The Official Sequential/Oberheim Forum

SEQUENTIAL/DSI => Prophet => Prophet '08 => Topic started by: XJuarezz on May 05, 2018, 04:20:59 AM

Title: Prophet Noise Problem
Post by: XJuarezz on May 05, 2018, 04:20:59 AM
Hi everyone,

I have a distortion problem in my Prophet 08 PE: Audio clip attached.
In certain sounds, when I'm playing with the resonance and filter, there's a point where it cracks and distorts. In the clip, I'm moving the resonance so it is audible. I make it happen three times.
It's very annoying because sometimes it hits right in the sweet spot. Before you ask I've checked everything else in the chain: levels in my Apogee Duet are fine, nothing is peaking etc. Also I've tested it in different audio systems so I'm certain it comes from the Prophet. I haven't update to the beta OS or anything.
Anyone has any clue of what this could be and how to fix it?
Title: Re: Prophet Noise Problem
Post by: tumble2k on May 06, 2018, 01:14:44 PM
I listened to your clip on my laptop but my speakers are blown out so I couldn't hear more distortion than what I normally get from my speakers themselves, but...

Did you check the Voice Volume level and VCA Envelope Amount? If these are too high you can clip the P'08's output stage, which makes for harshness and crackly unpleasantness.
Title: Re: Prophet Noise Problem
Post by: jdt9517 on May 06, 2018, 06:05:26 PM
See what the output level of the VCA is.  I'm guessing it is set too high for the sound you are creating.   It is often set to 127.  Turn it down to 90-100.
Title: Re: Prophet Noise Problem
Post by: chysn on May 07, 2018, 11:50:18 AM
Another strategy would be to lower the VCA velocity amount.
Title: Problem solved
Post by: XJuarezz on May 08, 2018, 12:30:02 PM
Hey thanks everyone for your useful tips!
It was the VCA volume indeed. So I just learned a bit more about all the different volumes that affect the sound shaping. Such a fascinating instrument!
Title: Re: Prophet Noise Problem
Post by: jdt9517 on May 09, 2018, 10:02:32 PM
Glad we could help! 

Indeed it is.  I've had mine for several years and still feel like I have barely touched the surface.