Is there a definitive guide to loading a sysex alternate tuning onto the REV2?

Hey guys, I have a sysex tuning file I am trying to load onto the REV2 but can't find detailed instruction on how to do so.

I have installed midi-ox and have the rev2 plugged in via usb (and the usb option selected within the globals) but see no sign of the rev2 within midi-ox and wouldn't know what to do if I did see it.

There's some info here that can help point you in the right direction:,108.msg1182.html#msg1182

Alternate tunings have been discussed in threads for other instruments, and it may be worth your effort to do a generalized search of the forum to glean some more information.

Found a decent guide here!

I must have overlooked it at first

Was the sysex tuning file you want to load structured explicitly for the Rev2? If not, it won't load into the machine. Feel free to attach the tuning file here.

Yes it worked fine. I was receiving an error within Midi-Ox saying "not enough memory" but it turned out I had Ableton running which was the source of the problem. Hopefully that info could help anyone else looking to do this.

Sadly, the tuning did not achieve the result I had hoped for. The tuning was made to span a 6 octave range in only 2 octaves on the keybed and it worked just fine.

My original idea for this tuning was to compress the range of the Key Note modulation source in such a way that whatever I was modulating, lets say Noise AMT, would be at 0 on key 1 and 100 at key 24. Unfortunately it looks like the key note modulation has nothing to do with the tuning at all. I verified this by self oscillating the filter and setting the cutoff to modulate from key note via the modulations at full amount. Changing the global tuning in these settings produced no difference in tone and therefore did not limit the range of the keynote mod.

I am working on a single patch drum kit with a kick/snare/HH. I have gotten pretty close but the default key note range on the REV2 has been limiting me for this specific implication.

I am working on other ways but I'm still pretty new to synthesis an unaware of what options I might be missing. I've come close through another method.

I could set:
MOD 1 to keynote > 127 > Noise AMT
MOD 2 to keynote > 127 > Mod 1 AMT
MOD 3 to keynote > 127 > Mod 1 AMT
MOD 4 to keynote > 127 > Mod 1 AMT

Which does produce the desire effect on one parameter. The Noise AMT. This doesn't leave me with many modulation slots left and even less if I want to also quadruple their range.

I'm now thinking of somehow setting MOD 1 to something else that I can then link other things to. I'd still use up 4 slots just for my exaggerated keynote effect but then I'd have 4 free slots to link to whatever MOD 1 is linked to that would all have the same exaggeration. I could live with that!

Open to ideas.