Give Thanks to Dave and Developers at Sequential for their customer devotion

Really! I cannot thank the Sequential company enough for everything they do for their customers. Some took the plunge to request an update to the P6 and OB6 to add the option to add to the hideous SLOP knob with the vintage knob effect, and some, like myself, only dreamt that this would happen. Well, thanks again for making dreams come true! The addition of vintage to SLOP, although adding a subtle effect, adds huge character to the sounds.

I'm not sure how much work was put into this beta release. That's not what matters. What matters are the people who stand for Dave and the Sequential company to appreciate their customers. We asked, you listened, you took action, and delivered. This is why I will always be a loyal customer.

Thank you Dave, and the Sequential Team!

For anyone else looking to show gratitude to Dave and the Sequential Team please leave a comment to show our Support as customers for the hard work the Sequential company provides :)
Prophet 10 Rev4
Prophet 6
Pro 3
Rev 2 16voice
Moog Matriarch Dark
Access Virus TI2
Korg Kronos 2 88
Akai MPC X


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Hear! Hear!

Hear! Hear!

Prophet X, Prophet 6, Nord Electro 5D 73, Korg Wavestate, NDLR, Arturia Matrixbrute, Waldorf Iridium, BARP 2600, Eurorack and altogether too many guitars.

I just registered to express my appreciation for the new firmware update.  That Sequential would go to such effort to implement the Vintage modelling in the P6/OB6 speaks volumes about how customer oriented they are as a business, especially given that it was a big USP for the Prophet 5/10 reissues.  I have owned a prophet 6 and a 12 from new and both instruments have benefited from updates to their functionality after release.  It's one thing to sell great products, but quite another to stand by those products, engage with users and continually find ways to improve the customer experience over the long term.  Thanks to the team at Sequential, you are awesome!

This is brilliant. Not many companies would continue to add new features to a product that’s been out for five years. Great job, Sequential.

Big Kudos

Thank you!! These synths feel really complete now.

Wow, the new Vintage Slop sounds much more natural than the old one to me! This way I will make much more use of it.

Thank you very much for a truly great instrument like the Prophet 6! It has been and continues to be one of my few absolute goto synths!

I was a little perplexed at first ... I couldn't hear much happening while turning the slop knob. Now, though, after a couple of days messing with patches and the knob (in Vintage mode) I can hear it. What a subtle addition to our arsenal of sounds on the P6. Thanks Dave and to all your coworkers, congratulations on a job well done.

Did anyone notice that, with a new Globals bank, there are five empty slots for more new settings? :)
Prophet X, Prophet 6, Nord Electro 5D 73, Korg Wavestate, NDLR, Arturia Matrixbrute, Waldorf Iridium, BARP 2600, Eurorack and altogether too many guitars.

The Vintage Knob is a great addition to the P6 and adds a certain secret sauce to the sound. Love it. Thanks very much.

Thank you Dave and his team for creating the vintage knob for P6!! Much appreciated  :)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 01:21:06 AM by Wavescape »

Sonic Neutronic

  • *
  • 30
  • All about the 70s/80s Horror sound
Big Thanks Sequential. Much much appreciated.
Prophet 5 Rev 4

Thank you Dave Smith and Tom Oberheim for making these synths 2015/16 and updating them like just happened, long after the release.
Thank you Roger Linn in the name of the Linnstrumenters and Roliplayers who will go crazy this weekend or whenever they notice what Pym delivered.


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To show my gratitude for such great support for the existing line of instruments, I decided to purchase a Prophet 10!

It is now my instant favorite, but I'm keeping my P6 and OB6 (with all their shiny new vintage knob glory) as will I be keeping the P12 and Rev2.
Prophet 10, OB-X8m, Prophet 6, OB-6, 3rd Wave, Prophet 12m, Prophet Rev2-16, Toraiz AS-1, Pro 2, Korg Polysix, Roland JP-8080, Roland System-8, Virus TI2, Moog SlimPhatty, Hydrasynth desktop, Roland SPD-SX SE / Octapad, Maschine, Cubase/Ableton/Akai MPC

Thanks Dave and the team! Never expected that you guys would implement this so soon. Can't wait to test it out!

Really! I cannot thank the Sequential company enough for everything they do for their customers. Some took the plunge to request an update to the P6 and OB6 to add the option to add to the hideous SLOP knob with the vintage knob effect, and some, like myself, only dreamt that this would happen. Well, thanks again for making dreams come true! The addition of vintage to SLOP, although adding a subtle effect, adds huge character to the sounds.

I'm not sure how much work was put into this beta release. That's not what matters. What matters are the people who stand for Dave and the Sequential company to appreciate their customers. We asked, you listened, you took action, and delivered. This is why I will always be a loyal customer.

Thank you Dave, and the Sequential Team!

For anyone else looking to show gratitude to Dave and the Sequential Team please leave a comment to show our Support as customers for the hard work the Sequential company provides :)

I concur, great stuff! When can we expect it for the P08? :)

I cannot concur about the ‘hideous’ slop function.. I LOVE the slop function!!

Yes. Thank you. Also power over MIDI is back and I can use MPE with my seaboard now. You made my setup just perfect! Thanks!

Thanks Dave and Sequential support team. Also, thanks for sorting out my last hardware problem. Great service.