The Official Sequential/Oberheim Forum

SEQUENTIAL/DSI => Prophet => Prophet Rev2 => Topic started by: ryankm on December 18, 2020, 02:24:44 PM

Title: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 18, 2020, 02:24:44 PM
Every time I try to play a lush pad the synth cuts out.  Like it is to much to handle.  Now the past the patches work, but I have to really clear everything out.  Now for them to become more useable at a readily basis...    I would like some help.   It will work on other patches, but you can here a glitch.  And inside that sonic glitch is where these other patches exist.  If the glitch isnt there they usually work.  But I can't get this to STOP

Im just letting the thing run indefinatly for now.

In this video not only is the static more interesting, but also more obvious.  It appears to be a bad connection.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 18, 2020, 06:25:19 PM
Here I cloze the filter and that is where it becomes it's ugliest.

and here it is all the way open...
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: skipgilles on December 19, 2020, 10:12:48 AM
I do not understand the problem you are describing, but your videos are fascinating in many ways.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: Josh C on December 19, 2020, 10:59:58 AM
it could be a MIDI loop. What is your current MIDI setup? if it turns out not to be a MIDI issue, then the next thing I would do is reset globals and re-calibrate oscs and filters.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 19, 2020, 11:23:04 AM
it could be a MIDI loop. What is your current MIDI setup? if it turns out not to be a MIDI issue, then the next thing I would do is reset globals and re-calibrate oscs and filters.

I unplug midi and had arpreggiator on hold.

This morning i try to do it again.  Re calbrate North 5 times with multiple resets.  Never goes away.  Same thing..  I unscrew it and noticed the psu connector was crooked so reseated Nd pit back together, but no change.

Seems isolated to filter being in 4 pole mode...

Here is same patch with 2 pole mode enabled...

Seems to work.  It dose what I needed it to do.  Guess I have to use two pole filter mode awhile...   I have a 2 pole synth right next to it...   Ive never gotten anything this lush out of it.

Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 19, 2020, 03:47:52 PM
Here is a video where I am using a similiar patch and it works....   I accually have 3 seperate Prophet rev2 tracks going on this...   2 of them are subdued just to enhance the beat...   The other is another saw pad, but none of these patches are currently working.   dont confuse with brighter sounding polaris i also through in there.

Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 19, 2020, 07:10:53 PM
Here's that pad I tryed this morning working in 2 pole mode.

after letting that run all day I invoke 4 pole mode and it seems to be working.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: AlainHubert on December 19, 2020, 08:22:25 PM
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 20, 2020, 08:00:34 AM

I guess to much static built up inside....   I unplugged the midi when I let it run all day so overtime the static discharged....   Between that and my neighboors 5g not helping.    I need a new midi keyboard for this thing.

I work with computers and electrons build up sometimes...   And the kernel or bios has to remove them.   Or sometimes you have to let software run awhile to work these things all out disxharge all the electrons being in wrong places.  Or let something sit awhile dettached.

Polaris is 100watts!   And the other day i unplugged and licked the end of the plug and a discharge came out like I do....   Sometimes it's good.   Like with certian settings on this amp(http://)

Will put out current and build up a pretty big charge.  So i will often times discharge the build up through my fingers by touching the case.   I dont do that anymore while I'm playing because this build up of electrons sometimes enhances the sound.   Like i discharged the static into my fingers and I could here 60 herz ac cycle hum and a loss of decibal.

Tape setting doesnt run noticable current through inputs....  So this is not the culprit....   This amp is awesome.  Ive got thse Russian 6n2 tubes right now instead of the Sovtek 12ax7.  And it works by blocking a 12 volt pin from the amp I thunk?   The 6n2's are 6 volt...   Anyway they dont sound as good as the sovtek 12 ax7's, but  Ibget more db....   I  cut back the volume big time so it is cheaper.

The 6n2's have a life of there own put off a ton of heat.  Super warm sounding and painful.   I have to use a little bit of radiation sheilding with them compared with Sovtek 12 ax7.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: skipgilles on December 21, 2020, 03:30:05 AM
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 21, 2020, 08:27:57 PM
So I can get it to work inside my apt.   Now but I am still havingba tough time.   Today...   Ibget it going and it takes me iver 15 mins to get it working...   Even then I have to retune the filter....   Ambient temp in apt is also lower as I had fan on all day too. 

Later on I go on to making patches.   I start programming the matrix to some traditional synth stuff...   Like lfo1 mod osc 1 shape osc 2 shape lpf and all osc freq....   and assign envelope3 to it....   hold down the key and it will increase lfo1 freq. along with lpf envelope...

I find the whole process to be easy and straight forward if you elevate your self to it and memorize where everything is in menu....   but the filter just keeps sizziling out on me.  I know it is not accually the filter because it affects all 16 voice equally...   It can't handle a certian level of compression or change maybe...   Who knows. 

I'm going to leave it on all night plugged into the mixer...   Maybe that'll help.   I'm use to turning stuff off.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: maxter on December 22, 2020, 04:49:33 AM
For troubleshooting, I would unplug/disconnect/turn off EVERYTHING but the Rev2, and I mean EVERYTHING, and ALL cables connected to the Rev2, as to only have the power cord and headphones connected, and see how it behaves. No MIDI cables, no jack cables to the mixer, all other equipment turned OFF, especially possible fans (they can cause audio problems). Also, check if you’re properly connected to ground, some old jacks and branch jackboxes (I don’t know the proper english word) are not.

Just to rule out the eventual possibility of your setup causing this in some way, because if it is, who knows what damaging effects this could have on your equipment long term...
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 22, 2020, 08:06:47 AM
For troubleshooting, I would unplug/disconnect/turn off EVERYTHING but the Rev2, and I mean EVERYTHING, and ALL cables connected to the Rev2, as to only have the power cord and headphones connected, and see how it behaves. No MIDI cables, no jack cables to the mixer, all other equipment turned OFF, especially possible fans (they can cause audio problems). Also, check if you’re properly connected to ground, some old jacks and branch jackboxes (I don’t know the proper english word) are not.

Just to rule out the eventual possibility of your setup causing this in some way, because if it is, who knows what damaging effects this could have on your equipment long term...

Thats what I did 2 nights ago except it was off.  I turned it on and it works right away...   Oh  I switched things around in the studio, but that shouldn't matter.    The only difference I can think is that they were both plugged into the same power strip where as 3 nights ago I had an extension cord from the litchen powering one of them.   

I ll try that tomorrow if it doesnt operate correctly tonight...   ,but the Polsris was behavimg sligtly wierder thannusu too...   Crazy freq changes....osc drifts...

Also getting osc drifts with the dco prophet rev2???   I think   it is a glitch with the modulation and keyfollow with filter envelopes...   Something J am use to with vco synths and not dco synths if not all the way warmed up.

Something ill be doing is ground the Mackie 1642 vlz mixer I am thinmkng to the fire escape.

Head Phone Jack is unuSable at the minute....   Loud tone comming out of it.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: AlainHubert on December 22, 2020, 05:46:53 PM
Is it me or is this guy pulling our leg a little? Grounding the Mackie 1642 to the fire escape? Really?
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 22, 2020, 07:18:40 PM
Is it me or is this guy pulling our leg a little? Grounding the Mackie 1642 to the fire escape? Really?

#1  No one comes out the fire escape....  I didnt do it anyway as static is not my main problem...   All three tgings have grounded outlets....   But it is the closest biggest thing to me for absorbing...  Couldn't hurt.

This was the last time it sounded good...

I went off that and really found a sound in the filter that I liked and went deeper into the modulation after that.   Was excited, but it started to cut out on me and I wasnt able to work it...

Here is another video of me using just the Polaris as midi controller a few days ago.  I doubt that it is the problem.

A sound sample from this system using cell phone.  I dont have a computer on site.  The polaris is controlling the prophet module on 3 seperate trys and a solo for itself to make 4 trys where the Polaris keyboard is involved.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: AlainHubert on December 22, 2020, 10:16:18 PM
If you plug actual headphones in the headphone jack, do you still hear this loud constant pitch coming out of the REV2 in those?

You're patches are so weird that it's hard to tell how they're supposed to sound. Tons of modulations, tons of overlapping notes, it's hard to tell if the static isn't part of the patch, or if it's a case of note stealing, or saturation of the digital effect ADC in there...

BTW, have you tried contacting the Sequential support team about it?

Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: maxter on December 23, 2020, 02:56:35 AM
For troubleshooting, I would unplug/disconnect/turn off EVERYTHING but the Rev2, and I mean EVERYTHING, and ALL cables connected to the Rev2, as to only have the power cord and headphones connected, and see how it behaves. No MIDI cables, no jack cables to the mixer, all other equipment turned OFF, especially possible fans (they can cause audio problems). Also, check if you’re properly connected to ground, some old jacks and branch jackboxes (I don’t know the proper english word) are not.

Just to rule out the eventual possibility of your setup causing this in some way, because if it is, who knows what damaging effects this could have on your equipment long term...

Thats what I did 2 nights ago except it was off.  I turned it on and it works right away...   Oh  I switched things around in the studio, but that shouldn't matter.    The only difference I can think is that they were both plugged into the same power strip where as 3 nights ago I had an extension cord from the litchen powering one of them.   

I ll try that tomorrow if it doesnt operate correctly tonight...   ,but the Polsris was behavimg sligtly wierder thannusu too...   Crazy freq changes....osc drifts...

Also getting osc drifts with the dco prophet rev2???   I think   it is a glitch with the modulation and keyfollow with filter envelopes...   Something J am use to with vco synths and not dco synths if not all the way warmed up.

Something ill be doing is ground the Mackie 1642 vlz mixer I am thinmkng to the fire escape.

Head Phone Jack is unuSable at the minute....   Loud tone comming out of it.

This: "Thats what I did 2 nights ago except it was off.  I turned it on and it works right away..."
I think your setup is causing the problems, since when troubleshooting as suggested "it works right away"... I was suspecting that outcome.

"Oh  I switched things around in the studio, but that shouldn't matter." Well... ground loops etc can act pretty strange, and may depend on just that. If I recall, you've plugged stereo audio into mono balanced input as well, not a good practice. I would advice to follow general rules of do's and dont's concerning audio and electronics more carefully. I would, again, unplug EVERYTHING, and start from scratch, plugging in ONE cable at a time and checking the behaviour of your gear in between each. And check the headphone out again, with NOTHING else connected, and I mean NOTHING except AC power.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: Tugdual on December 23, 2020, 05:21:10 AM
I suspect David Lynch is behind all this...
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: maxter on December 23, 2020, 08:41:30 AM
Just watched a little of one of the videos. Just wanted to add that the headphone out is meant for headphones, not speakers. Impedance is quite important, and I've personally managed to damage a reverb device by plugging a headphone jack out into the unit, and eventually after some time it got fried.

Also, when you already have issues with equipment, I would advice against leaving them on for days and nights as a way to try to "solve" the problem. That seems really sketchy, like some other things. I think it could make a small problem bigger. I mean, if a device isn't working 100%, doing that could probably lead to long term damage. Think of a car, if a part stops functioning, like the cooler, you get it to service ASAP, and certainly not run it over night to see if it disappears the next day. In most cases that would actually break other parts, the engine would eventually overheat and go dfkasdlfölkajsdf... dead. Making a small problem into a big one.

No offense, not trying to be rude (my apologies if I am), but some things seem so sketchy that I've hesitated to comment on this at all. But I would't want to see you destroy your expensive equipment, if you haven't already.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 23, 2020, 02:09:46 PM
Nah it's cool.  Flame away.  I.m the one having a pronlem....   Ive used headphone jack before on other devices with success...   Dont see how it would fry a chip on the indide...

And for one...   I am not putting a stereo signal into a mono....   The bluetooth speakers is stereo and the channels on the end are stereo dual channel.  I'm a big fan of stereo.  And if it is a ground loop midi issue...  How do I go about fixing this?  it makes that tone if i plug head phones into it also.

So what is happening from what you are saying?  Is static is build up inside of prophet rev2 and it isnt grounded enough to unload all this extra electricity?  From recieving midi signal....   Wireless midi is  over 50 dollars!

I leave it run is because sometimes software  needs to run to clear out hardware....   Like on my linux computer i have to let it run sometimes  or there will be problems...   When everytjing is fine is when i shut it down...  becUse i  an reboot with out any problems or having any blocks...

If you plug actual headphones in the headphone jack, do you still hear this loud constant pitch coming out of the REV2 in those?

You're patches are so weird that it's hard to tell how they're supposed to sound. Tons of modulations, tons of overlapping notes, it's hard to tell if the static isn't part of the patch, or if it's a case of note stealing, or saturation of the digital effect ADC in there...

BTW, have you tried contacting the Sequential support team about it?

Yes it makes that tone with headphones also.  Sorry that is the sequence that came with the synth and I had to eliminate MIDI from the equation as that may be what is casuing the problem. 

#1 Most Those patches weren't functioning correctly
#2 those patches aren't worth to much to me either as they are just a time stamp in my exploration and as I learn how to program it better.    Like there is some interesting stuff in those patches that I can use, but nothing  that I would cry for...  I have been trying to mimick some of my old Roland super JX sounds
Especially the keys from Sure they can try...

I can't exactly remember, but I think it is a square or saw synced with a rectangle or square wave with hard sync and the LFO modulating freq.

And the pads from touch'n down and oh brick wall why...

It's a WIP and I'll never get there if it keeps cutting out like this.

One of my personal favorites....  I would like to remake:

With better guitar playing

, you get it to service ASAP,

Yes, this is my intention.  I already knew I need a better keyboard.  BEcasue the Polaris keyboard sucks.  I was looking at a Studio Logics Sl 990.  I need something with sensitive velocity.  I also though full hammer would be nice that way I could use more muscle.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: maxter on December 23, 2020, 03:24:18 PM
I, too, have used headphone jacks with devices with success. But I'd generally advice against it. In my case I suspect, as many effect devices expect a high impedance input, and headphones out are low impedance, that it had to work too hard, got overloaded and hot, until it just died. It "worked" for a couple of hours, but with strange behaviour, hangups etc.

Never heard that one should leave a synthesizer on for such a reason, sounds really strange. Especially if it's not behaving correctly, take the analogy of the car, I think it is applicable to electronic devices as well. If a component is broken, it would affect the circuit, perhaps loading other components in ways it wasn't intended to. If my stuff doesn't work properly, I turn it off immediately and have it fixed ASAP, or unplug everything and troubleshoot step by step.

I don't know what's happening, that's why I encourage thorough troubleshooting, unplugging everything and then plugging in bit by bit, to isolate any eventual causes. You mentioned it worked like it should before, when nothing was connected. If it, then, doesn't work properly when connected to other stuff, I'd suspect it's not the device itself but some connections that may cause this.

I've tried some complex setups myself, but almost always ended up with ground loops. Now I try to use as few devices as possible, connected to the same outlet and audio interface, and a dedicated midi interface. Connecting to different outlets also invites ground loops, like you mentioned using an extension cord from one room for some device. I'd try to use the same outlet for everything, and as few branch jackboxes (I still don't know the english word) as possible. Avoid daisy chaining. Keep it as simple as possible. DI boxes can also be helpful with ground loops. USB invites ground loops way more than MIDI, so if necessary I'd use a high quality powered USB-hub, cheaper ones are most often a source for ground loops.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: ryankm on December 23, 2020, 03:48:12 PM
I, too, have used headphone jacks with devices with success. But I'd generally advice against it. In my case I suspect, as many effect devices expect a high impedance input, and headphones out are low impedance, that it had to work too hard, got overloaded and hot, until it just died. It "worked" for a couple of hours, but with strange behaviour, hangups etc.

Never heard that one should leave a synthesizer on for such a reason, sounds really strange. Especially if it's not behaving correctly, take the analogy of the car, I think it is applicable to electronic devices as well. If a component is broken, it would affect the circuit, perhaps loading other components in ways it wasn't intended to. If my stuff doesn't work properly, I turn it off immediately and have it fixed ASAP, or unplug everything and troubleshoot step by step.

I don't know what's happening, that's why I encourage thorough troubleshooting, unplugging everything and then plugging in bit by bit, to isolate any eventual causes. You mentioned it worked like it should before, when nothing was connected. If it, then, doesn't work properly when connected to other stuff, I'd suspect it's not the device itself but some connections that may cause this.

I've tried some complex setups myself, but almost always ended up with ground loops. Now I try to use as few devices as possible, connected to the same outlet and audio interface, and a dedicated midi interface. Connecting to different outlets also invites ground loops, like you mentioned using an extension cord from one room for some device. I'd try to use the same outlet for everything, and as few branch jackboxes (I still don't know the english word) as possible. Avoid daisy chaining. Keep it as simple as possible. DI boxes can also be helpful with ground loops. USB invites ground loops way more than MIDI, so if necessary I'd use a high quality powered USB-hub, cheaper ones are most often a source for ground loops.

Well it plays better down here in my parents basement using USB hooked to a stereo.  Only thing I was using headphone jack so now I have to use Left channel...  I will say it sustained damage as half the voices are coloured differently.  I'll let it sit down here for awhile.  Time to get a new MIDI controller i suppose.  I need something with better velocity sensitve keys and more keys...  I was looking at hammer action 88 keys....  Saw a Studio Logic Sl 990 that was resonably priced.  Figure I could put more muscle in with a hammer action.

The headphone jack went oout when I was silver soldering some gold stereo to rca jacks together.  They had copper insides and were pressed together.  I figured if I soldered them with silver I might get a better connection becasue the Tape was getting iffy connection if I sent smaller signal...  ANyway as I was doing this I decided to use the Prophet rev2 headphone jack to test this and plug directly into an amp that is high powered with bad ground any way.  Usually I avoid connecting directly anyway, but I was using tape and that one isn't as dangerous as say auxiliary or phono wich will but 120 v AC into you with audio input channel!   Usually I connect to that with just wireless, but computers and different devices can handle it for short periods of time.  I feel no current through the tape which is most sensitive, but this is when that started.

How many DL boxes do I need.  I am connecting to multiple amps with mixer.  I have that stereo tube that is configure in  a 2.1   Two sensitive 8ohm on left and right and a small 16ohm AMPRO where both channels go into that the amp sits on top of...  It's kind of like a sub, but his is where most detail of sound comes from...  This particular setup will eat any signal no matter how powerful...  Huge fat bass's... THe amp is pushed to it's limits with impedance from speakers.  And then I'll  use to the mono to plug into a AMPEG gemini amp....  This brings out more detail and better treble....  or a small transistor Ibanez practice amp.

As you can here some of the voice are not operating correctly.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: AlainHubert on December 23, 2020, 04:40:29 PM
If your REV2 is producing that loud steady pitch into actual headphones from the headphone jack, then there is definitely something wrong with it (at least that part of it).
I hope you get everything straightened out with the Sequential support team soon. Best of luck to you, and stay safe.
Title: Re: ReOccurring Problem
Post by: maxter on December 24, 2020, 03:21:01 AM
Ok, that behavior is definitely more than a setup problem, something must be broken for sure. I’d contact Sequential, and leave it off until it gets serviced. I hope it’s an easy and cheap repair.