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Good morning,

When I turn the general volume knob, the volume does not come in gradually at the beginning... there is no sound coming out until the first line, then quite a bit of direct sound! To put it another way, if we consider that each line increases the volume by 10%, then between 0 and 1 there is no volume at all and at 1 the volume goes directly to 10% without going through the values intermediaries!

Can you tell me if this is normal, if it requires adjustment or repair (knowing that my Take 5 is almost new and has not suffered any mistreatment.).

Thanks in advance.
Espen has now done a second bank

Pro 3 / Re: LFO modulate only 50% of the destination
« Last post by Elric on Yesterday at 06:35:07 PM »

I can't believe I put this synth on sale lol. I decided to sit down and go deeper with the manual. Dave Smith wasn't joking when he said this is the last mono synth you'll ever buy.

No Kidding!  I love my Pro3!

I had always wanted a MiniMoog, but when I finally had the spare cash a couple of years ago I decided on the Pro3, and I'm  glad I did.  One of the really cool things I found (there are many!) was when I followed this guys* directions on making his MJ, "Thriller" album patches for the MiniMoog, but followed the directions on my Pro3, and got *really* close tones!


*He has two videos like that.
Here's the Baby Be Mine bass patch:

And, the "warble lead" patch:

Trigon-6 / Re: A funny thing happened on the way to the Trigon forum...
« Last post by Manbird on Yesterday at 05:44:51 PM »
I did it, I bought a Trigon. Gorgeous synth, inside and out. I wasn't convinced by the blonde wood in pics and vids online, but in real life, it's lovely. I'd planned to sell my Prophet 6 to cover the cost of the Trigon, but the Trigon made me realize how attached I am to the P6. The P6 isn't the be-all of synths for me (that'd be the Prophet 5), but the thought of letting it go reminded me of so many things I love about it, things that the Trigon can't do. But enough about the P6...

The Trigon just sounds massive, right? Effort has to be made to tone it down... it has so many features that build the sound up and up. The 3 oscs that easily overdrive the filter, the Drive knob, the Feedback function, the Vintage knob... being able to use all available waveforms per osc, as on the P5... Like I said, the energy goes towards trying to rein this synth in. The low end is, as I'd pictured, proper ladder low. I like the Distortion on this more than that on the P6.

I've got the Trigon downstairs in my basement studio. It's in front of the sofa, away from any other gear. As I did when I first got the P6, I'm enjoying just finding my way around the front panel, and playing and listening. The Sequential 6 series, even at 4 octaves, are such playable instruments. Anyway, I love this thing and have tricked myself into not selling it, cash and studio space be damned.

Trigon-6 / Re: Weird behavior with preset 172
« Last post by markwilkins on Yesterday at 04:50:58 PM »
Preset 172 (which for a factory reset instance would be the same a preset 672) on my T6 desktop module is not a unison patch. Is it a patch that you have modified? If it is a used T6, then the previous owner could have written a different patch to that location. That being said, I do not observe any behavior as described with 172 or 672.
Prophet-5/Prophet-10 / Re: P10 not sending pitchbend
« Last post by Manbird on Yesterday at 11:07:40 AM »
I can confirm a similar result - hooked my Prophet 5 via CV/Gate to the Pro One. No pitch bend info sent. The Grandmother CV/Gate out into the Pro One does send pitch bend info.

This came up previously somewhere (probably this forum, possibly my own post?!) some time back, but I can't find the post and have no guess as to why the P5 doesn't send bend info other than "it just doesn't." Curious if anyone from Sequential might read this and chime in...
Prophet-5/Prophet-10 / P10 not sending pitchbend
« Last post by _ADSR_ on Yesterday at 10:07:58 AM »
I normally run midi in/out from my P10 to my daw.  Then P10 midi thru to my model D.  Then cv/gate to my OG Pro One from the model D.  Pitchbend from the P10 controls the pitch of the Pro One, but 1 full octave.  I tried reducing the range which affects the P10 but not the Pro One. (?)

So, I decided to run cv/gate from P10 to the Pro One.  No pitchbend at all.

Am I missing something?


Trigon-6 / Weird behavior with preset 172
« Last post by Zkmusic on May 31, 2024, 11:02:14 PM »
Got my T-6 this week and was playing around and came across a (probably noob) question:

Preset 172 is a unison patch. When I change it to poly, though, I experience a weird behavior:

Every 5th note doesn't sound. I thought it might be a modulation thing... Nope, not as far as I can tell. It doesn't seem to be the envelopes. I'll play a scale and no matter how I fiddle with it it basically drops every 5th out of 6 notes. It does not do this on other patches so I'm just scratching my head trying to figure out what setting is affecting this.

Any ideas? This is less about using this particular patch and more about trying to understand what's under the hood. Thanks!
Pro 3 / What does pressing and holding arpeggiator button do?
« Last post by RadekPilich on May 31, 2024, 11:21:23 AM »
The sequencer display something I don't understand how to interpret / control.
I noticed a lot of popping I haven't experienced on any other synthesizer when first playing my new Trigon.

After a lot of troubleshooting, I have narrowed it down to 2 voices. The attack of each emits a pop (not a click). It's even present when turning the volume of every oscillator down to 0. Successive key presses will emit a pop each time the key presses reach the same two voices. Seems to be linked to the variability between voice cards that is often described as normal behavior, but this sound isn't normal. It isn't something anyone I know would accept on a recording. As I said, it sounds like I'm clipping, just not as loud. shell shockers

Turning the vintage knob up makes it worse. Turning the attack knob to 9 o'clock or further relieves the issue most of the time. I've calibrated the unit around 20 times since I got it yesterday. Any advice is much appreciated. I love this instrument, so I'm really hoping there's a fix here. Thanks!
Ensure that the voices exhibiting the popping issue are not being over-triggered or stolen by other voices. Voice stealing can sometimes cause this type of artifact.
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