Midi from logic through USB

Midi from logic through USB
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:46:10 AM »
Hi everyone, I recently bought a tempest and now i'm setting it up to work with logic. I want to use logic as a sequencer, using the tempest as a sound module for beats and poly synth. First time i tried this, connecting everything through USB, everything worked fine. Poly and pad played fine on my novation sl mkII midi keyboard on the assigned midi channels. Impressed with the smoothness, switched everything off. Couple of hours later went for another session and could not get the tempest to receive the midi data from logic. I set up an external instrument in logic. Tempest midi port shows up in logic. I choose the right channel but tempest doesn't receive the information. When i try this through the midi din input, everything works. A bit puzzled now, since it has worked already.

So to be clear: midi keyboard is connected to macbook via USB, tempest also usb, external midi instrument in logic set up for the tempest port and the channel that is designated in the tempest system settings. Audio interface is RME fire face 400. Am i missing something here or overlooking a setting that's not right?


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Re: Midi from logic through USB
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2017, 06:27:47 AM »
It could be you just need to turn your Tempest on/off because it's registered on a different USB port or reassign the USB ports again something simple but stupid like that. Hope you sort it sounds like everything worked so I'm not sure what to suggest.

Maybe just double check the system settings are set to USB in the Tempest too but I don't see why that would have changed. One thing is you have to assign the specific pad the poly midi is sequencing if you changed pads at some point.

Re: Midi from logic through USB
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2017, 07:04:03 AM »
Thanks Rob. Maybe a stupid question but where do i look to see if the tempest is set to usb? I can only find these settings for the midi clock in and out. Also, is it normal that the system settings jump to default every time the tempest is powered up? It doesn't seem to remember the changes i made. I'm sorry if these are very basic questions, just trying to get my head around my new toy.


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Re: Midi from logic through USB
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2017, 07:51:54 AM »
Ah yeah, actually you can only set the clock and sysx to USB its my Sub37 im thinking of, so it should just work, espeically if you had it working already.

As for the settings going to default every reset, i'm not too sure about if the settings are saved per project or not actually.

edit - I just tested, i changed a setting in the poly section and didn't save my project and the setting reverted back, so i think the settings are probably saved per project, maybe Yorgos or Carson can confirm this thanks
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 07:53:55 AM by RobH »

Re: Midi from logic through USB
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2017, 09:12:26 AM »
Thanks, makes sense of course to have it saved per project.