Oh My ... downloading now ...
Let me know what you think. There have been a few minor updates since I last posted here, to version 0.8.5. Most notably this adds the ability to preview samples from within the PXToolkit app. From the README:
Previewing SamplesAny attached MIDI controller can be used to play the current arrangement of samples. Samples will play at full volume until the corresponding key is released, at which point it will fade out rapidly. Velocity will be used to select the appropriate region, and round-robin alternatives will be selected among randomly. Stuck notes can be cured by sending "all notes off", or by clicking on any other window (PXToolkit releases its connection to MIDI inputs immediately when it loses focus along with silencing all audio playback.)
Samples can be also previewed when a single region is selected on the canvas or a sample is selected in the detail region on the right. Press the space bar or select the Edit > Play Sample menu item to get a two-second preview as a brief reminder of the mapped sound. When multiple samples are assigned in round-robin fashion, one of the samples will be selected at random.
The sample will be played back at its natural pitch, looped if appropriate, and adjusted for any tuning correction specified (remember that a +100 cent tuning indicates that the samples must be pitched down a semitone at playback, as the value indicates how far out of tune the original sample was recorded.)