Prophet 5/10 Factory Sounds

Prophet 5/10 Factory Sounds
« on: July 05, 2023, 08:25:29 PM »
Made acomparison between Prophet 5/10 rev 4 and Oberheim OB-X8. The patches are not made to be identical, but still close, to show the character of the Prophet 5/10 rev 4 vs Oberheim OB-X8

Thanks, I will watch this!

I spent yesterday at the store trying both.  My take is that the OB-X* is primarily "replicas" of real instruments and the P5/10 is space sci fi.  Then again, I have no clue what I'm doing!

Slightly off-topic, but maybe you know (support hasn't responded and nobody did to my posts here):

How can I tell if my unit (which was "open box") has the original factory sounds?  They are not named, and lots of them sound like weird "sci fi" sounds, not musical tones.

I downloaded the factory sounds from the SC website, but it doesn't look like an actual file, and it won't load into MIDI-OX on my Windows 10 machine (yes, I unzipped).

Thank you,

- Jeff Newton
« Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 08:29:09 PM by Saxfiend »

Re: Prophet 5/10 Factory Sounds
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2023, 04:03:08 AM »
How can I tell if my unit (which was "open box") has the original factory sounds?  They are not named, and lots of them sound like weird "sci fi" sounds, not musical tones.

OB-X8: You can restore all OB-X8 factory sounds to their original state using the "Reset PRGM to Fact" command in the global menu.

Prophet 5/10 rev 4: Just hit the factory button and you have all the factory presets there

Re: Prophet 5/10 Factory Sounds
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2023, 12:13:49 AM »
Made acomparison between Prophet 5/10 rev 4 and Oberheim OB-X8. The patches are not made to be identical, but still close, to show the character of the Prophet 5/10 rev 4 vs Oberheim OB-X8

Thanks, I will watch this!

I spent yesterday at the store trying both.  My take is that the OB-X* is primarily "replicas" of real instruments and the P5/10 is space sci fi.  Then again, I have no clue what I'm doing!

Slightly off-topic, but maybe you know (support hasn't responded and nobody did to my posts here):

How can I tell if my unit (which was "open box") has the original factory sounds?  They are not named, and lots of them sound like weird "sci fi" sounds, not musical tones.

I downloaded the factory sounds from the SC website, but it doesn't look like an actual file, and it won't load into MIDI-OX on my Windows 10 machine (yes, I unzipped).

Thank you,

- Jeff Newton

With Prophet 5/10, Sequential made it simple - you CANNOT delete or overwrite factory content. If your factory button is on, the sound/number on the screen is the factory preset. If you are interested in patch names, you can find it on Sequential site under "list of programs", as well as OG Prophet 5 patch book and sound list. BTW, original Prophet patches are in Factory bank 5, so you have them on your P5/10 rev4.

Re: Prophet 5/10 Factory Sounds
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2023, 01:31:07 AM »

With Prophet 5/10, Sequential made it simple - you CANNOT delete or overwrite factory content. If your factory button is on, the sound/number on the screen is the factory preset. If you are interested in patch names, you can find it on Sequential site under "list of programs", as well as OG Prophet 5 patch book and sound list. BTW, original Prophet patches are in Factory bank 5, so you have them on your P5/10 rev4.

Well, it is possible, from what I read, to overwrite the stored factory presets. But it’s not likely as it’s involves some button press while power up and after that edit and store the dedicated factory presets. With other words, possibly (if what I read is correct) but most certainly not likely.


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Re: Prophet 5/10 Factory Sounds
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2023, 02:44:59 AM »
Moderator's Note: This portion of the conversation is off-topic for "Prophet 5 vs. OB-X8" so I split it into its own topic.

How can I tell if my unit (which was "open box") has the original factory sounds?  They are not named, and lots of them sound like weird "sci fi" sounds, not musical tones.

The list of shipped factory sounds is here:

The names aren't always super-meaningful, but if you go through the list, you'll probably have a pretty good idea as to whether your factory sounds have been replaced.

If you find differences, and want to load the factory sounds back in:

(1) First make a backup of your user sounds via sysex.
(2) Send the factory sounds to the Prophet via sysex.
(3) Push the user sounds into the factory bank:
  (a) Hold the RELEASE button and press the 3 button. The record button begins to blink.
  (b) Press the RECORD button to copy the patches from the user locations to the factory locations. The record button light turns off.
(4) Then restore your user sounds via sysex.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2023, 02:47:12 AM by chysn »
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4


Re: Prophet 5/10 Factory Sounds
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2023, 12:04:42 PM »
Just to let you know, if you download the factory programs from the sequential web page, they will not have the AT and Vel settings on 127 but on 0 - so most of the new sounds will sound very quiet... given you have the latest OS installed (that adds the feature to adjust the AT and Vel)