Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!
« on: December 26, 2015, 12:17:20 AM »
Hello everyone!

My name is Kevin and I'm a Brit who happens to call Oklahoma City home.

I've been dabbling in electronic music since I was 15...and now I'm 40. I'm a serious hobbyist and Ableton Live is my DAW of choice.

I LOVE the sound of analog synths and for the last year I've been obsessed with trying to find the perfect analog plugin. I've been having fun with the native Ableton synths, also NIs Reaktor and Waves Element. 

I'm studying sound design online, and a guy in my class mentioned he had a Prophet 12. So...he owes me a lot of money. After watching many online demos, I got the bug. I almost bought a Moog...almost.

Long story short, after some serious research I got drunk...and ordered a Desktop Prophet 6.

I'm pretty much in love with this machine. It sounds awesome and it's a breeze to program. It's so fun. I just love how you can start out with one idea and within minutes you're somewhere else entirely.

It's been a good 10 years since I've used hardware, so I'm trying to get used to organizing my sounds and figuring out CC data. Honestly, every 5 minutes I make a sound I like and want to save it, but I'm a little scared I'm going to blow through my save slots in weeks!  I'm still trying to figure out how to incorporate the Prophet into my Ableton setup. I'm guessing a lot of recording to audio.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to learning from you guys and getting to know the DSI community. I'm really excited to be here!


Re: Hi everyone!
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2015, 06:31:36 AM »
Hi Kevin,

Welcome to the forum.

As a drunken impulse buy it looks like you made a good choice, it could have been much worse!


Re: Hi everyone!
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2015, 07:32:18 AM »
Hi Kevin,

Welcome to the forum.

As a drunken impulse buy it looks like you made a good choice, it could have been much worse!


Thanks for the welcome, Andy!

As for the booze...after umming and ahhing for several weeks I needed something encourage me to pull the trigger!


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Re: Hi everyone!
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2015, 12:38:25 PM »
Long story short, after some serious research I got drunk...and ordered a Desktop Prophet 6.

Hi and welcome to the forum Kevin! :)

Its certainly not a bad idea to have a P12/P6 combo. Very different machines and both great sounding. Hope you will enjoy them!

Just two advices. While there are some VST/AU editors out there for Ableton the sad truth is that not very many of them work well. Also while its a great time to shop gear here towards the end of the year in a month or so gearmas (aka Winter NAMM) happens and this is the time where DSI announces their major new product of the year. So towards the end of the year like now or a month earlier I would suggest waiting for gearmas unless you are very sure about what you want as there will usually be plenty of new stuff to drool over at the end of January.

There is also the existing unofficial dsiforum that you may want to look at. This official forum are a very recent addition and have so far been growing slowly without being announced officially. Some of us know each other from the old forum but many new people are showing up here frequently so its kind of new for us oldies here as well.

Hope you will enjoy your stay here!
cp -f $0 $HOME/.signature

Re: Hi everyone!
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2015, 05:22:51 PM »
Thank you, sir!

I wish I had a P12/6 combo!  I "just" have the P6...a classmate of mine was talking about his P12 which lead me to DSI and a zillion YouTube vids.

Yeah, I've been reading that Ableton ain't all that when it comes to external instruments - looks like it only supports CC.  However, I do like the fact that a single channel can handle the external MIDI and route the audio back. Very cool.

For some reason, Ableton likes to trigger the 6 to play a sequence whenever a clip is triggered - really bizarre. It's a little annoying, but I'll figure it out.

I've looked into the Soundtower editor I saw you guys mention I a few other posts - I went ahead and bought it.  I really needed something to help me organize my patches - this is perfect! 

I spent most of today designing sounds. This thing is crazy. I can't believe how quickly you can get really nice sounds from it.  It's so intuitive and easy to use.  I was trying to write a track today but I have serious sound design ADD! I started writing at about 9am, and at 6pm I have nothing to show apart from 5 patches...I get so carried away with tweaking the sounds!

Sorry for the long post - I haven't been this excited about equipment since I bought my Alesis QS6 20 years ago!


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Re: Hi everyone!
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2015, 04:10:47 AM »
I've looked into the Soundtower editor I saw you guys mention I a few other posts - I went ahead and bought it.  I really needed something to help me organize my patches - this is perfect! 

I look forward to hear how your experiences with the Soundtower editor is as you gain experience with it. Some people like it. Others say its full of bugs!
cp -f $0 $HOME/.signature

Re: Hi everyone!
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2015, 09:29:54 AM »
Having had to uses the editor today to attempt to move some patches around I would say it is just bugs with a small amount of bits that bloody work.

Edit: just realised this is a P6 thread, I was talking about the P12 editor.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 11:30:09 PM by BobTheDog »

Re: Hi everyone!
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2015, 06:08:58 PM »
I must admit, I did have to reboot it several times yesterday.

Then again, I also have accidentally erased about 20 of my patches during the process of saving directly on the Prophet. Sounds like I'm doomed!