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General / Sequential Synths - Overbridge - Reaper
« Last post by sostenuto on Today at 11:36:52 AM »
Using Prophet 5 DM, Trigon DM, Pro-3 SE.  Is Overbridge usable with these, or is it likely soon ??
Will appreciate any comments or suggestions _ especially Reaper -related.
Sequential Prophet X / Re: Prophet X Discontinued
« Last post by Helgahhowell on Today at 10:12:56 AM »
I knew it. Soon as the Focusrite takeover happened.
Not really. The takeover wasn’t exactly yesterday (April 2021). Also, it appears to be due to certain components being no longer available. This does happen. A company I do freelance for had a CoDec discontinued last year so it meant that after nine years of production, they had to discontinue the product and redesign it for an updated version.
In my opinion, it seems that Focusrite is focusing on producing Sequential synths exclusively in analog, while leaving sampling, Wavetable, FM synthesis, drum machines, and similar technologies to their Novation brand.
Hi All! I just picked up a Mopho X4. It nicely complements my P6 desktop!

The Oscillator Frequency/Fine encoder has a broken shaft, and an output jack is cracked.

Before I email to Sequential, please advice for encoder specs, pitfalls, experience, advice, etc.

It would be cheaper for me to re-solder the parts rather then servicing the entire board.

Thank you!
Sam in NJ USA

Espen sampled over 20 different classic vintage synths and just made them available for the Prophet X at a very reasonable price of 35 USD.

The samples (about 1.5 GBytes) sound amazing and also contain several multi sample patches to stretch across the keyboard. He also included several samples with multiple velocity layers. tiny fishing

That sounds like an incredible deal! Having access to such a variety of classic vintage synth sounds for the Prophet X at that price is really impressive. The multi sample patches and multiple velocity layers must make for a truly dynamic and expressive playing experience.
OB-6 / Re: Tip: Using Osmose synth as an MPE controller for the OB-6
« Last post by Peter K. on Yesterday at 10:31:04 PM »
Yes!  Thank you!!
UB-X8, hmm
Sequential Prophet X / Prophet X overlap with Waldorf Iridium ?
« Last post by ArjandeRooy on Yesterday at 12:27:41 PM »

I'm seriously considering getting a PX while they are still in stock. However, I own a Waldorf Iridium KB, and I wonder if the two machines would overlap too much on the sampling part.

Opinions, advice, and experiences are welcome! Thanks in advance.

I'm just using the demo version of Soundtower for OB-X8 just now to check it works for me but I'm having an issue on Mac only.

I appreciate the demo functionality is limited. But I have been able to connect OB-X8 to PC, open the midi setup from the main menu, configure it and see the buttons moving on screen when I twiddle the knobs on the synth.

On the mac the midi setup and all other windows do not appear while the OB-X8 is connected via USB. If I disconnect the synth from the Mac then the menu starts working.

My mac is relatively new and up to date OS wise. The OB-X8 has the latest firmware.

The PC works, so I don't believe there is an issue with OB-X8 global settings nor the USB cable, nor user error  ;)

Anyone else had / solved this issue? Thanks.

i just bought an obx8 to , have everything updated and downloaded, latest firmware everything but when i open the editor it saids OFFLINE always
I'm not sure any of those things are indicated by this situation. The first thing to try is a calibration.
OB-X8 / Re: Next firmware update?
« Last post by SMV on Yesterday at 02:48:40 AM »
Yes, true.
Besides the bugs it should be nice to have the arp bpm shown and the clock divider feature.
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