The Official Sequential/Oberheim Forum

SEQUENTIAL/DSI => Prophet => Prophet Rev2 => Topic started by: gostevego on August 12, 2019, 11:43:54 AM

Title: Rev 2 Logic Pro X
Post by: gostevego on August 12, 2019, 11:43:54 AM
Love my Rev2 but it seems like it's never stable when I use it in Logic Pro X. I use it with Soundtower's Rev2 plugin so I can automate/recall the synth per project but I can't seem to get through a day without weird bugginess. Things like the pitch changing where hitting a C actually outputs an A or something like what just happened a few seconds ago where I can no longer flip through presets on the synth and it just continues to display the current patch no matter what I change it to. Last night the FX section of the synth freaked out and would only give me 100% wet reverb or 100% dry. No in-between. Usually when these weird things pop up I power cycle to get it back to normal or reset globals. This only seems to happen while I'm working in Logic. Could I be dealing with some type of midi feedback loop? Local control is turned OFF on the synth and I'm using midi DIN with no usb connection. Is there anything I could be missing that could be causing the Rev2 and Logic to NOT play nice together? Thanks!
Title: Re: Rev 2 Logic Pro X
Post by: Aleos on March 15, 2022, 01:28:04 PM
hey, how are you? I know this is a few years late, but I'm having similar troubles. Whenever I press record (for an audio track), logic shoots some midi to my Rev2 and changes the patch. I also experience some of the same troubles you have. I'm using code knobs plugin.
I've got an iConnectivity midi interface.

Would love to hear any fixes you came across in the past couple years. Cheers.