound to every sound location in the currently loaded beat.

Enter the debug menu and select the SAVE NEW INIT SOUND TEMPLATE menu item. Follow the on screen instructions to set the template.

Enter the debug menu again and select the SAVE NEW INIT BEAT TEMPLATE menu item. Follow the on screen instructions to set the template.

Once the above steps have been performed, please reset your SYSTEM parameters and then check whether you continue to encounter the described issues.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 05, 2017, 07:55:14 PM
I understand the need to do this and will do so for sure. Just wondering if I will never be able to use some of the dowloaded sounds I had gotten like Yorgos' 808 kit since they were made with a beta version.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 05, 2017, 09:12:37 PM
I understand the need to do this and will do so for sure. Just wondering if I will never be able to use some of the dowloaded sounds I had gotten like Yorgos' 808 kit since they were made with a beta version.
yes me too.
I've just bought 6 commercial patch banks for T.
but it would be absurd if DSI turned around and said "ok here's the final OS, you can't use and sounds beats or projects created before this OS"... surely

Anyways, getting dropouts very frequently now. Not sure how much of this I can handle.
so far often voice 3, and sometimes 4
i don't use factory sounds beats or projects, i don't think i can help with the beta if the official stance is "don't use files created with older OS' "... can anyone suggest a stable OS version between 1.4.4 and with no voice dropout problem?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 06, 2017, 01:59:46 AM
I understand the need to do this and will do so for sure. Just wondering if I will never be able to use some of the dowloaded sounds I had gotten like Yorgos' 808 kit since they were made with a beta version.
yes me too.
I'm pretty sure this is addressable, simply. But, for reasons of deference, I'll let others talk to this.

I've just bought 6 commercial patch banks for T.
but it would be absurd if DSI turned around and said "ok here's the final OS, you can't use and sounds beats or projects created before this OS"... surely
They did not say this.

Anyways, getting dropouts very frequently now. Not sure how much of this I can handle.
so far often voice 3, and sometimes 4

Does this happen with sounds created in, from Initialized Sound?

i don't use factory sounds beats or projects,

You don't need to.

i don't think i can help with the beta if the official stance is "don't use files created with older OS' " 
Has an official stance been communicated? I provided a trouble-shooting suggestion. Beta assessment is not for everybody. I am honored to be able to participate in it, as I can.

I remain indebted to all those users that worked so hard, and made so many gains. Especially, John The Savage & Yorgos.

... can anyone suggest a stable OS version between 1.4.4 and with no voice dropout problem?
Recreate the sounds important to you in last OS.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on May 06, 2017, 04:20:24 AM
So far no problems here with the latest beta...I've even played at a gig last Friday..I was using OS at that time..If i find something on i'll let you know
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 06, 2017, 05:28:24 AM
I understand the need to do this and will do so for sure. Just wondering if I will never be able to use some of the dowloaded sounds I had gotten like Yorgos' 808 kit since they were made with a beta version.
yes me too.
I'm pretty sure this is addressable, simply. But, for reasons of deference, I'll let others talk to this.

I've just bought 6 commercial patch banks for T.
but it would be absurd if DSI turned around and said "ok here's the final OS, you can't use and sounds beats or projects created before this OS"... surely
They did not say this.

Anyways, getting dropouts very frequently now. Not sure how much of this I can handle.
so far often voice 3, and sometimes 4

Does this happen with sounds created in, from Initialized Sound?

i don't use factory sounds beats or projects,

You don't need to.

i don't think i can help with the beta if the official stance is "don't use files created with older OS' " 
Has an official stance been communicated? I provided a trouble-shooting suggestion. Beta assessment is not for everybody. I am honored to be able to participate in it, as I can.

I remain indebted to all those users that worked so hard, and made so many gains. Especially, John The Savage & Yorgos.

... can anyone suggest a stable OS version between 1.4.4 and with no voice dropout problem?
Recreate the sounds important to you in last OS.
ok it's obvious i'm gonna meet a defensive stance from some people any time i comment.
so beta testing for me is off the cards.
I use this machine (in what free time i have) to make music, and while I also deeply respect the hard work of said people, I received this machine on OSv1.4 and at the time HAD free time to carve some sounds... now I am trying my best to get a new live set happening with any time i get, and I simply don't have the time to be creating sounds, let alone re-creating sounds, nor needing to constantly restart and pray for the next stable update so I can open my projects again... I was simply reporting my real-world experience with the Tempest beta OS
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on May 06, 2017, 05:50:38 AM
Thanks for the detailed information regarding your testing. The next thing to try would be to reload the voice OS, format the flash drives, re-upload the factory project files, and create a new initialize sound and beat settings.

To format the flash drive, hold both SHIFT buttons and press the SYSTEM button to enter the debug menu. Navigate to the FORMAT FLASH DRIVE menu item and select it. Follow the on screen instructions to format the drive.

Next, please reload the 1.5 voice OS file to the Tempest. You will find detailed instructions for updating your OS via Mac or PC on our website:

Once the voice OS has been reloaded, please reload the factory sound bank files to the synth.

Next, restart the Tempest and initialize the currently loaded beat. Be sure to set the time signature and bar number to your preferred settings. Select a sound and set it to your preferred initialized settings. Copy the sound to every sound location in the currently loaded beat.

Enter the debug menu and select the SAVE NEW INIT SOUND TEMPLATE menu item. Follow the on screen instructions to set the template.

Enter the debug menu again and select the SAVE NEW INIT BEAT TEMPLATE menu item. Follow the on screen instructions to set the template.

Once the above steps have been performed, please reset your SYSTEM parameters and then check whether you continue to encounter the described issues.

Sorry to hear that Simon music making supposed to be fun...Have you tried Carson's solution ^

ok it's obvious i'm gonna meet a defensive stance from some people any time i comment.
so beta testing for me is off the cards.
I use this machine (in what free time i have) to make music, and while I also deeply respect the hard work of said people, I received this machine on OSv1.4 and at the time HAD free time to carve some sounds... now I am trying my best to get a new live set happening with any time i get, and I simply don't have the time to be creating sounds, let alone re-creating sounds, nor needing to constantly restart and pray for the next stable update so I can open my projects again... I was simply reporting my real-world experience with the Tempest beta OS
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dslsynth on May 06, 2017, 09:19:01 AM
format the flash drives

Minor detail: would it make sense to recommend the user to backup the existing projects and sounds in Tempest before formatting its flash drive?

. o O ( back seat driver )
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 06, 2017, 09:23:08 AM
Thanks for the detailed information regarding your testing. The next thing to try would be to reload the voice OS, format the flash drives, re-upload the factory project files, and create a new initialize sound and beat settings.

To format the flash drive, hold both SHIFT buttons and press the SYSTEM button to enter the debug menu. Navigate to the FORMAT FLASH DRIVE menu item and select it. Follow the on screen instructions to format the drive.

Next, please reload the 1.5 voice OS file to the Tempest. You will find detailed instructions for updating your OS via Mac or PC on our website:

Once the voice OS has been reloaded, please reload the factory sound bank files to the synth.

Next, restart the Tempest and initialize the currently loaded beat. Be sure to set the time signature and bar number to your preferred settings. Select a sound and set it to your preferred initialized settings. Copy the sound to every sound location in the currently loaded beat.

Enter the debug menu and select the SAVE NEW INIT SOUND TEMPLATE menu item. Follow the on screen instructions to set the template.

Enter the debug menu again and select the SAVE NEW INIT BEAT TEMPLATE menu item. Follow the on screen instructions to set the template.

Once the above steps have been performed, please reset your SYSTEM parameters and then check whether you continue to encounter the described issues.

Thanks Carson.  Did this and repeated the steps I mentioned earlier and so far I haven't had any voice drop outs or the volume issue.  I'll repeat it a few times to make sure.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LEEder on May 06, 2017, 09:30:12 AM
BUG report

OSC Frequency range not completely controllable with Modulation path or FX sliders

When controlling a OSC frequency with Modulation path or FX sliders the complete range of the OSC frequentie can't be controlled.

The goal is to change the OSC frequency from one tone in the 12 tone scale to a other tone in the 12 tone scale.

Modulation source: one of the MIDI sources.
Modulation destination: Osc 1 frequency.
Modulation amount: 64 (value 127 did not produce a correct interval)
When from my DAW setting a value of 4 the OSC frequency jumped to the next tone.
(available MIDI range is only: 0-127 so smal amount on notes can be reached)

It is possible to go to the hole range in increments of 1 from the DAW. Increment 1 the OSC goos up one tone.

I would like to control cents accurate aswel.

I proposed to implement it like this:
modulation amount=0, send from DAW value 1 results in a jump 1 tone up.
modulation amount=1, send from DAW value 1 results in a jump only 1 cent up.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 06, 2017, 10:20:38 AM
Adam X - good point but hopefull everyone knows what a drive format does;)

I spent about 3 hours saving each individual/folder sound, beat, project. Gonna test T today;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 06, 2017, 11:24:24 AM
BUG report

OSC Frequency range not completely controllable with Modulation path or FX sliders

When controlling a OSC frequency with Modulation path or FX sliders the complete range of the OSC frequentie can't be controlled.

The goal is to change the OSC frequency from one tone in the 12 tone scale to a other tone in the 12 tone scale.

Modulation source: one of the MIDI sources.
Modulation destination: Osc 1 frequency.
Modulation amount: 64 (value 127 did not produce a correct interval)
When from my DAW setting a value of 4 the OSC frequency jumped to the next tone.
(available MIDI range is only: 0-127 so smal amount on notes can be reached)

It is possible to go to the hole range in increments of 1 from the DAW. Increment 1 the OSC goos up one tone.

I would like to control cents accurate aswel.

I proposed to implement it like this:
modulation amount=0, send from DAW value 1 results in a jump 1 tone up.
modulation amount=1, send from DAW value 1 results in a jump only 1 cent up.

I thought Rogewr already addresseed and fixed this, what patch are you on the latest?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 06, 2017, 11:46:33 AM
...  Here's exactly what I did when the issue occurred, ...
I appreciate this. I am glad to know Carson's suggestion is working for you thus far. Keep the forum posted.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 06, 2017, 11:48:13 AM
format the flash drives
... backup the existing projects and sounds in Tempest before formatting its flash drive ...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 06, 2017, 11:49:11 AM
Hi all,

Please post any bugs you might encounter on the Main and Voice 1.5 OS files in this thread. 

We would appreciate if you would give a general description of the bug as well as detailed steps to reproduce.  This will make it easier to keep track of and resolve any potential issues prior to the OS' official release.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 06, 2017, 12:38:51 PM
I think it's musically wise to not want to get bogged down in beta assessing.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 07, 2017, 03:06:25 AM
Hi Carson,

I have been doing some more testing over the weekend on, and I think I may of made some very interesting findings. I have sent you the results on email. Thanks again for your help.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: blewis on May 07, 2017, 03:29:49 PM
Is this expected behavior? 

OS Voice 1.5 Freshly calibrated.

I still think I get lost sometimes after shifting the Compressor into the envelope menu. So once you get into the Compressor Envelope, there's no path to see the Mixer.  There's a glitch, but no Mixer.The only way I can see the Mixer view straight from the Compressor Envelope is to hit Pads+Sounds, then hit Solo.

Reproduction Instructions:
1) Load Factory project: WeirdWorld
2) Select Beats, Select Pads, Select Sound Bank A
4) Play Beat 1
5) Hit Shift-Compressor Knob
6) Hit down arrow to get into ENV Trigger page (not needed, but this is what I did first)
7) Now Press _both_ Pads and Sounds to see the Mixer for this beat
8) I see a quick graphics glitch. I'm still seeing the Compressor Envelope page. I want to see the mixer.
9) Now hit Pads, it shows pads.
10) Now hit Sounds, it shows Compressor Envelope (should be showing something else right?  Beat Wide?)
11) Now hit Pads+Sounds to see the Mixer. No Mixer. You see the Compressor Envelope.
12) Hit up arrow several times.  Somehow I wind up in the Mixer Delay.
13) Hit pads, see pads
14) Hit Pads+Sounds. Delay Mixer.
15) Hit Solo.  NOW I'm seeing the mixer.
16) Hit Sounds to see Beat Wide FX.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: blewis on May 07, 2017, 03:30:43 PM
I hate how list item 8 ) is 8)  - makes me look like a wanker. :-)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 07, 2017, 04:33:18 PM
I hate how list item 8 ) is 8)  - makes me look like a wanker. :-)

Hey if your bothering to download a crazy ass patch called and then leave 16 steps to recreate a bug u dont knows a bug, well, your ok in my book haha.

I'm on same newest patch nothing to report from my end, im using my T as a sound machine right now though simple tracking and dubbing simple sounds with most muted as i go (only one mono compressor) so I'm having an easy time right now. I kind of hope i don't find anything glaring on the one hand but then DO want to find a problem before this OS is signed off.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 07, 2017, 05:39:44 PM
... I kind of hope i don't find anything glaring on the one hand but then DO want to find a problem before this OS is signed off.
Grunes, what are you finding?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 07, 2017, 11:09:54 PM
Hi dsetto,

Just out of curiosity, give these 2 items a go and tell me what happens with your Tempest.

 1. Power cycle your Tempest.
 2. Load any Factory Project.
 3. Initialize a new Project.
 4. Select any Beat.
 5. Change it’s Time Signature.
 6. Choose 4/4 2 bar (although any time signature will do).
 7. Go into the Beat Events screen.
 8. Select any sound and insert a single step at the beginning of the very first bar.
 9. Go to Play List and select the Beat you just edited as the first and only Step in the Play List and make it play for 2 bars.
10. Select ‘End: Stop Playback’ as playback mode.
11. Press Play.

Let me know what happens.

Next try this:
 1. Power cycle your Tempest.
 2. Load any Factory Project.
 3. Go into Play Lists.
 4. While still in Play Lists go to ‘Initialize Project’ and press Initialize.

Again let me know what happens.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LEEder on May 08, 2017, 11:20:53 AM
BUG report

OSC Frequency range not completely controllable with Modulation path or FX sliders

When controlling a OSC frequency with Modulation path or FX sliders the complete range of the OSC frequentie can't be controlled.

The goal is to change the OSC frequency from one tone in the 12 tone scale to a other tone in the 12 tone scale.

Modulation source: one of the MIDI sources.
Modulation destination: Osc 1 frequency.
Modulation amount: 64 (value 127 did not produce a correct interval)
When from my DAW setting a value of 4 the OSC frequency jumped to the next tone.
(available MIDI range is only: 0-127 so smal amount on notes can be reached)

It is possible to go to the hole range in increments of 1 from the DAW. Increment 1 the OSC goos up one tone.

I would like to control cents accurate aswel.

I proposed to implement it like this:
modulation amount=0, send from DAW value 1 results in a jump 1 tone up.
modulation amount=1, send from DAW value 1 results in a jump only 1 cent up.

I thought Rogewr already addresseed and fixed this, what patch are you on the latest?

Yes on:
Voice: 1.5
Panel: 1.3
Sam: 1.1
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 08, 2017, 11:23:06 AM
One thing i will say and that is if you are updating your OS, and your slider is not set to +- but just to + the LEDS never reach the top but settle one above midway, i'm sure its fine to eventually restart but it is a little disconcerting the first time they don't reach the top and you wait a decent amount of time, I pretty much use my sliders in a + manner most of the time not sure how easy this is to fix but its something to note
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on May 08, 2017, 12:58:39 PM
You need to calibrate the pads...And everytime you reset system parameters you have to re-calibrate them.So after an update first calibrate Analog OSC's+Filters and reset parameters and then calibrate pads and sliders ;)
One thing i will say and that is if you are updating your OS, and your slider is not set to +- but just to + the LEDS never reach the top but settle one above midway, i'm sure its fine to eventually restart but it is a little disconcerting the first time they don't reach the top and you wait a decent amount of time, I pretty much use my sliders in a + manner most of the time not sure how easy this is to fix but its something to note
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 08, 2017, 01:01:03 PM
You need to calibrate the pads...And everytime you reset system parameters you have to re-calibrate them.So after an update first calibrate Analog OSC's+Filters and reset parameters and then calibrate pads and sliders ;)
One thing i will say and that is if you are updating your OS, and your slider is not set to +- but just to + the LEDS never reach the top but settle one above midway, i'm sure its fine to eventually restart but it is a little disconcerting the first time they don't reach the top and you wait a decent amount of time, I pretty much use my sliders in a + manner most of the time not sure how easy this is to fix but its something to note

Ah ok, i always run the calibration for the voices, i'll do the pads from now on too, thanks!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on May 08, 2017, 01:30:03 PM
Ooops sorry i meant ribbons :) Ribbons reseting after parameter reset and you have to calibrate both...
You need to calibrate the pads...And everytime you reset system parameters you have to re-calibrate them.So after an update first calibrate Analog OSC's+Filters and reset parameters and then calibrate pads and sliders ;)
One thing i will say and that is if you are updating your OS, and your slider is not set to +- but just to + the LEDS never reach the top but settle one above midway, i'm sure its fine to eventually restart but it is a little disconcerting the first time they don't reach the top and you wait a decent amount of time, I pretty much use my sliders in a + manner most of the time not sure how easy this is to fix but its something to note

Ah ok, i always run the calibration for the voices, i'll do the pads from now on too, thanks!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 08, 2017, 01:41:01 PM
Ooops sorry i meant ribbons :) Ribbons reseting after parameter reset and you have to calibrate both...
You need to calibrate the pads...And everytime you reset system parameters you have to re-calibrate them.So after an update first calibrate Analog OSC's+Filters and reset parameters and then calibrate pads and sliders ;)
One thing i will say and that is if you are updating your OS, and your slider is not set to +- but just to + the LEDS never reach the top but settle one above midway, i'm sure its fine to eventually restart but it is a little disconcerting the first time they don't reach the top and you wait a decent amount of time, I pretty much use my sliders in a + manner most of the time not sure how easy this is to fix but its something to note

Ah ok, i always run the calibration for the voices, i'll do the pads from now on too, thanks!

haha yeah i meant ribbons too, the sliders, lol its cool i caught it, i did both anyway for good measure!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 08, 2017, 02:39:44 PM
Grunes. Hello. Thanks for the riddle. Followed the instructions. I chose 4/4, 2 bars. Unexpectedly so, the sound played a 2nd time when Tempest stopped playback at Location 2.4.73. (That location is at the beginning of the fourth 16th note of the fourth quarter note of bar 2.)

When I performed the 2nd test, two times, Tempest froze, both times.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 08, 2017, 03:46:39 PM
Hi dsetto,
Thank you for clarifying, I have been having positive emails exchanges with Carson concerning a skipping bug within Play Lists which we have been unable to narrow down. I think we have exhausted all possibilities now, as he has informed me that he doesn’t think this behaviour is related to the skips. Thank you for testing and confirming.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 08, 2017, 03:55:44 PM
Are you able to intentionally repeat the unintended skipping?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 08, 2017, 09:06:18 PM
Voice Loss 1 & 6

I had formatted the drive. Did not upload presets. Created a fully initialized sound/beat copied all inits to other pads. Saved as an initialized project in the Factory Dir.

Pad A1 - no analog OSC. Only used a OSC 3 - CHH / OSC 4 - OHH. Assigned to Voice 1 (self choking).

No other pads used for sounds.

Created a step sequence of 16th notes. Set OSC 3 to Vol 90 / OSC 4 to Vol 0.

Used LFO Square to alternate Vol of both OSC 3&4. LFO Sync to play.

While adjust rate and poof...lost voice. Can still see pad triggering (flashing pad)...change voice allocation and noticed that sound came back on Voices 2-5. Voice 6 didn't sound.

I turned off the Teppest ad turned it back on. Reinitialized sound and am trying it again. So far so good but there is obviously a problem.

Before Inreformated te drive I had calibrated the voices/reset parameters/calibrated pads. Will doo this again and report. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 09, 2017, 03:49:22 AM
Are you able to intentionally repeat the unintended skipping?

Hi dsetto,

Yes, I am able to intentionally repeat the skipping, but it is a very long winded process to go through. Carson did confirm this bug under and thus released However, I saw no change or fix with

If anyone has the time and patience to to test this out it, and supply feedback on this forum it would be greatly appreciated.

System OS: Main OS, Voice OS 1.5, Panel OS 1.3 and SAM OS 1.1

Power Cycle your Tempest
Load a Factory Project
Initialise Project
Ensure System: Clock set as MIDI Clock Mode: Master
Set System: BPM source as Beat
Set System: Swing source as BEAT
Go into Beat Mode & Pads
Enter Swing and BPM data on these pads:
A1 56.3% – 170 bpm
A2 60.4% – 170 bpm
A3 64.6% – 170 bpm
A4 62.5% – 170 bpm
A5 60.4% – 170 bpm
A6 58.3% – 170 bpm
A7 56.3% – 170 bpm
A8 60.4% – 170 bpm
A9 – default
A10 – default
A11 56.3% – 166 bpm
A12 58.3% – 164 bpm
A13 60.4% – 162 bpm
A14 62.5% – 161 bpm
A15 64.6% – 160 bpm
A16 50.0% – 160 bpm

Enter time signatures on these Beats by holding Erase & Copy and selecting ’10. Change Time Signature’ from menu and enter the following data
A1 4/4 – 2 bars
A2 4/4 – 8 bars
A3 4/4 – 4 bars
A4 4/4 – 8 bars
A5 4/4 – 6 bars
A6 4/4 – 4 bars
A7 4/4 – 2 bars
A8 4/4 – 2 bars
A9 – default
A10 – default
A11 4/4 – 4 bars
A12 4/4 – 8 bars
A13 4/4 – 6 bars
A14 4/4 – 4 bars
A15 4/4 – 4 bars
A16 4/4 – 1 bars

Enter Play List by holding Play List & Events
Select play mode as End: Stop Playback using the soft knob 4
Enter the following data:
1 / 1 Basic Beat – 2 bars (bar 1)
2 / 2 Basic Beat – 8 bars (bar 3)
3 / 3 Basic Beat – 4 bars (bar 11)
4 / 4 Basic Beat – 8 bars (bar 15)
5 / 5 Basic Beat – 6 bars (bar 23)
6 / 6 Basic Beat – 4 bars (bar 29)
7 / 7 Basic Beat – 2 bars (bar 33)
8 / 8 Basic Beat – 6 bars (35)
9 / 3 Basic Beat – 4 bars (41)
10 / 4 Basic Beat – 8 bars (45)
11 / 5 Basic Beat – 6 bars (53)
12 / 6 Basic Beat – 4 bars (59)
13 / 7 Basic Beat – 2 bars (63)
14 / 8 Basic Beat – 2 bars (65)
15 / 3 Basic Beat – 4 bars (67)
16 / 4 Basic Beat – 8 bars (71)
17 / 5 Basic Beat – 6 bars (79)
18 / 6 Basic Beat – 4 bars (85)
19 / 7 Basic Beat – 2 bars (89)
20 / 8 Basic Beat – 6 bars (91)
21 / 3 Basic Beat – 4 bars (97)
22 / 4 Basic Beat – 8 bars (101)
23 / 5 Basic Beat – 6 bars (109)
24 / 6 Basic Beat – 4 bars (115)
25 / 7 Basic Beat – 2 bars (119)
26 / 8 Basic Beat – 2 bars (121)
27 / 11 Basic Beat – 4 bars (123)
28 / 12 Basic Beat – 8 bars (127)
29 / 13 Basic Beat – 6 bars (135)
30 / 14 Basic Beat – 4 bars (141)
31 / 15 Basic Beat – 4 bars (145)
32 / 16 Basic Beat – 1 bar (149) ensure Stop Playback enabled

You might want to save a Project file at this point, if you don’t want to input data again at a later point.

About once every 4 plays of the Play List you will get a skip, you will have to concentrate and watch the time stamp which is very tedious.

I again did this test before posting here and I encountered these results:
Play 1: OK
Play 2: Skipped from Bar 108-113
Power Cycled
Loaded Test Project
Play 1: OK
Play 2: Skipped from Bar 40-43
Power Cycled
Loaded Test Project
Play 1: OK
Play 2: Skipped from Bar 22-27

Looking at that data you would say that transitions into or out of a 6 Bar beat was the cause. But on a previous test I have replaced the 6 Bar beats with 2 & 4 Bar substitutes, the ‘skip bug’ then moved into 8 Bar beats and usually happened on the third time of playing.

If you do try this out and encounter the same issues, thank you very much for having the patience and time to do this.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 09, 2017, 05:59:54 AM
Voice Loss 1 & 6

I had formatted the drive. Did not upload presets. Created a fully initialized sound/beat copied all inits to other pads. Saved as an initialized project in the Factory Dir.

Pad A1 - no analog OSC. Only used a OSC 3 - CHH / OSC 4 - OHH. Assigned to Voice 1 (self choking).

No other pads used for sounds.

Created a step sequence of 16th notes. Set OSC 3 to Vol 90 / OSC 4 to Vol 0.

Used LFO Square to alternate Vol of both OSC 3&4. LFO Sync to play.

While adjust rate and poof...lost voice. Can still see pad triggering (flashing pad)...change voice allocation and noticed that sound came back on Voices 2-5. Voice 6 didn't sound.

I turned off the Teppest ad turned it back on. Reinitialized sound and am trying it again. So far so good but there is obviously a problem.

Before Inreformated te drive I had calibrated the voices/reset parameters/calibrated pads. Will doo this again and report.

Tried this just now and I lost a Voice as well. I formatted and reloaded just the Factory Content onto my Tempest earlier this week too.

I repeated the same steps you mentioned and I lost Voice 1 after only two measures of the beat playing.  I didn't even adjust the LFO Rate, just let it play at 1/2 Note sync.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 09, 2017, 10:33:13 AM
I've checked in shop an am unable to replicate this behavior, though I have re saved my init sound/beat files through the debug menu.  This may be the missing bit which is causing the unexpected behavior.

It's good to note that saving the init project to the factory directory does not save the project as the default initalized project.  Once you have made a INIT sound and INIT beat, they must be saved as the default initialized files in the debug menu.

Let me know if there is any change after doing so.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 09, 2017, 10:33:45 AM
Also, it's probably not a bad idea to manually restart the Tempest after formatting the drives.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 09, 2017, 10:38:25 AM
I've checked in shop an am unable to replicate this behavior, though I have re saved my init sound/beat files through the debug menu.  This may be the missing bit which is causing the unexpected behavior.

It's good to note that saving the init project to the factory directory does not save the project as the default initalized project.  Once you have made a INIT sound and INIT beat, they must be saved as the default initialized files in the debug menu.

Let me know if there is any change after doing so.

In my case I did save a new init sound/beat as you detailed earlier in Reply #564.  So I'm not totally sure that's the missing piece, but I'll keep testing later and see if I can get it to happen again.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 09, 2017, 11:15:54 AM
Ah so i installed the new and all my patches have +7 attack and +7 decay on all my sounds not sure its just those that were 0 attack and decay or if its added 7 to every sounds. Oh well not so bad for me but if i was gigging and relying on the T as a part of a show i'd be wounded.

Is there a way to avoid this in the future??
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 09, 2017, 11:17:53 AM
+7 attack on which envelope?  Is this present on all projects?  What version were the sounds in question created on?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 09, 2017, 11:22:37 AM
+7 attack on which envelope?  Is this present on all projects?  What version were the sounds in question created on?

On attack and decay on every envelope*, seems to only be the one project i was working on was created a while back last saved in the

Would you like the project in question?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 09, 2017, 11:35:50 AM
Do the envelopes return to the correct values if you go back to 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 09, 2017, 11:37:16 AM
Do the envelopes return to the correct values if you go back to

I'll try that. Also there seems to be quite few decays dialed in at 27 as well, looking over all the envelopes i dont think i put those values in as many as they are, i'll go see if they return to normal 2 mins.

edit - No they don't return to normal when i go back to

Also still when i upload a new OS to my Tempest the sliders still do not reach the top they always stop just one after the middle i'll attach a photo from my phone to show.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 09, 2017, 11:54:11 AM
Could you have possibly altered the beat wide parameters and then saved the project?  This would explain all envelopes getting set to a singular value if their initial attack/decay were at zero.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 09, 2017, 11:59:44 AM
This is where my T stops when uploading a OS, even after i have done calibration and parameter resets.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 09, 2017, 12:02:04 PM
Could you have possibly altered the beat wide parameters and then saved the project?  This would explain all envelopes getting set to a singular value if their initial attack/decay were at zero.

Oh, yes that could have happened I did not realise it worked in that way, so the beat wide parameters are become permament if you save the project and then the beat wide parameter defaults back to 0???

Ok yes that would explain it as i have moved some envelopes beat wide recently i didn't realise i'd saved it though, ok, yes that would explain it. Thanks man
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 09, 2017, 12:02:36 PM
The sliders not going all the way to the top does not indicate an issue specifically.  Just wait for the slider to increment up and stop moving for 5-10 seconds.

Cool, glad to hear that the envelope behavior was likely related to beatwide parameters not being reset before the project was saved.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 09, 2017, 02:10:56 PM
I did save init beats and sound. I just saved an init project so I didnt have to recreate it. Of course the T was restarted after a reformat;)

It just appears out of nowhere (seamingly random).

I'll reformat.... Reboot T. Calibrate OSC. Rest settings. Reboot. Calibrate pads. Reboot. save new initi beat/sound/project.

Then let you know;) Any thruth to a calibration may be needed to be done three times? I recall a post from Someone here saying it was a myth.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on May 09, 2017, 08:55:00 PM
Any thruth to a calibration may be needed to be done three times? I recall a post from Someone here saying it was a myth.
Ah!That myth from the old dayz 8) Nice memories!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 09, 2017, 10:35:17 PM
Thanks;) Tell me about it! I HAD to ask cause the drop outs are random.

BTW - I followed my steps above and so far so good. Will run for a few hours in a couple of days.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 10, 2017, 02:13:55 AM
Every time i use Ableton 9.7 as the master, and Tempest ( as slave and 'sound module', i.e. sequence from Live... when i stop play - the sound of one or more of my pads changes slightly, or adds a very high pitch or noise along with the existing sound, on the same pad. So if i stop play, the sound changes, I can then trigger the pads manually and the noise is there... I hit play again, the noise is still there... i then go to beats page and hit another beat quickly, then back to the beat i was on, and the sounds go back to normal. Anyone ever experienced something like this?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Klangtüftler on May 10, 2017, 03:32:13 AM
Hello everyone,
while operating my unit in standalone via headphones I get a high noisy tone added to my sequence everytime I switch to 16 mutes mode. The noise goes away after returning to 16 Sounds or 16 beats modes. But it also is slightly audible in 16 time steps mode. I am not shure if this happens since installing but I didn't notice this behavior before. Could this be because I loaded a beat from an earlier beta (

kind regards
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 10, 2017, 09:52:47 AM
Every time i use Ableton 9.7 as the master, and Tempest ( as slave and 'sound module', i.e. sequence from Live... when i stop play - the sound of one or more of my pads changes slightly, or adds a very high pitch or noise along with the existing sound, on the same pad. So if i stop play, the sound changes, I can then trigger the pads manually and the noise is there... I hit play again, the noise is still there... i then go to beats page and hit another beat quickly, then back to the beat i was on, and the sounds go back to normal. Anyone ever experienced something like this?

I've not experienced anything like this as yet but i'm just using my T as a sound box and not a sequencer right now, using Live 9.7.2 PC 64bit tho i'll do some sequencing later see what pops up
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 10, 2017, 10:30:21 AM
Every time i use Ableton 9.7 as the master, and Tempest ( as slave and 'sound module', i.e. sequence from Live... when i stop play - the sound of one or more of my pads changes slightly, or adds a very high pitch or noise along with the existing sound, on the same pad. So if i stop play, the sound changes, I can then trigger the pads manually and the noise is there... I hit play again, the noise is still there... i then go to beats page and hit another beat quickly, then back to the beat i was on, and the sounds go back to normal. Anyone ever experienced something like this?

Check that no unexpected MIDI CC data is being set to the Tempest which would alter the Beat Wide Parameters.  From what you describe, this seems like the likely culprit.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 11, 2017, 04:10:54 AM

Hi All,

After some communication with DSI, they are indicating to me that the following bug is indigenous to my Tempest only. But as you can see I am using nothing but factory standards and settings. So if you get the chance could you please try the following test out and supply your feedback. The test below seems to indicate a problem with swing/time signatures and transitions, and might not be Play List dependent as the Play List is acting as a means to analyse it.

System OS: Main OS, Voice OS 1.5, Panel OS 1.3 and SAM OS 1.1

Power cycle Tempest
Load Factory Project (I am using Bag & Glow)
Initialize Project
Reset System Parameters
Press ’SYSTEM’ again
Check System Swing set as BEAT
In 16 BEATS MODE enter the following SWING data into the pads
A1 – 56.3%
A2 – 60.4%
A3 – 64.6%
Select ‘BEAT PAD ‘A1
Press ‘ERASE’ and ‘COPY’ to enter ‘EDIT’ mode and select ’10. Change Time Signature’ and set the following BEAT/TIME SIGNATURE data.
A1 – 4/4 8 Bars
Select ‘BEAT PAD ‘A2
Press ‘ERASE’ and ‘COPY’ to enter ‘EDIT’ mode and select ’10. Change Time Signature’ and enter the following BEAT/TIME SIGNATURE data.
A2 – 4/4 6 Bars
Select ‘BEAT PAD ‘A3
Press ‘ERASE’ and ‘COPY’ to enter ‘EDIT’ mode and select ’10. Change Time Signature’ and enter the following BEAT/TIME SIGNATURE data.
A3 – 4/4 4 Bars
Press ‘PLAY LIST’ and ‘EVENTS’ to enter Play List Mode
Enter the following Steps
1 | 1/Basic Beat – 8 Bars (Bar 1)
2 | 2/Basic Beat – 6 Bars (Bar 9)
3 | 3/Basic Beat – 4 Bars (Bar 15)
Ensure the ‘END’ (soft knob 4 is set to ‘Loop to Step 1’
PRESS PLAY… (Note: I’ve had it freeze here a couple of time when Play pressed, but this is very rare).
About once every 6 plays of the ‘LOOP’ you will get a skip (I have actually gone quite a while before loops skips).
You will have to concentrate and watch the time stamp. The skip usually happens at Bar 8 and skips to Bar 13 or, Bar 14 and skips to Bar 17.

If and when the skip happens Power Cycle Tempest and repeat above to make it happen again.

Any help is gratefully appreciated.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 11, 2017, 07:16:13 PM
The 'SWING, TIME SIGNATURE and/or BEAT TRANSITION Bug' mentioned in the previous post, has now been clarified and is being investigated further by DSI.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 12, 2017, 09:34:15 PM
BTW - I followed my steps above and so far so good. Will run for a few hours in a couple of days.
Happy to report no voice loss...hopefully was just a minor glitch that a recalibration was needed.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: lowpasscowbell on May 15, 2017, 02:42:53 PM
When I slave the Tempest to ANY other midi clock source, it has a LOT of clock drift. I bought this used, but System info is showing I'm on OS 1.4 and voice 1.5.

When I set it as slave, it will show BPM wit an added .1, i.e. BPM at 120.1 instead of 120. Occasionally it will appear to sync when I set BPM to 117.5 or 119.5, but then it will drift up and down in BPM as it plays.

Was this an earlier bug? I can't seem to find any info on midi clock drift when googling and digging through the forums. Also is there a "search" function for the forums I'm not seeing?

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 15, 2017, 03:23:03 PM
When I slave the Tempest to ANY other midi clock source, it has a LOT of clock drift. I bought this used, but System info is showing I'm on OS 1.4 and voice 1.5.

As this was a function important to me, I checked this out on the current official OS and various beta's this past year. Specific user configuration issues aside, I have found Tempest to not have perceptible drift when it slaves via direct USB connection to Logic under normal loads.

(When pushing the system to extremes, I could hear momentary drift, but quickly locking in again. Those extreme loads include exceptionally high tempos, and excessively busy sequences. I discount those. So, from my observation, the particular sync I've described is solid.)

I believe this is an aspect important to DSI, and will exist in the last OS.

My suggestion would be to update to the current beta OS. It's all but final. Moreso, as you are new to Tempest and do have a body of work behind it; and I assume are not knee-deep in a project and must keep functional that which is needed for that project.

When I set it as slave, it will show BPM wit an added .1, i.e. BPM at 120.1 instead of 120. Occasionally it will appear to sync when I set BPM to 117.5 or 119.5, but then it will drift up and down in BPM as it plays. Was this an earlier bug?

This is not a bug. This is intentional behavior. Sonically, sync is tight. Visually, there's variance between the Tempest tempo readout and the other device's tempo readout. I don't know the exact reason. (There's a possibility it's related to focusing on actual sync, with less emphasis on always matching visual.) It could be disconcerting until you are told it's normal. But, your ears could easily tell you what's what.

I can't seem to find any info on midi clock drift when googling and digging through the forums.

In conjunction with my personal tests, I figure that supports the absence of this as a current issue. As I find this feature essential, I am always curious to read about other's experiences with it.
Also is there a "search" function for the forums I'm not seeing? 
There's one in the top left screen, 3rd word from the left, in between "Help" & "Profile", you'll find "Search".

Of course, there's the ever-useful
[query terms] site:

Where xyz in this case =
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 15, 2017, 03:27:54 PM
The 'SWING, TIME SIGNATURE and/or BEAT TRANSITION Bug' mentioned in the previous post, has now been clarified and is being investigated further by DSI.
Sorry I haven't had a chance to attempt your scenario on my end. Your clear instructions allow community members to attempt it. (I will if/when I can. I haven't had much chance with current Beta yet.) I'm glad to hear DSI is investigating it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 15, 2017, 03:30:09 PM
...  but I'll keep testing later and see if I can get it to happen again.
Have you had Voice Loss issues in current beta ( with files that were created on
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 16, 2017, 12:11:54 AM
Dsetto: I have not been able to lose voices since I reformatted/calibrated again. I beleive that quote you posted above was actually from me....unless Adam wrote the same?? Eitherway, I hope this helps.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 16, 2017, 04:21:32 AM
Every midi device that is slaved shows a BPM that bounces around, the Tempest is not special in showing a less than 100% accurate slaved BPM, also I find my Tempest to slave very well to Abelton Live on PC, its about as good a midi slave as i've ever experienced to be honest, maybe try reducing your latency or something to get better midi sync.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sontag on May 16, 2017, 07:44:08 AM
Dsetto: I have not been able to lose voices since I reformatted/calibrated again. I beleive that quote you posted above was actually from me....unless Adam wrote the same?? Eitherway, I hope this helps.

can you load your old projects back in after reformatting and calibrating?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 16, 2017, 09:14:58 AM
Dsetto: I have not been able to lose voices since I reformatted/calibrated again. I beleive that quote you posted above was actually from me....unless Adam wrote the same?? Eitherway, I hope this helps.

can you load your old projects back in after reformatting and calibrating?
I don't know the answer to this question. But my suggestion would be: when loading in old projects, just keep an ear out for anomalies. If  you encounter an anomaly, try out a project solely consisting of files created in the current OS; i.e, "clean slate". If the anomaly goes away in that assessment case, then, .... time to make some choices. (What to let go? How much to try to salvage?) ... My guess is that it's generally a case-by-case basis. I would guess some old projects will work in a current OS, and some won't.

Right now, we are in a beta assessment phase. "Clean slate" approach is good when discussing the viability of the current, near-end Beta. ... Once we're in Last OS era, we have the capacity to eventually start to discover what elements from old projects cause issues in the Last OS, and what does not. But, that will be over time, based on our collaboration here & with DSI support.

Hey Lucid, yeah, you & Adam were experiencing similar issues.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 16, 2017, 09:28:26 AM
Dsetto: I will load an old song and let you know. I am heading out on a conference and will be back this weekend to advise.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bozo on May 16, 2017, 09:48:37 AM
Rarely mentioned but a fact

And although I jhavent checked with recent os, trying to beat match the t with other gear is ny on impossible.

Its internal clock drifts, floats, fcks about doesnt know if its coming or going.

We often used to jam with no midi, just beat matching 3 or 4 bit of kit (that way you can start stop without calling "hey wait  wait can we stop start AGAIN)
I couldnt keep the T next to just one machine and match it (RY-30, R 70, MP-7)

Not a common practice but it did shed a light on the internal clock being whack!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 16, 2017, 02:05:09 PM

And although I jhavent checked with recent OS...

Myeh, try with a recent os. This info is quite old. Cheers :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Smith_ on May 17, 2017, 02:08:15 AM
He guys, i cant find the download link to the new tempest os, still struggling with 1.4.0 :(
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 17, 2017, 03:19:09 AM
They can be found under the post "Tempest BETA OS - Main and Voice 1.5". You need to be logged in, and then you will be able to see the files at the bottom of the opening post.,586.0.html
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 17, 2017, 12:16:55 PM
Ok i've been programming drums all afternoon, running some hats from Midi from Abelton, i've had no problems and then all of a sudden i lose one of the hats, nothing is choked and a single voice is assigned to my main HH and the voice just drops, hitting the pad doesn't play it even when stopped and it just plays a random once in a while, i reloaded the project from earlier when i know 100% it was playing correctly and the voice is still silent.

I'm going to run the calibration and see if it happens again.

edit - Now my T has frozen during calibration (actually on the voice that was dropping out as well not sure if thats a co-incidence?) Its stuck on


Voice 1
Pan and Volume

I guess im going to have to risk a reboot :(
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on May 17, 2017, 01:08:29 PM
...  but I'll keep testing later and see if I can get it to happen again.
Have you had Voice Loss issues in current beta ( with files that were created on

Haven't had the time to thoroughly test it again unfortunately.  Oddly enough when it happened the first time it was on with files only created on after I formatted everything.  Little bit scary, but if it's not happening to other people constantly hopefully it's not really an issue :P  I'll try to do some testing again tonight.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 17, 2017, 01:26:26 PM
...  but I'll keep testing later and see if I can get it to happen again.
Have you had Voice Loss issues in current beta ( with files that were created on

Haven't had the time to thoroughly test it again unfortunately.  Oddly enough when it happened the first time it was on with files only created on after I formatted everything.  Little bit scary, but if it's not happening to other people constantly hopefully it's not really an issue :P  I'll try to do some testing again tonight.

I'm finding basically that when I have a lot of sounds playing the voice allocation sometimes doesn't return a voice even if its assigned a voice, only in very busy arrangements, its a little hard to determine whats going on sometimes and you just realise a voice isn't actually playing anymore, hitting the pad returns it but if its sequenced sometimes it just doesn't play for some reason.

I'm the worlds worst tester i know i can never like list how i got somewhere because i'm just busying twisting and turning and pressing and messing. The voice allocation defo a little wonky for me at least.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 17, 2017, 03:01:08 PM
ERm, my main volume knob isn't working??? Is there any reason or way that this shouldn't be effecting my volume?

Erm, yeah, well thats happening to my T right now. I am running some hats still and kick from abelton but there is no automation of any volume happening?

Even so when i'm muting that midi track out the volume still has zero effect. What am i missing here?

A reboot sorted my Volume out but, yeah not sure about that one!?

edit - Ok, so i'm also experiencing some really weird things when i'm changing beat using the Quantization (END) this doesn't happen when i use BAR,or any of the other quantizations, like there is a little delay or jump and the midi notes its recieving when i change beats kind of jump a little, it doesn't happen when i dont change beats and I even went and lined up the midi notes so they were perfect in the DAW, but still when I change beats its not pumping out the midi notes correctly. I'm trying to assertain what is going on, to see if i can erradicate this jump somehow.

If someone else could test this with me the steps are as follows

Make a beat 4 bar beat, make a hi hat pattern with 2 hi hats and one kickdrum on pads 10 (hat) 11(hat) and 12 (kick)

Make a 16bar midi file in Abelton (or any daw i guess, running hats on 16ths mainly  and 2nd hats just playing over the top 8th/16ths. kick is 4/4. Make sure both hats and kicks are playing at the start of every 4 bar rotation (so u can hear this). Make a simple bassline on A1 sequenced from the T just on 8thnotes will be fine.

Copy the beat to pads 1 2 and 3 recieving the midi from the DAW to play the drums, now when you change beat does it skip a little or does it play perfectly when you use the END quantization, and then if you use bar and time it make the beat change in the same place does it play correctly?


Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 17, 2017, 03:32:04 PM
Hi RobH and AdamXAudio,

In regards to the Voice Allocation, I sent the following test steps (see below) and attached file to DSI based on what I had experienced. You might find the information or suggested ‘workarounds’ of use.

Although the voice in question was Pad A14 a String Sound that was dropping, the ‘workaround’ involved Pad A16 a Bass Sound. Carson’s suggestion was to remove the choke from Pad A16 (Bass Sound) and this did indeed work, my own ‘workaround’ was to TIme Shift Pad A16 (Bass Sound) by +1 at 1.1.1 in the Beats Event screen.

Below are the steps and file we used to test the scenario:

System OS: Main OS, Voice OS 1.5, Panel OS 1.3 and SAM OS 1.1
Initialise Project.
Reset System Parameters.
Select BPM source as Beat.
With 16 Beats & Pads highlighted select Pad A1.
Load Beat into Pad (Attached File – ‘Drop’).
With 16 Beats & Pads highlighted play Beat (145 bpm).
You should hear a String sound playing within the Beat, this is the sound/voice we are going to concentrate on (Pad A14).
Press 16 Sounds & Sounds.
Select Pad A14.
Select Mod Paths.
Press Page down.
You should now see the following data:
Choke Pad 1: – –
Choke Pad 2: – –
Voice Assign: V6
Pitchbend Amt.: 2 Semitones

Now if you select Voice Assign to ’None’ and press play you will hear the string sound being cut short (as per voice prioritisation).

Now if you select a voice V1-V6 and run through each voice and press play at some stage you will have a voice selection which will NOT produce the Pad A14 string sound.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 17, 2017, 03:52:45 PM
Thanks Grunes appreciated i'll check it out!

Ok i have recorded this skip when using a beat change and running midi from a DAW

Both recording are using the same exact 4 bar loop copied over 2 pads, the first i let it play 8 bars no problem,

The second recording is the exact same content the only change is I program a beat change using the END quantise after 4 bars but I play an exact copy of the first beat so there should be identical to the recording where no beat change was programed, as i said this doesn't seem to happen if i use any other quantise other than END.

here are the links
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 17, 2017, 05:44:10 PM
Ok so i'm getting the skip on the beat quantize as well, i tried adjusting my latency but to no effect, i'm still baffled why it should lag in this way when changing a beat when its reading the midi data from the DAW and it does it fine with no beat change.

I would appreciate if others would look into this with me as i'm not the best tester in the world but i think this is a pretty important thing, it is to me personally, i want to be able to run midi data to the drums and also be able to change a beat without this skip.

EDIT - I am also getting this skip on other quantise amonunts, not just beat Quantise END but also bar so i'm guessing its probably inherent in them all,

Also pertaining to this problem it actually sounds like the kickdrum is playing twice instead of once on the beatchange so i'm not sure if the beat change somehow is sending the midi data twice on the change or something.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on May 18, 2017, 03:19:45 AM

I wonder if it has any connection to this bug I found.

1. Power cycle your Tempest.
 2. Load any Factory Project.
 3. Initialize a new Project.
 4. Select any Beat.
 5. Change it’s Time Signature.
 6. Choose 4/4 2 bar (although any time signature will do).
 7. Go into the Beat Events screen.
 8. Select any sound and insert a single step at the beginning of the very first bar.
 9. Go to Play List and select the Beat you just edited as the first and only Step in the Play List and make it play for 2 bars.
10. Select ‘End: Stop Playback’ as playback mode.
11. Press Play.

Grunes. Hello. Thanks for the riddle. Followed the instructions. I chose 4/4, 2 bars. Unexpectedly so, the sound played a 2nd time when Tempest stopped playback at Location 2.4.73. (That location is at the beginning of the fourth 16th note of the fourth quarter note of bar 2.)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 09:17:29 AM
Hmm I'll check it out, I am triggering the beat changes manually as I just don't use the playlist, I'll see what happens when I do ur steps and see if it gives a similar results.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 12:20:18 PM

I wonder if it has any connection to this bug I found.

1. Power cycle your Tempest.
 2. Load any Factory Project.
 3. Initialize a new Project.
 4. Select any Beat.
 5. Change it’s Time Signature.
 6. Choose 4/4 2 bar (although any time signature will do).
 7. Go into the Beat Events screen.
 8. Select any sound and insert a single step at the beginning of the very first bar.
 9. Go to Play List and select the Beat you just edited as the first and only Step in the Play List and make it play for 2 bars.
10. Select ‘End: Stop Playback’ as playback mode.
11. Press Play.

Grunes. Hello. Thanks for the riddle. Followed the instructions. I chose 4/4, 2 bars. Unexpectedly so, the sound played a 2nd time when Tempest stopped playback at Location 2.4.73. (That location is at the beginning of the fourth 16th note of the fourth quarter note of bar 2.)

Hmm interesting, ok so my TEmpest plays 2.4.73 bars and puts in an extra hit at the end of the beat, this could very well be related but i'm not exactly sure how because im running my data from the DAW and not from the Tempest sequencer, but it is strange behaviour and would explain kind of why the drums seemingly hit twice in my bug when a beat is changed, i dont know very weird. If someone could test out if they get this beat skip/jump like i detailed earlier in the thread to confirm this bug it would be appreciated!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Vynakros on May 18, 2017, 02:50:28 PM
I'll just chime in real quick, as I've been following this thread for a week now. RobH, I also had an instance where the volume knob stopped working. Some of the voices randomly stop playing sounds as well (as the others have mentioned in this thread), mostly voice 1, but I had other disappear as well. Everything works fine after a restart, though, even the volume knob. Don't know how to recreate these bugs, as they seemingly appear randomly.

I've fallen in love with the machine again and am kinda bummed that I can't create the things I want with it right now. I hope the guys at DSI fix these issues, because an unstable machine is really of no use to me.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on May 18, 2017, 03:24:18 PM
I'll just chime in real quick, as I've been following this thread for a week now. RobH, I also had an instance where the volume knob stopped working. Some of the voices randomly stop playing sounds as well (as the others have mentioned in this thread), mostly voice 1, but I had other disappear as well. Everything works fine after a restart, though, even the volume knob. Don't know how to recreate these bugs, as they seemingly appear randomly.

I've fallen in love with the machine again and am kinda bummed that I can't create the things I want with it right now. I hope the guys at DSI fix these issues, because an unstable machine is really of no use to me.

I've just skimmed through many of the post so please excuse me if I missed or repeat something.

If I remember correctly I do recall someone saying possibly MIDI control messages (e.g.- volume) are being sent by a DAW to the Tempest.

Are the volume knob issues happening when the Tempest is being used standalone?

If not then perhaps there is a MIDI volume message being sent and it permanently overrides manual control on the Tempest, until the power is cycled off/on.

Just my thought.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Vynakros on May 18, 2017, 03:48:30 PM
I'll just chime in real quick, as I've been following this thread for a week now. RobH, I also had an instance where the volume knob stopped working. Some of the voices randomly stop playing sounds as well (as the others have mentioned in this thread), mostly voice 1, but I had other disappear as well. Everything works fine after a restart, though, even the volume knob. Don't know how to recreate these bugs, as they seemingly appear randomly.

I've fallen in love with the machine again and am kinda bummed that I can't create the things I want with it right now. I hope the guys at DSI fix these issues, because an unstable machine is really of no use to me.

I've just skimmed through many of the post so please excuse me if I missed or repeat something.

If I remember correctly I do recall someone saying possibly MIDI control messages (e.g.- volume) are being sent by a DAW to the Tempest.

Are the volume knob issues happening when the Tempest is being used standalone?

If not then perhaps there is a MIDI volume message being sent and it permanently overrides manual control on the Tempest, until the power is cycled off/on.

Just my thought.

I'm using the Tempest on it's own, with just the headphones attached. Running latest versions of OS, voice, etc. I didn't really want to upgrade to the latest beta OS, but had to, since I had that dreadful LFO drift from a previous version which made the machine unusable for me. Also had some weird tuning issues, but a few callibrations fixed that (the third one actually; the first one didn't fix anything, the second one made the osc 2 really low volume, the third one was actually ok).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 03:49:22 PM
Ok, the Tempest isn't liking me sending midi data to it, sometimes its just stopping playing the midi notes and after this happened a moment ago I got a full freeze of my Tempest.

Going back to when my volume knob stopped working, i wasn't sending any volume data to the Tempest intentionally, and I hadn't changed the midi loop i was running the hats and kick data from in any way over the course of some hours programming other things, it just randomly stopped.

Another thing that is a little weird is when i try to record midi data into the Tempest when I play the midi data back there is a gap in the notes, if i try to record a 4 bar pattern it records it perfectly for the first 2 bars and then there will be a gap in bar 3 or 4 usually around the end of bar 4, or sometimes the gap is where i pressed REC to stop the recording, all  I know is its not recording the data quite correctly on my machine.

I feel this is extremely important and would like people to start running some patterns into the Tempest and record the live midi data while slaved to a DAW to see if you get any errors.

So to recap

Possible errors/bugs

a) Skips or jumps or notes playing twice when running live midi data to the Tempest from DAW and changing beat while slaved

b) Volume knob becoming unresponsive and having no effect

c) Live midi data not being recorded correctly (usually there is some gap in the midi pattern in bar 3 or 4 of a 4 bar pattern, sometimes the gap is where i stopped the REC)

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 18, 2017, 04:03:56 PM
I've just checked your possible errors and am unable to replicate any of these behaviors.  Any specific information on steps to reproduce would be helpful.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 04:54:32 PM
I've just checked your possible errors and am unable to replicate any of these behaviors.  Any specific information on steps to reproduce would be helpful.

Open Ableton Live 9.7.2 (I am on PC but don't see why that would make a difference)

Slave T to Ableton @130 via USB

Make a 4/4 beat with a bassline on A1 also I have snare and clap on A2 (clap) and A5(snare).

Make a pattern in Abelton with hats on the 16ths (D#1) and 8ths (C#1)  in Abelton, kick 4/4 (C1) so they trigger pads 10,11 and 12. Make sure all 3 trigger on the start of each bar.

Start Abelton running sending the midi data to Tempest.

Go into beats mode and copy beats A1 to A2 and A3.

Change beat on a quantise of END or BEAT.

Hear the first notes in the new beat skip or are played twice whenever i you change beats. (midi data only those notes programmed in the sequencer play properly)

I recorded what is happening when I do this and loaded it to soundcloud

This is the pattern playing with no beat change.

This is the exact same thing only I changed the beat at bar 5. The new beat is a direct copy of the original beat the only difference between these two recording is as i said, a beat change.

When i run the whole thing from the Tempest it plays perfectly, when i run the whole thing without changing beats it plays perfectly, only when i change beat does it skip/jump whatever, ive just tried it again with 100% recreation rate at my end.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 18, 2017, 05:09:25 PM
To be clear, how are you changing the beat at bar 5 if beat quantize is set to bt end?  is the beat length also 5 bars?  Do you have any chokes set on any sounds on the beat in question?

I've just made a pattern as outlined in your note and am not hearing any glitch when externally clocked and switching beats at any point within the beat.

Also, this is seems to only be steps to reproduce possible error A as described in the above note.  Please describe any steps to reproduce possible error B and C.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 05:34:54 PM
To be clear, how are you changing the beat at bar 5 if beat quantize is set to bt end?  is the beat length also 5 bars?  Do you have any chokes set on any sounds on the beat in question?

I've just made a pattern as outlined in your note and am not hearing any glitch when externally clocked and switching beats at any point within the beat.

Also, this is seems to only be steps to reproduce possible error A as described in the above note.  Please describe any steps to reproduce possible error B and C.

I am changing beats manually in 16 beats mode, i change the beat and at bar 5 the new beat begins as in the demo, maybe i should have said after bar 4 to be clearer, so i press the new beat any time during the 4 bar beat and it changes when it end unless i am misunderstanding something???

the volume not working only happened once but seen as though this is the final OS i thought it best to mention

as for C, well, I am sending the midi file i am using when i am experiencing these skips to DSI as i cannot link  it, try recording this data in and stop the recording after the 4 bars finishes, unless i let it loop a couple of times i get a gap in my recording into the sequencer.

for now lets just concentrate on this skip because i can't see why i am getting this error and i have tried lots of diffrent things to try and eliminate it.

Pls get teh midi file from DSI support or give me an email

Also if i am doing anything wrong pls say so.

Ps - No pads are choked
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 18, 2017, 05:41:22 PM
Thanks for the additional information.  Please attach the sysex file here so I may test it out.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 05:42:11 PM
Thanks for the additional information.  Please attach the sysex file here so I may test it out.

Here is the current project file im working on, i am experiencing the skipping with this, i have change the beat on A1 but A2 and A3 are the original beats i experienced the skipping on, it skips with them all when changing a beat, if u need more let me know.

I sent the midi file to dsisupport, if you want the abelton file as well let me know.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 18, 2017, 06:01:19 PM
I've loaded the project and added 8th note hi hats on pad 10 beat 2.  I then copied beat 2 to beat 1/3.  I am not hearing any skips when transitioning between beats.

Is this behavior only present when you are actively sending MIDI note data to the Tempest from your DAW?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 18, 2017, 06:05:41 PM
I've just checked with MIDI notes being sent to the Tempest from the DAW and am still not hearing any skips
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 18, 2017, 06:16:56 PM
I can confirm a bug when recording MIDI note data to the Tempest from a DAW.  When the Tempest is stopped, the recorded data on the currently loaded step gets set to velocity 0.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 06:24:04 PM
I've loaded the project and added 8th note hi hats on pad 10 beat 2.  I then copied beat 2 to beat 1/3.  I am not hearing any skips when transitioning between beats.

Is this behavior only present when you are actively sending MIDI note data to the Tempest from your DAW?

Yes this is only when i am sending midi data from the DAW and only when changing beats.

hmm - Maybe if you could try with the midi file i sent to DSI when u get to work, and see if its something particular to that pattern, i've tried adjusting my latency, i've tried different quantise, ive tried shortening and moving the midi notes within the pattern, i've tried making sure no midi is being sent to the midi track within the daw to trigger the notes more than once, i've checked no choke, still everytime i change the beat whilst sending the midi data from the daw i get this error. I'm open to it being user error but i'm kind stumped with this one i cannot work it out.

well at least you nailed one bug haha 1 out of 3 aint bad <3
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 18, 2017, 06:40:10 PM
Ok there are a couple of potential issues going on.  First, you have 4 sounds assigned to a voice on the Tempest.  The midi file you are playing back in Ableton has 3 sounds triggered on the downbeat.  Also, the sounds in the midi file are not quantized and sometimes fall just before/behind the beat.

Given the above, it would make sense that you would experience some glitches in playback. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 07:16:15 PM
Ok, so i just unassigned the voices and the beat skip went away, i'm not totally sure why that would matter but yeah, thanks Carson your the man!!! (and we did find one bug on the recording so its not all for nothing)

Sorry if i've come with yet another bug thats not a bug, i really do try to find something worth finding lmao!!!

Well i'm glad its easily sorted anyway!!!

If it comes up again which i doubt it will i'll let you know.

So just to iterate it was because i had too many voices assigned out?

also i'm really glad this was sorted because my way of working now is with totally unquantized beat which i find easier to deal with than the rigid swings of drum machines! woo thanks again!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 18, 2017, 08:55:12 PM
I just had the volume knob drop out again, I cannot repeat it but it was directly after I assigned out all 6 voices to individual pads I think it might be tied to that, apolgies i cannot recreate this I know you prefer more info than i give sometimes.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 19, 2017, 02:22:34 PM
Ok, I am experiencing some really weird stuff, everytime i just leave my Tempest sync'd to Live and just let it play, everytime without fail the voices drop out after a while, this time also the Volume knob has stopped working again.

I have no other real steps other than I just leave it running and running the midi data for the bass hats and kick from the DAW.

I think it sometimes does some random hits of drum sounds i don't actually have loaded as well, I'm defo only running the midi to the bass and the 3 pads no automation.

Steps are to just leave it running sync'd to live running midi data from DAW.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 19, 2017, 02:33:59 PM
Voices dropping out seems to be happening when you use old souns that were on the Tempest when you updated.

I backed up all my beats, sounds, and projects, did a flash format on the T, and installed the latest firmware again. Then ran the voices calibration twice, system reset.

I uploaded my old init beat into the T and all seems fine now.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 19, 2017, 02:51:00 PM
Voices dropping out seems to be happening when you use old souns that were on the Tempest when you updated.

I backed up all my beats, sounds, and projects, did a flash format on the T, and installed the latest firmware again. Then ran the voices calibration twice, system reset.

I uploaded my old init beat into the T and all seems fine now.

And you copied all the old soudns and projects back on and it worked?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 19, 2017, 09:24:29 PM
Sorry...voices are still being lost. After I had done a proper format/recal etc (previously posted) I loaded up an old project and immediately lost a voice. The first time it was voice 5. Second time it happened voice 6. I had save the sound and same thing. Finally had a system freeze while adjusting the LFO.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 19, 2017, 11:11:13 PM
Voices dropping out seems to be happening when you use old souns that were on the Tempest when you updated.

I backed up all my beats, sounds, and projects, did a flash format on the T, and installed the latest firmware again. Then ran the voices calibration twice, system reset.

I uploaded my old init beat into the T and all seems fine now.

And you copied all the old soudns and projects back on and it worked?

Actually decided to start designing new sounds. But I'm using an old init patch. It's a patch i created witch is completely empty. Haven't lost a voice yet, but I'll keep you updated.

@lucid damn, not cool. It's a strange problem.
Have you tried loading each of the sounds on those projects into new empty projects?
Might be worth a try.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 20, 2017, 08:25:17 AM
Yeah....a real pain the buttplug. I'll give it a go. Creating sounds from scratch hasnt been an issue. The problem is my old os projects which I cannot use anymore. One of which is my claim to fame 1700 plays...shoot.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 20, 2017, 09:28:32 AM
Ok, I am experiencing some really weird stuff, everytime i just leave my Tempest sync'd to Live and just let it play, everytime without fail the voices drop out after a while, this time also the Volume knob has stopped working again.

I have no other real steps other than I just leave it running and running the midi data for the bass hats and kick from the DAW.

I think it sometimes does some random hits of drum sounds i don't actually have loaded as well, I'm defo only running the midi to the bass and the 3 pads no automation.

Steps are to just leave it running sync'd to live running midi data from DAW.
Do you observe the voice loss issue in the configuration above, when all the files in Tempest are "clean slate" files created in Main OS BETA If you haven't tried that, try it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 20, 2017, 03:38:22 PM
Ok, I am experiencing some really weird stuff, everytime i just leave my Tempest sync'd to Live and just let it play, everytime without fail the voices drop out after a while, this time also the Volume knob has stopped working again.

I have no other real steps other than I just leave it running and running the midi data for the bass hats and kick from the DAW.

I think it sometimes does some random hits of drum sounds i don't actually have loaded as well, I'm defo only running the midi to the bass and the 3 pads no automation.

Steps are to just leave it running sync'd to live running midi data from DAW.
Do you observe the voice loss issue in the configuration above, when all the files in Tempest are "clean slate" files created in Main OS BETA If you haven't tried that, try it.

I kind of don't want to lose s years worth of programming and sound design.

I'll back up everything and reimport it to the RAM and resave it but I can't be doing this for every patch.

I really don't know what's best to do here :(
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 20, 2017, 04:18:05 PM
Well it is a massive bug, that's for sure.

You could try to export each separate sound, format flash memory, reinstall, reset system parameters, calibrate oscs. Then rebuild projects by importing each separate sound.

I think it might have to do with assigning sounds to voices within a beat or project and using those in a newer OS version. Although I really have no clue why.

Maybe wait for an answer by DSI though...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: purusha on May 21, 2017, 01:26:24 AM
That voice loss issue, is something that's been happening since some of the early updates to the OS. I remember dealing with DSI support on that issue, a good long time ago.

It happened when I updated the OS and tried using old projects - similar to what's being reported now.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 21, 2017, 02:16:42 AM
Good to know it's a longstanding issue.

We could try to narrow it down if it's purely projects and/or beats or that it's also happening to individual sounds loaded into new beats/projects. I think loading old sounds into new projects/beats might actually be the workaround, but I can only confirm after more time with the T and the old empty unit beats I've been designing new sounds on. I'm also going to try to load old sounds into new beats and projects this week.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: purusha on May 21, 2017, 11:25:22 AM
If memory serves me correctly, I think it was Carson I was talking to at the time.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on May 22, 2017, 04:00:51 AM

Do you observe the voice loss issue in the configuration above, when all the files in Tempest are "clean slate" files created in Main OS BETA If you haven't tried that, try it.

I kind of don't want to lose s years worth of programming and sound design.
Yeah. That's a drag.

For clarification: It's my understanding there's no voice loss issue with Main OS BETA when "clean slate" files (all created in are used. ... And running 'previous OS'-made files in leads to voice loss. And this is a situation that has existed in prior OS transitions. (Perhaps someone's come up with a reasonable work-around.)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: hellodustin on May 22, 2017, 05:10:43 AM

Do you observe the voice loss issue in the configuration above, when all the files in Tempest are "clean slate" files created in Main OS BETA If you haven't tried that, try it.

I kind of don't want to lose s years worth of programming and sound design.
Yeah. That's a drag.

For clarification: It's my understanding there's no voice loss issue with Main OS BETA when "clean slate" files (all created in are used. ... And running 'previous OS'-made files in leads to voice loss. And this is a situation that has existed in prior OS transitions. (Perhaps someone's come up with a reasonable work-around.)

Would also be keen to learn about a work-around or method for importing your sounds/beats/projects for old OS created files that wouldn't cause any of the discussed voice loss issues.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 22, 2017, 05:14:54 AM
Have you tried my approach? By only importing sounds and loading them into brand new beats/projects, we can at least narrow down if it also happens at sound level, or that it has to do with existing voice allocation within beats created in older OS.

It might have to do with using voice allocations from an old OS in a new OS. This is my guess at least.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sontag on May 25, 2017, 03:02:52 AM
glad to report no voiceloss after reformating flashdrive, reloading voice os and factory sounds. i'm gonna try my old projects with factory sounds and hope this will work...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 25, 2017, 08:47:23 AM
I think it's incredibly stupid to think that the problem will be solved by only using factory sounds.

I have had enough of and this dropout problem, not only this, but now i'm getting god awful flabby bursts of sound in my tracks. I'll attach some files...

I need to roll back to 1.4.4. Foolishly i accepted this current beta, in hope that it will soon be fixed, but now i need to rescue my live set and get the hell out of here. I'll back up my sounds, beats and projects from this OS, but what do you guys think is the best way to roll back my live set to 1.4.4?? Write all settings on paper [e-fucking-gads], and re-enter every note and setting manually? Will the beats saved with this OS actually load into 1.4.4 does anybody know??

My live set consists of 6 voices per song (beat) and i've only stored 5 beats so far.

Can anybody from DSI give any indication of where they're at in regards to fixing this issue, or how long it may take?
If i spend a few hours writing down settings, beat info etc, then a new problem solving OS is released, I'll be devastated, it's bad enough already. Yes, it's my fault for even migrating my set to this OS, but I just need to fix it for now. Never again. I don't need syncing LFOs for now. Just get me the hell out of here.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sontag on May 25, 2017, 09:38:19 AM
Moderated: please keep it cordial guys!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 25, 2017, 09:41:58 AM
I think it's incredibly stupid to think that the problem will be solved by only using factory sounds.

I have had enough of and this dropout problem, not only this, but now i'm getting god awful flabby bursts of sound in my tracks. I'll attach some files...

I need to roll back to 1.4.4. Foolishly i accepted this current beta, in hope that it will soon be fixed, but now i need to rescue my live set and get the hell out of here. I'll back up my sounds, beats and projects from this OS, but what do you guys think is the best way to roll back my live set to 1.4.4?? Write all settings on paper [e-fucking-gads], and re-enter every note and setting manually? Will the beats saved with this OS actually load into 1.4.4 does anybody know??

My live set consists of 6 voices per song (beat) and i've only stored 5 beats so far.

Can anybody from DSI give any indication of where they're at in regards to fixing this issue, or how long it may take?
If i spend a few hours writing down settings, beat info etc, then a new problem solving OS is released, I'll be devastated, it's bad enough already. Yes, it's my fault for even migrating my set to this OS, but I just need to fix it for now. Never again. I don't need syncing LFOs for now. Just get me the hell out of here.

WAit, you didn't do a full sysx dump of your Tempest and all its settings before you jumped into the beta?

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 25, 2017, 10:27:24 AM
Moderated: please keep it cordial guys!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 25, 2017, 10:29:33 AM
I think it's incredibly stupid to think that the problem will be solved by only using factory sounds.

I have had enough of and this dropout problem, not only this, but now i'm getting god awful flabby bursts of sound in my tracks. I'll attach some files...

I need to roll back to 1.4.4. Foolishly i accepted this current beta, in hope that it will soon be fixed, but now i need to rescue my live set and get the hell out of here. I'll back up my sounds, beats and projects from this OS, but what do you guys think is the best way to roll back my live set to 1.4.4?? Write all settings on paper [e-fucking-gads], and re-enter every note and setting manually? Will the beats saved with this OS actually load into 1.4.4 does anybody know??

My live set consists of 6 voices per song (beat) and i've only stored 5 beats so far.

Can anybody from DSI give any indication of where they're at in regards to fixing this issue, or how long it may take?
If i spend a few hours writing down settings, beat info etc, then a new problem solving OS is released, I'll be devastated, it's bad enough already. Yes, it's my fault for even migrating my set to this OS, but I just need to fix it for now. Never again. I don't need syncing LFOs for now. Just get me the hell out of here.

WAit, you didn't do a full sysx dump of your Tempest and all its settings before you jumped into the beta?
yes i did, but i've been working on a project while on this new OS. So i want to rescue it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 25, 2017, 10:45:41 AM
I think it's incredibly stupid to think that the problem will be solved by only using factory sounds.

I have had enough of and this dropout problem, not only this, but now i'm getting god awful flabby bursts of sound in my tracks. I'll attach some files...

I need to roll back to 1.4.4. Foolishly i accepted this current beta, in hope that it will soon be fixed, but now i need to rescue my live set and get the hell out of here. I'll back up my sounds, beats and projects from this OS, but what do you guys think is the best way to roll back my live set to 1.4.4?? Write all settings on paper [e-fucking-gads], and re-enter every note and setting manually? Will the beats saved with this OS actually load into 1.4.4 does anybody know??

My live set consists of 6 voices per song (beat) and i've only stored 5 beats so far.

Can anybody from DSI give any indication of where they're at in regards to fixing this issue, or how long it may take?
If i spend a few hours writing down settings, beat info etc, then a new problem solving OS is released, I'll be devastated, it's bad enough already. Yes, it's my fault for even migrating my set to this OS, but I just need to fix it for now. Never again. I don't need syncing LFOs for now. Just get me the hell out of here.

WAit, you didn't do a full sysx dump of your Tempest and all its settings before you jumped into the beta?
yes i did, but i've been working on a project while on this new OS. So i want to rescue it.

Well if its any concellation im in the same boat. I don't play out live right now though so I'm feeling your anguish at the thought of how to go about sorting this out, changing beats always brought the voices back for me (iirc) so maybe just have copies of the beats incase you get a drop and hope for the best lol. sorry mate kinda sucks.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 25, 2017, 11:09:29 AM
yes i did, but i've been working on a project while on this new OS. So i want to rescue it.

Would you please send me a copy of the project you are having troubles with?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on May 25, 2017, 08:41:26 PM
I actually rolled back to 1.4.4b, calibrated, and all of my projects from load fine.
Didn't need to re-load anything.
So glad. Cheers.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 28, 2017, 04:39:51 AM
It's becoming infuriating.
Just now:
When holding a chord and applying both LFO's to the filter and having just a saw loaded into osc 1.i sync both LFO's to beat (no idea if this is the thing that causes it), voices started dropping. I rebooted, and now the voices don't drop, but held notes drop until there's only one note left.

I do not understand why, and normally I'm fairly good at recreating issues. There's no workaround to this either.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 28, 2017, 04:51:12 AM
OK I'm pretty sure it has to do with the LFO's synced to beat or play. When synced to note there seems to be no problem. As soon as I sync to beat, strange stuff happens.

Now voice 6 hangs, as in, a constant note is playing and midi panic/note off does not work.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 28, 2017, 07:32:58 AM
IDM ...just checking...I am pretty sure you covered the following...

Are you only using mains or phones ours?

Assigned a voice tp the sound?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 28, 2017, 08:21:05 AM
Thanks lucid, but trust me, I'm way past the obvious beginners stuff.

Only main outs, no voice locked.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with LFO synced to beat. Try the following :

- saw in osc 1
- adsr mode
- lfo 1 @ low pass cut off beat synced @ 8th notes, amount high enough to notice
- lfo 2 same thing but quarter notes for instance
- cut off at 11 o'clock

Now hold a chord for a long time while the sequencer is running (set sequencer to 1 bar) . (I'm using a midi keyboard but I'm sure that has nothing to do with it)
A voice will drop. Or a note will hang forever.

I don't seem to have this problem when the LFO's are synced no note.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 28, 2017, 10:51:00 AM
Yeah, I figured and what you wrote makes sense to me since I am having drop outs too. Too many variables for my projects but the thing that stands out is the LFO. I'll try to dupe later today.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on May 28, 2017, 01:18:20 PM
I'm getting voice drop outs on as well, so don't go back to that one. I have a run of 8 shows starting next weekend and unfortunatly I've done a majority of my work on this set on so I'm not sure if I should risk going back to a previous os this close to shows (will it mess up my current set???), or just be prepared to possibly do a power cycle in the middle of my set if need be. Yikes. Advice??
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 28, 2017, 05:44:57 PM
Again, if you are using LFO sync, you must assign the sound to a voice!!! 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on May 28, 2017, 07:32:31 PM
if you are using LFO sync, you must assign the sound to a voice

Wasssup that feature in the manual?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on May 28, 2017, 07:40:09 PM
Tempest1 - ?? It's written plenty online.

TrevorReflex - assign a voice. I misread you last post.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on May 28, 2017, 08:40:07 PM

TrevorReflex - assign a voice. I misread you last post.

All my voices that I'm having this issue with are assigned and patched out.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 28, 2017, 11:40:40 PM
Again, if you are using LFO sync, you must assign the sound to a voice!!!

O Rly??

From the addendum :

"To use free-running LFO’s you must assign a sound to a voice."

So no Carson, nowhere is written that LFO's in synced mode need to be assigned to a voice.
Better yet:
Lfo sync to note works fine without assigning it to a voice. It's only when you assign it to a beat/play that voices start dropping.

And its not as if it doesn't work until you assign a sound to a voice. Voices start DROPPING or notes are HANGING.

That is not normal behavior.

But I guess I'll take it for what it is.

I don't mind reporting issues on beta software Carson, glad to. But this reaction is not OK imho... I have respect for you still putting in time to make the T as good as it can get, but this reaction is simply untrue.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on May 29, 2017, 01:32:54 AM
Again, if you are using LFO sync, you must assign the sound to a voice!!!

Lfo sync to note works fine without assigning it to a voice. It's only when you assign it to a beat/play that voices start dropping.

But if set to 'beat' or 'play' the LFO is free-running so it *should* be assigned to a voice,  no?

You're right though that stuck notes and voices dropping out are unacceptable, especially for a supposedly 'performance oriented' machine.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 29, 2017, 02:19:32 AM
Again, if you are using LFO sync, you must assign the sound to a voice!!!

Lfo sync to note works fine without assigning it to a voice. It's only when you assign it to a beat/play that voices start dropping.

But if set to 'beat' or 'play' the LFO is free-running so it *should* be assigned to a voice,  no?

You're right though that stuck notes and voices dropping out are unacceptable, especially for a supposedly 'performance oriented' machine.

Yah you're right. My bad. Free running (restart= off) it's linked to sync. My bad.

But, the manual still doesn't say that putting an LFO on sync mode means you have to assign it to a voice. It specifically says you only need to do that if you want free running lfo (restart = off).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on May 29, 2017, 10:56:42 AM
Tempest1 - ?? It's written plenty online.

Thanks Carson!

If it's written plenty online, then why are people still making the same mistakes, causing voices to drop out?

And why is Carson at his breaking point with responses? (Three exclamation points in his last post!!!)

And for the record, I spend less than 1% of my free time online...maybe you live here?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 30, 2017, 04:13:45 PM
Again, if you are using LFO sync, you must assign the sound to a voice!!!

O Rly??

From the addendum :

"To use free-running LFO’s you must assign a sound to a voice."

So no Carson, nowhere is written that LFO's in synced mode need to be assigned to a voice.
Better yet:
Lfo sync to note works fine without assigning it to a voice. It's only when you assign it to a beat/play that voices start dropping.

And its not as if it doesn't work until you assign a sound to a voice. Voices start DROPPING or notes are HANGING.

That is not normal behavior.

But I guess I'll take it for what it is.

I don't mind reporting issues on beta software Carson, glad to. But this reaction is not OK imho... I have respect for you still putting in time to make the T as good as it can get, but this reaction is simply untrue.

Sorry, LFO sync with BEAT OR PLAY restart mode active must be assigned to a voice to work correctly.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 30, 2017, 04:37:43 PM
Question for users who have encountered the drop voice issue...when a voice is dropped, is it related to a sound which is assigned to a specific voice?  Does the sound in question have any choke settings?  If so, is the pad set to choke itself and does turning of the choke resolve the issue.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 30, 2017, 05:05:28 PM
Ok. nevermind all that, Ive finally seen the voice dropping issue and will look into defining the behavior better.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on May 30, 2017, 05:13:40 PM
Question for users who have encountered the drop voice issue...when a voice is dropped, is it related to a sound which is assigned to a specific voice?  Does the sound in question have any choke settings?  If so, is the pad set to choke itself and does turning of the choke resolve the issue.

No choke settings on my sound, but it tends to happen more often on a certain sound / beat (though has been project wide). Also has happened most often on voices 1 and 5 and 6 but hasn't ever happened on voice 4 yet to my knoledge. This may just be fluke or something I haven't noticed though - my current set has all the voices individually patched out and voice 1 is always kick and so on so it's easy for me to recall which sounds (and therefor which voices) have dropped recently.

My voices drop with or without Tempest sequencer running and as I noted before, it seems to happen more often after a period of the Tempest being on but not used (like 20 minutes of inactivity). I've only got a midi in cable attached from an Octatrack for sequencing only (no transport or clock sent), no usb.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 30, 2017, 06:59:05 PM
Thanks Trevor.  It does appear that the voices drop out after the screen saver has been activated, though this doesn't happen %100 of the time. 

I will continue to look into this to determine a reproducible cause.  If any users have any further information/insights in the meantime, feel free to let us know. 

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on May 30, 2017, 08:38:03 PM
Yes. Voices are dropping out.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 31, 2017, 01:10:12 AM
Thanks Carson :)

Voices dropping out are directly linked to the beat/play sync with restart on also. I typed a bit too quickly on my last posts.

On note reset there's no issue and I've been creating polyphonic pads yesterday for hours without issues. But as soon as I sync an lfo in beat/play mode, it starts flipping out. This is with restart On.

To check; set the sequencer to 1 bar, lfo synced to beat and restart ON. Destination Low pass filter. Set it to triplets or dotted to notice it restarting. Now start the sequencer and hold a polyphonic chord in adsr mode. Keep holding it and you'll notice the T starting to flip and then loose voices.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on May 31, 2017, 02:11:01 AM
Oh I'm really glad you managed to make some headway with the voices dropping anyway!!! Thanks for keeping on this Carson!!!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on May 31, 2017, 06:36:54 AM
Yes. Thanks Carson for the proactive troubleshooting.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dslsynth on May 31, 2017, 07:54:30 AM
It does appear that the voices drop out after the screen saver has been activated, though this doesn't happen %100 of the time.

I remember another instrument having issues which turned out to be related to the screen saver. It was probably the Prophet 12 Module with an edit buffer being garbled and the issue was discussed over on the old forum. If the same fixes have not been ported over from Prophet 12 maybe that could form the basis for a little dev cave chat?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on May 31, 2017, 10:25:34 AM
Thanks Carson :)

Voices dropping out are directly linked to the beat/play sync with restart on also. I typed a bit too quickly on my last posts.

Thanks, I've been trying that with mixed results on my end.  On a Tempest at home, I got stuck notes this morning using LFO sync with restart on. However, I'm not seeing this behavior on my Tempest at the office.

What OS are you currently testing on?  If I recall, you mentioned that you downgraded to the OS and did not see the issue. 

Does this same behavior occur if you start from an initialized project?  If it does not occur on an initialized project and it's present on a specific project, would you please send me the project in question?

I just need to whittle down all the extraneous stuff to try to get to the core of the issue.

I have a reproducible case to make voices drop now.  We'll look into getting that resolved.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on May 31, 2017, 09:59:36 PM
You too Carson! That's great news :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on May 31, 2017, 10:43:44 PM
After paying closer attention tonight while I spend a few hours with my Tempest, my voice drops definitely happen more often on Voices 1, 5, 6 - in fact, those were the only voices that dropped in my 3 hour session but they each did so repeatedly regardless of sequencer running or LFO settings.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 01, 2017, 05:05:54 PM
Main has been posted.  This should fix the issue with voices dropping out.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 01, 2017, 05:16:48 PM
Main has been posted.  This should fix the issue with voices dropping out.


Nice work!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on June 01, 2017, 05:22:55 PM
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 01, 2017, 07:05:14 PM
Main has been posted.  This should fix the issue with voices dropping out.


I hate to be that guy, but I just ran through my set with the new OS and I had a voice drop - though it only happened once in the hour set which is better than it has been. Carson, I've attached my project sysex file. Let me know if I should also file an official ticket.

The voice that dropped on this run through was voice 5 (pad a9) on beat 5 ("Merlin"). This specific voice on this beat is the most common one that drops for whatever reason - almost half the time when I get to this beat (it's a half hour into my set), voice 5 is not working. About 25% of the time the partner sound (a10) on voice 6 goes too. As mentioned in my previous posts, I've had voices 1 and 2 drop on other beats but never (to my recollection) voice 4. 

Other common voice drops in this project (about 25% of the time individually, though not on this run-through):

beat 3, voice 1 (a12)
beat 3, voice 2 (a4, a11)
beat 3, voice 3 (a5, a13)
beat 4, voice 2 (a11)
beat 5, voice 6 (a10).

Project-wide details (beats 1-7):

voices 1-4 are all assigned in every beat and individually patched out the back. Voices 5/6 are assigned, but un-patched - ie: they play through the mains.

90% of the voices are either played live or triggered via midi so there aren't really sequences for you to press play on these beats

All the above is only for beats 1 -7, ignore the rest, they're not being used in my set so the patching doesn't apply and I can't comment on their behavior.

After installing the new Os I re calibrated my oscillators btw.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 01, 2017, 07:49:01 PM
Ill check it out in a bit.  To note, the cause of this issue seems to be related to using the LFO sync'd with restart on and set to Beat/Play, with no voice assigned for the voice.  If you have any sounds set this way, they must be assigned to a specific voice as specified in the LFO sync restart operation.

If this continues to be an issue, we may have to restrict the LFOs restart mode to revert to note or off with sounds not assigned to a voice.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 01, 2017, 07:56:49 PM
The project export you posted is only 1.1kb large, so not a full project.  Can you re-export it and post it?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 01, 2017, 08:15:13 PM
Weird. Ok, full one attached this time. The sounds / voices being dropped are definitely not set to beat/play restart and are all assigned fyi. As I've mentioned before, it tends to happen more often after a period of inactivity so I'm currently waiting until screen saver comes on to troubleshoot again.

edit: I didn't wait for screensaver, but had another run through and when I got to beat 4, voice 2 was dead. I then cycled the sound through the other voices on the voice assign screen, and it wouldn't work on voice 5 either (but worked when assigned to any other voice). I then checked all the beats, and voice 2 + 5 are dead on them all. A power cycle fixed it.

edit 2: another run through and the opposite happened: at beat 4, voice 2 wasn't working and that sound/pad wouldn't work on any voice assignment. Voice 5 was still working in the beat this time, but voice 2 was dead across the whole project. A power cycle fixed it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on June 01, 2017, 10:25:07 PM
Tonight I reared a beat using a 3 sync'd / voice allocated sounds and 8 pther sounds. Was messing around for 2 hours. No voice drop.

Tomorrow I will load up my old project and test it out. Ao far so good;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on June 02, 2017, 04:25:24 AM
Same here! Problem seems to be solved. Great news. I have to play upcoming 3 days, 6 hours a day, so that will be a good test ;)

I also noticed freerunning mode is now working without assigning the sound to a voice :). Great stuff!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 02, 2017, 10:15:10 AM
Now im real glad i didn't spend ages copying and saving stuff. Phew!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 02, 2017, 10:42:19 AM
Oh man, jealous of you guys! Not sure what's up with my unit. As it stands, for this weekend's shows I've set up a Tempest mute group up on my mixer so I can discreetly power cycle every few tracks!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on June 02, 2017, 11:28:17 AM
Trevor - gonna load up your project too and see if Ican duplicate your issue.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 02, 2017, 11:42:46 AM
Trevor - gonna load up your project too and see if Ican duplicate your issue.

That's mighty kind of you, thank you. Since only 1 of the beats contains a saved sequence, it's going to be a dull project to play around on though lol. Here's the sequence of events on my end as the only way I seem to get dropped voices is by playing my set in order (weird!)

So just noodle on these a bit:

Beat 1, play pad a4 and pad a1 (transpose mode)

Beat 2 - play pad a1 transpose mode
Beat 3 - pads a12,a4,a11,a13, a7, a8
Beat 4 - pad a16 transpose mode
Beat 5 - pad a1 transpose mode, a9, a10
Beat 6 - pad a1 transpose mode
Best 7 - sequencer on, play mutes

By beat 5 the voice drops will have happened if they're going to on that run through...

Tempest master, pad to note mode "sounds",  midi sound channel 2, alt channel 10
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 02, 2017, 12:31:05 PM
I did some testing on your project last night and today and have yet to encounter a dropped voice.

Just to be sure, have you verified that the OS was indeed updated?

Also, since you have only encountered dropped voices when playing the set in order, and since most of the beats are all being triggered via MIDI, the issue could be related to some sort of unexpected MIDI data being sent to the synth.

During your set, are you sending MIDI clock to the synth? 

When you encounter the dropped voices, have you tried setting an ALL NOTES OFF command on the Tempest by holding both SHIFT buttons and pressing the STOP button?

What is your overall gear configuration?

Any additional information or steps to reproduce would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 02, 2017, 12:57:42 PM
Hi Carson

Yes, my os shows as being updated. I haven't tried the "all notes off" command, I'll try that.

My set is sequenced / arranged via an Octatrack. I have a midi cable coming out of the OT and going to the Tempest in (no midi coming out of Tempest so not a midi loop). I have a merger box that also sends midi from the OT to my Pro2 but the voices drop regardless of whether Pro2 is connected so that's out.

I'm not sending clock to tempest (t set to master), but I may have my Octatrack sending clock regardless (which it doesn't need to be), I'll see if switching that off changes things.

The OT triggers a few sounds on both Tempest channels 2 and 10 on beats 4,5,7 but a majority of the sounds from the Tempest are being played live by hand and they're all being played by hand up until beat 4 and I've had voice drops in the past on beat 3. There's no Tempest sequencer until beat 7, but the drops happen before then so I've power cycled by the time I've gotten there.

I'm at a festival all weekend, but I'll see if I can plug my rig in off stage somewhere to try the midi stop suggestion and find any other clues. When I get home early next week, I'll build a simple version of my set in Ableton and see if I can replicate the issue so I can send you a set project too.

Thanks for your time, this is definitely a weird one and hard to replicate in a logical fashion.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 02, 2017, 02:41:23 PM
Hi Trevor,

Thanks, though no need to test if you're at a festival.  Please do see if you can simplify the steps to reproduce when you have time and I will continue to look into it in the meantime.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 02, 2017, 02:48:08 PM
Hi Trevor,

Thanks, though no need to test if you're at a festival.  Please do see if you can simplify the steps to reproduce when you have time and I will continue to look into it in the meantime.

Thanks Carson, it might be nice to have something to do on my downtime here - either way, I'll be in touch soon.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 02, 2017, 04:34:35 PM
We've just posted Main OS.  It fixes an issue wherein SHIFT + Pad with roll active caused pad to play and hung notes to occur.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: rplom on June 02, 2017, 06:11:55 PM
We've just posted Main OS.  It fixes an issue wherein SHIFT + Pad with roll active caused pad to play and hung notes to occur.

I just purchased a Tempest yesterday and like I do with all my new instruments I went to looking to see if I need an update.  I have 1.4.0 looks like there is a new one?  How do I find that?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 02, 2017, 06:12:24 PM
Another Main OS uploaded.  Tempest Main fixes an issue where note velocity/duration set to 0 when recorded to sequencer from external MIDI source and record turned off.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on June 02, 2017, 08:44:07 PM
Bro, you are on fire. thanks;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 03, 2017, 01:54:39 AM
well I'm outta bugs now anyone got anything they want helping trying to resolve???

Good job Carson! (and anyone else at DSI still working on this!!!)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: timbo74 on June 03, 2017, 01:59:55 AM
Appreciate the Tempest development OS is not retired until all issues are fixed.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on June 03, 2017, 02:51:45 AM
well I'm outta bugs now anyone got anything they want helping trying to resolve???

Good job Carson! (and anyone else at DSI still working on this!!!)

These two items still being worked on I believe as I had confirmation of them, could be an invasive fix as I have had no email updates on progress so far. But, great that things are slowly being worked out. Thanks guys.

Power cycle Tempest
Load Factory Project (I am using Bag & Glow)
Initialize Project
Reset System Parameters
Press ’SYSTEM’ again
Check System Swing set as BEAT
In 16 BEATS MODE enter the following SWING data into the pads
A1 – 56.3%
A2 – 60.4%
A3 – 64.6%
Select ‘BEAT PAD ‘A1
Press ‘ERASE’ and ‘COPY’ to enter ‘EDIT’ mode and select ’10. Change Time Signature’ and set the following BEAT/TIME SIGNATURE data.
A1 – 4/4 8 Bars
Select ‘BEAT PAD ‘A2
Press ‘ERASE’ and ‘COPY’ to enter ‘EDIT’ mode and select ’10. Change Time Signature’ and enter the following BEAT/TIME SIGNATURE data.
A2 – 4/4 6 Bars
Select ‘BEAT PAD ‘A3
Press ‘ERASE’ and ‘COPY’ to enter ‘EDIT’ mode and select ’10. Change Time Signature’ and enter the following BEAT/TIME SIGNATURE data.
A3 – 4/4 4 Bars
Press ‘PLAY LIST’ and ‘EVENTS’ to enter Play List Mode
Enter the following Steps
1 | 1/Basic Beat – 8 Bars (Bar 1)
2 | 2/Basic Beat – 6 Bars (Bar 9)
3 | 3/Basic Beat – 4 Bars (Bar 15)
Ensure the ‘END’ (soft knob 4 is set to ‘Loop to Step 1’
PRESS PLAY… (Note: I’ve had it freeze here a couple of time when Play pressed, but this is very rare).
About once every 6 plays of the ‘LOOP’ you will get a skip (I have actually gone quite a while before loops skips).
You will have to concentrate and watch the time stamp. The skip usually happens at Bar 8 and skips to Bar 13 or Bar 14 and skips to Bar 17

1. Power cycle your Tempest.
2. Load any Factory Project.
3. Initialize a new Project.
4. Select any Beat.
5. Change it’s Time Signature.
6. Choose 4/4 2 bar (although I think any time signature will do)
7. Go into the Beat Events screen.
8. Select any sound and insert a single step at the beginning of the very first bar.
9. Go to Play List and select the Beat you just edited as the first and only Step in the Play List and make it play for 2 bars.
10. Select ‘End: Stop Playback’ as playback mode.
11. Press Play.
Play List starts the bar and plays the sound at 1.1.1 as it should, but also at the end of the bar at 2.4.73 when it stops.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on June 03, 2017, 08:15:15 AM
How about this list? It's from before when Dave said the Tempest was finished. Now that we are far removed from that promise and apparently experiencing a surge of effort from DSI, it would be great to know what DSI considers a "bug" and what of these items has either been taken care of, or has made it to their current internal list.

John, thank you for your efforts as Tempest users' liaison during the Tempest refinement. It is my guess that your 'remaining bugs list' from Feb 15, 2017 (minus the 3 last bug fixes) is the best guide to know which quirks remain. I'll copy it fully here as I figure it's useful to keep handy.

This came up in another thread, so I thought I might as well post and updated version of the bug-list here as well...

Bugs remaining as of Feb. 15, 2017:

·       If you accidentally hit the 16 Beats or 16 Mutes button first, when trying to enter 16 tunings or 16 Levels mode, the Roll function automatically disengages – mode changes should happen upon the button’s release in order to prevent this.

·       In 16 Tunings mode, when the sequencer is stopped, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       In 16 Levels mode, when the sequencer is stopped, the Arp allows notes to be triggered outside of the selected quantize value, which creates undesirable flams when trying to depress multiple notes at once, or when adding new notes to the arpeggio.  Also, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       When recording with the Arp in 16 Levels mode, the held pads blink in succession with each note trigger as expected; but after the first pass of the sequence is recorded, only pad 16 blinks.  *In all other Arp modes, the pads continue to blink in the order they were depressed/recorded as expected.

·      When switching beats on-the-fly, the first step of the sequencer-out is consistently late; so if you're triggering a sample loop on the one, every time you switch beats on the Tempest, it will be out of sync for the first pass.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      If you hold 'Shift' and turn the Compressor knob to get into the compressor menu, you can no longer get back to the Mixer screen.

·      Compressor Envelope 'Amount' only goes from -64 to +127 instead of -/+127.

·      Regardless of what value is set and saved, every time the Tempest is power cycled the Compressor Envelope 'Peak Hold' parameter changes to match the value of the 'Amount' parameter.

·      After a power cycle, all the Compressor Envelope parameters display at the correct value as saved (*with the exception of 'Peak Hold' – see above); however, in actuality they are zeroed, and will otherwise remain that way until each parameter is revisited and its value is moved by at least one increment.

·      When Slider Mode is set to 'Real-time', only FX1 Slider is affected. FX2/3/4 sliders are always 'Step' regardless of this parameter setting.

·      Using Mod Paths for external MIDI sound control results in intermittent affect on the sound.  *Causes are unclear, but the bug occurs more frequently on playback of a Beat with many sounds.

·      When playing a Beat containing held notes of an ADSR sound, if you turn on Bank B while 1) a note is playing and 2) a different sound is selected, the playing note's pad sticks on.

·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play', and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options.

·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.

·      Beat roll still doesn't swing.

·      A sound folder is still need to correspond with the pad name "Synth".

·      When adding or copying steps via the Events Screen, the Pad lights do not correlate correctly in 16 Time Steps mode.

·      In 16 Mutes mode, on the Pads screen, although you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) it is not reflected graphically on the display.  This could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen.

·       The Mute/Solo/Delay buttons should perform their functions in both the 16 Mutes/Pads and 16 Mutes/Mixer screens.

·      Mutes “All On” should be available on the mixer screen in both 16 Mutes and 16 Sounds Mode.

·      In the System Menu > MIDI Remote Pad Play > when 'Pad To Note Mode' is set to 'Mutes', if a note number is received that is one of the 'Bank B' assignments on that page, it is treated as the 'Bank A' assignment of the same number.  For example, if Pad B1 is assigned to note# 80, and Pad A1 is assigned to note# 69, sending Tempest note# 80 will toggle the mute of pad A1.

·      The “Undo All Sounds” functionality needs to be better implemented or otherwise removed.  It is currently awkward, buggy, and a liability on account of the fact that it uses the 'Undo Rec' as a 'SHIFT' function.

·      When you set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only', if you mute a pad that contains a sequence and then attempt to play that same sound live in 16 Tunings mode, turning the Mixer Level knob causes the sound to cut-out.

·      If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes.

·      In '16 Beats' mode, when trying to copy/paste beats by holding the 'copy' button, nothing happens if you attempt to 'paste' into the beat that is currently selected; whereas pasting into an unselected beat works as expected.

·      If you toggle the 'Reverse' button on and play a beat, it plays correctly in reverse. However, if you then select a different Beat, the newly-selected beat does not play in reverse even though the 'Reverse' light is on.

·      While a sequence is playing, in '16 Time Steps' mode, on the 'Events' screen, disengaging the "Loop Screen" function causes the tempest flip-out for a second: i.e. all the pads light-up in rapid succession and the beat stutters.  Sync, however, is maintained.

Okay, the above list should accurately represent the Tempest’s status as of Beta OS 1.4.4bb.  I’ve removed any bugs that have recently been noted in the change-log as “fixed”, and have added any bugs that have been reported and confirmed since the last time I updated the list.  If I’ve missed anything, or if I’ve removed anything that has in fact not been fixed, please let me know.


I wonder if these two issues remain.
·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.
·      If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on June 03, 2017, 09:37:49 AM

I wonder if these two issues remain.
·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.
·      If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes.

The issue "If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes." was resolved way back with version
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on June 03, 2017, 10:52:43 AM
Wow, I'm impressed. Great developments!!

Thanks a million Carson for keep putting energy into this strange but wonderful machine. :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: CitizenJ on June 04, 2017, 03:12:48 AM
How about this list? It's from before when Dave said the Tempest was finished. Now that we are far removed from that promise and apparently experiencing a surge of effort from DSI, it would be great to know what DSI considers a "bug" and what of these items has either been taken care of, or has made it to their current internal list.

John, thank you for your efforts as Tempest users' liaison during the Tempest refinement. It is my guess that your 'remaining bugs list' from Feb 15, 2017 (minus the 3 last bug fixes) is the best guide to know which quirks remain. I'll copy it fully here as I figure it's useful to keep handy.

This came up in another thread, so I thought I might as well post and updated version of the bug-list here as well...

Bugs remaining as of Feb. 15, 2017:

·       If you accidentally hit the 16 Beats or 16 Mutes button first, when trying to enter 16 tunings or 16 Levels mode, the Roll function automatically disengages – mode changes should happen upon the button’s release in order to prevent this.

·       In 16 Tunings mode, when the sequencer is stopped, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       In 16 Levels mode, when the sequencer is stopped, the Arp allows notes to be triggered outside of the selected quantize value, which creates undesirable flams when trying to depress multiple notes at once, or when adding new notes to the arpeggio.  Also, both adding and releasing notes interrupts the Arp causing it to reset and fall out of sync.

·       When recording with the Arp in 16 Levels mode, the held pads blink in succession with each note trigger as expected; but after the first pass of the sequence is recorded, only pad 16 blinks.  *In all other Arp modes, the pads continue to blink in the order they were depressed/recorded as expected.

·      When switching beats on-the-fly, the first step of the sequencer-out is consistently late; so if you're triggering a sample loop on the one, every time you switch beats on the Tempest, it will be out of sync for the first pass.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix.

·      If you hold 'Shift' and turn the Compressor knob to get into the compressor menu, you can no longer get back to the Mixer screen.

·      Compressor Envelope 'Amount' only goes from -64 to +127 instead of -/+127.

·      Regardless of what value is set and saved, every time the Tempest is power cycled the Compressor Envelope 'Peak Hold' parameter changes to match the value of the 'Amount' parameter.

·      After a power cycle, all the Compressor Envelope parameters display at the correct value as saved (*with the exception of 'Peak Hold' – see above); however, in actuality they are zeroed, and will otherwise remain that way until each parameter is revisited and its value is moved by at least one increment.

·      When Slider Mode is set to 'Real-time', only FX1 Slider is affected. FX2/3/4 sliders are always 'Step' regardless of this parameter setting.

·      Using Mod Paths for external MIDI sound control results in intermittent affect on the sound.  *Causes are unclear, but the bug occurs more frequently on playback of a Beat with many sounds.

·      When playing a Beat containing held notes of an ADSR sound, if you turn on Bank B while 1) a note is playing and 2) a different sound is selected, the playing note's pad sticks on.

·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play', and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options.

·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.

·      Beat roll still doesn't swing.

·      A sound folder is still need to correspond with the pad name "Synth".

·      When adding or copying steps via the Events Screen, the Pad lights do not correlate correctly in 16 Time Steps mode.

·      In 16 Mutes mode, on the Pads screen, although you are still able to select a sound (holding shift and hitting a pad) it is not reflected graphically on the display.  This could be fixed if the display matched the style of the Mixer screen.

·       The Mute/Solo/Delay buttons should perform their functions in both the 16 Mutes/Pads and 16 Mutes/Mixer screens.

·      Mutes “All On” should be available on the mixer screen in both 16 Mutes and 16 Sounds Mode.

·      In the System Menu > MIDI Remote Pad Play > when 'Pad To Note Mode' is set to 'Mutes', if a note number is received that is one of the 'Bank B' assignments on that page, it is treated as the 'Bank A' assignment of the same number.  For example, if Pad B1 is assigned to note# 80, and Pad A1 is assigned to note# 69, sending Tempest note# 80 will toggle the mute of pad A1.

·      The “Undo All Sounds” functionality needs to be better implemented or otherwise removed.  It is currently awkward, buggy, and a liability on account of the fact that it uses the 'Undo Rec' as a 'SHIFT' function.

·      When you set System > UI Preferences > Solo/Mute behavior to 'Seq only', if you mute a pad that contains a sequence and then attempt to play that same sound live in 16 Tunings mode, turning the Mixer Level knob causes the sound to cut-out.

·      If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes.

·      In '16 Beats' mode, when trying to copy/paste beats by holding the 'copy' button, nothing happens if you attempt to 'paste' into the beat that is currently selected; whereas pasting into an unselected beat works as expected.

·      If you toggle the 'Reverse' button on and play a beat, it plays correctly in reverse. However, if you then select a different Beat, the newly-selected beat does not play in reverse even though the 'Reverse' light is on.

·      While a sequence is playing, in '16 Time Steps' mode, on the 'Events' screen, disengaging the "Loop Screen" function causes the tempest flip-out for a second: i.e. all the pads light-up in rapid succession and the beat stutters.  Sync, however, is maintained.

Okay, the above list should accurately represent the Tempest’s status as of Beta OS 1.4.4bb.  I’ve removed any bugs that have recently been noted in the change-log as “fixed”, and have added any bugs that have been reported and confirmed since the last time I updated the list.  If I’ve missed anything, or if I’ve removed anything that has in fact not been fixed, please let me know.


I wonder if these two issues remain.
·      The sequencer-out still doesn't trigger notes in real-time: i.e. it only sends trigger information after the sequence is recorded, which essentially means that you're recording deaf.
·      If you edit a project and then attempt to do a RAM dump via the 'Save/Load' screen: 7. Export Project over MIDI, the Tempest freezes.

This is a good list to bring up and I support keeping it alive. With absolute respect for its collaters and maintainers, however, is there a practical way between us - maybe using forum functions - that we could rank these (by their negative effect, for example)? Alternatively, I'd be happy to start a public JIRA instance and load them in for public voting and comments, as well as giving Carson access. I know DSI use JIRA too, so it might make things easier for all.

As a software publisher myself, some of my hardest (and most rewarding) work with my customers is to get things ranked so that when some combination of time / money / willpower inevitably runs out, at least the most important stuff has been delivered.

Since there seems to be a little more momentum in DSI-Land for Tempest bug-squashing I reckon ranking would help them and us.

What do you all think?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 04, 2017, 03:59:10 AM
I think a number of those have been remedied and can be ticked off. Midi clock being late or early i think is fixed iirc?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: onesnzeros on June 04, 2017, 06:48:33 AM
anyone still getting dropped voices with
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 04, 2017, 07:06:21 AM
·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play' FIXED,

and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options. NOT FIXED (not sure if actually a feature request at this point or not it would be nice tho.)

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix. FIXED

These can also be taken off the list. Anyone else know of any of the bugs on that list that have been sorted and we can get that list a down. We shouldn't ignore the previous testers work as its just as important as the bugs we are finding, its a shame the old testers are not around at the moment but i see why, so lets get a current list going and im not sure what jira is but if its a glorified list then do it!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 04, 2017, 08:06:35 AM
anyone still getting dropped voices with

I am, but so far my machine seems to be the only one still acting up. Still working to determine if it's midi data or something from another machine causing it, but would be weird since it only started with and has continued with

My drops are definitely not related to lfo settings though.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on June 04, 2017, 08:47:14 AM
anyone still getting dropped voices with

I am, but so far my machine seems to be the only one still acting up. Still working to determine if it's midi data or something from another machine causing it, but would be weird since it only started with and has continued with

My drops are definitely not related to lfo settings though.

Did you have to export and import your work after installing I haven't tried the beta because I don't want to risk losing work. If I knew it would import correctly I'd just save it on PC then send to back to Tempest. I'm not convinced updating the OS is worth the risk.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AnssiTir on June 04, 2017, 12:42:21 PM
anyone still getting dropped voices with

Just lost 2 voices in a row with Anyone else? ???

e: voices were lost when using sounds made in previous OS's. Now a few hours jamming with factory sounds and no lost voices so far..
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on June 04, 2017, 02:32:38 PM
There are a number of ways to measure if something on the Tempest needs to be fixed:
1) Features and behavior described in the user manual
2) Behavior logically expected by the user
3) Behavior preferred by the user

Can someone at DSI provide direction on which of the above items should be used to measure the validity of a bug before reporting it?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 04, 2017, 02:54:19 PM
anyone still getting dropped voices with

I am, but so far my machine seems to be the only one still acting up. Still working to determine if it's midi data or something from another machine causing it, but would be weird since it only started with and has continued with

My drops are definitely not related to lfo settings though.

Did you have to export and import your work after installing I haven't tried the beta because I don't want to risk losing work. If I knew it would import correctly I'd just save it on PC then send to back to Tempest. I'm not convinced updating the OS is worth the risk.

I didn't re-export anything. I've tried re saving sounds/projects/beats in the new OS to see if that fixes the drop issue and it doesn't for me. I wouldn't follow any steps I'm doing though as I'm having some pretty regular voice drops on my end! In hindsight I would have stayed at whatever OS I was at before I upgrade to but now that I've done so much work in the newer betas I'm super paranoid to downgrade as I'm not sure what that will do. So I'm kind of stuck where I am until I can figure out a sure fire way to reproduce the drop outs so the bug can get sorted. I'm away until Tuesday, but will be diving back in then.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on June 04, 2017, 04:14:31 PM
anyone still getting dropped voices with

I am, but so far my machine seems to be the only one still acting up. Still working to determine if it's midi data or something from another machine causing it, but would be weird since it only started with and has continued with

My drops are definitely not related to lfo settings though.

Did you have to export and import your work after installing I haven't tried the beta because I don't want to risk losing work. If I knew it would import correctly I'd just save it on PC then send to back to Tempest. I'm not convinced updating the OS is worth the risk.

I didn't re-export anything. I've tried re saving sounds/projects/beats in the new OS to see if that fixes the drop issue and it doesn't for me. I wouldn't follow any steps I'm doing though as I'm having some pretty regular voice drops on my end! In hindsight I would have stayed at whatever OS I was at before I upgrade to but now that I've done so much work in the newer betas I'm super paranoid to downgrade as I'm not sure what that will do. So I'm kind of stuck where I am until I can figure out a sure fire way to reproduce the drop outs so the bug can get sorted. I'm away until Tuesday, but will be diving back in then.

Wow...okay I'm definitely not updating until the OS is an official release. No betas for me. Hope you get your issues worked out. Losing work is the worst! :(
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 04, 2017, 05:21:34 PM
anyone still getting dropped voices with

I am, but so far my machine seems to be the only one still acting up. Still working to determine if it's midi data or something from another machine causing it, but would be weird since it only started with and has continued with

My drops are definitely not related to lfo settings though.

Did you have to export and import your work after installing I haven't tried the beta because I don't want to risk losing work. If I knew it would import correctly I'd just save it on PC then send to back to Tempest. I'm not convinced updating the OS is worth the risk.

I didn't re-export anything. I've tried re saving sounds/projects/beats in the new OS to see if that fixes the drop issue and it doesn't for me. I wouldn't follow any steps I'm doing though as I'm having some pretty regular voice drops on my end! In hindsight I would have stayed at whatever OS I was at before I upgrade to but now that I've done so much work in the newer betas I'm super paranoid to downgrade as I'm not sure what that will do. So I'm kind of stuck where I am until I can figure out a sure fire way to reproduce the drop outs so the bug can get sorted. I'm away until Tuesday, but will be diving back in then.

Wow...okay I'm definitely not updating until the OS is an official release. No betas for me. Hope you get your issues worked out. Losing work is the worst! :(

No one has lost any work. Just pointing that out.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on June 04, 2017, 05:43:43 PM
·      LFO sync drifts when set to either 'Beat' or 'Play' FIXED,

and dotted eighths remains missing from the sync options. NOT FIXED (not sure if actually a feature request at this point or not it would be nice tho.)

·      Tempest starts one midi clock late or early depending on various conditions of the sync source or Tempest modes.  *This is an invasive fix. FIXED

These can also be taken off the list. Anyone else know of any of the bugs on that list that have been sorted and we can get that list a down. We shouldn't ignore the previous testers work as its just as important as the bugs we are finding, its a shame the old testers are not around at the moment but i see why, so lets get a current list going and im not sure what jira is but if its a glorified list then do it!

Regarding JIRA:
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on June 04, 2017, 07:58:39 PM
No more voice drops for me on old projects/sounds or new ones.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on June 05, 2017, 07:16:41 AM
No more voice drops for me on old projects/sounds or new ones.

Thanks for the heads up :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on June 05, 2017, 07:18:37 AM
anyone still getting dropped voices with

I am, but so far my machine seems to be the only one still acting up. Still working to determine if it's midi data or something from another machine causing it, but would be weird since it only started with and has continued with

My drops are definitely not related to lfo settings though.

Did you have to export and import your work after installing I haven't tried the beta because I don't want to risk losing work. If I knew it would import correctly I'd just save it on PC then send to back to Tempest. I'm not convinced updating the OS is worth the risk.

I didn't re-export anything. I've tried re saving sounds/projects/beats in the new OS to see if that fixes the drop issue and it doesn't for me. I wouldn't follow any steps I'm doing though as I'm having some pretty regular voice drops on my end! In hindsight I would have stayed at whatever OS I was at before I upgrade to but now that I've done so much work in the newer betas I'm super paranoid to downgrade as I'm not sure what that will do. So I'm kind of stuck where I am until I can figure out a sure fire way to reproduce the drop outs so the bug can get sorted. I'm away until Tuesday, but will be diving back in then.

Wow...okay I'm definitely not updating until the OS is an official release. No betas for me. Hope you get your issues worked out. Losing work is the worst! :(

No one has lost any work. Just pointing that out.

Gotcha. Thanks man :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on June 05, 2017, 10:08:42 AM
This is a good list to bring up and I support keeping it alive. With absolute respect for its collaters and maintainers, however, is there a practical way between us - maybe using forum functions - that we could rank these (by their negative effect, for example)? Alternatively, I'd be happy to start a public JIRA instance and load them in for public voting and comments, as well as giving Carson access. I know DSI use JIRA too, so it might make things easier for all.

As a software publisher myself, some of my hardest (and most rewarding) work with my customers is to get things ranked so that when some combination of time / money / willpower inevitably runs out, at least the most important stuff has been delivered.

Since there seems to be a little more momentum in DSI-Land for Tempest bug-squashing I reckon ranking would help them and us.

What do you all think?
Fully agree.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 05, 2017, 12:56:41 PM
I'm using AUX envelope one on a kick drum to bring in kick sample, but its having no effect. If I turn up the volume in the osc section i hear it, i then lower the volume to 0, go to AUX 1 and assign it to OSC3 Level, then i open the decay up (in AD mode) i increase the amount and the sample does doesn't appear in the sound at all, i've checked the pre/post filters, i'm not sure why i'm going to recalibrate and save the sound and see if i can get the envelope to work, at this moment i can't see why im not getting the sound of the sample at all.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 05, 2017, 01:04:43 PM
I'm not seeing that here.  Is the issue present on an initialized sound?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 05, 2017, 01:09:17 PM
I'm not seeing that here.  Is the issue present on an initialized sound?

I saved the sound and project, then i recalibrated, when i rebooted my Tempest that particular sound was playing as a weird click only so i reloaded the individual sound and all is fine now, must just have not liked the update or something.

Seems to be working now anyway.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 06, 2017, 04:16:48 AM
edit - One of the oscillators had been changed to to C0 -50 fine in an old sound file not sure why i thought oscillator was playing up but this was the cause i deleted my original post.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on June 06, 2017, 08:56:44 AM
Played 3 days 4 to 6 hours at a art festival with a VJ friend of mine. The T worked really great. Is used it to create some sounds on the fly and play some poly patches I had created. No loss of voices.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: timbo74 on June 07, 2017, 04:43:13 AM
Everything seems 100% here.
Thanks DSI for making sure the Tempest is firmware sorted before closure.


Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 12:10:37 PM
No I've just lost a voice, playing only one kickdrum using samples assigned to V6 i was just playing it for ages and then all of a sudden its dropped randomly, nothing i can say i was doing other than tweaking the filter and volumes, its just dropped, i changed the voice allocation and the drum returned, but everytime i assign it to voice 6 the voice is removed totally. This was on a voice that had been intialized. Repower put the voice back it hasn't dropped again as yet.

edit - Also my voices are becoming quite distinctly different, some are a lot more bassy and its like there is two distinct types either the bassy type or not when i calibrate the voices can have one or the other tone. (I know i'm going to get analog as the reason here but it seems a little more than that my end its like two of the voices will be identical and more bassy and the other four will be identical). It seems odd to me that two of the voices will be identical and the other four then idenctical also.

I'm recalibrating again to see waht happens.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 12:38:59 PM
Recalibrated now voices 2 - 6 are not working.

Recalibrated again voices returned, again 2 of my voices have a more bassy tone so im beggining to think that 2 of my voices have a slightly different filter tone and thats the reason everytime i get 2 voices that sounds a little bassier. Analog. lol

edit - I've just lost voice 5. Totally gone.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 01:14:12 PM
This is the project i'm woking on, im only really been using sounds on pads 5, 10, 11 and 12 the rest muted and voices are dropping out after some minutes of playing and tweaking.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 07, 2017, 01:41:39 PM
Just loaded your project.  The kick sound on pad 5 will not play if it is set to choke itself and it is assigned to a voice. Please be sure to disable any pads from choking themselves if the sound is assigned to a voice.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 07, 2017, 01:49:56 PM
Regarding the issue you noted with certain voices sounding off following calibration, do you have any audio cables plugged into the individual voice outputs when you were calibrating?  If so, please disconnect all audio connectivity from the rear of the Tempest and Calibrate again. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 02:03:58 PM
Just loaded your project.  The kick sound on pad 5 will not play if it is set to choke itself and it is assigned to a voice. Please be sure to disable any pads from choking themselves if the sound is assigned to a voice.

Carson, i saved the file after the voice dropout happened so that all the parameters were the same, voice 5 was the one that dropped and it was just left that way (being assigned to the kick), i had checked mutiple pads and sounds on voice 5 making sure that the one i was using was the only one assigned to voice 5 at that time and no pad or sound would make any noise once voice 5 had dropped, previous to that it was voice 6 and i went through the same process to double check it wasn't my setting and the voice had in fact dropped.

edit - Also i think i had been messing with the pre/post pots just before the voice dropped on one occasion i'll see if it drops again and if i had being making similar tweaks (self note)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 02:06:15 PM
Regarding the issue you noted with certain voices sounding off following calibration, do you have any audio cables plugged into the individual voice outputs when you were calibrating?  If so, please disconnect all audio connectivity from the rear of the Tempest and Calibrate again.

No this was not the case. All voices 2 through 6 were totally silent after the calibration. I did not reboot though maybe i should have, i just recalibrated and the voices were brought back.

I only have 2 mono cables anyway even if i in error placed on into the voices it still would not explain why 5 of the 6 voices were not present as i don't physically have enough cables to do that. I did check as well to see if i had made that mistake and that wasn't the case.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: idm on June 07, 2017, 02:12:27 PM
You indeed need to restart after calibration.

Maybe also try to reinstall the latest OS? Just to rule that out.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 02:14:34 PM
You indeed need to restart after calibration.

Maybe also try to reinstall the latest OS? Just to rule that out.

I had restarted, i meant i hadn't restarted twice.

I've got voice 5 dropping out again. Voice 2 has also dropped this time. It seems to be when i am assigning voices and i assign two pads momentarily to the same voice one does not return.

I have no chokes or sync'd lfos assigned, i have no voices assigned at all, if i assign any pad to voices 2 or 5 they are not there, I do not have any cables plugged into anything other than Main L+R.

Carson, would you like me to reintall the latest OS and try again? Whats the best course of action here?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on June 07, 2017, 02:31:54 PM
The procedure of calibration is very specific...Unplug all cables...And i mean aaallll cables..Only power left plugged...If i were you i'd reinstall again main OS & voice OS,reset all system parameters,calibrate and try loading that project again..I know it's a pain but you have to make sure everything's running correctly.Also follow Carson's advices on choking and assigning voices..
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 02:36:47 PM
I'm managing here to force voices to drop.

The steps are basically to just keep reassigning voices to pads (im only playing 4 pads rest are muted, a kick snare and two hats) then eventually a voice just doesn't return. I was assigning 3 pads to once voice and things, but im not sure that was needed, just keep reassigning voices and see if u can make it drop/

My exact steps are :-

Steps are load this project, make sure all voices are unassigned and all lfo's are unsync'd or off.make sure all chokes are off.

Mute everything but pads 5, 10, 11 and 12.

Play the beat and continually reassign voices to these four pads. Make some chokes if u want but im not sure that is nessacary as i have had it drop without doing that.

Continue to reassign voices until one eventually drops. I think assigning mutliple pads to the same voice momentarily helps force the drop. Also was using voices 5 and 6 for kick and snare a lot and voices 1 and 2 for the hats a lot again i dont know if this matters.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 02:44:21 PM
The procedure of calibration is very specific...Unplug all cables...And i mean aaallll cables..Only power left plugged...If i were you i'd reinstall again main OS & voice OS,reset all system parameters,calibrate and try loading that project again..I know it's a pain but you have to make sure everything's running correctly.Also follow Carson's advices on choking and assigning voices..

Yeah im aware of the calibration procedure thanks though.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 03:41:56 PM
No one else managing to force drops?

edit - I'm struggling to repeat the behaviour now been trying for a while....
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 07, 2017, 04:20:15 PM
No Im not seeing any dropped voices when using the project you exported and switching various sounds voice assignments.  Only thing I've seen which sounds like a dropout is having multiple pads assigned to the same voice and the voice not being available to play all sounds due to the sequence.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 04:41:03 PM
No Im not seeing any dropped voices when using the project you exported and switching various sounds voice assignments.  Only thing I've seen which sounds like a dropout is having multiple pads assigned to the same voice and the voice not being available to play all sounds due to the sequence.

Well it defo dropped a good few times, i can't force it to happen now.

Does choke only work if both pads (the one choking and the one getting choked) are assigned to the same voice? For some reason my Pad 10 will not choke anything, ive tried making the delay longer and rerecording the notes so they happen together whatever pad i try to choke just plays normally unless i assign both pads to the same voice.

I'm going to reinstall this OS and see if it fixes things. Im a little frustrated here Carson so i don't even want to know how u feel testing this trying to recreate these bugs, i know they were drops and not me being stupid i checked everything but then all of a sudden not being able to recreate it again is really annyoing....

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 07, 2017, 04:58:09 PM
When you were checking the described drop outs, was the sequencer running or not?

No, the choke should work regardless of a sound's assigned voice.  Also, it's good to note that you need to set the choke pad on the sound which you wish to choke with the other sound.  This is to say that if you want to set pad 5 to be choked by pad 10, you would set the choke pad setting on pad 5 to pad 10.

At this point, it's not clear that the issue was related to a bug or some misconfiguration of various parameters.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 05:11:21 PM
When you were checking the described drop outs, was the sequencer running or not?

No, the choke should work regardless of a sound's assigned voice.  Also, it's good to note that you need to set the choke pad on the sound which you wish to choke with the other sound.  This is to say that if you want to set pad 5 to be choked by pad 10, you would set the choke pad setting on pad 5 to pad 10.

At this point, it's not clear that the issue was related to a bug or some misconfiguration of various parameters.

Yes at the times of all drops its been running clocked from Abelton. I obviously stopped everything and double checked and the voices were still not there when the sequencer was stopped, changing beats did not return them either (when stopped).

Ah ok so i'm choking the wrong way around. Noted Thanks.

edit - Ok, so the choke must work on volume somehow not midi or some other way, i had a very low volume setting on Pad10 and i was running through a compressor and it was letting the other sound through when i adjusted the volumes it choked it properly i wouldn't have thought it worked like that but heh learn something about the T every day lmao.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: timbo74 on June 07, 2017, 05:26:43 PM
Hi RobH,

Sounds like you have it sorted now I see!

My Tempest is clocked from an Engine hardware sequencer and no issues here.

May be overkill ,but when updating the firmware I update the voice and main, then reset system parameters, calibrate drum pads and sliders and then the main calibration routine also.
Basically all the options in the system menu after every update.


Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 05:29:51 PM
Hi RobH,

Sounds like you have it sorted now I see!

My Tempest is clocked from an Engine hardware sequencer and no issues here.

May be overkill ,but when updating the firmware I update the voice and main, then reset system parameters, calibrate drum pads and sliders and then the main calibration routine also.
Basically all the options in the system menu after every update.


Yes i do all these things.

Well, i still experienced voice drops earlier, i've been in this beta long enough now to be pretty thorough, i'm pretty sure they were bugs still.

I'd like some clarification on how choking actually works in the Tempest surely volume shouldn't play a part in if another pad it choked or not?  Choking should stop the other pad playing at all? Something seems off about it i cannot properly choke a kick i have on pad A12, its always playing underneath the sound thats choking it. I've panned both sounds to hard L and R, the kick on A12 choked the other sounds fully but i cannot get the other sounds to choke the kick.

I cannot get Pad A10 to choke A12, i've tried swopping the sounds around from one pad to the other and see if that was the reason but the sound playing on A12 will not be choked at all it doesn't matter if i put the kick or snare sound into it. I have panned each left and right to hear this and its not working. I'm going to reinstall the voice OS and see if it remains this way.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 05:49:42 PM

I have reinstalled the voice and OS updates to the latest.

I have system reset, i have calibrated all pads, buttons and main voices calibration.

I have started the Tempest up with the default file that loads after a system reset (i have never changed this afaik).

I have recorded in notes on the pads A10 and A12 and muted all other pads.

I have choked pads A10 with A12 (works fine).

I have attempted to choke pad A12 with pad A10 - Still has no effect pad A12 will not be choked.

edit -  i feel like im going insane.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: timbo74 on June 07, 2017, 05:55:36 PM
I am not at Tempest now but worthy of trying is after all the calibrations is to "Initialise project" for a clean slate.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: timbo74 on June 07, 2017, 05:59:54 PM
In the past I found that after firmware updates that the startup project would have voices all over the place so have been Initilising project ever since.

At least it appears to work for me.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 06:01:56 PM
I am not at Tempest now but worthy of trying is after all the calibrations is to "Initialise project" for a clean slate.

I intialised, it loaded up the exact same files as when i had reset system parameters, A10 will not choke A12. I have spent too long on this today to start checking all the pads that won't be choked.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 07, 2017, 06:11:57 PM
Try setting A12 to ADSR mode and turn on an oscillator, this will make the choke easier to hear.  Hold A12 and press A10.  You should here A12 stop when you press A10 if all is configured correctly
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 06:23:42 PM
Try setting A12 to ADSR mode and turn on an oscillator, this will make the choke easier to hear.  Hold A12 and press A10.  You should here A12 stop when you press A10 if all is configured correctly

Ok, so if i do this like you say, it chokes. If i record notes on the 4ths on both pads A10 and A12 and play it no choke occurs even with the oscillator turned on and the adsr mode. The notes played from the sequencer result in no choke basically is what im seeing my end. If i press the A10 pad it chokes normally but sequenced notes have no choke effect.

Choking the other way around choking A10 works correctly.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 07, 2017, 06:31:34 PM
Not seeing that here.  Try this, with record on and sequencer in playback, hold Pad 12 so that it records the note with duration.  While still holding pad 12, press pad 10.  Stop playback and replay.  You should here pad 12 choked when pad 10 is pressed.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 07, 2017, 06:42:15 PM
Not seeing that here.  Try this, with record on and sequencer in playback, hold Pad 12 so that it records the note with duration.  While still holding pad 12, press pad 10.  Stop playback and replay.  You should here pad 12 choked when pad 10 is pressed.

Ok, so the chokes are based literally on the midi note size?

God knows, now i have done what you said and the opposite is happening now i cant choke A10, i'll leave this until tommorow now maybe a fresh brain will help understand this its not logical.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 08, 2017, 09:33:06 AM
Just to keep everyone updated

I updated to yesterday and after updating and calibrating, I played around and troubleshot for a few hours. I got one dropped voice in my session. Thankfully (for me), it wasn't when my Octatrack was connected so I can stop wondering if there's some voodoo coming from there. I had built 2 extremely basic midi tracks in ableton (one on channel 2 and one on channel 10) and was sending them to my Tempest. The midi line didn't cause any issues, but a few minutes later when I was just noodling around through my beats I had a voice drop (not the midi voices).

The interesting thing is that I had been playing around in and out of this set already for an hour with no drops, but once I switched from using a straight USB cable to one of those usb/midi combos cables, I had that drop withing a few minutes. Could be a coincidence I guess, but I thought using the hardware midi in jack on my Tempest would be a closer representation of how my actual set up is. No clock or cc was being sent, sequencer not running.

For anyone else that is still getting voice drops - do you have a midi cable plugged in (as oppose to usb)? Or for those of you that haven't got any on, are you using the midi in jack?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 08, 2017, 09:40:06 AM
I just have usb plugged in, i wasn't running any midi data other than clock to the T when i got the drops yesterday, even so midi data shouldn't cause two voices to drop like they did imo.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on June 08, 2017, 09:51:22 AM

I'm running Tempest OS and have a problem with VCA modulation.

When I set the Mod3 to Note number source, amount 35 and destination VCA, I get the VCA constantly running and never stopping although the sound cycle is finished. The only way I found to stop it is by setting Mod3 to another destination which happens to stop this.

Looks like a bug in the OS.
Hope you can sort this out.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Sontag on June 08, 2017, 10:24:12 AM

For anyone else that is still getting voice drops - do you have a midi cable plugged in (as oppose to usb)? Or for those of you that haven't got any on, are you using the midi in jack?
I reformated the flash drive, reloaded the voice os, calibrated and loaded all of my old projects ( created on various previous betas) back in. i just played for 3 hours with no voiceloss. and yes i had my tempest slaved via midi in for recording, but no midiinformation except start stop and clock.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 08, 2017, 10:27:56 AM

I'm running Tempest OS and have a problem with VCA modulation.

When I set the Mod3 to Note number source, amount 35 and destination VCA, I get the VCA constantly running and never stopping although the sound cycle is finished. The only way I found to stop it is by setting Mod3 to another destination which happens to stop this.

Looks like a bug in the OS.
Hope you can sort this out.

Not a bug, this is expected.  What you're likely wanting to modulate is the AMP ENV AMT parameter and not the VCA level.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on June 08, 2017, 12:31:47 PM

I'm running Tempest OS and have a problem with VCA modulation.

When I set the Mod3 to Note number source, amount 35 and destination VCA, I get the VCA constantly running and never stopping although the sound cycle is finished. The only way I found to stop it is by setting Mod3 to another destination which happens to stop this.

Looks like a bug in the OS.
Hope you can sort this out.

Not a bug, this is expected.  What you're likely wanting to modulate is the AMP ENV AMT parameter and not the VCA level.

Hi Cbmd,
Thanks for the tip. Will try this.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 08, 2017, 01:13:05 PM OS has been posted.  There are some changes which could potentially fix additional reported voice drop outs.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 10, 2017, 08:31:20 AM
No voice drops so far on my end. I'll try to force some later in the way i was getting them (albeit somewhat randomly result wise) later. Good shit!!!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adsrchris on June 11, 2017, 11:21:05 AM
Facing a problem with some sounds constantly sustaining. So, the only solution to stop this is to switch off the Tempest. I face this problem a.o. with the Engine hum preset patch in the bass category, which I can't stop.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 11, 2017, 05:06:13 PM
Facing a problem with some sounds constantly sustaining. So, the only solution to stop this is to switch off the Tempest. I face this problem a.o. with the Engine hum preset patch in the bass category, which I can't stop.

I don't actually have any presets/factory banks installed, but have you checked that the release is not set to 127 or also that the none of the lfos are assigned to the VCA (this could also be assigned in the mod matrix as you can assign things to the lfos in there also).

If you check that and can't work it out still, export the file via midi and upload it  (C6 is the best program to do this) and i'll take a look and see if i can work out why the sound is not stopping.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 11, 2017, 05:23:03 PM
I unfortunately​ only had 30 minutes to test it (life got real busy), but after installing I DIDN'T get a dropped voice in those 30 minutes which makes me cautiously optimistic as I was getting them pretty regularly with the previous OS versions.

I won't have time to dive in again until Friday when I'll be doing 2 sets at a show  - which will be a much more definitive test - so I'll keep my fingers crossed until then and report back after that :).
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 11, 2017, 06:11:28 PM
That's tentatively good news!  Thanks for the report. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Cole on June 15, 2017, 06:28:18 AM
Is DSI going to release an official last OS soon?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 15, 2017, 06:32:27 AM
The next official OS release will probably be the final iteration of the Tempest so its kind of prudent not to rush this and to give it as thorough test as possible
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Cole on June 15, 2017, 06:54:53 AM
That's true. I just got burned with Moog on this issue with the little phatty, I just want the latest one.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dslsynth on June 15, 2017, 07:09:31 AM
The next official OS release will probably be the final iteration of the Tempest so its kind of prudent not to rush this and to give it as thorough test as possible

Agree! Test it to pieces while there is still an chance for updates. May be hard work right now but it will pay off on the longer term!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: rplom on June 15, 2017, 10:24:57 AM
When I attempt to use Click in record it appears to voice steal from whatever pad I tap.  IE: if I have a boom kick and the clip happens at the same time the boom kick is cut off immediately.  Is this a known issue?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 15, 2017, 10:29:35 AM
When I attempt to use Click in record it appears to voice steal from whatever pad I tap.  IE: if I have a boom kick and the clip happens at the same time the boom kick is cut off immediately.  Is this a known issue?

Assign the kick to a voice, the click track uses a voice like any other sounds you make on the Tempest, i can't recall if it gives the click priority but if you have a few sounds playing the click track will take up a voice and steal it.

Its known thing expected behaviour.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on June 16, 2017, 01:44:38 AM
The next official OS release will probably be the final iteration of the Tempest so its kind of prudent not to rush this and to give it as thorough test as possible

Agree! ...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: godmodeinternet on June 17, 2017, 07:50:33 AM
hey carson et al.:

old bug still in, for me at least: while tempest clock is slaved via USB to DAW (logic 10.3.1), and while the tempest is actively sequencing, the tempest's sequencer falls out of time whenever i attempt to change a pad's sound. (to be precise: it's when i change a pad's sound folder that the glitch happens.) this makes it very very difficult to audition alternative sounds in real time, in the context of other music that might be built around the tempest's sequence.

iirc, this bug didn't appear until the 1.4 update. apologies for not reporting this sooner. i normally run clock to tempest via innerclock sync-gen midi but when i'm remote i have to use usb. let me know if there are any fixes you suggest!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on June 17, 2017, 04:36:43 PM
Just wanted to drop in to say that after this weekend's sets I can confirm that seems to have solved my mysterious voice drop issue. I'm away for a few weeks so I don't have time to confirm or track other bugs being commented on, I just wanted to cross voice drops off the bug list (for me and hopefully for you all too).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on June 21, 2017, 02:04:37 PM
So I'm guessing no news is good news!!!

I'm just wondering if there is anything DSI would like us to look at, test or just play with? This time does seem to be important and shouldn't be wasted.

Is there anything from the old lists people are still think needs addressing?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on June 22, 2017, 05:10:58 AM
So I'm guessing no news is good news!!!

I'm just wondering if there is anything DSI would like us to look at, test or just play with? This time does seem to be important and shouldn't be wasted.

Is there anything from the old lists people are still think needs addressing?

Yep, had this email exchange with Carson on June 9th in regards to beat transition, with and possibly without playlist.

"We have not yet resolved the skip behavior your found in the playlist, though Chris has been actively looking into it. It seems to be a very difficult bug to track down due to the complexity in the Tempest's code. Sorry I don't have any further roadmap and information in this regard".

Still, Tempest OS is greatly improved thanks to the hardwork of Chris, Carson and co.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 28, 2017, 01:55:21 PM
The Main OS version has been posted and should fix the skips on beat transitions with playlist active.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on June 28, 2017, 03:54:36 PM
Awesome! What's left Carson?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 28, 2017, 08:54:58 PM
Actually, I've decided to pull this latest OS as there seems to be some obvious issues which were not caught in our test case at the office. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 28, 2017, 09:05:47 PM
Any users who updated to, please downgrade to  It has been reposted in the OS download thread.

Sorry for any inconvenience!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on June 29, 2017, 01:20:43 PM has been posted and should fix any skips on beat transitions when playlist is active. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on June 30, 2017, 08:00:13 AM
Hi Carson,

Initial tests I have carried out, indicate a stable fix despite the one possible 'issue' I had in the email reply I have sent you.

Thank you to you and Chris in tracking down this invasive bug over the last couple of months, and for riding out the storms generated with these betas over the last 12 months, and getting the Tempest to the stage it is at now

Thank you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: CitizenJ on July 01, 2017, 04:07:37 PM
Yeah, I just want to add my voice of sincere thanks to Chris / Pym, Carson and any others at DSI who are continuing the effort to get this wonderful machine into the best state (reasonably) possible.

I'm reminded of this comment by Pym in an unrelated GS thread some years back "...the Tempest is nearly my dream performance instrument and I'm gonna make it do things right and intuitively even if it kills me."

May the wind remain at your back in this particular endeavour. We Tempestuous folk appreciate it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: laxare on July 05, 2017, 11:45:25 AM
today i´ve joined the forum and have updatet my TEMPEST from Version 1.4 . I think i did, because the SystemInfo Page shows:
Main OS
Voice OS 1.5 (for all six voices) (first updatet)
Panel OS 1.3
Sam OS 1.1

But during the "writing" process the LEDs at Slider 1 abortet to went up at LED Nr. 7 (the first one at the ground doesnt lit too) and after a wile nothing happened (no working process at Slider 2) i tried to resend the sysex file but it doesnt worked, so i desided to turn it off. After restarting the Tempest it shows the new Main OS, but is everything fine with my Tempest or does anything went wrong?  :o

After recalibrating everything I tryed it a second time with the same result.

Greetings from Germany
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 05, 2017, 12:53:03 PM
today i´ve joined the forum and have updatet my TEMPEST from Version 1.4 . I think i did, because the SystemInfo Page shows:
Main OS
Voice OS 1.5 (for all six voices) (first updatet)
Panel OS 1.3
Sam OS 1.1

But during the "writing" process the LEDs at Slider 1 abortet to went up at LED Nr. 7 (the first one at the ground doesnt lit too) and after a wile nothing happened (no working process at Slider 2) i tried to resend the sysex file but it doesnt worked, so i desided to turn it off. After restarting the Tempest it shows the new Main OS, but is everything fine with my Tempest or does anything went wrong?  :o

After recalibrating everything I tryed it a second time with the same result.

Greetings from Germany

Yeah this is normal, my doesn't go to the top on updates either, just wait for it to stop for a while and you'll be ok. (and trust me i've done a fair few updates lol!!!) Your all good mate
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 05, 2017, 04:10:45 PM
Dear Dave, Roger and Team.
Please don't stop supporting my TEMPEST!!  :(
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 06, 2017, 12:09:09 AM
Guys, please confirm if your "Click" metronome and BPM tempo speed up x2 after update to newest OS version
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on July 06, 2017, 01:51:49 AM
Guys, please confirm if your "Click" metronome and BPM tempo speed up x2 after update to newest OS version

I haven't noticed this, mine seems fine... under what conditions does it happen, such as when recording or playing back?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: blewis on July 06, 2017, 05:06:58 AM
The 2x number would suggest a MIDI echo. Double check the update didn't change a MIDI setting on you.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 06, 2017, 07:53:03 AM
Please take a look:

All midi cables (IN/OUT) and USB unplugged.

You can see / hear the difference watching DSI video:

Please compare these videos. Also please note that bars also speed up on my video.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 06, 2017, 08:09:02 AM
Other issue which i found is according to changing sounds on the pads.

Try to do this:
1. Push A1, set (for example) User 2 folder / Sound X
2. Push A2, set (for example) Misc folder / Sound X
3. Go back to A1 and try to change your sound on this pad
4. Go back to A2 and try to change your sound on this pad

*Please do these steps using knobs under OLED Display.

As you can see, folders sound changed to other with other sounds. On my tempest it’s Perc folder with first sound on the list.

How it's working on your side?

Video attached below:
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 06, 2017, 08:56:46 AM
My click seems to be working as nomal. I'll look at the rest later
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 06, 2017, 09:07:20 AM
RobH and others... could you share videos with your "Click", bar speeds and reported issues with changing folder sounds on your TEMPESTs?

Okay so... "click" and bar speed desynchronised after Format Flash drive - this is a reason of the issue.

Please try to do it on your side:
1. Please put both "Shift" buttons & "System" button
2. On Menu please select 8. Format Flash drive
3. Restart and check your "Click" speed.

Btw. Issue with changing sound folder really exist after update to OS version. I downgrade OS to 1.4 and everything works fine. So this is a real bug of OS.

Dear Dave / Roger, could you fix these issues? I'm very confused at the moment.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 06, 2017, 10:51:54 AM
RobH and others... could you share videos with your "Click", bar speeds and reported issues with changing folder sounds on your TEMPESTs?

Okay so... "click" and bar speed desynchronised after Format Flash drive - this is a reason of the issue.

Please try to do it on your side:
1. Please put both "Shift" buttons & "System" button
2. On Menu please select 8. Format Flash drive
3. Restart and check your "Click" speed.

Btw. Issue with changing sound folder really exist after update to OS version. I downgrade OS to 1.4 and everything works fine. So this is a real bug of OS.

Dear Dave / Roger, could you fix these issues? I'm very confused at the moment.

We don't usually bother to make videos of things that are not broken and rarely even if they are.

I don't want to lose any work right now so I'm going to pass on formatting my flash and i'd rather not have my Tempest not be in action if there is a bug  as i've a lot going on right now but i'm 100% certain that Carson will format the flash on the office DSI Tempest to see if there is a problem with the click Dsync'ing.

Yes when i follow your guide to change a sound then go back to the original pad the sound folder changes, i'm not sure whether this is actually worth trying to solve or not its not something that really personally i would ever think about i'd just scroll to the folder i wanted without even thinking about it. Again speak to Carson its either an easy fix or something that will just have to be as its not really effecting anything other than you have to turn the knob again.

Welcome to the beta.

edit - Also Dave and Roger don't have much to do with the forum side of things with the beta there is little point in mentioning either, Carson is out DSI man, he will help you with any beta business.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on July 06, 2017, 11:51:14 AM
RobH and others... could you share videos with your "Click", bar speeds and reported issues with changing folder sounds on your TEMPESTs?

The cause of the behavior with the click is due to the default initialized beat being cleared when the flash drive is formatted.

As such, you will need to save a new initialized beat file through the debug menu. To do so, set up a beat with the default sounds and time signature you prefer. Hold both SHIFT buttons and press the SYSTEM button. Navigate to the SAVE NEW INIT BEAT menu item and select it. press the left most soft button below the Tempest's screen to save the current beat as the new initialized beat.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 06, 2017, 04:39:15 PM
cbmd Thank you so much! This is what I expected from your side and needed to know... today i'm getting married, so i will check it tomorrow. Thank you for support. I found one else bug but i have to do more test to confirm this. Stay in touch! BIG UP!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 06, 2017, 04:45:14 PM
Hehehe :D you remind me of me messing around at this forum before my wedding!Congratulations man!
today i'm getting married, so i will check it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 06, 2017, 05:28:54 PM
Thank you!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 06, 2017, 07:59:24 PM
cbmd Thank you so much! This is what I expected from your side and needed to know... today i'm getting married, so i will check it tomorrow. Thank you for support. I found one else bug but i have to do more test to confirm this. Stay in touch! BIG UP!

Man i feel bad now for giving you the Tempest beta introductional debut tutorial on your wedding day. I should defo have let Carson reply first xD
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 09, 2017, 02:54:29 AM
Best wishes from newlyweds! Finally i can confirm now. Issue resolved.  :D ;D :D ;) 8)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on July 09, 2017, 11:39:10 AM
Hey brother, I dont think your wife would approve your marriage as a bug report!!! Hahah!

For the honeymoon poc make sure you get a clean shot of the Tempest by the night stand. Sure fire way to get divorced!

Congrats bro! I wish you both a long an happy life;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: CitizenJ on July 11, 2017, 02:26:52 AM
Hey brother, I dont think your wife would approve your marriage as a bug report!!! Hahah!


What makes you so certain that deepminddark isn't the person on the right?  :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: DavidDever on July 11, 2017, 05:23:28 AM
Hey brother, I dont think your wife would approve your marriage as a bug report!!! Hahah!


What makes you so certain that deepminddark isn't the person on the right?  :)

Not certain, however:
Guys, please confirm if your "Click" metronome and BPM tempo speed up x2 after update to newest OS version
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on July 11, 2017, 07:17:14 AM
Social cue from 2nd photo
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: DavidDever on July 11, 2017, 10:15:02 AM
Social cue from 2nd photo
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on July 11, 2017, 07:54:20 PM
That track is sweet;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 16, 2017, 07:06:28 AM
Can a note only be held a maximum of 3and a half bars? I'm trying to have a note play full 4 bars but its only playing 3.5bars then stops, this is with max note duration in adsr mode, surely a duration of 254 should be a full 4 bars no?

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 16, 2017, 08:08:13 AM
How about ADSR or kinda drone it?Check last tip on 1st post on the sound design thread ;-)
Can a note only be held a maximum of 3and a half bars? I'm trying to have a note play full 4 bars but its only playing 3.5bars then stops, this is with max note duration in adsr mode, surely a duration of 254 should be a full 4 bars no?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on July 16, 2017, 02:35:00 PM
Thank you for all!

Social cue from 2nd photo

Dear DavidDever, how did you find this track? By my picture? :)

This is my production from the newest project "Hypnotic Spheres" and this instrumental was also recorded on the DSI Tempest. :))

Big up!!!

btw. issues resolved.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 21, 2017, 03:35:48 PM
Wow fuck alphabetical order if the T remains like this being able to load sounds in without ANY sync issues, its glorius!!! Makes the whole damn machine feel so much better when there is no off lags when you turn a pot u know!!! +1
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: godmodeinternet on July 22, 2017, 01:12:05 AM
thank you for fixing that one carson!!! very grateful
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 24, 2017, 11:10:20 AM
When i am in event view and in 4th or 8th view it does not track properly, the beat plays correctly and keeps time but the event follower seems to move slower than the actual time shown by the counter and is behind with some erractic jumping, if i change up to 16th view all of a sudden it seems to be tracking properly and keeps properly in 32nd too.

I am taking clock from DAW and everything seems to be working properly other than the graphic event follower being off.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 25, 2017, 12:19:14 PM
Anyone else seeing this error in the event list follower? Is it a known issue?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bnsd on July 26, 2017, 06:09:28 AM
Hi guys,

For some reasons, I have not used my tempest since 2015.

I would like to know what is the last (and most stable) OS version I have to download.

I think that the last update I made was the 1.4 Main OS version.

Please, Could someone update me ? and where are the links to download ?

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 26, 2017, 06:23:22 AM
Wow very long time indeed Ben!Tempest has come a long way since then..You should definitely update to the latest beta found at the bottom of the first post here:,586.0.html

Hi guys,

For some reasons, I have not used my tempest since 2015.

I would like to know what is the last (and most stable) OS version I have to download.

I think that the last update I made was the 1.4 Main OS version.

Please, Could someone update me ? and where are the links to download ?

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bozo on July 26, 2017, 09:11:06 AM
Hi guys,

For some reasons, I have not used my tempest since 2015.

I would like to know what is the last (and most stable) OS version I have to download.

I think that the last update I made was the 1.4 Main OS version.

Please, Could someone update me ? and where are the links to download ?

Many thanks,

dont forget to do both os's, main and voice.
save all your work first
some sounds and patterns wont be the same, you'll probably have to twerk them, lfos, voice stealing algo changes etc etc
links are here on this site in the sticky thread just below this
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bnsd on July 26, 2017, 09:42:08 AM

dont forget to do both os's, main and voice.
save all your work first
some sounds and patterns wont be the same, you'll probably have to twerk them, lfos, voice stealing algo changes etc etc
links are here on this site in the sticky thread just below this

Thanks for your quick answer..

I would like to start something new on my tempest so I don't care about all my previous works..

I noticed also that my oscillators are a bit detuned. Do you think, it's a good idea to :

1) Install the new Main and Voice OS
2) Reset all the parameters
3) Recalibrate OCSs (Do I have to calibrate OSCs ?)

Thanks again.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: purusha on July 26, 2017, 10:19:27 AM
Re-calibrating is definitely worth it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: bnsd on July 26, 2017, 01:49:43 PM
Thank you guys ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 28, 2017, 08:55:33 AM
So I'm the only one whos event follower isn't following correctly?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: HT on July 28, 2017, 10:50:58 AM
So I'm the only one whos event follower isn't following correctly?
Not used DAW as the clock source myself but Event screen is updating fine using the Tempest as source.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on July 28, 2017, 11:37:12 AM
So I'm the only one whos event follower isn't following correctly?

Hi RobH,
Event follower doing as you describe under and slaved, but can it be classed as affecting the Tempest’s 'essential' operation?

As you said, everything is working properly and it seems to be just visual.

I am taking clock from DAW and everything seems to be working properly other than the graphic event follower being off.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on July 28, 2017, 11:51:27 AM
So I'm the only one whos event follower isn't following correctly?

Hi RobH,
Event follower doing as you describe under and slaved, but can it be classed as affecting the Tempest’s 'essential' operation?

As you said, everything is working properly and it seems to be just visual.

I am taking clock from DAW and everything seems to be working properly other than the graphic event follower being off.

I agree, however, the event follower operates fine under 16ths and 32nd, just not 4th and 8th, so its not one line of code that is just wrong, something inherent somewhere is not right and it could be the sign of an underlying issue someplace else, I just wanted to check i wasn't the only one seeing this error.

If DSI check it and says its just graphical thats fine, i agree its not worth much thought, i'd hate not to bring it to their attention though.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on July 28, 2017, 02:47:16 PM
Other issue which i found is according to changing sounds on the pads.

Try to do this:
1. Push A1, set (for example) User 2 folder / Sound X
2. Push A2, set (for example) Misc folder / Sound X
3. Go back to A1 and try to change your sound on this pad
4. Go back to A2 and try to change your sound on this pad

*Please do these steps using knobs under OLED Display.

As you can see, folders sound changed to other with other sounds. On my tempest it’s Perc folder with first sound on the list.

How it's working on your side?

Video attached below:

This is an old bug that was fixed in BETA, so if it has resurfaced in the latest BETA it would be nice to see it fixed again.  As someone who auditions sounds live onstage, it's often little details like this that can prove the most disorienting.  And we fought really hard to get this addressed originally, so if it could be amended before the release of OS 1.5, that would be most appreciated.  Thanks.

Main OS

1.  Fixed bug: In the 16 Sounds / Pads screen, the sounds displayed when the Load Sounds soft knob was turned were not alphabetized.
2.  Fixed bug: If a pad containing an ADSR sound was held during record for more than the maximum 255 ticks (about 2 1/2 bars), the recorded duration on playback was much shorter and unpredictable. Now such recorded long durations will always be the maximum 255 ticks long.
3.  Fixed bug: If the Arpeggiator and 16 Tunings were on while using an ADSR sound during record, the recorded notes should have durations equal to the Quantize setting, but they were twice as long.
4.  Fixed bug: If the Arpeggiator and 16 Tunings were on while using an ADSR sound, holding multiple tuning pads would result in all but the lowest-pitch pad play with durations shorter than the Quantize value.
5.  Fixed bug: As of the beta release of, in the 16 Sounds / Pads screen, the Sound Folder (soft knob 3) and Sound Type (shift soft knob 3) are independent of each other. However, there were a case in which changing the Sound Folder would still change the Sound Type.
6.  Fixed bug: In Playlists, the maximum 99 steps could be exceeded.
7.  Fixed bug: If 16 Sounds was selected and a Note FX slider's pressure output was used to modulate a single sound, increasing pressure past halfway would switch to a negative modulation level due to a math error.
8.  Fixed bug: If 16 Sounds was selected and a finger was moved on a Note FX slider while the Playback button was off, the slider would affect the playback of recorded notes, which should only occur if Playback was on.
9.  As of the beta release of, the default Save folder in the Save Project screen now defaults to the last loaded project folder, but not the last saved project folder. Now it defaults to the last loaded or last saved project folder.
10.  Fixed bug: In the 16 Tunings / Pads screen, if Roll was on then Soft Knob 2 (Octave) was not displayed.
11.  Fixed bug: If 16 Beats was selected and Beat FX1 slider’s pressure was assigned to BW All Osc Freq (to vary a beat’s overall pitch), light pressure would switch to a high pitch, then as pressure increased would increase the pitch then switch to a low pitch and increase from there to the original pitch. This problem is partly solved. Now a light pressure still switches to a high pitch but increasing the pressure continues increase the pitch.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on July 28, 2017, 04:13:47 PM
Thanks John for continuing to keep track of things!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: monsters on July 28, 2017, 04:58:12 PM
Other issue which i found is according to changing sounds on the pads.

Try to do this:
1. Push A1, set (for example) User 2 folder / Sound X
2. Push A2, set (for example) Misc folder / Sound X
3. Go back to A1 and try to change your sound on this pad
4. Go back to A2 and try to change your sound on this pad

*Please do these steps using knobs under OLED Display.

As you can see, folders sound changed to other with other sounds. On my tempest it’s Perc folder with first sound on the list.

How it's working on your side?

Video attached below:

If this is the state of the tempest with the latest beta then it looks to be back to it's original state. How I got around it.

The tempest will jump to whatever name is on the screen for those pads. So if you have a pad with the name "Lead" or "Snare"  or "Clap" it will load from those folders first. If you change the sound of that pad to another one say replaced the snare sound with a bass sound from the bass folder. You need to change the pad name to Bass to have it start in the Bass folder when you go back to it from other pads etc.

Like in your video. Your pad name is Tamb. A Tamb is a Perc and therefore it will load always from the Perc until the pad name is changed no mater what sound you load in to it. The Clap is also a Perc. So it will load from the Perc folder.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on July 28, 2017, 08:00:04 PM
Other issue which i found is according to changing sounds on the pads.

Try to do this:
1. Push A1, set (for example) User 2 folder / Sound X
2. Push A2, set (for example) Misc folder / Sound X
3. Go back to A1 and try to change your sound on this pad
4. Go back to A2 and try to change your sound on this pad

*Please do these steps using knobs under OLED Display.

As you can see, folders sound changed to other with other sounds. On my tempest it’s Perc folder with first sound on the list.

How it's working on your side?

Video attached below:

This is an old bug that was fixed in BETA, so if it has resurfaced in the latest BETA it would be nice to see it fixed again.  As someone who auditions sounds live onstage, it's often little details like this that can prove the most disorienting.  And we fought really hard to get this addressed originally, so if it could be amended before the release of OS 1.5, that would be most appreciated.  Thanks.

Main OS

1.  Fixed bug: In the 16 Sounds / Pads screen, the sounds displayed when the Load Sounds soft knob was turned were not alphabetized.
2.  Fixed bug: If a pad containing an ADSR sound was held during record for more than the maximum 255 ticks (about 2 1/2 bars), the recorded duration on playback was much shorter and unpredictable. Now such recorded long durations will always be the maximum 255 ticks long.
3.  Fixed bug: If the Arpeggiator and 16 Tunings were on while using an ADSR sound during record, the recorded notes should have durations equal to the Quantize setting, but they were twice as long.
4.  Fixed bug: If the Arpeggiator and 16 Tunings were on while using an ADSR sound, holding multiple tuning pads would result in all but the lowest-pitch pad play with durations shorter than the Quantize value.
5.  Fixed bug: As of the beta release of, in the 16 Sounds / Pads screen, the Sound Folder (soft knob 3) and Sound Type (shift soft knob 3) are independent of each other. However, there were a case in which changing the Sound Folder would still change the Sound Type.
6.  Fixed bug: In Playlists, the maximum 99 steps could be exceeded.
7.  Fixed bug: If 16 Sounds was selected and a Note FX slider's pressure output was used to modulate a single sound, increasing pressure past halfway would switch to a negative modulation level due to a math error.
8.  Fixed bug: If 16 Sounds was selected and a finger was moved on a Note FX slider while the Playback button was off, the slider would affect the playback of recorded notes, which should only occur if Playback was on.
9.  As of the beta release of, the default Save folder in the Save Project screen now defaults to the last loaded project folder, but not the last saved project folder. Now it defaults to the last loaded or last saved project folder.
10.  Fixed bug: In the 16 Tunings / Pads screen, if Roll was on then Soft Knob 2 (Octave) was not displayed.
11.  Fixed bug: If 16 Beats was selected and Beat FX1 slider’s pressure was assigned to BW All Osc Freq (to vary a beat’s overall pitch), light pressure would switch to a high pitch, then as pressure increased would increase the pitch then switch to a low pitch and increase from there to the original pitch. This problem is partly solved. Now a light pressure still switches to a high pitch but increasing the pressure continues increase the pitch.


My apologies, guys and gals, but I didn't realize there was a video attached to the original post.  What I see happening in the video is actually normal.  If you're coming to this functionality from OS 1.4, what has changed is that the default 'Sound Folder' is now automatically correlated with the Pad Name.  So you're free to load sounds from any folder, on any pad, at any time, but if you want to always be loading sounds from a specific folder on a given pad, you need to change the Pad Name to match the desired 'Sound Folder'.  You do this by holding shift, and you'll see the 'Sound Folder' parameter change to 'Sound Type'.

This does, however, bring to light what I considered a bug on my original list: i.e. there are Pad Names like "Synth" that don't have a 'Sound Folder' to correlate with, and 'Sound Folders' like "User1-4" and "Misc" that don't have Pad Names to match.  I would personally like to see a "Synth" folder added to the file system, followed by Pad Names that correlate with the "User" and "Misc" folders.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: timbo74 on July 29, 2017, 06:00:29 AM
Good to see you back John!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: strathmeyer on July 31, 2017, 04:07:51 PM
In "16 Beats" mode, I am unable to use the Copy button to copy *to* the currently selected beat, even when playback is stopped. Is this expected?

Main OS:
Voice OS: 1.5
Panel OS: 1.3
Sam OS: 1.1

Repro steps:
- Select "16 Beats" and "Pads" (the Screens mode doesn't actually matter, but this makes it easy to see)
- Select Beat 1 and begin playback
- Hold the Copy button and confirm that the parameters across the top are: AB->AB, On, On, On
- While holding the Copy button, tap Pad 2 and then Pad 1 (to copy Beat 2 on top of Beat 1)
- Note that the selected pad name has not changed.
- Stop playback
- While holding the Copy button, tap Pad 2 and then Pad 1 (to copy Beat 2 on top of Beat 1)

Expected: Pad 1 would now hold Beat 2
Actual: Pad 1 still holds Beat 1.

If, instead of the "Copy" button, you use "4. Copy Beat" under the Edit menu, the beat is always copied to the destination pad. If playback was enabled, it is stopped by the copy (regardless of whether the destination pad was playing). That behavior is fine. It's just weird not being able to use the Copy button on the current selected Beat when playback is already stopped.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on August 01, 2017, 01:29:38 AM
In "16 Beats" mode, I am unable to use the Copy button to copy *to* the currently selected beat, even when playback is stopped. Is this expected?

I reported this a while back, confirmed as a bug by Roger Linn. It should be on the list!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 01, 2017, 09:39:31 AM
In "16 Beats" mode, I am unable to use the Copy button to copy *to* the currently selected beat, even when playback is stopped. Is this expected?

Main OS:
Voice OS: 1.5
Panel OS: 1.3
Sam OS: 1.1

Repro steps:
- Select "16 Beats" and "Pads" (the Screens mode doesn't actually matter, but this makes it easy to see)
- Select Beat 1 and begin playback
- Hold the Copy button and confirm that the parameters across the top are: AB->AB, On, On, On
- While holding the Copy button, tap Pad 2 and then Pad 1 (to copy Beat 2 on top of Beat 1)
- Note that the selected pad name has not changed.
- Stop playback
- While holding the Copy button, tap Pad 2 and then Pad 1 (to copy Beat 2 on top of Beat 1)

Expected: Pad 1 would now hold Beat 2
Actual: Pad 1 still holds Beat 1.

If, instead of the "Copy" button, you use "4. Copy Beat" under the Edit menu, the beat is always copied to the destination pad. If playback was enabled, it is stopped by the copy (regardless of whether the destination pad was playing). That behavior is fine. It's just weird not being able to use the Copy button on the current selected Beat when playback is already stopped.

Confirmed. Seems only copying onto Pad A1 does not work i copied fine to every other pad counting back from Pad 16 to Pad 2 with no problems. No pad however would copy to A1.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on August 01, 2017, 10:20:27 AM
This behavior is known and expected.  The idea is that one would not want to accidentally overwrite their currently selected beat when copying data. So you can copy from your currently selected beat, but not to the selected beat.

Hope this helps!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 01, 2017, 11:01:58 AM
This behavior is known and expected.  The idea is that one would not want to accidentally overwrite their currently selected beat when copying data. So you can copy from your currently selected beat, but not to the selected beat.

Hope this helps!

What about the event follower are we just leaving that as graphical error?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on August 01, 2017, 12:00:10 PM
Yes, this appears to be a slight graphical issue which does not affect the Tempest's operation.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: brendanr on August 03, 2017, 08:26:55 AM
Getting a Tempest tomorrow (after 4 years of anticipation), could someone please confirm that the correct 4 most up to date OS files i should install are:

- Tempest Main syx
- Tempest Voice 1.5 syx
- Tempest Panel 1.3 syx
- Tempest Sam 1.1 syx

I've read the majority of this thread and this seems to be the 4 correct ones to install. Please tell me otherwise if not.

Am I right in thinking there is a final OS update yet to come?

Cheers guys

And thanks cbmd for your goliath effort.  Much respect.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on August 03, 2017, 12:03:25 PM
Yup, those are the most up to date OS versions.

The OS will very likely be the final Tempest OS version.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 03, 2017, 05:15:58 PM
Well I guess thats the end of the beta testing here!

Thanks to Carson, PYM and the rest of the DSI team for pushing on with this and to all the other testers thankyou too,  I love my Tempest and every tester old and new big shoutout I think the Tempest is in a lot better state for the last couple of months of beta espeically fixing some of the bigger bugs!!!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on August 03, 2017, 05:19:44 PM
I can't take all the credit for this effort...PYM and the rest of the DSI team deserve equal accolades as well.  Also, we all appreciate the time and effort users took to aid in the process.

Have great fun with your Tempests all!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on August 05, 2017, 12:17:16 AM
Thank you DSI, Roger, JohnTheSavage, and all you Beta testers.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: kxx303 on August 07, 2017, 02:27:16 AM
Cannot believe that it is all over! It was a wonderful time indeed. I remember this final OS digging has started on pages of the old forum, so nostalgic. Thanks to all participants!
btw it will be very interesting to see a list of all changes in Tempest's software from the very first OS. Wanna see how did it grow from update to update.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: marcusb on August 08, 2017, 10:27:20 AM
Amazing work, thanks for all the efforts put in by dev and testers!
Title: Too late for minor update?
Post by: 909 on August 15, 2017, 06:04:50 AM
Hi.  This is my first post.  I want to thank everyone for all their hard work in the new 1.5 Tempest OS.  I think the Tempest is a great machine.

I noticed some leftover "typos" and graphics problems from the 1.4 OS.  I know this does not affect the operation of the Tempest, but they are annoying and unprofessional to me.  I am sure these can be easily fixed:

1. Playlist step numbers goes over the dividing vertical line (20 and above, especially bad over step 99 - it's a mess).  There is plenty of space to the left of the numbers or they can be justified differently.
2. OSC 3/4 sample names for #157 and #364 are too long for bounding box.
3. MISC sound page title arrows has an arrow to the right although there is no page there.
4. Beat Events, 16 Beats, 16 Sounds, 16 Mutes, 16 Tuning also have title arrows which point to nowhere.

Although I am probably too late for this request for an added feature, it's one of the things I hate the most on the Tempest:  The revert soft button on the Sounds pages.  I would like to be able to undo this operation or have a confirm Yes/No secondary page.  I've lost many edits because the button is right next to Shift and Page Up which I use a lot.

Title: Re: Too late for minor update?
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on August 15, 2017, 06:44:56 AM
These are luxurious stuff you're asking compared to some features that are missing...Anyway you're too late to the party this is the final OS..
Hi.  This is my first post.  I want to thank everyone for all their hard work in the new 1.5 Tempest OS.  I think the Tempest is a great machine.

I noticed some leftover "typos" and graphics problems from the 1.4 OS.  I know this does not affect the operation of the Tempest, but they are annoying and unprofessional to me.  I am sure these can be easily fixed:

1. Playlist step numbers goes over the dividing vertical line (20 and above, especially bad over step 99 - it's a mess).  There is plenty of space to the left of the numbers or they can be justified differently.
2. OSC 3/4 sample names for #157 and #364 are too long for bounding box.
3. MISC sound page title arrows has an arrow to the right although there is no page there.
4. Beat Events, 16 Beats, 16 Sounds, 16 Mutes, 16 Tuning also have title arrows which point to nowhere.

Although I am probably too late for this request for an added feature, it's one of the things I hate the most on the Tempest:  The revert soft button on the Sounds pages.  I would like to be able to undo this operation or have a confirm Yes/No secondary page.  I've lost many edits because the button is right next to Shift and Page Up which I use a lot.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Cole on August 15, 2017, 08:28:37 AM
I sure wish we could get the Oberheim DMX samples in the tempest before the curtain goes down.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 15, 2017, 05:40:33 PM
I'll just leave this here (just in case)

When you have the OSC Select button so all the osc are selected at once and you have shift pressed also if you change a pitch value by using the 4 input knobs above the screen it makes a full semi-tone adjustment instead of a fine pitch adjustment to the single oscillator you are adjusting (which should be fine if shift is held). The workaround is obviously to go to deselect all four but you should be able to fine tune i think.

I know its over just incase any last minute shit gets addressed!!!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: carnisman on August 16, 2017, 04:55:06 AM
I wish to thank everyone for the hard work over the years, I'm a happy Tempest owner and since 2012/2013 I actively followed this forum and its previous version to have my beautiful machine updated to the latest version. It is remarkable all the improvements that have been made. Thanks to all the members who contributed patiently, and thanks to the DSI team for listening,

Greetings from Argentina!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on August 21, 2017, 07:45:17 AM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on August 21, 2017, 05:07:10 PM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

Wait a min...they don't know  whether or not they're going to fix this bug? Minor graphical omissions I can give them a pass on, but not this. This is a major bug as it affects live performance. This needs to be fixed without question.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 21, 2017, 08:14:14 PM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

Wait a min...they don't know  whether or not they're going to fix this bug? Minor graphical omissions I can give them a pass on, but not this. This is a major bug as it affects live performance. This needs to be fixed without question.

They've stopped developement on the Tempest OS the other day. Read the title of the thread.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on August 23, 2017, 08:16:49 PM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

Wait a min...they don't know  whether or not they're going to fix this bug? Minor graphical omissions I can give them a pass on, but not this. This is a major bug as it affects live performance. This needs to be fixed without question.

They've stopped developement on the Tempest OS the other day. Read the title of the thread.

I'm fully aware of the thread's title. This isn't a 'development' issue-nothing is getting added here. This is a fix for a serious performance bug. If they don't fix this, they've lost a customer.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 24, 2017, 08:07:35 AM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

Wait a min...they don't know  whether or not they're going to fix this bug? Minor graphical omissions I can give them a pass on, but not this. This is a major bug as it affects live performance. This needs to be fixed without question.

They've stopped developement on the Tempest OS the other day. Read the title of the thread.

I'm fully aware of the thread's title. This isn't a 'development' issue-nothing is getting added here. This is a fix for a serious performance bug. If they don't fix this, they've lost a customer.

Where I say development maybe I should have said "coding" or "fixing". I got the impression that there would be no more versions of the OS so any new bugs would not be fixed. No new features have been added for some time so stopping the beta means stopping fixing any errors remaining in the OS.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on August 24, 2017, 04:28:15 PM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

Wait a min...they don't know  whether or not they're going to fix this bug? Minor graphical omissions I can give them a pass on, but not this. This is a major bug as it affects live performance. This needs to be fixed without question.

They've stopped developement on the Tempest OS the other day. Read the title of the thread.

I'm fully aware of the thread's title. This isn't a 'development' issue-nothing is getting added here. This is a fix for a serious performance bug. If they don't fix this, they've lost a customer.

Where I say development maybe I should have said "coding" or "fixing". I got the impression that there would be no more versions of the OS so any new bugs would not be fixed. No new features have been added for some time so stopping the beta means stopping fixing any errors remaining in the OS.

Crazy though isn't it? I mean, Tempest is always marketed as a performance drum synth, and the sliders are used as the main modulation controls. To omit this fix of 3 pressure sliders not functioning properly is a real let down. Well, I have enough tools anyway, so my decision to cut DSI off is probably a good idea:)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 24, 2017, 05:36:46 PM
What can i say. I've typed like 4 pages of different commentary now.

I think everyone probably feels the same.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: AdamXAudio on August 24, 2017, 05:49:30 PM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

Wait a min...they don't know  whether or not they're going to fix this bug? Minor graphical omissions I can give them a pass on, but not this. This is a major bug as it affects live performance. This needs to be fixed without question.

They've stopped developement on the Tempest OS the other day. Read the title of the thread.

I'm fully aware of the thread's title. This isn't a 'development' issue-nothing is getting added here. This is a fix for a serious performance bug. If they don't fix this, they've lost a customer.

Where I say development maybe I should have said "coding" or "fixing". I got the impression that there would be no more versions of the OS so any new bugs would not be fixed. No new features have been added for some time so stopping the beta means stopping fixing any errors remaining in the OS.

Crazy though isn't it? I mean, Tempest is always marketed as a performance drum synth, and the sliders are used as the main modulation controls. To omit this fix of 3 pressure sliders not functioning properly is a real let down. Well, I have enough tools anyway, so my decision to cut DSI off is probably a good idea:)

I believe Carson said will most likely be the final OS, but I'm not sure if they've officially deemed that as final yet. So hopefully it gets fixed.  Personally that's not a make or break problem for me, but I can understand your frustration.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 24, 2017, 09:15:40 PM
Well, the title of the thread says Final but if you read the thread it still says "beta" so, I guess we'll have to ask?

Is the current OS the very final iteration @CMBD or is there still a chance outstanding bugs of a critical nature will still be addressed?

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on August 26, 2017, 11:28:44 AM
I would have to think this is a situation where a coding error needs to be fixed, rather than a function that needs to be figured out. That should give us hope that they have the capability to correct the problem.

I think the biggest hurdle will be DSI's willingness to cross the line that has been drawn in the sand. They have worked hard to build the perception of closure on the development as a non-negotiable situation.

It is a rather glaring bug when a control just doesn't function. It would be a bizarre thing to have to live with, and from a customer service perspective, I don't get how you would field these type of inquiries, particularly from new owners buying brand new machines.

Here's hoping it bugs someone internally enough that they want it fixed!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on August 29, 2017, 02:06:27 AM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

It's not just pressure that doesn't work in realtime guys, it's slider position as well.  Just to confirm, slider 1 position & pressure function both in step and realtime modes, both when sequencer is stopped & when playing.  Sliders 2 to 4 position & pressure only work in step mode, unless sequencer is stopped.  I would think that this should be an easy fix since the correct code is already in place for slider 1.  Should just be a case of referencing this for the remaining sliders.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 29, 2017, 08:11:33 AM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

It's not just pressure that doesn't work in realtime guys, it's slider position as well.  Just to confirm, slider 1 position & pressure function both in step and realtime modes, both when sequencer is stopped & when playing.  Sliders 2 to 4 position & pressure only work in step mode, unless sequencer is stopped.  I would think that this should be an easy fix since the correct code is already in place for slider 1.  Should just be a case of referencing this for the remaining sliders.

I'm not sure exactly what you guys are experiencing, the sliders  on mine work when when assigned to pressure, they don't update until a new note is pressed on a synth but i thought thats how they always worked to be honest, my slider 1 work in the same way also it updates a new note. Should i be able to say change the cutoff of a single sustained note with the ribbons is this the problem?

All the sliders (posistion and pressure) seem to work on my Tempest right now if i assign them, any more info on this would be good so i can get to grips with whats going on and what should be going on. Thanks

(I don't normally ask for a video but maybe in this case it would be prudent)

edit - Ok so all my sliders work when assigned to pressure i've run through and checked them all, i've also checked them being assigned from different posistions in the note FX 1-4 and still seems fine, they update the next played note in realtime, they also effect any sequenced notes, what am i missing here? I've tried pitch and filtercutoff it seems fine pressure sliders working updating on every new note. I'm slightly confused?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: soidthezoid on August 29, 2017, 02:59:54 PM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

It's not just pressure that doesn't work in realtime guys, it's slider position as well.  Just to confirm, slider 1 position & pressure function both in step and realtime modes, both when sequencer is stopped & when playing.  Sliders 2 to 4 position & pressure only work in step mode, unless sequencer is stopped.  I would think that this should be an easy fix since the correct code is already in place for slider 1.  Should just be a case of referencing this for the remaining sliders.

I'm not sure exactly what you guys are experiencing, the sliders  on mine work when when assigned to pressure, they don't update until a new note is pressed on a synth but i thought thats how they always worked to be honest, my slider 1 work in the same way also it updates a new note. Should i be able to say change the cutoff of a single sustained note with the ribbons is this the problem?

All the sliders (posistion and pressure) seem to work on my Tempest right now if i assign them, any more info on this would be good so i can get to grips with whats going on and what should be going on. Thanks

(I don't normally ask for a video but maybe in this case it would be prudent)

edit - Ok so all my sliders work when assigned to pressure i've run through and checked them all, i've also checked them being assigned from different posistions in the note FX 1-4 and still seems fine, they update the next played note in realtime, they also effect any sequenced notes, what am i missing here? I've tried pitch and filtercutoff it seems fine pressure sliders working updating on every new note. I'm slightly confused?

The behaviour that we are referring to is set under System > UI Preferences > Sounds slider mode.  Sounds like yours is set to step instead of realtime.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 29, 2017, 03:07:06 PM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

It's not just pressure that doesn't work in realtime guys, it's slider position as well.  Just to confirm, slider 1 position & pressure function both in step and realtime modes, both when sequencer is stopped & when playing.  Sliders 2 to 4 position & pressure only work in step mode, unless sequencer is stopped.  I would think that this should be an easy fix since the correct code is already in place for slider 1.  Should just be a case of referencing this for the remaining sliders.

I'm not sure exactly what you guys are experiencing, the sliders  on mine work when when assigned to pressure, they don't update until a new note is pressed on a synth but i thought thats how they always worked to be honest, my slider 1 work in the same way also it updates a new note. Should i be able to say change the cutoff of a single sustained note with the ribbons is this the problem?

All the sliders (posistion and pressure) seem to work on my Tempest right now if i assign them, any more info on this would be good so i can get to grips with whats going on and what should be going on. Thanks

(I don't normally ask for a video but maybe in this case it would be prudent)

edit - Ok so all my sliders work when assigned to pressure i've run through and checked them all, i've also checked them being assigned from different posistions in the note FX 1-4 and still seems fine, they update the next played note in realtime, they also effect any sequenced notes, what am i missing here? I've tried pitch and filtercutoff it seems fine pressure sliders working updating on every new note. I'm slightly confused?

The behaviour that we are referring to is set under System > UI Preferences > Sounds slider mode.  Sounds like yours is set to step instead of realtime.

Yes your right, wow, all this time and i didn't even know that existed... I'm the worst beta tester i admit it...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on August 29, 2017, 03:24:12 PM
Well, I wouldn't say the worst....*grin*Jokes:)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on August 29, 2017, 04:29:14 PM
Well, I wouldn't say the worst....*grin*Jokes:)

10/10 for effort though right xD
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on August 29, 2017, 04:42:55 PM
More like a 9.2 Full score would have been given if you slammed the poster to RTFM...bonus points for name calling.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on August 31, 2017, 02:44:20 PM
Hi all,

Please post any bugs you might encounter on the Main and Voice 1.5 OS files in this thread. 

We would appreciate if you would give a general description of the bug as well as detailed steps to reproduce.  This will make it easier to keep track of and resolve any potential issues prior to the OS' official release.


Hi Carson, today I updated my Tempest OS to and the Voice OS to 1.5. Since then, there is a very noticeable lag when scrolling through menus to load sounds, beats or projects. Have you heard of this happening? Sometimes it's a couple of seconds before the screen redraws the characters on the screen. This only started occurring after I updated today. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on September 01, 2017, 11:37:23 AM
Hi all,

Please post any bugs you might encounter on the Main and Voice 1.5 OS files in this thread. 

We would appreciate if you would give a general description of the bug as well as detailed steps to reproduce.  This will make it easier to keep track of and resolve any potential issues prior to the OS' official release.


Hi Carson, today I updated my Tempest OS to and the Voice OS to 1.5. Since then, there is a very noticeable lag when scrolling through menus to load sounds, beats or projects. Have you heard of this happening? Sometimes it's a couple of seconds before the screen redraws the characters on the screen. This only started occurring after I updated today. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Cole on September 01, 2017, 11:45:32 AM
I've got the same thing going on.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on September 01, 2017, 12:00:34 PM
I've got the same thing going on.

Sorry to hear that man. I'm suprised no one else has had this issue. I updated from 1.4 official to 1.5 official- no beta builds in between. What about you?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on September 01, 2017, 01:22:42 PM
Yes i have that problem too, they managed to solve the lag where you can load a sound without entering that menu, but now the lag is in the menu folder itself, they changed some code that meant the sounds were no longer sorted alphabetically i'm going to guess this had some impact on the load folder, the lag is pretty bad, i must admit.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on September 01, 2017, 02:33:09 PM
Yes i have that problem too, they managed to solve the lag where you can load a sound without entering that menu, but now the lag is in the menu folder itself, they changed some code that meant the sounds were no longer sorted alphabetically i'm going to guess this had some impact on the load folder, the lag is pretty bad, i must admit.

Yeah, it's annoying and makes the screen seem like it's in the pre-beta stage. I've had the OLED replaced but other than that, it runs pretty solid. This load folder lag and the slider bugs need to be fixed. I hope someone from DSI is watching this thread. Do we need another petition? :-\
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on September 01, 2017, 05:05:25 PM
Guys, the lag in the screen refresh has been there for well over a year now - since Main OS to be exact (that was 19 betas ago!) - and it was the small price we paid for having the file management system improved, including the alphabetization of the file folders, etc.

At any rate, there is nothing wrong with your Tempests, nor does this anomaly pose any operational concerns.  Just scroll a little slower - and if you're in that much of a rush that you can't scroll slower, maybe switch to decaf (smirk).

The slider pressure issue, on the other hand - yes, that really ought to be fixed.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 01, 2017, 05:14:32 PM
a little Vaseline on the sliders...smooth!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on September 01, 2017, 08:13:48 PM
Guys, the lag in the screen refresh has been there for well over a year now - since Main OS to be exact (that was 19 betas ago!) - and it was the small price we paid for having the file management system improved, including the alphabetization of the file folders, etc.

At any rate, there is nothing wrong with your Tempests, nor does this anomaly pose any operational concerns.  Just scroll a little slower - and if you're in that much of a rush that you can't scroll slower, maybe switch to decaf (smirk).

The slider pressure issue, on the other hand - yes, that really ought to be fixed.


It looks like it's a pre- beta bug, like a sneak peak at MESSE, before the product release in 6 months. Well, out of the 19 betas, can anyone point me to the one that doesn't have the graphic lag? I could care less about the alphabetization of folders. I would much rather have a tight redraw on my screen. As I had mentioned, i went from 1.4 official to 1.5. Which beta is available that doesn't have the folder change? Before the change I was easily able to pick and choose the sounds i wanted and shape them the way I wanted. Whose idea was it and why in hell would DSI agree to it when it results in an awful screen lag? New buyers are not gonna be happy with it guaranteed.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 01, 2017, 08:52:03 PM
Stay at 1.4 then...the other betas had different issues...what can we say? Or go through the update log and pick your fav. I am not trying to be snarky but the added functionality far outweighs the graphics glitch. They have maxed out the code and I cool with that.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: BRE on September 01, 2017, 08:53:56 PM
Stay at 1.4 then...the other betas had different issues...what can we say? Or go through the update log and pick your fav. I am not trying to be snarky but the added functionality far outweighs the graphics glitch. They have maxed out the code and I cool with that.

No worries. All 19 betas are available for download?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on September 02, 2017, 12:50:38 AM
I could care less about the alphabetization of folders. I would much rather have a tight redraw on my screen. As I had mentioned, i went from 1.4 official to 1.5. Which beta is available that doesn't have the folder change? Before the change I was easily able to pick and choose the sounds i wanted and shape them the way I wanted. Whose idea was it and why in hell would DSI agree to it when it results in an awful screen lag? New buyers are not gonna be happy with it guaranteed.

Hey, if you'd prefer a "tight redraw" on your screen over the 80 some odd critical bugs that have been fixed since 1.4, then you're welcome to stay on 1.4.  The screen lag was introduced in the first two betas after that, so that's about your only option I'm afraid.  It was nobody's "idea", and nobody "agreed" to it.  The processor is simply taxed to the hilt, and many tough decisions have had to be made along the way.

I have to admit, it's been a while since I bothered to take note of this issue, so I fired up my Tempest just now... Does the screen lag a bit?  Yes.  But only if I try to scroll through the file folders faster than I can read them.  If I go folder by folder at a comprehensible rate, there's no lag whatsoever.  And within the sound folders themselves, I can scroll even faster without any lag - much faster than would otherwise be intelligible.

Do I like it?  No.  Would I prefer it be fixed?  Sure.  Would I trade features, general stability, and better file management for this purely cosmetic anomaly that only happens when navigating a screen (that seldom needs visited) faster than I can read?  No.  But take your pick.  1.4 is yours to be had (wink).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on September 02, 2017, 04:27:37 AM
I could care less about the alphabetization of folders. I would much rather have a tight redraw on my screen. As I had mentioned, i went from 1.4 official to 1.5. Which beta is available that doesn't have the folder change? Before the change I was easily able to pick and choose the sounds i wanted and shape them the way I wanted. Whose idea was it and why in hell would DSI agree to it when it results in an awful screen lag? New buyers are not gonna be happy with it guaranteed.

Hey, if you'd prefer a "tight redraw" on your screen over the 80 some odd critical bugs that have been fixed since 1.4, then you're welcome to stay on 1.4.  The screen lag was introduced in the first two betas after that, so that's about your only option I'm afraid.  It was nobody's "idea", and nobody "agreed" to it.  The processor is simply taxed to the hilt, and many tough decisions have had to be made along the way.

I have to admit, it's been a while since I bothered to take note of this issue, so I fired up my Tempest just now... Does the screen lag a bit?  Yes.  But only if I try to scroll through the file folders faster than I can read them.  If I go folder by folder at a comprehensible rate, there's no lag whatsoever.  And within the sound folders themselves, I can scroll even faster without any lag - much faster than would otherwise be intelligible.

Do I like it?  No.  Would I prefer it be fixed?  Sure.  Would I trade features, general stability, and better file management for this purely cosmetic anomaly that only happens when navigating a screen (that seldom needs visited) faster than I can read?  No.  But take your pick.  1.4 is yours to be had (wink).


I kind of have to +1 this xd
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 02, 2017, 05:50:18 AM
Nah..I'm totally staying with!I kinda got used to it after so many betas..And as John said ^ critical bugs matter the most..

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 06, 2017, 10:25:19 PM
Today while building a song I noticed that if I am in beats mode and I turn the dedicated high pass filter knob completely left then completely right then back to centre the filter actually doesn't sound centred. I have to either use the soft knob by moving the dial a bit left or right then zero or press reset. I don't recall this being an issue before. Is this expected behaviour?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 07, 2017, 01:17:45 AM
It was always like this...I thinks it was in John's The Savage list
Today while building a song I noticed that if I am in beats mode and I turn the dedicated high pass filter knob completely left then completely right then back to centre the filter actually doesn't sound centred. I have to either use the soft knob by moving the dial a bit left or right then zero or press reset. I don't recall this being an issue before. Is this expected behaviour?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 07, 2017, 07:38:43 AM
Ah. Funny how I never used the function before but it turns out to be an awesome feature on a drop;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Pym on September 07, 2017, 02:10:00 PM
This is expected behavior

The problem is you have two ways of doing a macro knob that is aligned to a param across multiple sounds...

1. Use the 12 o'clock position to be 'default'
2. Vary the default based on the params

The problem with #1 is that while it works in some cases, if all the params are at extreme settings (let's say all of them are at 0 or 127) you end up with only half the knob movement doing something across the sounds. Eg., if it's at 0, only turning the knob up makes any difference... turning it down does nothing since it's already at 0.

If I use #2, the 'default' position becomes 0 because all the params are at 0 to begin with (it takes an average of everything to determine the default position). Then the FULL range of the knob is useful when you tweak it live. This makes for a much more intuitive and musical response while moving the knob, even though it means going back to default is a bit difficult. This is why we added the undo function... hold undo and move a knob and it goes back to default immediately

And yes, this means I may start posting a little bit more now assuming the community stays cordial

Today while building a song I noticed that if I am in beats mode and I turn the dedicated high pass filter knob completely left then completely right then back to centre the filter actually doesn't sound centred. I have to either use the soft knob by moving the dial a bit left or right then zero or press reset. I don't recall this being an issue before. Is this expected behaviour?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 07, 2017, 02:38:02 PM
We're with you Chris!Good to have you back onboard :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 07, 2017, 03:39:11 PM
The legend returns! Glad to have you back. Thanks for the explanation. I really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on September 07, 2017, 03:59:51 PM
It was always like this...I thinks it was in John's The Savage list
Today while building a song I noticed that if I am in beats mode and I turn the dedicated high pass filter knob completely left then completely right then back to centre the filter actually doesn't sound centred. I have to either use the soft knob by moving the dial a bit left or right then zero or press reset. I don't recall this being an issue before. Is this expected behaviour?

The knobs have definitely always behaved this way when using them for beat-wide FX, but it was never on my list.  I did campaign for a "relative mode" on the knobs at the 'Sounds' level, and a 'SHIFT' function that would allow us to move the knobs at the 'Beats' level without activating the parameters, such that one could set up proper transitions.  The hyperesthesia of the knobs (if that's a thing) was also an issue for years; but if I recall correctly, Chris did improve that, and I haven't really had an issue with it in recent history (except maybe last night, ironically, where I did have the resonance jump without provocation, but whatever).

Anyway, I'm clearly still in bed asleep, onstage without my pants on, in need of being pinched, because I swear Chris Hector just posted something... (smirk).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on September 07, 2017, 05:33:32 PM
Please, let this be an enlightened place where users and makers can evolve around this wonderful instrument.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dsetto on September 07, 2017, 09:19:36 PM
And, John, it's great to see you back. You've got an encyclopedic knowledge of this instrument's actual functions.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on September 14, 2017, 09:38:36 PM
Chris or Carson. Should we expect any updates to the OS beyond
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on September 14, 2017, 10:36:25 PM
Chris or Carson. Should we expect any updates to the OS beyond

I quote Carson in the patch thread (not the main post btw) that still says "beta" but his last post reads.

"Tempest is the final official OS version for the Tempest"

I guess it is what it is. DSI should really change the post in that thread to reflect that there is no longer a beta and the OS is now finalised.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on September 15, 2017, 07:13:01 AM
Chris or Carson. Should we expect any updates to the OS beyond

I quote Carson in the patch thread (not the main post btw) that still says "beta" but his last post reads.

"Tempest is the final official OS version for the Tempest"

I guess it is what it is. DSI should really change the post in that thread to reflect that there is no longer a beta and the OS is now finalised.

The question was addressed to Chris or Carson since they are DSI employees who are deeply connected to what is really happening at the company and the Tempest in particular. A significant hardware bug has been brought up that I would think requires attention. I have confirmation that they know of it. I have confirmation that it is on their internal list of bugs. I would just like to know if they intend to fix it... from their perspective. It's as simple as that.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on September 15, 2017, 07:41:23 AM
Chris or Carson. Should we expect any updates to the OS beyond

I quote Carson in the patch thread (not the main post btw) that still says "beta" but his last post reads.

"Tempest is the final official OS version for the Tempest"

I guess it is what it is. DSI should really change the post in that thread to reflect that there is no longer a beta and the OS is now finalised.

The question was addressed to Chris or Carson since they are DSI employees who are deeply connected to what is really happening at the company and the Tempest in particular. A significant hardware bug has been brought up that I would think requires attention. I have confirmation that they know of it. I have confirmation that it is on their internal list of bugs. I would just like to know if they intend to fix it... from their perspective. It's as simple as that.

I have already asked the exact same question earlier in the thread and received no response. The answer to your question lies in the post I quoted.... FINAL OS... NOT GETTING UPDATED....

"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

I also quote yourself, it seems to me DSI have already answered your questions about this bug. Being short with me and asking the same question multiple times isn't going to change the answer to your liking. I hope they do fix it but as far as I can see it's more probable that they won't.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on September 15, 2017, 08:05:54 AM
The answer to your question lies in the post I quoted.... FINAL OS... NOT GETTING UPDATED....

My original question was clearly addressed to Chris or Carson. I would appreciate you respecting that and letting this be. I am quite capable of reading what is on this forum and capable of the comprehension needed to understand what I read. A shouty caps summary of it is not necessary and not respectful. The last time I read that the firmware was final, it was posted by the guy who's signature is on my Tempest. That read... "we consider this release (OS to be our final Tempest OS release".

The realtime control related to the FX sliders of a sound are not working properly. I need to know if I should design around this new limitation (error) or if I can design my sound controls knowing that it will be repaired. Currently, when I am designing sounds that use these features (which is quite often) I get to the point in the sound design that uses the FX Sliders and wonder what the situation is. I run across this often... so it remains top of mind for me. That is why I am here seeking information from the source. Chris has showed a recent interest in checking this forum. Carson remains engaged as always.

I'm not demanding work on the Tempest. I am asking what the intent is so that I can move on. When the last answer was that this bug has been added to the "list"... that kind of leaves you wondering what the list is for.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on September 15, 2017, 08:16:03 AM
The answer to your question lies in the post I quoted.... FINAL OS... NOT GETTING UPDATED....

My original question was clearly addressed to Chris or Carson. I would appreciate you respecting that and letting this be. I am quite capable of reading what is on this forum and capable of the comprehension needed to understand what I read. A shouty caps summary of it is not necessary and not respectful. The last time I read that the firmware was final, it was posted by the guy who's signature is on my Tempest. That read... "we consider this release (OS to be our final Tempest OS release".

The realtime control related to the FX sliders of a sound are not working properly. I need to know if I should design around this new limitation (error) or if I can design my sound controls knowing that it will be repaired. Currently, when I am designing sounds that use these features (which is quite often) I get to the point in the sound design that uses the FX Sliders and wonder what the situation is. I run across this often... so it remains top of mind for me. That is why I am here seeking information from the source. Chris has showed a recent interest in checking this forum. Carson remains engaged as always.

I'm not demanding work on the Tempest. I am asking what the intent is so that I can move on. When the last answer was that this bug has been added to the "list"... that kind of leaves you wondering what the list is for.

Sorry but you seemed to make it out like I was answering for them when I fact I was quoting them giving you your answer which is somewhat different. I do this only because I have also asked the exact same question some weeks ago and received no response and doubt your going to get one either and had to realise my answer was already posted elsewhere. I hope they do suddenly start fixing bugs again but think it's improbable.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on September 15, 2017, 11:54:57 AM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

Update: DSI has responded to further inquiry regarding Realtime FX Controls...

I sent this to DSI (excluding more in-depth descriptions of my situation):
"As I continue to design sounds/beats/projects, can I plan on the realtime control working correctly in the future (via a fix from DSI) or should I consider this incorrect function to be the permanent behavior of this machine?"

DSI responded with:
"I do not have any information regarding when/whether there will be any future OS updates for the Tempest. As such, I would suggest that you proceed without the expectation of a future OS version becoming available."

I have no problem with begging... Let me try that... Chris, Carson, somebody... I love my Tempest... With all my heart.... please, please, please, please, please, please, please fix this. Please. Pleeeeeeease. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

Hopefully that helps.  ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on September 15, 2017, 01:42:18 PM

I wanted to report a DSI confirmed bug to this thread in case anyone else runs into it and wonders what is happening.

I sent this to DSI:
"I'm using realtime FX to control the parameters of a synth. When setting one of the four FX to use Slider Pressure 2, Slider Pressure 3, or Slider Pressure 4, it does not work in realtime. Slider Pressure 1 works as expected and so do the rest of + and +/- controls."

DSI responded with:
"I can confirm that realtime pressure on sliders 2/3/4 is not working correctly. I would be happy to add this to our bug list, though I have no information regarding when/whether this would be fixed."

Update: DSI has responded to further inquiry regarding Realtime FX Controls...

I sent this to DSI (excluding more in-depth descriptions of my situation):
"As I continue to design sounds/beats/projects, can I plan on the realtime control working correctly in the future (via a fix from DSI) or should I consider this incorrect function to be the permanent behavior of this machine?"

DSI responded with:
"I do not have any information regarding when/whether there will be any future OS updates for the Tempest. As such, I would suggest that you proceed without the expectation of a future OS version becoming available."

I have no problem with begging... Let me try that... Chris, Carson, somebody... I love my Tempest... With all my heart.... please, please, please, please, please, please, please fix this. Please. Pleeeeeeease. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

Hopefully that helps.  ;)

Well slider pressure 2 still works if you assign it in the mod matrix i just tested it. So your only down slider 3+4 pressure which isn't super massive in my opinion. Thats a slight workaround at least? If you assigned sliders 1 and 2 from the matrix you could have them both still working if you change out to FX 3 and 4, considering there is only 4 FX slots anyway, i don't think your too bad doubling slider pressure like this for both set 1 and 2, 3 and 4. Also it wouldn't change anything in the future if it did get fixed for any sounds you've already made.

This help any?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on September 15, 2017, 01:54:49 PM
Well slider pressure 2 still works if you assign it in the mod matrix i just tested it. So your only down slider 3+4 pressure which isn't super massive in my opinion. Thats a slight workaround at least? If you assigned sliders 1 and 2 from the matrix you could have them both still working if you change out to FX 3 and 4, considering there is only 4 FX slots anyway, i don't think your too bad doubling slider pressure like this for both set 1 and 2, 3 and 4. Also it wouldn't change anything in the future if it did get fixed for any sounds you've already made.

This help any?

I believe there is a difference between using the sliders in the mod matrix vs. the sound fx relating to what can be recorded per step. If you want to have live performance as well as recordable functionality out of your sliders, I believe that must be done in the sound fx settings.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on September 15, 2017, 02:19:37 PM
Well slider pressure 2 still works if you assign it in the mod matrix i just tested it. So your only down slider 3+4 pressure which isn't super massive in my opinion. Thats a slight workaround at least? If you assigned sliders 1 and 2 from the matrix you could have them both still working if you change out to FX 3 and 4, considering there is only 4 FX slots anyway, i don't think your too bad doubling slider pressure like this for both set 1 and 2, 3 and 4. Also it wouldn't change anything in the future if it did get fixed for any sounds you've already made.

This help any?

I believe there is a difference between using the sliders in the mod matrix vs. the sound fx relating to what can be recorded per step. If you want to have live performance as well as recordable functionality out of your sliders, I believe that must be done in the sound fx settings.

Gotya. It is a shame its left like this.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 15, 2017, 03:13:12 PM
My guess for leaving some features behind is because they squashed the life out of the available code they could fit into T's memory and they had to choose which where the most important in their opinion of course..
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on September 15, 2017, 09:41:05 PM
My guess for leaving some features behind is because they squashed the life out of the available code they could fit into T's memory and they had to choose which where the most important in their opinion of course..
I agree, and that certainly seems to have been the battle that Chris was fighting for quite some time. I highly doubt that is the case here though. It certainly seems like an error in that some realtime slider control works and some does not... which would be kind of an odd way to make a sensible cut-off for space saving measures. This absolutely strikes me the same as many other bugs in the past... fix two things and break another. This machine is so complex, with so many layers of things to test... there is just no way that it went through any kind of thorough testing between each beta release.

As I've said before... it's most likely that the barrier to fixing this problem is about crossing a line drawn in the sand. Let me just say... there is no shame in crossing that line in the sand to make things right. There is shame in begging... and I've already done that... and I'll do it again if necessary.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 16, 2017, 08:49:47 AM
I agree whole heartedly except I wasn't 100% convinced with the begging. It lacked conviction. I give it a 3/5. As a suggestion try to pepper in some self-depreciation ...the occasional "WHY GOD??" helps too....
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 16, 2017, 09:44:41 AM
LMAO...Nice one John!
I agree whole heartedly except I wasn't 100% convinced with the begging. It lacked conviction. I give it a 3/5. As a suggestion try to pepper in some self-depreciation ...the occasional "WHY GOD??" helps too....
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on September 16, 2017, 04:13:55 PM
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on September 29, 2017, 06:12:56 AM
Irrelevant posts moved to moderation area for further actions.Also moved LucidSFX mistakenly sent collaboration post..
Please keep it relevant here people...

Thanks for posting relevantly ;)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on October 10, 2017, 07:15:03 PM
Just had a full freeze. Changing beats and it frozen at 4.4.96 of a 4 bar loop.

Just thought i'd note that lucky i saved glad i wasn't live.

Was slaved to Reaper PC.

Been really stable i must admit i think its just an exception lets hope so!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on October 11, 2017, 04:02:27 PM
Just had a full freeze. Changing beats and it frozen at 4.4.96 of a 4 bar loop.

Just thought i'd note that lucky i saved glad i wasn't live.

Was slaved to Reaper PC.

Been really stable i must admit i think its just an exception lets hope so!

Hey Rob, you should report this, with as many details as possible, directly to DSI support.  They don't always read the forum.  Crash bugs are taken pretty seriously, so if it's something that can be reproduced, I could see them endeavoring to fix it.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on October 11, 2017, 04:17:58 PM
Just had a full freeze. Changing beats and it frozen at 4.4.96 of a 4 bar loop.

Just thought i'd note that lucky i saved glad i wasn't live.

Was slaved to Reaper PC.

Been really stable i must admit i think its just an exception lets hope so!

Hey Rob, you should report this, with as many details as possible, directly to DSI support.  They don't always read the forum.  Crash bugs are taken pretty seriously, so if it's something that can be reproduced, I could see them endeavoring to fix it.


Thats why i left a note, its only happened once and thats all the details i've got really about the crash, i jotted it down just so i could remember anything about the crash. If it happens again i'll send in a email but i'm guessing its one off for the moment.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on October 11, 2017, 04:33:30 PM
Rob...I believe it may be your mouse drivers...then again I was wrong about the Y2K Apocalypse ...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on October 12, 2017, 12:07:27 AM
Also it could be something with Reaper as long as there’s software involved in there...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on October 12, 2017, 12:32:57 PM
Also it could be something with Reaper as long as there’s software involved in there...

Actually you were right, when rendering after the song has rendered but before i close down the render options box that comes up in Reaper it is freezing out my Tempest, however once i've closed down those boxes the Tempest then becomes unstuck, i'll have to test it a few more times to make sure the Tempest does totally unfreeze but as i stands it seems that the Tempest is frozen on the last beat of the render until such time as you press play on Reaper again and it suddenly just pops back into action. Not 100% sure why it totally freezes one out John or Yorgoz i'm guessing would know more.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on October 12, 2017, 03:43:53 PM
I surmise that Reaper is likely stopping transmission of MIDI clock which would cause the Tempest to halt playback.  You can check this by monitoring the MIDI stream being sent to the Tempest while the render is occurring.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on October 12, 2017, 04:33:41 PM
I surmise that Reaper is likely stopping transmission of MIDI clock which would cause the Tempest to halt playback.  You can check this by monitoring the MIDI stream being sent to the Tempest while the render is occurring.

Thanks, your right thanks for dropping in, i only mentioned it to begin because it appeared to be a full freeze i hadn't initally realised the last time it happened that i was mid render etc, or i might have closed the box but not pressed play again before resseting my Tempest to unlock it by sending it more midi to jump it back into action.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on October 20, 2017, 06:42:13 AM

So i've had another freeze. Whilst changing beats slaved to  Reaper, not rendering just during normal playback.

I was changing beats and decided that it was the wrong beat i wanted and quickly pressed the beat i was previously on going from Beat 13 to Beat 5 then pressed 13 again the Tempest froze out at 4.4.96 and didn't manage to play Beat 13 as the light is still on Beat 5.

I've tried stopping and starting Reaper, resetting midi but the Tempest hasn't unlocked. Totally unreponsive.

edit - I have managed to reproduce this by stopping and starting Reaper over and over and spamming Beat changes.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 08, 2017, 03:29:00 PM
Guys, new here.. bought a Tempest last week and I have a couple of noob questions which are worrying me as I've read about the bugs of the systems OS over the years and the sometimes volatile nature.  It is probably my ignorance so please forgive me if these are basic issues that are covered somewhere.  For reference I am running the latest OS's and they have installed correctly:

1.  When trying to load factory project “Spud & Stump” or “Straight & Tight Kicks” which in the factory default folder, i get the error: “Error 9: Failed to read beat version. File System Error5: Not Found”

Not sure why it is not loading? I have re-installed the firmware a few times.  1.6MB of free memory too... These are default project that shipped with my Tempest.

2.  For some reason, when inititializing beat and hitting the various pads to listen to the sounds using the default kit, pad A16 plays whichever sound the pad immediately before it triggered.  Huh??  So if i hit A4 which defaults to a kick, A16 will play that sound if I hit the pad.  Hit A12, then hitting A16 triggers the A12 sound etc etc..

To make it more confusing:  If i record a sequence using the other pads which trigger properly.. and then stop playback and/or record and hit pad A16 repeatedly, A16 triggers random pads... W T F ???

3.  I start a new project that auto defaults to 16 beats labeled 1-16.  I select 1 of the beats (they are all empty anyway).  If I attempt to start recording and don't init the beat, then the click/metronome is going at a crazy high speed, multiples of the 120 default BPM.. Any thoughts there?

Need to figure this out because I have to take it back to the dealer tomorrow.  I only have a week grace period to try the unit and that expires tomorrow.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: MisterHemi on November 08, 2017, 05:16:25 PM
I know you reloaded the OS a few times, i'm assuming it was the latest as found here:,586.0.html

To me it's leaning towards a bug or defect in the unit you have. If you can see if they'll allow you to exchange it or contact DSI.

Just a thought try resetting ir, reloading all of the factory defaults and projects, which can be found here:
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 09, 2017, 12:21:17 AM
Indeed I have tried re-installing a few times and have reset the unit parameters too.  I am quite weary of the unit.  Although it sounds ok I've since discovered another bug when trying to create a KICK via use of the filter only.

All OSCs off.  Close filter, turn up resonance to 90 and slowly open filter cutoff to c. 40.  Adjust filter envelope to liking by cranking up the Amount to say 12 and similarly adjust the decay slightly..

Now every time i hit the pad I hear my simple kick as designed.  However, during recording, the sound almost cant be heard. 

Specifically:  I turn on the click.. then, with a 1 bar count in I try to record a 4/4 two bar beat triggering my newly designed kick.  Once I start to hit the pad, I cant hear anything until I disengage record mode and turn the click off... Magically, as the sequence loops from the start, the sound slowly starts to drift in - almost as if there is an LFO modulating the amplitude of the sequence I just recorded.

I have checked and all modulation routings are off, the beats and sounds were intialised beforehand and all OSCs are off.. Everything that shouldn't be on, isn't on... FX etc etc.. There is clearly something wrong here.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 09, 2017, 04:16:12 AM
First of all we need the OS,voice,Sam etc. you have installed in your T..Also as suggested above you could format T,install the latest OS/Voice,reset system parameters and calibrate everything with all cables unplugged...With a clean system you can tell if there’s a problem with your unit
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 09, 2017, 05:04:07 AM
First of all we need the OS,voice,Sam etc. you have installed in your T..Also as suggested above you could format T,install the latest OS/Voice,reset system parameters and calibrate everything with all cables unplugged...With a clean system you can tell if there’s a problem with your unit

I am running the very latest versions of all 4 operating systems as found in the support section of the T.. ie. + 1.5 + 1.3 + 1.1...

I have reset the unit, re-installed the firmware and calibrated everything.  Issues persist... I think I may just have a faulty unit.   :(
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: joosep on November 09, 2017, 05:08:09 AM

I am running the very latest versions of all 4 operating systems as found in the support section of the T.. ie. + 1.5 + 1.3 + 1.1...

I have reset the unit, re-installed the firmware and calibrated everything.  Issues persist... I think I may just have a faulty unit.   :(
How are you connecting your Tempest. What outputs are you using?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 09, 2017, 05:12:06 AM
Have you tried formatting T?
First of all we need the OS,voice,Sam etc. you have installed in your T..Also as suggested above you could format T,install the latest OS/Voice,reset system parameters and calibrate everything with all cables unplugged...With a clean system you can tell if there’s a problem with your unit

I am running the very latest versions of all 4 operating systems as found in the support section of the T.. ie. + 1.5 + 1.3 + 1.1...

I have reset the unit, re-installed the firmware and calibrated everything.  Issues persist... I think I may just have a faulty unit.   :(
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 09, 2017, 06:07:49 AM
No sir.. not tried a complete format... I did notice that in system actions, resetting system parameters does not actually return the Tempest to its default nature because my Test Project which I had saved is still on there...

Also pls forgive me if I am completely wrong, but there is nothing in the manual that i have seen that discusses a format and how to re-install everything?

Tempest is connected via master outs.  Midi input connected to a Midi Output on my Cirklon which just sends clock.  The problems persist whether slaved or not - yesterday I had it in my bed with headphones (wife wasn't too happy)... lol
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: grunes on November 09, 2017, 08:05:51 AM
As sent to me from Carson:

"How to reload the voice OS, format the flash drives, re-upload the factory project files, and create a new initialize sound and beat settings.

To format the flash drive, hold both SHIFT buttons and press the SYSTEM button to enter the debug menu. Navigate to the FORMAT FLASH DRIVE menu item and select it. Follow the on screen instructions to format the drive.

Next, reload the latest voice OS files to the Tempest. You will find detailed instructions for updating your OS via Mac or PC on the website:

Once the voice OS has been reloaded, please reload the factory sound bank files to the synth. The process to load the factory files is easy. You will find full instructions for loading sound bank files for all our synths via Mac or PC, including factory sound bank files, at the following link:

Next, restart the Tempest and initialize the currently loaded beat. Be sure to set the time signature and bar number to your preferred settings. Select a sound and set it to your preferred initialized settings. Copy the sound to every sound location in the currently loaded beat.

Enter the debug menu and select the SAVE NEW INIT SOUND TEMPLATE menu item. Follow the on screen instructions to set the template.

Enter the debug menu again and select the SAVE NEW INIT BEAT TEMPLATE menu item. Follow the on screen instructions to set the template.

Once the above steps have been performed, please reset your SYSTEM parameters and then check whether you continue to encounter problems".
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 09, 2017, 08:32:53 AM
This is very much appreciated, thank you. 
So when you format the flash drives, the main system OS is untouched therefore only need to reload the Voice OS and the Factory sound files correct?

This should have been in the manual or some addendum.

Regardless, will follow these instruction and see if this solves the issues.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 09, 2017, 09:40:00 AM
Ok so I reformatted everything...

followed the instructions above and initialised beat.
Going into the default sounds of the initialised beat... I hit pad A12 which on the screen says Kick but its actually OSC3 preset 126:  Ghost of a Snare... I proceed and hit pad A16.. guess what it triggers?  Ghost of a Snare too.  Same issue.  What is weird is that looking in the Sound menu of pad A16, its showing sample Pink Noise but it actually plays whatever pad was hit last.

There is definitely something wrong here.

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 09, 2017, 09:40:34 AM
Grunes beat me on time but really i can’t recommend it enough for new users to visit our FAQ sticky thread..Many tips inside there where you can’t find it elsewhere..A whole lot of loving and knowledge that’s why all these exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!,78.0.html
This is very much appreciated, thank you. 
So when you format the flash drives, the main system OS is untouched therefore only need to reload the Voice OS and the Factory sound files correct?

This should have been in the manual or some addendum.

Regardless, will follow these instruction and see if this solves the issues.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 09, 2017, 09:43:26 AM
I suggest you should contact support...They’re very helpful!
Ok so I reformatted everything...

followed the instructions above and initialised beat.
Going into the default sounds of the initialised beat... I hit pad A12 which on the screen says Kick but its actually OSC3 preset 126:  Ghost of a Snare... I proceed and hit pad A16.. guess what it triggers?  Ghost of a Snare too.  Same issue.  What is weird is that looking in the Sound menu of pad A16, its showing sample Pink Noise but it actually plays whatever pad was hit last.

There is definitely something wrong here.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on November 09, 2017, 12:12:16 PM
Just load a sound to A16 and this behavior will cease to occur.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 09, 2017, 12:57:09 PM
Just load a sound to A16 and this behavior will cease to occur.

sure - I think that works as a workaround, not an issue - just not the point - thought I was going crazy.

also, I've noticed that if you select an empty beat but dont initialise it before you attempt to record, the BPM and click track go a bit mental (faster).  In any case, that - along with the filter issue with all mods off, and the fact that a cpl of projects do not load and are giving me errors means the unit is going back to the dealer tomorrow and I will exchange for a new unit..

I'm really diggin the workflow..
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: cbmd on November 09, 2017, 03:32:27 PM
Sounds like you didn't create a new initialize beat file.  When the Tempest's drive is formatted, the initialize beat will default to having a time signature of 4/16 or something like that.  Just create a new init beat file with the time signature you prefer and you should have this problem again thereafter.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 09, 2017, 10:07:34 PM
Thank you Carson will give it a try...
So is it confirmed then that triggering pad A16 from a default state will result in misfiring of sounds unless a sound is specifically loaded to the pad?

Also, what about the issue I mentioned earlier where i was just using the filter exclusively to design a kick? Whilst repeatedly hitting the pad resulted in sound, when hitting record and click to capture a basic sequence I couldnt hear what I was playing.

Upon exiting record mode and turning off click, the recorded kick gradually became audible again on playback.  As if there was an LFO modulating the amplitude of the sequence at the start.

All OSCs were off, all modulation and FX off, everything off.. hmm.. 🤔
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 10, 2017, 03:21:14 AM
Are you saying that the metronome’s click is masking your kick or are you talking about inconsistency in your kick?You have to be as deatailed as possible..
Thank you Carson will give it a try...
So is it confirmed then that triggering pad A16 from a default state will result in misfiring of sounds unless a sound is specifically loaded to the pad?

Also, what about the issue I mentioned earlier where i was just using the filter exclusively to design a kick? Whilst repeatedly hitting the pad resulted in sound, when hitting record and click to capture a basic sequence I couldnt hear what I was playing.

Upon exiting record mode and turning off click, the recorded kick gradually became audible again on playback.  As if there was an LFO modulating the amplitude of the sequence at the start.

All OSCs were off, all modulation and FX off, everything off.. hmm.. 🤔
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 10, 2017, 03:52:33 AM
In short both.

Hitting the pad during sound design is far louder than when recording.
The volume of the click can be adjusted - nonetheless, this has never been an issue, even with the softest of sounds.

Even though I cannot hear it as I hit the pad during recording, as soon as I disengage from Recording and disengage the Click, the Kick sound starts to come in (slowly increases in volume and then sustains at the correct fixed velocity after 1 bar).

It is as if there is something modulating the velocity of the sequence itself in the beginning.

Also, following some great sound design advice from the Tempest Recipes, trying to replicate the Kick using just the filter doesn't work the way it's supposed to.  It's as though there is an LFO somewhere modulating the resonance - I've checked everything and as I am quite comfortable with synthesis, I cannot figure out why this is happening in the audio path.  Everything is off - FX - LFO's - triple checked feedback, envelopes , settings , etc etc...

Am getting a new one today so will see if it is down to insufficient user IQ or a faulty box.  Pain in the ass if I'm honest.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 10, 2017, 04:35:38 AM
Got it!That’s a user error...Please Nik read everything in the FAQ thread and especially the section where i explain how to avoid inconsistency..Sound designing with the filter is an unstable state if you’re not assign that specific sound to a voice..Also onother thing i have to update the FAQ thread with is that the metronome steals a voice..But above all please...please read very carefully the FAQ thread and connect the dots to solve your problems..As for pain in the ass hahaha ;D ask all of us who are beta testing it for years!Marvel or DC must include us to their next superhero movie!Tempest is definitely a Love/Hate instrument!We felt both sides of the coin over here but lovin wins at the end ;)
In short both.

Hitting the pad during sound design is far louder than when recording.
The volume of the click can be adjusted - nonetheless, this has never been an issue, even with the softest of sounds.

Even though I cannot hear it as I hit the pad during recording, as soon as I disengage from Recording and disengage the Click, the Kick sound starts to come in (slowly increases in volume and then sustains at the correct fixed velocity after 1 bar).

It is as if there is something modulating the velocity of the sequence itself in the beginning.

Also, following some great sound design advice from the Tempest Recipes, trying to replicate the Kick using just the filter doesn't work the way it's supposed to.  It's as though there is an LFO somewhere modulating the resonance - I've checked everything and as I am quite comfortable with synthesis, I cannot figure out why this is happening in the audio path.  Everything is off - FX - LFO's - triple checked feedback, envelopes , settings , etc etc...

Am getting a new one today so will see if it is down to insufficient user IQ or a faulty box.  Pain in the ass if I'm honest.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nikarga on November 10, 2017, 09:40:21 AM
Got it!That’s a user error...Please Nik read everything in the FAQ thread and especially the section where i explain how to avoid inconsistency..Sound designing with the filter is an unstable state if you’re not assign that specific sound to a voice..Also onother thing i have to update the FAQ thread with is that the metronome steals a voice..But above all please...please read very carefully the FAQ thread and connect the dots to solve your problems..As for pain in the ass hahaha ;D ask all of us who are beta testing it for years!Marvel or DC must include us to their next superhero movie!Tempest is definitely a Love/Hate instrument!We felt both sides of the coin over here but lovin wins at the end ;)

Thanks for clarifying YA.. Fyi, I have my new one and we also tried it in the shop:

1.  A16 pad is not user error, it is defacto a bug.  Not a big deal as it's a simple fix but for those that pick one up, don't bang your head against the wall thinking you are doing something wrong.  As has been advised, the workaround is to simply load the sound (or a sound of choice) to it. 

2.  Indeed recording a sequence has a default whack BPM and time signature - you must initialise beat, define the time signature and bar length etc and save as the default state.

3.  The metronome steals the voice - good to know, this needs updating and should be documented no doubt.

4.  With regards to filter - that will probably solve it YA, thank you for clarifying it needs to be assigned to a voice.  Will try and revert. 

I'm back in business boys - what an awesome machine.   :D
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adwylie on December 01, 2017, 01:58:56 PM

I just downloaded the newest OS after playing around with my Tempest for a few hours working on a new project. My Tempest is just under 2 years old.

So after installing the OS I've noticed a few sounds don't play right, like there's an LFO on them which isn't there. EG the kick like every few ones it sounds totally broken, other notes change in pitch etc.  I don't think this is an issue on the other projects as far as I can tell, but maybe it is. This isn't too much of a problem I suppose (but would be nice for a quick fix)

However, I've also noticed that the red LED on the 16 Beats mode flicker a bit, and has now permanently disappeared. I'm wondering if there are issues here, and what to do about it. I've tried recalibrating, formatting drives, re-updating OS several times (when I do it, the FX1 LED's don't go all the way to the top and the bottom one is missing), and I've re-updated them at different speeds over SysEx also.

Please hope you can help, was all good before I updated :(


Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on December 01, 2017, 03:03:11 PM

I just downloaded the newest OS after playing around with my Tempest for a few hours working on a new project. My Tempest is just under 2 years old.

So after installing the OS I've noticed a few sounds don't play right, like there's an LFO on them which isn't there. EG the kick like every few ones it sounds totally broken, other notes change in pitch etc.  I don't think this is an issue on the other projects as far as I can tell, but maybe it is. This isn't too much of a problem I suppose (but would be nice for a quick fix)

However, I've also noticed that the red LED on the 16 Beats mode flicker a bit, and has now permanently disappeared. I'm wondering if there are issues here, and what to do about it. I've tried recalibrating, formatting drives, re-updating OS several times (when I do it, the FX1 LED's don't go all the way to the top and the bottom one is missing), and I've re-updated them at different speeds over SysEx also.

Please hope you can help, was all good before I updated :(



Did you make sure all the other firmware is updated Voice OS is also 1.5 etc if its not been upgraded it should be. Download C6 software from Elektron and try uploading the new OS with that its lot better software and can work where other programs fail.

Make sure you calibrate your voices and pads and reset parameters after you update (which sounds like you are but just being thorough).

The lights don't go up to the top like it says on my machine when i update, just make sure they've stopped thats actually usual and nothing to worry about.

C6 is a lot better software though i would try that out its very easy to use and does the job. If you keep having trouble let use know and we can problem solve from there.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Stoss on December 02, 2017, 11:31:45 AM

I just downloaded the newest OS after playing around with my Tempest for a few hours working on a new project. My Tempest is just under 2 years old.

So after installing the OS I've noticed a few sounds don't play right, like there's an LFO on them which isn't there. EG the kick like every few ones it sounds totally broken, other notes change in pitch etc.  I don't think this is an issue on the other projects as far as I can tell, but maybe it is. This isn't too much of a problem I suppose (but would be nice for a quick fix)

However, I've also noticed that the red LED on the 16 Beats mode flicker a bit, and has now permanently disappeared. I'm wondering if there are issues here, and what to do about it. I've tried recalibrating, formatting drives, re-updating OS several times (when I do it, the FX1 LED's don't go all the way to the top and the bottom one is missing), and I've re-updated them at different speeds over SysEx also.

Please hope you can help, was all good before I updated :(



Contact DSI customer support. Carson is great and will take care of you. The LED is most likely a hardware issue that they can help with.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: adwylie on December 02, 2017, 04:27:56 PM

I just downloaded the newest OS after playing around with my Tempest for a few hours working on a new project. My Tempest is just under 2 years old.

So after installing the OS I've noticed a few sounds don't play right, like there's an LFO on them which isn't there. EG the kick like every few ones it sounds totally broken, other notes change in pitch etc.  I don't think this is an issue on the other projects as far as I can tell, but maybe it is. This isn't too much of a problem I suppose (but would be nice for a quick fix)

However, I've also noticed that the red LED on the 16 Beats mode flicker a bit, and has now permanently disappeared. I'm wondering if there are issues here, and what to do about it. I've tried recalibrating, formatting drives, re-updating OS several times (when I do it, the FX1 LED's don't go all the way to the top and the bottom one is missing), and I've re-updated them at different speeds over SysEx also.

Please hope you can help, was all good before I updated :(



Did you make sure all the other firmware is updated Voice OS is also 1.5 etc if its not been upgraded it should be. Download C6 software from Elektron and try uploading the new OS with that its lot better software and can work where other programs fail.

Make sure you calibrate your voices and pads and reset parameters after you update (which sounds like you are but just being thorough).

The lights don't go up to the top like it says on my machine when i update, just make sure they've stopped thats actually usual and nothing to worry about.

C6 is a lot better software though i would try that out its very easy to use and does the job. If you keep having trouble let use know and we can problem solve from there.


Yeah I tried all these things, not tried uploading with the Elektron software. I think could likely be a hardware issue as mentioned, I've put in a request via the website hopefully they can help, the machine is just under 2 years old and I'm in the UK. Thanks for the reply.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on December 03, 2017, 04:12:24 AM
Try the elektron software. Its worked for a good few people i've reccomended it to. Its free, its simple and easy, its worth a try.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on January 20, 2018, 08:18:53 PM
Came across a bug today, not sure if it's been documented.

Pad to note mode "beats"
Clock mode "slave / midi"
Midi cable to "midi in" only (to verify a midi loop is not causing this)

When Tempest receives transport / clock from another sequencer, and pads are in either sound or transpose mode with "roll" engaged, playing a pad/note with roll gets that note stuck on at whatever speed the roll is at. For instance if "roll" is set to 1/16ths, after playing the pad a few times, the note suddenly gets stuck on and plays every 16 note.

Disconnecting the midi cable stops the stuck note, as does toggling "mute" of that pad on and off. 
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on January 21, 2018, 02:51:59 PM
Came across a bug today, not sure if it's been documented.

Pad to note mode "beats"
Clock mode "slave / midi"
Midi cable to "midi in" only (to verify a midi loop is not causing this)

When Tempest receives transport / clock from another sequencer, and pads are in either sound or transpose mode with "roll" engaged, playing a pad/note with roll gets that note stuck on at whatever speed the roll is at. For instance if "roll" is set to 1/16ths, after playing the pad a few times, the note suddenly gets stuck on and plays every 16 note.

Disconnecting the midi cable stops the stuck note, as does toggling "mute" of that pad on and off.

This bug got weirder the further I chased it - the undo record button would stay lit, but not erase notes after I pressed it and the screen wouls say "nothing to undo". I also discovered that the bug only happens when there's recorded notes in the sequencer that havn't been saved.

BUT: saving my beat as a new name and reloading it into the project seems to have fixed it!! I'm thinking that maybe that particular beat was created on a beta OS and there were some gremlins left in it or something? Anyways, posting this in case it helps someone else :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on February 16, 2018, 12:21:10 PM
This bug came back, so the "saving to a new beat" trick didn't hold. I've got a ticket open, but if anyone's curious to try themselves:

- Pad to note mode: "beat", sending a midi note message on channel 10 (in my case) on first note of bar 1.

-When the Tempest sequencer runs through this beat and you have roll engaged on an individual sound, that note will get stuck if you're playing it when the beat resets and the "beat" midi note is (re)triggered.

Came across a bug today, not sure if it's been documented.

Pad to note mode "beats"
Clock mode "slave / midi"
Midi cable to "midi in" only (to verify a midi loop is not causing this)

When Tempest receives transport / clock from another sequencer, and pads are in either sound or transpose mode with "roll" engaged, playing a pad/note with roll gets that note stuck on at whatever speed the roll is at. For instance if "roll" is set to 1/16ths, after playing the pad a few times, the note suddenly gets stuck on and plays every 16 note.

Disconnecting the midi cable stops the stuck note, as does toggling "mute" of that pad on and off.

This bug got weirder the further I chased it - the undo record button would stay lit, but not erase notes after I pressed it and the screen wouls say "nothing to undo". I also discovered that the bug only happens when there's recorded notes in the sequencer that havn't been saved.

BUT: saving my beat as a new name and reloading it into the project seems to have fixed it!! I'm thinking that maybe that particular beat was created on a beta OS and there were some gremlins left in it or something? Anyways, posting this in case it helps someone else :)
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on February 16, 2018, 12:37:46 PM
This bug came back, so the "saving to a new beat" trick didn't hold. I've got a ticket open, but if anyone's curious to try themselves:

- Pad to note mode: "beat", sending a midi note message on channel 10 (in my case) on first note of bar 1.

-When the Tempest sequencer runs through this beat and you have roll engaged on an individual sound, that note will get stuck if you're playing it when the beat resets and the "beat" midi note is (re)triggered.

Came across a bug today, not sure if it's been documented.

Pad to note mode "beats"
Clock mode "slave / midi"
Midi cable to "midi in" only (to verify a midi loop is not causing this)

When Tempest receives transport / clock from another sequencer, and pads are in either sound or transpose mode with "roll" engaged, playing a pad/note with roll gets that note stuck on at whatever speed the roll is at. For instance if "roll" is set to 1/16ths, after playing the pad a few times, the note suddenly gets stuck on and plays every 16 note.

Disconnecting the midi cable stops the stuck note, as does toggling "mute" of that pad on and off.

This bug got weirder the further I chased it - the undo record button would stay lit, but not erase notes after I pressed it and the screen wouls say "nothing to undo". I also discovered that the bug only happens when there's recorded notes in the sequencer that havn't been saved.

BUT: saving my beat as a new name and reloading it into the project seems to have fixed it!! I'm thinking that maybe that particular beat was created on a beta OS and there were some gremlins left in it or something? Anyways, posting this in case it helps someone else :)

I can't recall exactly, but make sure that you don't have any notes at the end of the sequencer that roll over into the start of the sequence, i.e. that would be longer than the loop and would go over the note in the first step (and the note off doesn't play as the midi is then onto the new note), as i remember something like this happening to me before and I think that was the problem and it confuses the sequencer and the note gets held, i cannot remember exactly as i say but maybe something to look into, Carson will probably remember more.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Trevor Refix on February 18, 2018, 11:53:18 AM

I can't recall exactly, but make sure that you don't have any notes at the end of the sequencer that roll over into the start of the sequence, i.e. that would be longer than the loop and would go over the note in the first step (and the note off doesn't play as the midi is then onto the new note), as i remember something like this happening to me before and I think that was the problem and it confuses the sequencer and the note gets held, i cannot remember exactly as i say but maybe something to look into, Carson will probably remember more.

There were no pre - recorded notes getting stuck, only the new ones I performed or recorded with "roll" engaged. These new notes would get stuck almost immediately after being recorded or played. The record undo button wouldn't work for the sequence recorded with the roll engaged either, so I imagine this bug is one of those nasty ones that's connected by a bunch of little threads in the back end. Anyways, I quickly reverted my workflow back to one that doesn't involve "pads to notes = beats", but it's definitely a concern in terms of expected behavior.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: RobH on February 18, 2018, 12:23:22 PM

I can't recall exactly, but make sure that you don't have any notes at the end of the sequencer that roll over into the start of the sequence, i.e. that would be longer than the loop and would go over the note in the first step (and the note off doesn't play as the midi is then onto the new note), as i remember something like this happening to me before and I think that was the problem and it confuses the sequencer and the note gets held, i cannot remember exactly as i say but maybe something to look into, Carson will probably remember more.

There were no pre - recorded notes getting stuck, only the new ones I performed or recorded with "roll" engaged. These new notes would get stuck almost immediately after being recorded or played. The record undo button wouldn't work for the sequence recorded with the roll engaged either, so I imagine this bug is one of those nasty ones that's connected by a bunch of little threads in the back end. Anyways, I quickly reverted my workflow back to one that doesn't involve "pads to notes = beats", but it's definitely a concern in terms of expected behavior.

Gotya. Does seem odd behaviour. Glad you have a kind of workaround!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: LucidSFX on March 25, 2018, 09:14:21 PM
Minor bug:
When recording a playlist live the Tempest freezes. This may have been reported earlier.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: molodin on May 01, 2018, 01:44:06 PM
New owner, same bug as the owner above me in this thread:

When trying to record play list live from the 16 beats my unit freezes.

Did anyone find a workaround for this?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nayky on May 10, 2018, 02:51:50 PM
I have a modest request, these improvements will not require more performance from hardware:

1. Select sound for editing in MUTE mode (shift + PAD)

2. CUSTOM LENGTH of pattern for each PAD (sound), f/ex kick = 1 bar and bass 1/2 bar (kik 4 beats, bass 3 beats and etc) + random direction for playing,
its very important function for polyrhythmic  seqs, for endless generative seqs

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on May 10, 2018, 04:45:44 PM
This is the wrong place to post a request...All feature requests are closed as you’ll notice in the sticky thread because Tempest’s development has reached it’s final destination.
I have a modest request, these improvements will not require more performance from hardware:

1. Select sound for editing in MUTE mode (shift + PAD)

2. CUSTOM LENGTH of pattern for each PAD (sound), f/ex kick = 1 bar and bass 1/2 bar (kik 4 beats, bass 3 beats and etc) + random direction for playing,
its very important function for polyrhythmic  seqs, for endless generative seqs
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: nayky on May 11, 2018, 05:20:41 AM
This is the wrong place to post a request...All feature requests are closed as you’ll notice in the sticky thread because Tempest’s development has reached it’s final destination.
I have a modest request, these improvements will not require more performance from hardware:

1. Select sound for editing in MUTE mode (shift + PAD)

2. CUSTOM LENGTH of pattern for each PAD (sound), f/ex kick = 1 bar and bass 1/2 bar (kik 4 beats, bass 3 beats and etc) + random direction for playing,
its very important function for polyrhythmic  seqs, for endless generative seqs

yes, i know, but hope dies last) especially since it's a simple function, suddenly a miracle will happen

ps/ and the inability to select a sound for editing and using sliders in MUTE mode is a bug, very critical for live
Title: FREEZE in live event record
Post by: guitarsizer on May 29, 2018, 01:47:48 AM
latest firmwar , as master no syn or midi in
here's a video }
Title: Re: FREEZE in live event record
Post by: John the Savage on May 29, 2018, 05:15:28 PM
latest firmwar , as master no syn or midi in
here's a video }

From just a few posts back in this thread:

Minor bug:
When recording a playlist live the Tempest freezes. This may have been reported earlier.

New owner, same bug as the owner above me in this thread:

When trying to record play list live from the 16 beats my unit freezes.

Did anyone find a workaround for this?

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Cole on June 01, 2018, 10:49:54 AM
Is there a sysex loading bug? I bought a kit from one of you guys and I'm trying to load it now, but with no luck. He says it loads as a beat in beat one, but after pushing it into the tempest, it's simply not there. The tempest says it's receiving and then it says done. I'm using C6 program on a Mac desktop. USB straight into the Tempest.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on June 01, 2018, 02:23:26 PM
The solution is to manually save it yourself..The Beat loads temporarily ;-)
Is there a sysex loading bug? I bought a kit from one of you guys and I'm trying to load it now, but with no luck. He says it loads as a beat in beat one, but after pushing it into the tempest, it's simply not there. The tempest says it's receiving and then it says done. I'm using C6 program on a Mac desktop. USB straight into the Tempest.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: eyedollhands on June 06, 2018, 11:01:42 PM
Posting this here because i didnt see anyone else with this problem. If im mistaken please let me know.
The bug is with sequencing beats in playlist mode.
If you enable playlist mode and press shift it brings up "RT REC". Turn that to on then try to record the beats you want in whatever order. No matter what the Tempest hard crashes every time. So badly that you cant unfreeze from shift+stop.
This is a pretty big letdown for me, as being able to create beats then sequencing them live, as i would do with any other drum machine just isn't an option.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on June 07, 2018, 01:45:24 AM
Yes it’s a known bug and has been reported a few posts ago ^..I’m afraid Tempest’s development has reached the end and we all have to live with it..
Posting this here because i didnt see anyone else with this problem. If im mistaken please let me know.
The bug is with sequencing beats in playlist mode.
If you enable playlist mode and press shift it brings up "RT REC". Turn that to on then try to record the beats you want in whatever order. No matter what the Tempest hard crashes every time. So badly that you cant unfreeze from shift+stop.
This is a pretty big letdown for me, as being able to create beats then sequencing them live, as i would do with any other drum machine just isn't an option.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on June 13, 2018, 02:59:48 PM
Yes it’s a known bug and has been reported a few posts ago ^..I’m afraid Tempest’s development has reached the end and we all have to live with it..
Posting this here because i didnt see anyone else with this problem. If im mistaken please let me know.
The bug is with sequencing beats in playlist mode.
If you enable playlist mode and press shift it brings up "RT REC". Turn that to on then try to record the beats you want in whatever order. No matter what the Tempest hard crashes every time. So badly that you cant unfreeze from shift+stop.
This is a pretty big letdown for me, as being able to create beats then sequencing them live, as i would do with any other drum machine just isn't an option.

The most curious aspect of this particular bug is that all of the previous reports about it seem to be invisible to other users, even when those reports are on the very same page.

Hmm... Maybe the bug only happens to people who can't read (smirk).

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: eyedollhands on July 17, 2018, 10:47:40 AM
Yes it’s a known bug and has been reported a few posts ago ^..I’m afraid Tempest’s development has reached the end and we all have to live with it..
Posting this here because i didnt see anyone else with this problem. If im mistaken please let me know.
The bug is with sequencing beats in playlist mode.
If you enable playlist mode and press shift it brings up "RT REC". Turn that to on then try to record the beats you want in whatever order. No matter what the Tempest hard crashes every time. So badly that you cant unfreeze from shift+stop.
This is a pretty big letdown for me, as being able to create beats then sequencing them live, as i would do with any other drum machine just isn't an option.

The most curious aspect of this particular bug is that all of the previous reports about it seem to be invisible to other users, even when those reports are on the very same page.

Hmm... Maybe the bug only happens to people who can't read (smirk).

I might be lazy and illiterate but at least I'm not a rude little man making jabs at random people on a dying forum
Anyways I have another question I'm too lazy to sift through 50 pages of this forum to find the answer to.
I'm recording using the midi mono synth feature on the tempest. Problem is when I play back the notes they're transposed way up from what I recorded. Any idea what this is about?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: John the Savage on July 19, 2018, 12:26:45 AM
Hmm... Perhaps it only affects people with no sense of humor (smirk).

At any rate, Yorgos is a much more tolerant individual than me, and he should be along shortly, so good luck to ya...

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on July 19, 2018, 05:51:44 AM
Are you talking about T’s arpeggiator?More details?Can you make a short video with the issue?

I'm recording using the midi mono synth feature on the tempest. Problem is when I play back the notes they're transposed way up from what I recorded. Any idea what this is about?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: eyedollhands on July 19, 2018, 10:11:18 AM
Are you talking about T’s arpeggiator?More details?Can you make a short video with the issue?

I'm recording using the midi mono synth feature on the tempest. Problem is when I play back the notes they're transposed way up from what I recorded. Any idea what this is about?
Basically when I play C2 on any midi keyboard, triggering the mono synth in the tempest it plays back as what sounds like a C4 and then if I hit that same pad that lit up on the tempests 16 tunings view to trigger outboard synths it plays a C7.
Makes it completely imposible to use
Note that I'm not using any transposers in my chain. Tried attaching a video but this site won't take any file my phone can produce...
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: muleskinner on July 19, 2018, 10:47:08 AM
I suspect this is not a bug but a combination of pilot error and the fact that, somewhat confusingly, octave labels for notes on the Tempest never seem consistent with other gear (they are a couple of octaves too high or too low, can't remember which offhand).

Probably best to start a new thread rather than derailing this one.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dekalboy on August 19, 2018, 08:43:48 AM
I have tried the PLAYLIST REALTIME RECORDING function but it is freezing my tempest ?
Any clue about this ?
is it working properly or is this function cannot be used with the current O.S ?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dekalboy on August 19, 2018, 08:48:32 AM
Ok So i am not alone with this play list problem  8)

is it possinle to have a clear answer from DSI , if they gonna fix this or not ? this REAL TIME function is not a gadget , it is a true function to enable the PLAY LIST feature all its interest !!

Yes it’s a known bug and has been reported a few posts ago ^..I’m afraid Tempest’s development has reached the end and we all have to live with it..
Posting this here because i didnt see anyone else with this problem. If im mistaken please let me know.
The bug is with sequencing beats in playlist mode.
If you enable playlist mode and press shift it brings up "RT REC". Turn that to on then try to record the beats you want in whatever order. No matter what the Tempest hard crashes every time. So badly that you cant unfreeze from shift+stop.
This is a pretty big letdown for me, as being able to create beats then sequencing them live, as i would do with any other drum machine just isn't an option.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on August 19, 2018, 10:41:36 AM
It’s a bug that will live forever inside T..
Development has stopped i’m afraid from the lips of Dave Smith himself..
Ok So i am not alone with this play list problem  8)

is it possinle to have a clear answer from DSI , if they gonna fix this or not ? this REAL TIME function is not a gadget , it is a true function to enable the PLAY LIST feature all its interest !!

Yes it’s a known bug and has been reported a few posts ago ^..I’m afraid Tempest’s development has reached the end and we all have to live with it..
Posting this here because i didnt see anyone else with this problem. If im mistaken please let me know.
The bug is with sequencing beats in playlist mode.
If you enable playlist mode and press shift it brings up "RT REC". Turn that to on then try to record the beats you want in whatever order. No matter what the Tempest hard crashes every time. So badly that you cant unfreeze from shift+stop.
This is a pretty big letdown for me, as being able to create beats then sequencing them live, as i would do with any other drum machine just isn't an option.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: devn on June 11, 2019, 10:54:18 AM
Hi all,

New Tempest owner, long-time programmer, and first time poster here. I am rather stunned that DSI made a "final" OS that includes a hard crash they won't fix. One may still purchase a new Tempest from Sweetwater for $2000 US. To purchase an instrument new, and discover that the company profiting from it has made a decision to EOL the OS even for show stopper bugs is extremely disappointing. I look forward to reading through the Tempest forum, but will think twice before purchasing DSI gear in the future.

It’s a bug that will live forever inside T..
Development has stopped i’m afraid from the lips of Dave Smith himself..
Ok So i am not alone with this play list problem  8)

is it possinle to have a clear answer from DSI , if they gonna fix this or not ? this REAL TIME function is not a gadget , it is a true function to enable the PLAY LIST feature all its interest !!

Yes it’s a known bug and has been reported a few posts ago ^..I’m afraid Tempest’s development has reached the end and we all have to live with it..
Posting this here because i didnt see anyone else with this problem. If im mistaken please let me know.
The bug is with sequencing beats in playlist mode.
If you enable playlist mode and press shift it brings up "RT REC". Turn that to on then try to record the beats you want in whatever order. No matter what the Tempest hard crashes every time. So badly that you cant unfreeze from shift+stop.
This is a pretty big letdown for me, as being able to create beats then sequencing them live, as i would do with any other drum machine just isn't an option.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: lrclzer on June 14, 2019, 08:12:40 PM
Hello - I just got my Tempest (actually my second attempt, first was in 2012), and this thread has been helpful in tracking down known issues.  I have experienced some odd behavior with two of my encoders: the "soft" encoder second from the left above the screen, and the Shape/Sample.  Turning clockwise works as expected, but turning counter-clockwise doesn't respond as expected (compared with other encoders) to turns at moderate speed.

Is this a software or hardware issue?  And if hardware, suggested course of action given I just bought it would be much appreciated!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dr Pokerian on October 24, 2019, 01:45:54 PM
Another fresh Tempest buyer reporting here. It seems that the previous two fellows did not succeed in getting any help. Neverthleless, I have no better way than to try. I would like to ask, if anybody did encounter similar issue, or if the problem is concerning solely my Tempest. Having scanned through the forum, I did not find any mention of similar issue.

I have came across an objectionable behaviour of the machine while using the Loop Screen feature in the Events Screen. The Loop Screen function sometimes works as it is intended. However, usually while the Loop Screen is enabled, the sound disappears completly. The sequencer still visually seems to work and the machine reacts normally though. After turning the Loop Screen off, the sound returns. The more severe problem which occurs sometimes while I try to loop the screen is that the Tempest freezes totally. Than turning the machine off is the only remedy.

Needless to say, the Loop Screen function is useful for beat programming and to me it seems necessary for using the Tempest to its full potential. I am looking forward to Your reply, cheers!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on October 25, 2019, 04:47:50 AM
Seems like a hardware issue..Have you contacted support?
Hello - I just got my Tempest (actually my second attempt, first was in 2012), and this thread has been helpful in tracking down known issues.  I have experienced some odd behavior with two of my encoders: the "soft" encoder second from the left above the screen, and the Shape/Sample.  Turning clockwise works as expected, but turning counter-clockwise doesn't respond as expected (compared with other encoders) to turns at moderate speed.

Is this a software or hardware issue?  And if hardware, suggested course of action given I just bought it would be much appreciated!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on October 25, 2019, 04:50:13 AM
Never bothered working with loop screen myself but are you able to reproduce it with a new project?Are you using the Playlist function?
Another fresh Tempest buyer reporting here. It seems that the previous two fellows did not succeed in getting any help. Neverthleless, I have no better way than to try. I would like to ask, if anybody did encounter similar issue, or if the problem is concerning solely my Tempest. Having scanned through the forum, I did not find any mention of similar issue.

I have came across an objectionable behaviour of the machine while using the Loop Screen feature in the Events Screen. The Loop Screen function sometimes works as it is intended. However, usually while the Loop Screen is enabled, the sound disappears completly. The sequencer still visually seems to work and the machine reacts normally though. After turning the Loop Screen off, the sound returns. The more severe problem which occurs sometimes while I try to loop the screen is that the Tempest freezes totally. Than turning the machine off is the only remedy.

Needless to say, the Loop Screen function is useful for beat programming and to me it seems necessary for using the Tempest to its full potential. I am looking forward to Your reply, cheers!
Title: design or bug?
Post by: KoSv on November 07, 2019, 10:03:15 PM
when I try to control the lfo speed ( in sync mode! ) with some modulation ( mod matrix, or slider), then nothing happens..
is this known? can someone reproduce it?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: PMAUDIO on November 25, 2019, 11:47:04 AM
New to Tempest...
Frustrated by the playlist live record bug... a big fonction described in the manual ! way ?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on November 26, 2019, 05:52:39 AM
If the playlist function is important for you then you can downgrade to the legacy OS found here (,586.0.html) at the bottom of the 1st post after you logged in..The bug compromise of this version is this:
"Fixed Bug: sync issues when loading sounds live via the pad menu
PLEASE NOTE: alphabetization of the sound menus in live sound loading removed on as it was causing sync issues during playback.  We looked into alternative fixes which would preserve the menu's ordering, however, we did not have adequate code space to do so."
New to Tempest...
Frustrated by the playlist live record bug... a big fonction described in the manual ! way ?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dr Pokerian on December 04, 2019, 03:00:42 PM
Never bothered working with loop screen myself but are you able to reproduce it with a new project?Are you using the Playlist function?

I was not using the Playlist. The issue was persistent also with a new project, unless it is in 4/4 time signature.
I have contacted with the support and i turned out that is a bug. I have been advised to downgrade the OS in order to solve the problem - unfortunately, it didn't help at all. Therfore, it seems the Tempest is not fully functional in the field of odd time signatures, although being theoretically able to play them.
Unfortunaltely, programming odd time beats was what I had in mind when buying the Tempest.
Such an disappointment… I have immediately happened to like the sound and interface of the Tempest. However, it turned out to be useless to me in order to realise my musical ideas in a  way.
In the end, the Tempest went back to the shop.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on December 04, 2019, 03:53:27 PM
I wasn’t referring to you about the playlist this was a reply to PMAUDIO..Now that you’ve mention it I recall a bug with loop mode that must be it..Sorry it didn’t worked out for you..As for odd times i must have a project lying around here..
Never bothered working with loop screen myself but are you able to reproduce it with a new project?Are you using the Playlist function?

I was not using the Playlist. The issue was persistent also with a new project, unless it is in 4/4 time signature.
I have contacted with the support and i turned out that is a bug. I have been advised to downgrade the OS in order to solve the problem - unfortunately, it didn't help at all. Therfore, it seems the Tempest is not fully functional in the field of odd time signatures, although being theoretically able to play them.
Unfortunaltely, programming odd time beats was what I had in mind when buying the Tempest.
Such an disappointment… I have immediately happened to like the sound and interface of the Tempest. However, it turned out to be useless to me in order to realise my musical ideas in a  way.
In the end, the Tempest went back to the shop.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: yonatan omer on January 23, 2020, 04:49:30 AM
a single voice occasionally dies.

My sounds are assigned to voices 1,2,6, the rest are not assigned.
Sometimes voice 1,2 or 6 just die, assigning a different voice to the same pad and it's a live a gain.
assigning back that same voice which died - nada.

Is that a known issue?

If yes, is there any workaround to avoid restarting during performance?
I encountered this problem only recently, but it's repeating. do you think it's broken?
I would appreciate any advise!

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on January 23, 2020, 05:27:27 AM
What’s your OS?
First thing you should try is doing a recalibration with all cables unplugged.
Then you should check your voices one by one.There where some users reports about faulty voices..Try these first and if there are issues with your voices you should contact Sequential customer support to troubleshoot your T.More likely they’ll tell you to send it to them for repairs or to send to you the faulty parts to be repaired by an electrician you trust.
Let me know how it goes
a single voice occasionally dies.

My sounds are assigned to voices 1,2,6, the rest are not assigned.
Sometimes voice 1,2 or 6 just die, assigning a different voice to the same pad and it's a live a gain.
assigning back that same voice which died - nada.

Is that a known issue?

If yes, is there any workaround to avoid restarting during performance?
I encountered this problem only recently, but it's repeating. do you think it's broken?
I would appreciate any advise!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: yonatan omer on February 18, 2020, 12:06:11 PM
Sorry for disappearing!
My OS version:, Voice version: 1.5.
I recalibrated it as you suggested and now I will be monitoring it's health.


What’s your OS?
First thing you should try is doing a recalibration with all cables unplugged.
Then you should check your voices one by one.There where some users reports about faulty voices..Try these first and if there are issues with your voices you should contact Sequential customer support to troubleshoot your T.More likely they’ll tell you to send it to them for repairs or to send to you the faulty parts to be repaired by an electrician you trust.
Let me know how it goes
a single voice occasionally dies.

My sounds are assigned to voices 1,2,6, the rest are not assigned.
Sometimes voice 1,2 or 6 just die, assigning a different voice to the same pad and it's a live a gain.
assigning back that same voice which died - nada.

Is that a known issue?

If yes, is there any workaround to avoid restarting during performance?
I encountered this problem only recently, but it's repeating. do you think it's broken?
I would appreciate any advise!
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: DigitalGeek on March 14, 2020, 04:42:21 PM

Upon exiting record mode and turning off click, the recorded kick gradually became audible again on playback.  As if there was an LFO modulating the amplitude of the sequence at the start.

hello , just to report that it does the same with my new tempest, it does this specially with the default kick kit,
i have bough some kick preset and it does sound consistant , but i must admit that it is not 100% perfect, the guy that sold me the preset told me to use the kick
"For best results, I recommend using the direct output from voice one and panning them left (it will come out as mono)"

i dont understand why it could work better that way , ill try soon i have my mixer

but for be honest, the Tempest sound good but not worth 2000 dollars....lot of functions are missing, there is not even 1 parameter lock for use the filter on 1 pad and use the mute mode (for make simple break)....
i dont know how we can call it a live act machine without this pretty basic function....look like DSI are not using a lot product they build or its total mess

by the way if you know the person that wanted to purchase a DSP license  for 1k dollars , to eventually work some new function like "import sample" etc...ill be happy to contribute
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on March 15, 2020, 02:06:53 AM
No need for going mono to sound smooth and consistent..I use my kicks all the time through the mains..
You should check em here:

Been working for months to find the sweet spot and trust me after so many years as a T veteran everything is a sweet spot on the Tempest!Read the user reviews if you don’t take my word for it.
Tempest is not a machine for the beginner.It needs patience and to understand it’s workflow, strengths and disadvantages.I highly recommend if you haven’t already to read these threads by heart:,78.0.html,34.0.html

Basically it’s more enlightening even that the manual itself..
And yes we all have fought with persistence to make this beauty the best it can be.Tempest wasn’t meant to have many of it’s features that were implemented years after and that was the reason that there wasn’t enough code left.But surely there’s no excuse for not fixing all the remaining bugs which in my opinion was the most important thing above all.

hello , just to report that it does the same with my new tempest, it does this specially with the default kick kit,
i have bough some kick preset and it does sound consistant , but i must admit that it is not 100% perfect, the guy that sold me the preset told me to use the kick
"For best results, I recommend using the direct output from voice one and panning them left (it will come out as mono)"
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dekalboy on June 25, 2021, 03:17:35 PM
Hello ,
I have some issues with this OS when I am using the LOOP SCREEN function .

Actually i am using this feature as a very powerful tool to create remix / reloop/ breaks of my 16 beats .
 Because with this , you can loop a portion of a beat with a lenght set by QUANT ( 1/16 1/32 ….)  , and if  BTQUANT is set to off you can jump immediately to another beats while continuing the same looping length.
 It is very powerful .
 But sometimes for no reason , if I abuse switching for exemple , the tempest freeze ! I am obliged to power off / on the device .

Of course I am pretty sure that this could fixed by an action on the operating system . I know that it is like a finish one , but maybe you could do an exception to let avoid the tempest to freeze in this kind of situation ? I just hope this so much . Thank for your feedback .
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: Yorgos Arabatzis on June 26, 2021, 07:59:31 AM
Hello ,
I have some issues with this OS when I am using the LOOP SCREEN function .

Actually i am using this feature as a very powerful tool to create remix / reloop/ breaks of my 16 beats .
 Because with this , you can loop a portion of a beat with a lenght set by QUANT ( 1/16 1/32 ….)  , and if  BTQUANT is set to off you can jump immediately to another beats while continuing the same looping length.
 It is very powerful .
 But sometimes for no reason , if I abuse switching for exemple , the tempest freeze ! I am obliged to power off / on the device .

Of course I am pretty sure that this could fixed by an action on the operating system . I know that it is like a finish one , but maybe you could do an exception to let avoid the tempest to freeze in this kind of situation ? I just hope this so much . Thank for your feedback .
It’s a known bug and i’m afraid it will remain that way..Bummer..
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: dekalboy on June 27, 2021, 10:12:52 AM
Arf , that is very sad ! Because it is a really powerful tool for making remixes , break , find new ideas , for live playing etc …
I will try to use as it is and in order not to freeze the entire electronic set up , I will put the tempest into clock slave mode and if if the freeze , I could restart the unit whereas all the others machines âtre still running . «  système D «  as we say in French  :D

Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: ddp on June 27, 2021, 11:33:45 PM
It is what it is, if you want to use something else, go for it.
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on March 03, 2023, 06:46:58 AM
Regarding to this:

New to Tempest...
Frustrated by the playlist live record bug... a big fonction described in the manual ! way ?

I have the same problem.... solutions like "do a downgrade" are unacceptable.
When can the revised firmware be expected?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: KoSv on March 04, 2023, 01:35:22 AM
AFAIK never.

When can the revised firmware be expected?
Title: Re: Tempest Main and Voice 1.5 - Bug Reports
Post by: deepminddark on March 11, 2023, 12:57:29 AM
this seems to be some kind of failed joke!

AFAIK never.

When can the revised firmware be expected?