The Official Sequential/Oberheim Forum

SEQUENTIAL/DSI => Prophet => Sequential Prophet-6 => Topic started by: mt404 on January 18, 2017, 01:27:09 PM

Title: MOD "sticks" on, regardless of position of mod wheel
Post by: mt404 on January 18, 2017, 01:27:09 PM
Started happening about a day ago.  5 or 6 times today the Mod on my new P6 just goes crazy.  Not in response to me turning the mod wheel.  Changing patches and fiddling with mod settings doesn't fix.  Only thing that seems to work is a complete power cycle, after which the problem seems to go away, at least temporarily. 

Anyone else ever notice this?  Hadn't seen if before updating to the latest OS last week.  But that could just be coincidence.

Thanks, Matt
Title: Re: MOD "sticks" on, regardless of position of mod wheel
Post by: mt404 on January 18, 2017, 01:30:26 PM
Also worth mentioning....  The "Initial AMT" is set to 0.  So isn't that.  Software I'm thinking.  A power on/off causes the problem to go away - without touching any controls/knobs/etc.
Title: Re: MOD "sticks" on, regardless of position of mod wheel
Post by: mt404 on January 20, 2017, 12:50:26 PM

Well, I feel dumb.  Issue was not the Prophet at all (YES!) but rather Ableton being cranky.   

Long live DSI.