The Official Sequential/Oberheim Forum

SEQUENTIAL/DSI => Prophet => Prophet Rev2 => Topic started by: on December 16, 2017, 10:33:41 AM

Title: LFO cutoff reset on keys
Post by: on December 16, 2017, 10:33:41 AM
- make an initial patch
- set LFO to cutoff, medium speed and amount to taste
- play a chord
- add a chord note afterwards, while holding the previous tones (or press hold)
- enjoy the wobble chaos!

what's happening with this synth, damn...

Can't imagine this is intentional and the way DSI (and it's customers) want it...

just an init patch, nothing more, nothing fancy and even in that case the LFO doesn't work like it should.

If you want cutoff LFO affect the whole patch sound, and not it's notes separately (that's what "key sync" is ment for, no?),
then why is this simple standard feature not possible?

It's basic, just a sound affected by filter cutoff with LFO...

Am I doing something wrong; is this a bug; is this really how DSI wants it to be??

Title: Re: LFO cutoff reset on keys
Post by: AlainHubert on December 16, 2017, 11:27:06 AM
- make an initial patch
- set LFO to cutoff, medium speed and amount to taste
- play a chord
- add a chord note afterwards, while holding the previous tones (or press hold)
- enjoy the wobble chaos!

what's happening with this synth, damn...

Can't imagine this is intentional and the way DSI (and it's customers) want it...

just an init patch, nothing more, nothing fancy and even in that case the LFO doesn't work like it should.

If you want cutoff LFO affect the whole patch sound, and not it's notes separately (that's what "key sync" is ment for, no?),
then why is this simple standard feature not possible?

It's basic, just a sound affected by filter cutoff with LFO...

Am I doing something wrong; is this a bug; is this really how DSI wants it to be??

This is how DSI implemented LFOs on some of their polysynths (as stated by some DSI rep in another thread here), in other words a mishmash of modulation confusion from a single LFO. And pressing "Key Sync" doesn't fix it, unless all keys are pressed simultaneously.
It's been covered at length here on GS (in other threads), and a "global LFO mode", or should we say "normal behavior LFO mode", option is on the current list of requested features for an upcoming firmware revision, to offer an alternative.

Title: Re: LFO cutoff reset on keys
Post by: skrohmer on December 16, 2017, 11:30:38 AM
is this a bug; is this really how DSI wants it to be??

You should ask this to DSI, just contact the support. I guess you know that this issue was discussed before so please have at least a look at the workaround:,2127.0.html (,2127.0.html)

I don't think that more of such postings regarding the same issue will enforce the fix though...
Title: Re: LFO cutoff reset on keys
Post by: Razmo on December 17, 2017, 02:50:34 AM
I'd actually argue that this way of working (LFO) is the standard mode... each voice has it's own LFO, and they are not meant to be in sync from voice to voice (global)... the key on reset function is either not intended to sync the voices LFOs up... just restarting a voice LFO with keypresses.

The global LFO mode that people want is more of a leftover from older times of analog synthesizers, where creating a seperate LFO for each voice in a polysynth would make the circuit design more complex, thus the LFO is global, and used for all voices... you could sort of see a global LFO like you would with a paraphonic synth having only one filter for all voices... in this case you only have one LFO for all the voices..... it's basically "LFO Paraphony"...

But it's certainly possible to create a global mode in software as well with the REV2 since the Curtis chips have CV control inputs, and these are controlled with DACs from the CPU... thus the feature could be easily done in software, since the control is essentially digital... I think DSI will do it at some point because many have been asking for it...
Title: Re: LFO cutoff reset on keys
Post by: on December 17, 2017, 04:25:44 AM

changing the sound of your poly with a simple LFO modulated cutoff freq = not possible on a 2k polysynth?

This has nothing to do with 'older synths' VS 'new synths'.

It's not because this is a new synth, basic functionality like this should be totally abandoned, or only possible via workarounds.

This really should be possible in a quick way, or at least user-defined.

Not everybody ALWAYS wants or needs to play the weirdest possible sounds. Sometimes it's just fine to have a nice, musically, beautiful pad with LFO on the cutoff, maybe synced to a beat to have that side-chaining effect with a kick for example...

Synths are, AFAIK, still used in pop / house / techno / jazz / genres by live musicians and performers, so not only in experimental "yes-we-can-do-even-more-weird-things-with-this-synth-than-with-the-other-brand-stuff" situations, I guess...

The REV2 is a really cool synth, I'll keep saying this because it's true!

But sometimes it's very frustrating to feel that, as a live musician / performer, you're dealing with an unfinished and 'buggy' instrument, where even some basic things seem not to be possible.

I still don't understand why some options are still not there, like 'old school' / regular HOLD function; 6 note chords memory / simple LFO use;...

I hope DSI will have an ear for people who beg to have at least the choice to set-up some things in a more flexible / user-defined way. So at least both of user-types (experimental VS more 'traditional' / 'old-school', or how you want to call it, live performers) are happy...


Title: Re: LFO cutoff reset on keys
Post by: Razmo on December 17, 2017, 08:46:23 AM

changing the sound of your poly with a simple LFO modulated cutoff freq = not possible on a 2k polysynth?

This has nothing to do with 'older synths' VS 'new synths'.

It's not because this is a new synth, basic functionality like this should be totally abandoned, or only possible via workarounds.

This really should be possible in a quick way, or at least user-defined.

Not everybody ALWAYS wants or needs to play the weirdest possible sounds. Sometimes it's just fine to have a nice, musically, beautiful pad with LFO on the cutoff, maybe synced to a beat to have that side-chaining effect with a kick for example...

Synths are, AFAIK, still used in pop / house / techno / jazz / genres by live musicians and performers, so not only in experimental "yes-we-can-do-even-more-weird-things-with-this-synth-than-with-the-other-brand-stuff" situations, I guess...

The REV2 is a really cool synth, I'll keep saying this because it's true!

But sometimes it's very frustrating to feel that, as a live musician / performer, you're dealing with an unfinished and 'buggy' instrument, where even some basic things seem not to be possible.

I still don't understand why some options are still not there, like 'old school' / regular HOLD function; 6 note chords memory / simple LFO use;...

I hope DSI will have an ear for people who beg to have at least the choice to set-up some things in a more flexible / user-defined way. So at least both of user-types (experimental VS more 'traditional' / 'old-school', or how you want to call it, live performers) are happy...


Almost every polysynth since the digital era began has been working this way... each voice has their own set of LFOs and EGs... it makes the synth a hell of a lot more flexible... some also have the ability to make the LFOs sync up in this GLOBAL fashion that you want... REV2 don't... I do not even think any of the other DSI polysynths have it.

If it only works in GLOBAL LFO mode, you would not be able to make polyphonic playing sound fat and organic... the hole premise of this is that all the LFO's can be out of phase, speed etc. to create beatings, detunings etc.

Don't get me wrong... I can see the usage of a global mode as well, and would certainly also like to see it since you can use this for other nice sounds... but to abandon the poly-way of doing it would definitely not be accepted by A LOT of users for sure... this is how WE are used to polysynths working... I've never been a fan of choosing between two good features... I'd certainly not like to see only one way of doing it... for me the way it works is a hell of a lot more useful than a Global LFO mode... let's just wish for a Global mode in addition... I'd like to see it too... I just would not like seeing the standard way go... and I am pretty certain it will not... all presets created for the REV2 up until now will sound wrong if it was removed.

Also... that GLOBAL LFO mode not being present is not a bug... it's just a missing feature.
Title: Re: LFO cutoff reset on keys
Post by: panic on December 20, 2017, 12:56:36 AM
Have you tried the workaround posted in the second reply? It works (at the expense of keysync).
I do hope a “normal” global LFO will be implemented in the REV2. In the prophet 8 it never was, but now there is already a set of global modulators present in the effects-section. On can hope the use of that can be expanded to the voice parameters.
Also, try to be happy with the per-voice LFOs you’ve got now, they allow you to do some pretty cool stuff (for example, using pan spread and having every voice have tremolo with a different speed is a pretty marvelous sound).